Zig Forums Crowdsource Project, We Must Complete What Other Anons Started

We Must Expand Our Kike Spotting Charts to Include HollyJews and the Banks

Can we get some anons working on labeling the Hollywood Jews like we did NBC, CNN ect. We need more red pills to send people.

Attached: Jewish media chart full 2018.jpg (1650x2199, 3.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:




WTF is this shit. Are you a bot?

Attached: Conservative Jews behind never trump.jpg (2501x3840 1.21 MB, 1.49M)

Attached: jewish hollywood executives.jpg (2106x3240 1.54 MB, 5.92M)

Attached: jews in US politics.png (2106x3240 266.96 KB, 3.48M)

Can someone after these work on labeling the Jews in the mainstream music industry as well as notable bands of any genre with kike members?

This needs to be updated badly.

I think priority should go to the Fed and banks.

Attached: image.jpeg (1770x1770, 441.54K)

kevin spacey is not jewish?

Take your anti-semitism elsewhere, this has always been a civic nationalist board and we wont take your nazi subversion.

Lol as if this fucking retard cross referenced alex jewns saying Bill hicks would be 60 by now with a video of Alex Jewns admitting he has the hormones of a 60 year old man. Now thats fucking serious autism.

You've got to be kidding me right?
Jews are the #1 problem


Attached: Crypto-Jews.jpg (3600x6044, 3.67M)

I don't think John Stewart is a Crypto Jew, he is just a Jew.


I'm inclined to regard anyone who changed their name as a crypto.

Attached: sleep dep kills k4s.JPG (783x85, 28.7K)

important bread

Everyone should save these and repost to normies as much as possible.

It would be easier picking out and listing the whites.

Indeed, Trump called him out on it for that very reason.

Attached: Ze Check.jpg (197x256, 19.43K)


Making images not for ants is needed.