When will legal slavery return to America? I'm guessing a few decades.
When will legal slavery return to America? I'm guessing a few decades
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Fuck off kikey.
The fuck's your problem?
I ain't watching all of that. What's your point?
Its never went away. Prisoners are slaves.
Kill yourself, jew. Slavery is why the blacks are here in the first place.
This is the dumbest OP on the board right now.
Hopefully never.
Slavery is demeaning to your own people.
To enslave another people is foolish. To enslave them in your own land will lead to ethnic mixing and they will drain resources that could be used for your native birthrate. Slavery also prevents industrialization and wealth. To enslave a foreign people on their own soil is absurd too. If you have total control over another people, exterminate them and take the land for your own people.
This. Slavery is jewish. End of discussion.
OP is this jewish girl in the pic your girlfriend?
One line thread. Shill tries to be efficient. What's your threads per hour goal?
Just about the last thing I want is for blacks to be enslaved again. We lost a million European lives saving those worthless niggers the Jews slavery racket, and then countless millions more at the hands of these savages we then allowed to live next door to us.
They shouldn't be slaves, they should be in their homelands, living among their own, not feeling inadequate because they can't stack up intellectually to the white man.
The blacks don't know it, but it will actually be better for them and us in the long run.
No more competing with whitey and inevitably failing when there are no Jews around to prop them up.
The alternative is getting decimated by whites in the inevitable race-war that they strongly helped stoke the flames on.
Remember blacks, access to white people and the societies only they can create, is not a right you are entitled to.
Though I agree and OP is a faggot, he's kinda right.
Maybe "a few decades" might be too little but if we don't get our shit together and save our race from extinction this is what will ultimately happen a few decades after our absence.
Whites are the only people with outgroup directed altruism that reaches a meaningful extent. If we go full dodo then the world will be split between kikes and chinks treating the rest of humanity as expendable trade goods.
When Arabs conquer it an subjugate the Anglos
Protip. America was Black legions of Satan. American history is a lie
Go back to reddit.
Not if its punished by death sentence.
What resources? Death sentence for slaves to touch your women. Like in the Saudi Arabia.
Next time try genocide instead of slavery, till then lurk for at least 2 years.
The often quoted refrain of the Deep South American KKK Hick is
"We should've picked our own cotton"
So when even CIA KKK tier hicks realise the greatest mistake was having the jews run slaves for their industries, which no poor penniless deep south whites appeared to benefit from whatsoever, here you are playing the cartoon nazi suggesting that all nationalists want to enslave blacks, just like the jews did…then later blamed on whites and teach it in our schools still today.
It's almost as if you're a gaslighting kike posting ADL sponsored cartoon nazi shit on Zig Forums
You're trying so hard to fit in that it's obvious you don't belong here.
Bringing slaves into a country is a recipe for disaster. Sooner or later they will be free and they will fuck everything up. Go fuck yourself, OP.
It's already legal as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.
Only man-shaped individuals needs slaves are kikes and delegates.
You fuck off. You cant ban us now kikey, we know its you.
just kill them all
not decimate, but full removal from existance
Slavery does two things:
1. It fills your country with subhumans (e.g. you)
2. It holds you back compared to nations where humans do the work, since humans have the ability to develop more and more efficient ways of doing things
Please kill yourself.
Good thing that the laws of today will stay the same for all eternity.
How can you be so retarded when all you have to do is look at the last couple of hundred years of the US?
You have to go back.
I in no way agree with the faggot you reply to but
We have to somehow root out the pathological altruism genes if we intend to secure our existence.
Hopefully never. Ship those niggers back to Liberia.
Free labor? Our white ancestors had a pretty good handle on it before the Jews fucked everything up.
We still getting raided by these cartoonazi faggots?
Look - I for one don't even hate niggers. That'd be irrational, like hating a bunch of gorillas that escaped a zoo. You don't get offended and emotionally btfo by animals do you? That's just retarded. So, like any other animal, they can have their habitat. Remember for the next time you're pretending to be an "ebil Nazi", we're actually pretty big on preserving nature & life in general in our philosophy. The need for total Exterminatus of the Jew is a different story entirely. So no, unless there's a specific reason to do so, the plan for a range of ethnostates remains.
Those genes are part of our heritage. The same ability to empathise is what makes us creative. I suspect we can't remove it without basically turning into Chinks. Is that what you'd like?
Yeah, fuck off cuck