Full story: neonnettle.com/features/1398-fbi-agent-who-exposed-hillary-clinton-s-cover-up-found-dead

Look at how (((CBS))) frames the same story: cbsnews.com/news/fbi-agent-david-raynor-wife-dead-apparent-murder-suicide-crownsville-maryland/

From baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/bs-md-ci-suiter-funeral-20171128-story.html


Attached: Fucking Happening.jpg (219x230, 17.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally nothing.

fuck off kike

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She cannot keep getting away with it!

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Normally this would be getting a lot more attention. Are we being raided?

Well at least they didn't murder the kid this time.

Neck yourself.

Quads of vengeance must be sated.

Attached: all of my.gif (900x900, 2.13M)

They murdered his parents, I can't fucking stand it.

I hope he doesn't end up in "foster care".

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Is there any primary source on him being due to testify? If yes please post it here, otherwise it is all too easy to dismiss as made up

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Something about the Baltimore Police and the commissioner admitting it was on a federal level, that's basically it from the links. Isn't Baltimore a nigger hellhole?

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The name in the FBI articles from CBS and Neo Nettle was "Raynor" not "Suiter".

Suiter was a Baltimore homicide detective, not FBI agent…

What the fuck is this thread?

I think whoever runs neon nettle or whatever must be a fucking retard since the Suitor murder is dated from a year ago, or it could just be a bot malfunctioning, fucked if I know.

It's 3 am for west coast burgers.

Someone else mentioned it in the comments.

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It's probably kikey trying to distract from his other failed attempts at shitting the board up.

I think the article is "linking 2 to 2 together" but it just looks retarded, or maybe that was the point, to make people look retarded, since I didn't think that Fast and Furious had fuck all to do with Baltimore, that was Mexican cartel bullshit. I'm just fucking confused.

Attached: sean suiter.PNG (575x149, 13.03K)

Where does the original source mention anything having to do with clinton?

Right at the top of the fucking article.

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Fuck that cunt women. Surely one of you americans own a gun and can sort this devil women out.

It looks op just posted badly written kikebait unless someone has a better source about Raynor.

Attached: washington post.PNG (643x765, 411.14K)

That's not the original source. Where does this information come from?

Fucking newniggers should learn to filter information. This whole thing is starting to reek of disinfo right about now.

Attached: 6e909dac1fcf9bcb0988e0e335ebb13c334a2474a41b516d840ed0c28177016d.jpg (576x463, 16.33K)

Look at the link you stupid fucktard.


>It was just a (((suicide)))

I did. There is an assertion that Raynor was investigating the murder of Suiter, but I don't see where this information is coming from. Googling only returns more garbage sites like the one you're citing. In the same article it claims that the OIG PROVES Clinton abused children, and that WikiLeaks emails PROVE she knew about the murder of Suiter, which it does not to my knowledge, and there is nothing to back that up either.

The OP is trash and seems to be suggesting that Suiter and Raynor are the same person. Everything about this is fishy.

Attached: ef9801ebbfd08214f340f58922ba20a28523cfc8fe83aa69c22e7696d1847383.jpg (480x451, 24.16K)

OP is a fucking nigger trying to conflate two cases into one.

Police detective Sean Suiter offed for trying to blow the whistle on some corruption by some special police task force. I don't see where the links to Clinton come in.

FBI agent David Raynor killed in something that looks a lot like suiciding.

The link between Raynor and Suiter as well as between the corrupt police unit seems to originate in an alleged "Kremlin intelligence report", which is a dubious source at best.

There are a lot of assertions and very little information to go on. It's almost like it's a disinfo psyop of some sort. It could well be true but the way this shit is presented so confidently with so little to go by rubs me the wrong way

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Yes, you are.

dead judges and police can't stop anons from cleaning house

Anti slide bump


I've yet to see something believable tying him to the Suiter case. I've yet to see something believable linking Suiter's investigation into police corruption to some wider Clinton foundation thing. Unless we have something we can work with there is a high chance this is a disinfo narrative or kike clickbait.

what a fucking retard
I thought "special agents" were supposed to be halfway intelligent
"Oh gee, I'm about to testify against the biggest crimelords in the country, who I know have assassinated multiple people in the past in similar situations, I guess I'll just wait in my house until then. Dum de dum."

You can not run or hide from these monsters


John Beilman warned the world what would happen on October 1st three weeks in advance and now he ended up killed by the FBI. Some one told the world two weeks in advance Paradise papers would happen on November 5th on reddit and some one told the world what would happen on November 5th in First Baptist Church before it happened on November 4th. Francho Bradley & Adrianne Jennings, garland Texas, Waco, Ruby ridge, Boston bombing, Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs, and all mass shootings, bombings, and trucks of peace are all committed by the FBI. it's all connected to the FBI it's all murder and treason committed by the FBI.

youtube.com/watch?v=Qk7VYA2GtNw Sentenced to work a dead end 9 to 5
Trapped in a dingy corporate cubicle hell
Then go to work in the darkness on the midnight shift
Any chance you get, selling gas at the corner Shell

Three letters groups listening in on you
Under surveillance courtesy of Big Brother in your car
Drones monitor each and every move you make
It doesn't matter who you know or who you think you are

You'll never see a ray of daylight
So far in debt you're struggling to survive
But you will break your back fighting and they'll help
Before you let them break your pride

"Powers that be" will never win; a storm is coming, get ready
You better learn to dance in the rain, instead of wait for the sun
Learn to dance in the rain, the sun will never come

[Solo - Dave]

Down on your luck, you had your hand out once or twice
But all you wanted was just a hand, they say
"You have the right to remain silent", so shut your mouth
Don't mention the broken promises and lies of hope and change

"Powers that be" will never win; a storm is coming, get ready
You better learn to dance in the rain, instead of wait for the sun
Learn to dance in the rain, the sun will never come

[Solo - Chris]

Never come, dance in the rain, it ain't gonna come

[Solo - Dave]

Enslave and impoverish the middle class
Make them dependent then strip it all away
Al-CIA-da, destruction, and democide
Addiction, corruption, every word's a lie

Races, classes, sexes, religious wars
Destroy the family, and what love is for

The Fed and the Bankers own all the politicians
May I introduce you to the sons of perdition?
Replace the dictators Washington appointed
The Devil Messiahs and the dangerously disappointed

They lie to themselves, pleased with what they've done
Soon they all will be repaid and there's nowhere to run

Attached: current-mood.jpg (1024x514 790.83 KB, 564.07K)

It worked better on our cousin - trollposted it for the funs and lols


Former CIA Intelligence Officer: ‘Every single terrorist incident we have had in the US has been an FBI Pushed False Flag.’

New York Times Describes How!

“Nearly every major post-9/11 terrorism-related prosecution has involved a sting operation, at the center of which is a government informant. The informants – who work for money or are seeking leniency on criminal charges of their own – assist in plots that are largely scripted by the FBI itself. Under the FBI’s guiding hand, the informants provide the weapons, suggest the targets and even initiate the inflammatory political rhetoric that later elevates the charges to the level of terrorism. Once they finally get the target to agree, the FBI swoops in at the last minute, arrests the target, issues a press release praising themselves for disrupting a dangerous attack. The target is sent to prison for years or decades.” – Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, January 16, 2015

A little over two years ago, Samy Mohamed Hamzeh, 25, found himself in the midst of an FBI sting. Little did he know that he was being groomed for terrorism by the same government who claims to fight terrorism. For four years, Hamzeh lived an entirely normal life, until one day, he was contacted by people who wanted to radicalize him and give him weapons.

In February of 2016, the FBI announced they had foiled a terror plot by a man who was planning to kill at least 30 people to “defend Islam”. Americans cheered, and everyone felt safer – the FBI had saved us from extremists once again. For months, two corrupt FBI informants goaded Hamzeh into obtaining weapons. According to his attorneys, hundreds of hours of recorded conversations show the FBI pressed Hamzeh into getting these weapons and eventually began pushing him to carry out a mass shooting at the Humphrey Scottish Rite Masonic Center. Hamzeh resisted.

In spite of the FBI claiming Hamzeh was going to carry out a mass shooting – they were attempting to force him to do – the recordings, according to his attorneys, show he resisted and adamantly refused to ever participate in violence. Even after the FBI announced their foiled terror plot, they were unable to charge Hamzeh with anything other than possessing a machine gun and a silencer. And even these items had been essentially shoved into his lap by the FBI.

Attached: angry-pepe-gif-9.gif (480x481, 1.65M)

As the Journal-Sentinel reports, a psychiatrist who evaluated Hamzeh in jail concluded he does not fit a profile of someone who would kill strangers and “has a strong moral code with a very prominent conscience and empathy”. “There is also no evidence that Hamzeh ever made any plans” reads the brief in support of the bond motion.

Hamzeh has now been in jail for a year and a half because the FBI tried to make him carry out a mass shooting that he didn’t want to do. And he could be there much longer as each of the charges for the weapons – that he also did not want – carry 10 years a piece.

A former CIA intelligence officer tells about the abhorrent criminality made by the US government and US secret services also called The Deep State – fully matching Nazi Germany and the Stasi and KGB. Purpose: to create fear. The CIA is only allowed to work abroad – but has 10.000 locations in the USA. Even the weather services are bound by secrecy contracts – and it’s mortally dangerous to talk about the “wrong” things (previously called the truth), for the state has “secrecy privilege” and binds all its officials by secrecy contracts.

Chemtrails have the special interest of the very CIA boss. Whistleblowers are intimidated – and killed. Persecution is upon the families of whistleblowers. The US is collapsing due to tyranny of secrecy government. It is bound for destruction.

When the Danish Meteorological Institute was asked by an alternative media journalist what the longstanding clouds after aircraft consist of, there was silence for 5 minutes, while the meteorologists conferred on what to say. Answer: “We know what it is but have no public position on it!” The Danish State TV’s chief meteorologist is co-author of volumes which clearly confirm solar radiation management (chemtrails).

Keep Fear Alive

Former FBI assistant director Thomas Fuentes actually defends the tactics used by the FBI to set up poverty-stricken men by offering them large sums of money and weapons to commit crimes. He said: “If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that ‘We won the war on terror and everything’s great’ cause the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half.”

Attached: tenor.gif (402x392, 266.84K)

The FBI puts Americans in danger by grooming otherwise entirely innocent people into doing harm – so they can keep fear alive. David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer, said about these most unscrupulous operations: “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. Indeed, we’ve become a lunatic asylum.”

Well, what on Earth is going on in the USA?

New York Times April 28, 2012 issue has the answer: “The United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years – or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naively played their parts until they were arrested.

When an Oregon college student, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, thought of using a car bomb to attack a festive Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in Portland, the F.B.I. provided a van loaded with six 55-gallon drums of ‘inert material’, harmless blasting caps, a detonator cord and a gallon of diesel fuel to make the van smell flammable. An undercover F.B.I. agent even did the driving, with Mr. Mohamud in the passenger seat. To trigger the bomb the student punched a number into a cellphone and got no boom, only a bust.”

This is legal, but is it legitimate? Carefully orchestrated sting operations usually hold up in court. Defendants invariably claim entrapment and almost always lose, because the law requires that they show no predisposition to commit the crime, even when induced by government agents. The usual goal is not “to find somebody who’s already engaged in terrorism but find somebody who would jump at the opportunity if a real terrorist showed up in town.” Who is susceptible? Anyone who plays along with the agents, apparently. This dishonest FBI false flag culture is usually told to the public (and politicians?) to be the merits of the FBI, and a reason for more FBI agents in a booming police state. NWO politicians benefit from this theatre by introducing censorship – especially on the internet – by calling any description of the truth, in particular about the biggest of such crimes, like 9/11 and the global warming lies, “conspiracy theories” and “fake news” to be punished with years of imprisonment.

Every larger terror action taking place since and including 9/11 were all found to be irrefutable false flags: 7/7 London bombs, Paris attacks, the Boston Marathon bombings in April of 2013, Nice, Orlando, Berlin and Brussels false flag attacks, and particularly Manchester and the London Bridge, as well as another 42 governmentally admitted false flags.

Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron pleaded to the UN to crack down on non-violent extremists “conspiracy theorists” telling the truth about 9/11 and the 7/7 bombs. Germany passed a law imposing heavy fines up on social media bringing the truth on false flags and Muslim terror. No wonder: “Our” Masonic politicians want to conceal their false flag crimes.

This intelligence service theatre is a prerequisite of the NWO dictatorship.

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You're going to have to find a better source than that. Neon Nettle is only a step up from Your News Wire, and is literal fake news,


Big if true

Fuck that white rabbit.

What's this put the Clinton murder # at? Are we over 100? 150? 200?

That's what it sounds like to me given that most of the responses to this thread after your post sound like bots that can't read.

I bet you anything I could do it, and im not a genius

Holy shit, dude was ready for a fight and gave one, bunch of kike/masons overwhelmed him and stabbed him to death. Absolutely strongest press of


I can manage.

Anyone have an updated Clinton kill list? those fuckers need to be skinned alive- Cartel style on National TV

No killer will be found, no evidence, no prosecution

We're a fucking ghost town, and this isnt a topic shillable into "oy vey goy what would zionist donald say about this". The lack of response here is direct evidence of how far weve dropped in terms of real traffic by knowledgeable anons.

Speaking of real world anons this one is too far away for me, anyone feel like playing hero ball and stopping by the house to see if anythings afoot?

good catch.possibly bait

neat catch on the jasonaldean tattoo, ive long said country's (jewish puppet country acts all mkultra'd i mean) next step after niggers failed (cowboy troy) is to push homosexuality through prettyboy acts. Although that said, the rest of the infographics are pure shit, its the jews buddy, them and their mason hangers on are orchestrating hoax/staged attacks everwhere. "false flag" is itself a psyop, but funny as hell to see the predictor cards doing their thing.

fuck now that i think about it, how about we have a brainstorm thread looking at the illuminati cards and use masonic number plotting to figureout dates and locations of next attacks?

>tfw people still care about mainstream US (((law))) and (((politics)))
Either get serious about fighting ZOG or kys. You are worthless until you get serious.

But we have so many jidf/leftypol/ctr/bot newfriends! In every post! It's like someone is paying them to be (((friendly)))!

The illuminati cards are too vague to predict, hard to filter out the confirmation bias. Also, it gets into >>>/sudpol/ , which is fun but a huge timesink and distraction from more pressing matters.

There is always a mountain of lurkers beneath us few battle/risk taker anons. I for one do not fear torture or death. Most do. Most still have fear in their hearts. Most are not zen or courageous enough to post in this masonic honeypot, but they rely on us to do so. They rely on us risk takers. Welcome to the frontlines against ZOG! If things are running smoothly then we should be concerned.

i disagree, and it would be a great exercise in spotting mason/kike symbolism anyways

Fuck off shill

False alarm, dead kike.

First link
Second link

How is /qresearch/ doing covering this?

Are all of you fucking retarded or can't read? Fucking hell.

Read what?

I'm just wondering if the other guys are on this case. Are you feeling alright?

lol. Please nuke us, somebody.

The article is kikebait you fucking retarded schizoid kikebot.

You'll get more flies with honey. Are you having a bad day?

You shills really think people are stupid enough to buy into your worthless schizoid slide threads after people proved that they're worthless bait that's months old don't you?

Attached: british man.jpg (322x322, 15.19K)

Yep, I've read it.
for some reason the government explicitly stated that this has NOTHING TO DO with him testifying soon….

Lets assume that the case IS NOT ABOUT HILLARY for a moment. The fact that a Detective can be murdered in a gangland style before the date he's supposed to testify PROVES that it's about the trial. It was all about his testimony.

hey man … im just here at my computer. What the fuck do you expect me to do?

The article is from a obituary months old with nothing listed to do with Fast and Furious, the article pulls that out of its fucking ass because it mentioned something about a federal level hearing, nothing about Fast and Furious.

This is OSI Systems. Chertoff is a private LLC associated with Carlyle Group of Bush and bin Laden dynasty fame.

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Also, does anyone have a good resource on why these groups like to hint at their secrets. I've heard the theory that jews have a loophole where if they tell of their next crime, they are absolved of the sin (???), but I'm thinking of the others groups of the shabbos goyim like the FMs and suchlike. In LA the shooting was right in front of the pyramidal Luxor Hotel. I'd be comfortable with a tinfoil hat resource too, I don't mind wading in those waters.

Yeah, I'm convinced now that this is a slide thread.

needs updating now

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He must be avenged.


mmm hmmmmmmmm

Attached: codegeasstrump.png (1843x1204, 1.9M)

best imageboard troll award goes to q

Why do you think the media has been spending non-stop coverage of the "border crisis"?

Kill yourself while you still have the chance. When the people find out what you've done you will beg God for a swift death. It will not come.

This is why we all need to be properly armed 24/7. They may kill me, but not with a knife, and not without losing several of theirs.

Of course, this is being slid. Have a bump.

Because they want us to feel bad for the little burrito babys and welcome White genocide. OP still hasn't come up with a better source than Neon Nettle.

le bump

these fucking kikes will pay one day.