Our biggest enemy right now

Just a friendly reminder that weabkikes are pretentious and just as bad and worthless as a hasidic heeb.

They complain about all the soycuck leftist who consumes soy products but when you point out that japan is also a country crawling with soy food; Ex / "Shoyu / Tofu / etc.etc." they invest their time defending it by saying that it's okay to eat SOY because it was fermented therefore no estrogen.

And then you proceed to point out some obvious flaws from japanese men like the majority are frail, weak and slim alien looking manlets and how the majority can't defend themselves during a chimpout attack and how that obviously has to do with not just their culture but the food they eat and genetics, you will get spammed with the typical le smug meme.

Remember, Otakufaggots are your enemy and even the traditional culture of samurai hates these weaboo faggots because it makes them look gay, they even call them herbivore men because they can't find woman to fuck, even the boomers in japan despise their millenial NU-culture, don't be fooled, anime is a poison hijacked by jews and it panders to right wing value because it's fringe and it's aimed at US as the main consumer base because for the jews, we have to be pathetic and closed shut dorks and they are doing an incredible job at making everyone here a permavirgin.

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Try posting those middle aged men painting landscapes as your argument and convince everyone that you're not obsessed and mad abut Chinese cartoon.
You know, from your last thread yesterday. It's right he- of wait.

There is no our anymore you retard, this board is for everyone.

Bump for visibility


this board is for everyone who's into politics, not for furfaggots, literal faggots, and weeb faggots, would you like to discuss trump related news with an LGBT thumbnail? of course you wouldn't, because everyone who uses this board should probably maintain the quality and keep their gay fetishes to themselves.

it's predictable how the first post always comes from an angry manlet jew.


What's the matter, does insulting your bathetic attempts being such failures as your daily life on doing nothing but spending hours behind a greasy screen, crying alone?
You sure are some miserable sociopathic exhibitionist.

didn't read.

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Imkikey the turkroach nigger didn't like anti-anime threads like this.

here's proof

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Fuck off you DNC nigger.

We've hashed this out a million times already. The Weaboos aren't a threat, anime isn't a threat, anime is like any other form of media from books to TV Weaboos are only a problem for us if we decide to waste our time and make it a problem. Man children aren't our enemy they are large group of guys who have checked out because they are dissatisfied with the state of our civilization just as we are, that's why there is so much over lap.

Rightwing weebs generally keep it low key, you can grow up and deal with smug anime girls used in reaction images, these nerds aren't simply our allies they are us.

Get over yourself user.

You call this a success? What I see is some limp wrist pederast who bitches and moans everywhere like some half-breed spik in school and takes sexual satisfaction on being bullied. You're that gullible and a massive incompetent idiot that even pitying you is too much for giving any glory.

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Calarts butthurt thread.

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It's impossible to consider this a "Devide & Conquer" if you're isolating yourself away from a group that consists of fat, balding, manchild losers who are incapable of breeding and having white children, who are incapable of fighting the war with us if such thing ever happens, who are incapable of doing anything but shitpost and larp, in other words, they are quite the negative impact, instead of having capable men on our side we are dividing ourselves from a tumorous/cancerous group who are critically worthless and no value will be lost.

I already gave out the reasons why they are, they manipulate common folk here and pretend their shit isn't toxic for the white masculinity.


Also a reminder that Miyazaki

Attached: Die filthy heretic.jpg (600x577 53.42 KB, 110.86K)

So report anime and see what happens dumbo

That Miyazaki is a filthy libtard cuck.

yes the weebniggers are your allies, don't forget to be culturally enriched and consume Shoyu daily, Also eat tofu daily too goy.

95% of anime is shitty art and you should absorb entertainment that grows your mind in some way.

It's bad to say but i'd rather my child or my friend painted and played 40k than watched anime.

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Absolutely bathetic. And you conciser yourself being worthy to be the center of attention? But of course you manage on doing this, by making yourself a complete fool in front of everyone.

This same bitchfest bait has been continued for over a year now. Imagine it in his shoes, you have only created threads which consists only of complaining about 2D girls in the cover of Zig Forums and that's all you've done. That loser must have a very depressing life.

A better allies than you ever will.

Attached: It was like he was looking at walking garbage.jpg (599x599 48.49 KB, 61.14K)

His life long waifu was cool for his time though.

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I'm not putting myself up for comparison but please enlighten me, how are they beneficial.

give out your reasons.


there's that easternfag typo again.

Welcome to bell curve. 95% of everything is shitty. But today only Japan moves ahead idealistic human centered art. Western art either dead or it is mechanical designs.

First of all, triggering liberals, commies and faggots who can't stop bitching about it. And I guess a very good example is already here.

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It is like eating only egg whites and salt. Nobody eats that exclusively besides vegan fags.
Meanwhile I will go back to my pork cutlet, pickles and fresh fish

literally nobody is singing the praises of japanese men. We post cartoons to annoy you.

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One they don't try to DNC this board like what you are doing.
Two they were the main source of meme producing for our meme magic to work Trump into office despite everything by (((((them))))) and creating one of the mascot that Zig Forums unite under.
Three they go out of their way of shitting on SJW the most and take the brunt of the attack from cucks with being called pedo and weebs.
Four what have you done to help in our effort of attacking libtard and preserving the white race.

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Theres like 5 of you kikes that go on every thread that has one anime reaction image mostly likely made by a false flagging faggot and continuously bitch about anime. You niggers are on the same tier as leftypol shitheads that false flag Zig Forums post on /v/ in order to sow discord on small wedge issues

Attached: This kike.jpg (860x1280, 117.16K)

i'm not saying that those are bad things, but that's not sufficient enough if the same can be said about anyone that posts here.

that being said, there's plenty of cons that outweights the pros, if you look at them as a whole, their physique is either extremely frail and slim or extremely fat and disgusting, and there's many more examples of what the otaku fag culture can bring, it makes them look feminine and pathetic, so even though they can make a couple of libshits angry, at the same time they are spreading their cancer to normal people ITB and getting them infected, transforming the common type's body into frail, pathetic losers who too will follow the example of the typical weebfag persona, never marry and will forever be a virgin, this is killing whites.

While the west is shoehorning in stronk womyn and niggers in eveything, Japan is still creating Hero of Justice.

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berkay, you aren't even white anyway

Also this entire "discussion" (which mostly consists of kampfy on different IP's arguing with himself) is a divide & conquer effort as outlined here

oh boy, that sure did show us! what a leap of logic
oh wait, that's because you're a self-hating weeaboo who boasted about learning Japanese

please explain how you are beneficial to Zig Forums

he is playing both sides, so this is pointless

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irony is off the charts.

The more you know.

As I said, a sociopath who takes pleasure on being the center of attention, be it via praise or being bullied. I guess him talking to himself in his sorry ass empty board wasn't enough, he chose instead of starting socializing real people again, he decided to waste more of his life on creating drama and shitposting in imageboard all for making himself good, even if it's through lying to himself.

and as I posted ITT:

that being said, west companies have jewish CEO, so in reality the people in charge of all the entertainment industries are not white, better yet, not western.

but the better question is, why do you want to entertain yourself mindlessly when you can entertain yourself in some other way that isn't jewish, is it really that hard to substitute your entertainment, do I care if the japanese are pandering to people like me and making whites turn into losers? i'm caring about the victims they fuck mentally but not the products they release.

Definition of bathetic
: characterized by bathos

Definition of bathos. 1 a : the sudden appearance of the commonplace in otherwise elevated matter or style. b : anticlimax. 2 : exceptional commonplaceness : triteness. 3 : insincere or overdone pathos : sentimentalism.

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Fuck off trumpnigger

I have a wife and 4 kids, they are all white mind you, none of them are left leaning and I educate them constantly, 2 of them are already old and have jobs, my oldest son is a farmer and he manages land I gave him which was a gift from the family, all of our workers are white and I don't hire niggers/blacks/etc

the rest of my kids are learning craftsmanship and engineering, they aren't investing time on entertainment because they are too busy playing with science projects.

I have a successful business myself and I also manage workers, again most of them are white, in contrast to all the weeb faggots here who doesn't do anything, i'm off the charts when it comes to pros, my only con is that I make faggots like you mad. which isn't really a con if you think about it, making faggots angry should be beneficial.


So basically you have no reasons and you want to stir the pot because Zig Forums and the rightwing swing scare you.

Either you are the dumbest skinhead among us or you are some scared shitskin or JIDF

I've checked your posts faggot, I can see your slant There are kike forces in asia, but they are very new and small, growing yes but I intend to see it stopped just like I intend to see it stopped here also, to be quite honest your "fear" of jewish influence is a bit of a joke and telling about how (((you))) perceive us.

Do you honestly think smug anime girls and rightwing weebs down for gassing the jews all day everyday are a threat to the purity of the movement because they bring "jewish" influence with them, it's a ridiculous thought that antisemites who reject western kiked media for that very reason are themselves the harbinger of kikery.

It's plain and clear that you are using the same old divide and conquer tactic that comes up every time we get a new board up or a new political movement starts or new board rules or moderators/admins come around.

Gas yourself to shit JIDF

You'll never be white. Keep dreaming, though. I see you already have some nice, fantastical delusions already.

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Sure sure and I presume that you're a professional artist also?

Attached: And then he said that he is married has 4 white kids and has a job.PNG (870x355, 423.59K)

Nah man, he's got 4 kids! Why would anyone on the internet lie?


Your fear is delicious, JIDF. Now that your divorce lawyers are being starved of delicious shekels, you rightly see the humble otaku as an enemy.

Fear your downfall at the hands of those who have attained true enlightenment. Get between a weeb and his waifu at your own mortal peril - the holocaust will be nothing compared to the deranged horrors he will unleash upon you if you disregard this warning.

Fear, and know this; The neckbeard weeb is YOUR greatest enemy - the one group you could not subvert to your agenda. You may have the American Government sucking your chopped dick, but these humble, oft-rotund and quiet folk are the people your kind will never conquer.

If I took your bullshit as truth why don't you run for office (if you live in the states) or join the most nationalist party in your country and explain to your employees their wages would be reduced by both a more competitive market for jobs and taxes to support the influx of jobless migrants.

Also you do understand that even without anime imageboards aren't seen as a hive of successful individuals by most people out there. To try to appease normalfags is a zero sum gain and a loss from people that were here leaving due to disenfranchisement.

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whatever you say chinkland.

how do you do fellow channers.

Sage, report, filter
Don't forget his buttfriends that:

maybe if you lay off on the mangas and hentai and did something productive in your life, you'd probably find what is impossible to be actually quite easy, I was fortunate because I was born on a family that already accomplished many things, now I spend most of my free time shitposting because I can, I already positioned myself successfully financially to make people like you realize how pathetic you are, this is my true form of entertainment.

No. It's really not. You just outed yourself, too.


oh so you can't echo the person you're replying, got it.

and you have to kill yourself for being a brainlet.

top fucking wew.

Also, since there are fuckton of summerfags and boomercucks I guess it should be mentioned that this user just pointed out "kikeology 101": the jews oldest trick to subvert their host nation's people is to lie them about their customs/traditions or whatever they enjoy being "invented by jews".

My best example is how kikes inverted an antisemitic pejorative during the 1930s into an anti-German political party pejorative. The problem is the kikes didn't account for someone like me getting into etymology. It turns out NAZI was short for "ashkeNAZI" all along. The dirty jews tried to "own" it like "nigger", and then reverse it unto the people they were subverting: Germans. Now the big lie in print is that NAZI is "shorthand" for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei which is an obvious lie since you can see with your own two eyes that was actually "NSDAP".

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I don't know where to even begin with.

try disabling your vpn and stop pushing your agenda, how about that?

I normally avoid your shitposts, but just to point out that the diet in Japan is not primarily based on soy products. They still have a mostly meat and fish based diet, with rice as the major ingredient. Soy plant stuff is more common there, but for example Chinese cuisine has even more.
It's not as if they eat tofu every other meal.

If you wanna discuss Jap's herbivore male problem that's fine, just be aware the diet isn't the cause.

For starters, you're the one who began with this autistic rant and now you're bitching as if why is everyone laughing at you. Talk shit, get hit.

ive been here 2 days. how common is Clipboard.jpg?

your spacing gave me aids

saged for unity

Attached: aids fag.jpg (260x190, 34.18K)

having a giggle at the expense of retards isn't bitching, better yet it soothes your autism to pretend i'm mad, this humors me.

the flow of river heading in my direction isn't from laughter, it's made out of tears.

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You're kidding, right? You've been kvetching for over 2 hours and then you have the audacity of telling everyone that you're the normal here?
Nigger, Fuck off.

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you know whats even more pathetic, when someone is so butthurt and upset at getting anally destroyed that they keep a time record of the people they want to win against so badly.

desperation is a common trait among NEET lolcows.


The same "No, you!" again?
Tell me, are you that lonely that you'd desperately wait for someone to reply to this shitty attempt of a thread so it adds your insignificance some extra minutes?

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Already broken? Such a shame, I thought you'd manage to keep your facade a bit longer and entertain everyone further.
Because in the end, your attempts won't budge no-one away. On the contrary, it motivates everyone at least knowing that no-one is compulsive lying loser like (((you)))

This is obvious D&C bait. Nobody has any reason to hate anime or the people who enjoy it, especially over something as petty as food or body type.
anime has actually gotten me laid get fucked

Attached: YourName-heading.jpg (2000x1200, 107.43K)

IMO, this CIA nigger is trying to bury some news.
People should just ignore these kind of threads and check what could possibly be slid.

it's not D&C, it's a chemo, and you're the cancer that needs removing.


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Truly a sad sight.

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I do not believe this is accurate.

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you're acting the same way that tranie lolcows act when they shill on /cow/ to do damage-control

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OP is a tsundere jew.
he says se hate us but he cant live without our (you)

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Jesus christ fuck off hasbara fag, you're only mentioning soy because I called you a soyboy a while ago.

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Putting it that way, at least it comes from a place of love.

all you have to do is look at the time from your faggot OP till now dumbfuck


lol look at this faggot sockpuppeting


Attached: Жиды в аниме.jpg (4888x4888 224.28 KB, 7.18M)

It looks like he went to cry in Meta Thread

Asians were the original soy people


Quite casual but not offensively.

Soyim on soyim violence

it's hard accepting that you're a minority.