There has to be a way to shift the overton window over these types of leftists. Especially the ones in (((universities))) who have been indoctrinated their entire lives into thinking (((Cultural Marxism))) and "progressivism" is a good thing for society. I'm only talking about the White ones here, the shitskin ones can go jump into a volcano for all I care.
I honestly don't know how this benefits the Jew by letting every one of your golems be against your own "holy" nation because of what it has been doing to the Palestinians. Is it because of the presence of US diaspora Jews who are usually professors in (((universities))) the sole reason of the far left's anti-Israel sentiments? I've seen kikes in my time who weren't born in Israel who keep saying "Judaism doesn't preach Zionism" and "Israel should not exist because the Messiah hasn't come yet". It's really bizarre.
If you're truly redpilled, you would know that they keep using baseless accusations like "Zionism=Nazism" and "Israel apartheid". It's really retarded because they are literally blaming what kikes are doing to le ebil rayciss Whitey. As I've said above, maybe we can redpill them on what Hitler truly felt about Zionism and Palestine. Because I remember seeing a Der Stürmer cartoon saying the British should not occupy Palestine for Jewish interests. We can also redpill them on how Hitler once called for help from a Palestinian Arab named Amin al-Husseini during WWII. What do you think, Zig Forums?
That I'm glad to hear in some way. Killing 2 birds with one stone. However I'd prefer watching how both sides slowly kill each other. Many decades and still no outcome, so this will go for a long time until it reaches a critical point which I will enjoy this. Heck, maybe this will result with resurrection of Byzantine.
Eli Ramirez
false esquivalency; communism enraptures all the pleebs and so there are countless variations of communist sympathizers, nazism requires an intellect and there are few people who can be labeled as such
Adrian Cook
Commies want to take over all business, that doesn't apply to most liberals.
Anthony Cooper
No. We should be waking up everyday white conservatives to the jewish peril. You get the left staunchly against Israel and right leaning folk will back them even more out of spite.
Benjamin Scott
your point stands I just dont think there are an equal number of people deserving each respective label (way more communist sympathizers than nazi sympathizers). not a blackpill btw 9 percent of the planet is white people so this should not be a surprise
Ethan Ward
Another thing to note here when it comes to the far left is that they keep using terms capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, feudalism, fascism, and of course Nazism into anything they don't like. Virtually none of them truly understand what these terms mean because 1): Since was imperialism, colonialism, and feudalism of all things relevant in the present day? And 2): How the fuck is NatSoc and fascism related to capitalism in any way?
It's funny how back in WWII the (((Allied Powers))) and (((Soviet Union))) teamed up with each other to fight against the Axis Powers but then suddenly they started to be against each other. At some point, the Stalin started to support Arab nations against Israel because Israel started to support Western nations like the US even more.
Nolan Rogers
They just want to regulate all buziness in a way that allows them to marginalize opposition and be fertile ground for their egalitarian nonsense brainwashing, you dishonest communist shit.
Also the term "nazi/fascist" as spouted by leftwings refers to: >(((Neololbergtarians)))
The term "commie" as colloquially used by the right refers to:
Zachary Ramirez
Exactly this
The left is owned by jews just as much as the right is owned by jews That was the point of National Socialism because of the fact the jews controlled all the varying political spectrums of our false democracies
As the redditor The Donald spastics demonstrate here every day, a retarded right wing MAGApedo playing along with jewish politics is just as detrimental to our survival as any marxist retard
This still doesn't explain much when it comes to Marxists and "progressive" leftists in (((uni))) alike being against Israel because of the Israel-Palestine conflict. It's not that they are truly anti-kike, they just don't want Israel to take more Palestinian land because apparently Israel is the last bastion of "White" colonialism. In the end, they are just about as degenerate and subversive as any leftard would be. All of them are still anti-White which is why they still exist despite being anti-Isreal. Retarded enough to believe Whites have it all in society.
Daniel Phillips
As far as I am concerned, Zig Forums and all of the commie subplebbits are pretty anti-Israel, but I understand why they would be. They aren't neocohens (almost as bad though) of the sort but why are they even communists to begin with? What exactly is the appeal?
Caleb Reyes
this isn't what communism is, at least get educated on who we're fighting. communism is the invalidation of all business and in marx's practice a stateless society.
Jeremiah Russell
Leftys hate Israel because they want all the Jews to live in Europe or the USA to make us more diverse.
Aiden Gomez
But in practice the state takes them over.
Levi Edwards
No, they hate Israel (not Jews) because they realized kikes practice nationalism on their own nation but want every goyim in the whole world to think it's bad (except for shitskin nationalism). Since kike don't have brown skin this gives the left the opportunity to call pro-Israel kikes le ebil gnatzees.
Daniel Gutierrez
Zionists don't give a fiddler's fuck what the Lefties think.
Indeed right at this moment Israeli Jews are enjoying their annual summertime murder festival by killing lots of women and children at the G/\Z/\ strip's border - '''while the Jewsy US media harangue American Goys for separating families"' at the Mexico border.
Further more it's just like how said Marxists claim themselves to be anti-capitalist. Barely any of them can figure out what it even means since they tend to compare it to National Socialism and fascism, but in reality both movements were also anti-capitalist. Marxists usually use terms they don't understand so they can feel higher on the intellectual ladder. Marxists don't have any solid ideas.
Michael Cox
Hitler sounds like one of those whiny protesting leftie faggots. Then again, he was a leftie.
David Diaz
Sure they do. They're fairly solid in their determination to destroy our heritage and culture.
Luke King
You seem like you might mean well, but you seriously need to lurk more. LURK MOAR
Polite sage for not having lurked enough. (It seems to me)
Also, all jews are bad. They have to be. It is the entirety of the jewish identiy/ religion/ talmud. Their entire religion is about cheating, robbing, and oppressing non-jewish people. Their talmud is very clear about this. It describes non-jews as "goyim" which means roughly "soulless man-shaped animal slave." It states that the jews are the only people with souls and that everyone else is a slaves. When jews talk about "fixing the world" what they mean is enslaving the world under jewish rule. NOTHING jews say can be trusted or taken at face value. Ever. They are monsters. All of them. They must all be removed from White countries. Their crimes are numerous and horrific. They killed JFK. They bombed the USS Liberty (on purpose). They did 9/11. They have robbed the country for 100 years using the federal reserve (among many other ways). They own the news media (from cnn to fox news and breitbart), the tv industry, and hollywood. They are the main pushers of non-White immigration, "diversity" propaganda, feminism, degeneracy, and so forth. They always play both sides in order to control the opposition. They control both the repubs and the dems, with the dems the designated "strong arm" party pushing their agenda forward and the repubs being the "weak arm" party pushing back against their agenda A LITTLE, but not enough to actually slow it down much. Any "factions" of jews are either FALSE or "internal disputes" that are FULLY unified in opposition to ANY anti-jewish movement or any real opposition to ZOG (zionist occupied government). There are no "reasonable" jews or "moderate" jews. All who claim to be are liars. A VERY few ethnic jews have abandoned talmudism (actually honestly, false conversions and "crypto jewry" are far more common) and have come clean about the evil that is talmudism. This is very rare, and when it does happen it is hushed up and marginalized by the kike-owned media. Again, lurk moar.
Kayden Smith
They arent anti-jew, they're just pro terrorist.
Jacob Allen
communist jews vs zionist jews has been a thing for a long time. today they are called democrats and republicans.
More like Zionist Jews vs. Academic Jews. Also both Republicans and Democrats are pro-Israel, although I have seen a poll once on Twatter that said only about 20% of the Democrats support Israel because of the US embassy move.
Robert Cooper
Who'd even read that shit? I'm glad the dumb-fuck prefaced his article with that so I know not to read it.
Liam Carter
Kayden Jenkins
The right throws around the words Nazi and fascist just as much as the left, sadly.
Grayson Lopez
Imagine I went to Poland and practiced British nationalism.
Gabriel Russell
I've moved to the position that we need to worry less about communism and more about socialism. Socialism is the process by which all power is transferred to the government. All achieved communism has been fully realized socialism. Communism is a fairly bad word (although not nearly as bad as nazi, as evidenced by the fact that you can wear commie propaganda in public without recourse), but all negatives, due to universities, so-called "intellectuals," and media, have been removed from the word "socialist," so kids are growing up thinking it's a great thing. There are no longer mainstream negative connotations like there were a few decades back. That's dangerous. Socialism needs negative connotations attached to it. Fuck communism. Communism is the end result, socialism is the weapon which we currently have little defense against. Socialism is todays big enemy, not communism. If you hit communism, you know you failed. You're already fucked.
Landon Edwards
Or maybe we could focus on liberalism, from where ever it originates from.
William Nelson
Go back to Zig Forums, nigger.
Logan Lopez
How that?
Cooper Edwards
Daniel Scott
Nathan Bennett
Yeah sure, Mordecai. And he was a self-hating Jew, and he one testicle, and did methamphetamine. Gas yourself.
That is complete bullshit. The so-called "anti-Zionist" far left exist because they assume kikes are "White" therefore they think whatever they're doing to the Palestinians is comparable to the Holohoax.
If these "anti-Zionist" far leftists are truly anti-Semitic they wouldn't even actually accept kikes in their movements. They just don't like the Zionist Jews, but they agree with everything Marxist Jews say like (((Noam Chomsky))). Nonetheless, they still protect Jews from justifiable genocide from le ebil Whitey.
In the end, these types of leftists are still useful to Zig Forums. But we should never give them full power in politics. They aren't Jews but they are almost, if not just as subversive.