Meanwhile in 1950's Zig Forums

What's with all of this degenerate rock music? We have people like Elvis swinging his hips around like a degenerate. Also that song "jailhouse rock" really makes me think he's a faggot. (((who))) is funding him?

Attached: jailhouse rock.jpg (1280x528, 72.8K)

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OP just proved the slippery slope.

What's next, surely it can't get any worse? I caught my kid listening to (((rock and roll))) on the radio in his room and beat the living shit out of him. I'm not going to let him turn into some pansy or communist sympathizer. I mean, in my day we had Jazz, it was a bit degenerate but not nearly as bad as the shit we have today.

Checkin those dubs of truth


Elvis Presley's music was degenerate. In the society of the 1950s, the whites who made up 85% of the population hadn't been demoralized yet, so they had the courage to enforce moral standards. (((Lenny Bruce))) got arrested dozens of times for his filth, for example.

The relatively mild – by our standards – bit of naughty-naughty Elvis brought to the Electric Jew was rightly thought subversive in the extreme, and he was censored. He was the maximum society back then would tolerate, though. The forces of degeneracy are patient, and they knew better days for them were ahead.

It's a little funny to imagine the Jews pushing Elvis to wiggle his hips a bit; all the while, dreams of the mother-daughter whore combos from Weimar Germany still danced in their memory. Kikes who'd sucked the life out of Germany by shitting on midgets' heads and raping war widows with wine bottles were forced to play it cool for about 20 years once they settled in America.

Shit thread. Sage.

Attached: Spot_the_Merchant.jpg (1024x1024, 679.73K)

Why are they glamorizing criminality, if that young man's not careful he will fall into a degenerate lifestyle and end up dropping dead on the toilet…

What rock and roll?



boasting in a cuckchan thread

Attached: Capitan-Cuck.jpg (800x792, 613.02K)

Ooh boy.
Something smells awful rotten about all these rock bands and television shows. We're a Christian nation and should start acting like it again real soon.
I hope our sons and daughters get to live in a better world.

It's a strategy not a fallacy.

What in the hell is wrong with Eisenhower?
Sounds like a communist, no one in their right minds would have them.

There's something (((fishy))) about him, alright…

Hahaha why the fuck would I care about what happens to the economy? We beat the NAZI'S; WE ARE THE BEST - the future for our children has never been brighter!

I sure love all these new products i can buy at the cost of europeans and the nips and this hip new rock and roll theres no way this is going to cause everything to get degenerate.

fuck you op for being a queer

a thread died for this shit

thred be slid

You think that you are mocking us.
But you're actually just pointing out that we are right.
The kikes have been at the march of tyranny and the march of degeneracy for a long time.

SAGE for stupid bait thread

Attached: Elvis_Presley_-_song_about_the_Jews.mp4 (400x226, 5.75M)

the nigger rapist?

kill yourself


Eisenhower is a kike puppet, Biff. He's loyal to Israel, not America. Just like FDR, just like Wilson, and every other piee of shit that's been selected for office in this country since the times of Old Hickory.
Patton was right. We fought on the wrong side of the War.