Anime Is Not An Artform, Period

Your daily reminder about the dangers of anime and why its not an artform.

1.The typical easternfag worshipper's Briefing:

2. Anime is not an artform

Eastern countries are often times considered to have the lowest creativity rate, meaning that anything that comes out of the east are often shit quality or useless. lacks creativity&ots=I87HZbr1ym&sig=-eaF8IIxAqhUXsPmGYiK8oMmdmM#v=onepage&q=china lacks creativity&f=false lacks creativity innovation&ots=kXg6MixYtO&sig=vr6USofyTSmCtyQtLrSATRnlrWc#v=onepage&q=east lacks creativity innovation&f=false

3. Anime is used to treat autism/retards

Pretty self explanatory.

Again, these are all science research, references of anime / autism is on abstract, there is a whole article written about this and research were conducted, facts can't be ignored mate.

4. Why is this politically related

statistically its not hard to understand this degeneracy as a plague, it boils down to the numbers undermining white fertility rate, one source out of many responsible for the feminization of white man, and the association with anime that is also used to treat autistic people with severe brain problems, this alone is already enough to drain any positive reputation we have left, and of course lets consider the possibilities of the decrease on productivity, we all know that NEETs are lazy and useless people and of course, given those circumstances, its pretty obvious that all these negative impacts that anime brings also makes the white man who associates himself with anime unattractive, hence the conclusion on low fertility rate and so fourth.

All of these are negative traits, they bring no positive side effects for our cause, need I say more about anime being degenerate? I don't need to prove the obvious, again why is this politically related? because the soul purpose of this degeneracy existing has to be put in question in a political sense of "should I keep this cancer around my people or not?" its a similar issue to drugs in politics.

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Holy shit, that's a new level of low.

how autistic do you have to be my dude.

Daily Reminder

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Well, I'm not glowing and desperately trying to repeat the same mistake by dropping my spaghetti like yesterday you did.
Admit it, this is all that you have left in your life.

Of course it's an artform you fucking idiot. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't make people feel emotions the way the creators intended for them to.

Go suck Hillary's wrinkled tits, goon.

your shit smearing nigger attitude isn't proof of it being an artform.

anime is a soft form of promoting cultural degeneracy


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nice … thats some pretty accurate art right there

best form of art ever

anime artform confirmed

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How does that prove anime is not an artform?

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how does your proves that it is exactly?

Let's begin with a simple question.
Is this your first thread, OP?

I'm not proving anything, the burden of evidence lies with you

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Anime is an art created and enjoyed by its subjects. I happen to not be one of those subjects, but am aesthetically inclined to rebuke your said values with my own.

Because Anime is constraint from creativity, they are within a boundary that relies on a series of templates, elements used to construct them have one primary style and it lacks expansion and exploitation for the possibilities of different types, to think outside the box is to do something aside from the given the templates, you want to isolate yourself when constructing a new set of eyes/mouth and so on, anime has one particular style and it stays that way, the overused headmolds that looks like a potato and seems to be heavier than the average human body, those things need to be broken and expanded upon, but you can't rely on the japanese to formulate something better because they are incapable of doing such a thing.

therefore the easier argument for this is the following; if the east lacks creativity because it's not part of their genepool, therefore it's easy to conclude that everything they create is not considered art because art requires creativity and the east are unable to create, only replicate, therefore anime is not art, because anime is exclusively eastern.

I usually post in this thread and explain how anime is indeed harmful, but if you're gonna make this thread again this week then I will report you foreverafter.

Have you ever watched a fucking anime OP? and if you have what were they

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t. (((art))) kike

Now that's just plain wrong

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Not politics.

It really isn't my definition, you can go to any art school and they will tell you the same thing but in the least offensive posture you can imagine, the thing is, you're not a valuable artist nor illustrator if your portfolio showcases anime, you won't get a job, ever.

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But what anime have you watched OP?

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Fuck me, forgot to sage

Nigger, I asked you. Is this the first time that you've made this thread?

>he nibbles on foreskins as he screeches about (((art)))

"art school" … fucking school for retard liberals

no one trusts liberals here you idiot … jews fear the samurai artist

Post discarded

Does anyone has a source on this anime manga about nazis?

youll get a job at an anime studio … which is probably where you want to go


and they are correct, anime has a confusing identity and it doesn't know what it wants to be, they do have a consistency which is the style and depiction of how the characters look, in contrast, comparing it to a shitty cartoon you cherrypicked which was a bad idea to your end, not only do they follow a style but the overall universe illustrated follows it's own identity, meanwhile in animation you have characters who's in vector format in flat coloration, yet the background is water color and stale, something already created by the western cartoons going way back with cartoons like ren and stimpy where characters with strokes doesn't meshup with the painting background, modern cartoons is all strokes and no meshup, perhaps the stroke opacity isn't as strong on the back but you can tell that it fits the universe and it doesn't borrow from existing styles.

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Not an argument, queer

Have you watched any anime before OP? and if so, what were they?

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Answer the question, ya fucking coward!
Have you ever made such thread before?


It is also a sign of being either autistic as fuck or lonely and shut in, to take criticism on anime as a personal insult.

Eat boogers, rigid sphincter

Snow White was rotoscoped. She's traced directly off a real actress.

Great timeline, now post the current ones.

Nigger, was I talking to your faggy butchered face. Fuck off.

Such pudgy realistic faces were common for old anime (which copied western animation) too but they were replaced by aforementioned straight lines and and pointy elfin face features because they are more attractive. This is the point of drawn art in the age of photography not to replicate reality (fucking why? iphone does it 9000% better than any western artist) but to create forms that surpass reality.

And yet it still manages look better than the chink shit that gets posted here and is actually based off of German mythology unlike the degenerate shit that weebs jack off to.

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Anime Studios are failing miserably, if you haven't been keeping up with the news, several studios that created traditional styles are closing and the only ones surviving now have to whore themselves by attempting to aim at a higher market like hentai to sustain their company.

you're both thinking of liberal arts, there are things that are easy to filter out like the turd on canvas is one of them, but you can't jew the principles of creating art, you just can't do that because it's at the most basic level of understanding in the art world that even the old artists acknowledged, those principles are labeled in books and there's an entire history of it, you can easily dismiss cubism and modern art and appreciate all of the rest, it's not hard to avoid learning garbage and you have to be extremely gullible to fall for it, Architecture is also "jewed" but they too have things to apply, otherwise their half ass modern architecture work wouldn't go through, they are still using old methods.

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Eat boogers, snotclown

Also, this kind of stuff clearly wasn't rotoscoped.

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They rotoscoped the character frame by frame not only to use it as a reference point but to make her movement more realistic and immersive.

Sure looks so.

not hand drawn

Doesn't matter, it has an identity and it meshes well with what has been drawn, it also has proper composition for every frame.

90s Anime is whiter than Jew shit

Livestream your suicide OP

Can't, i'm not an emo goth weebkike my man.

Snow white literally was the base for anime
All anime comes from Disney influence mixed with older Japanese art


European art > (((Anime)))

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Stay mad weeb.

Why must autists and assburgers suffer such cringy hubris


Well duh but anime is more European than modern western animation


Lol, seriously watch LotGH

Doesn't make either "european." That's like saying islam is more european than modern democracy, goofball.

because those are the principles that constructed the white western civilization, it's culture.

you're not the majority, you're the minority, and might I add that endorsing anime and being part of the west means that you're accepting cultural enrichment, and if you are putting a culture ahead of yours, it usually means that you're no better then the woman on picture related.

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t. fans of kike media and (((Hymiewood)))


European classic art is dead after invention of the photography.

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You're fucking retarded


Holy shit, and I thought that we were the more autistic ones.

How do you not see the irony?

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At least I don't watch reality TV, that shit's fucking garbage

Youd be better off saying Juche is more European as Islam is rooted in Judiasm not western values
that said anime has been shit since the 90s

I already debunked your shit statement, you think anime is your only refugee of entertainment, which I have already disproven, there's plenty of entertainment found on videos that will better enhance your skillset and that you must find enjoyment in becoming a master at something instead of starring into the abyss.

Guru videos are more of an entertainment to whites because white people are genetically built to be master engineers, if you dislike learning anything and you find no enjoyment out of that because you are unable to replace your enjoyment, then its proof that you aren't white.


don't expect people to improve in an age where being good is bad

It already did, your Ex-BO got lynched.

So 1 thread equals spam, meanwhile for the rest of the day when this thread gets deleted you have 20 threads with intentional anime ruse thumbnails and everyone calling you out on your BS.

I agree.

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Avoiding one form of degeneracy doesn't make it alright to engage in another.

First and foremost, anime is a foreign element and that alone should be enough to discourage you from consuming it.

Why don't you take nigger dick up your ass if you think this is a good argument?
Fuck you, cultures always learned from each other and shared ideas, stealing themes and concepts from each other. If you're seriously so retarded that you think that using other cultures ideas and being intrested in them is the same as forsaking your own culture for the sake of globalism then you should just kill yourself. Do you even know how Polish culture was created for example? Have you heard about Sarmatism? Just fuck off already.

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>(((art school)))
>every day of this'
You have nothing else to do in summer, OP?

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The issue is that its not that foreign

It is foreign, you're simply so young that you have known nothing else.

I see the weeb (((mods))) have already anchored this thread.

Nigger, you're such an idiot that you can't even keep with the simplest pacing.

Are you one of those "kids will mimic everything they see on TV" faggots?
I guess you are. GTFO

Nigger, you have been doing this for couple of days already, and even for a longer time on other boards, and don't even fucking lie to me that this is the only thread when even >>1742343 this proves that you're full of shit.

they are tutorial videos, and I find entertainment out of them because I learn from them, and if I get bored from watching these videos I execute my plans in sculpting and painting because that too can also be a form of entertainment.

honestly if you suck at all of those you can do something as basic as fishing, keeping your well being away from dangerous contaminated things is the objective here.

Fuck me.

Learning from another culture isn't the same as copying them and attempting to replicate, a culture that's creative will use ideas as references, not as a module nor blueprint that they could use to replicate an exact copy, and that is what the east does, and I can say the same to weaboos that tries to replicate japanese culture in their lives because they are madly obsessed with molesting 2DPD characters.

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Ah, now i get it. You are advocating (maybe unconsciously) for whites to refrain from anything that includes Anthropo in its definition and leave it to Jews. Instead white mean works on the machines which can't be racists or privileged (yet). Well this actually happen already, white man doesn't have his own culture today.


because it was a horrible mistake to import jews to america during war era and now they run everything.

Funny that you consider copying nature (with your pics posting) as advanced artform in the 2018. Because it is killed by machines

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so you're actually proving his point by outing yourself as a moderator?

I thought that wasn't allowed, i'll screencap your post just in case.


Rome already proves that you're full of shit as it just copied a lot of ideas from the Greeks. But if you want to talk about getting inspired by Japan and other eastern cultures, here's a good example of something good actually being made because of it.

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How is something of non-european origin european in origin?
And even if that isn't a problem, why are you so autistically invested in cartoons? Anime spergs are no different from mlp spergs or rick and morty spergs. It's all garbage. It's useless subculture fetishism that divides our people further.