As someone who was taken in by the JBP meme in 2016, I'd like to share the whitepill hidden in his antics. JBP primarily targets young white men with his individualism cult, but I believe Zig Forums is viewing this through a blackpill filter.
There are people all over the internet now, atomized, dejected white men who were stuck in perpetual health problems/depression/other gay shit. And his stated primary goal is to help people in these situations. He attempts this by introducing a generation to Jung, the idea of an empirically knowable universe, and to a lesser extent, Nietzsche. Whats impressive is that it actually does work. Giving extremely mundane fatherly advice, followed up by some basic intellectual stimulation, to those in extended adolescence does massively increase their capabilities and agency.
The result however is that people use their new found agency to work against the societal circumstances which left them atomized to begin with. If I were to guess, I'd say he railed against Communism hard because he thought that that is where the anger would lead them, so he constantly referenced and recommended Solzhenitsyn. In doing so, he accidentally led thousands of people to see the Holodomor as plainly as the German people did in 1933, and thousands more to research the Russian revolution and discover its Wall Street roots.
Everything he has been pushing since is a desperate attempt to pull people back in, and one look at the replies to his videos and tweets will show you that its not working. Pandora's Box is a bitch, Peterson.
Not so sure about that. He did lead some of his followers to JQ but he actually managed to convince at least temporarily that the cause is not nepotism rather IQ.
What would happen if he wasn't around? How many would be completely redpilled?
Polite sage.
Chase Brooks
I'm not sure this deserves a thread, but I 100% agree.
Getting young white men employed, seeking relationships (friendships and a wife), interested in life and bettering themselves is a good thing.
It's funny to watch him squirm when talking about the NSDAP.
Brayden Campbell
Temporarily is the key word. If he were to disappear suddenly, all would quickly become aware. No doubt about that. My point is that his reaction to all of this has been so poorly executed that its proof that we're winning, and not something to be angry about.
This exactly. And I wouldn't call it 'squirming' as much as 'out-right panic'. When he last mentioned it on stream he was speaking so quickly it was barely intelligible, he was hyper ventilating and sweating. Not surprising, consider the people he has surrounded himself with.
Landon Robinson
JP has the initials JP (apparently a pattern, I assume it has to do with some gematria faggotry and/or some alternate meaning in Hebrew), and worked for the UN. These two alone are massive red flags.
He brings up Jung, which is good, but in combination with the other factors makes him seem like second layer controlled opposition. They want you to "rebel" into communism, but if you see through the first fake rebelion they want you caught by the Alex Joneses and the Jordan Petersons of the world.
With that said, the fact they need so many layers of controlled opposition now is a great sign, and getting people to ignore the first layer and go for the second is a definite achievement. This is, over all, progress, but we should be very wary of JP as an individual.
Charles Johnson
Peterson has the bridge between heaven and earth and essentially his doctrine necessitates national socialism but he cucks out before reaching the forgone conclusion because (muh tyranical father). Ok sure you can do it wrong but that doesn't mean you can't do it right, nor that we are not obligated to try.
Christian Bailey
Just because a powerful icebreaker is creating paths for us to travel doesn't mean that we have to take them, we are the bait that causes the overreaction to JP's positions to begin with. He sails in our wind.
More pertinent question: can we steer peterson, or is chipping off his audience more worthwhile?
Peterson is another example of the kikes overreaching and ultimately fucking themselves royally. He was designed to be a release valve but that shit never works the way they think it will. The only end to it all is fire, regardless of how smugly self assured Peterson is in his comfy shabbos diversionary bullshit currently.
The funniest bit was that one time he was talking about how veggies made him shit blood ,he never showed any medical records of this by the way, and how we all need to eat nothing but meat. He also gets money from (((the UN))).
Thomas Phillips
If JP ever was confronted with true extent and horror of pizzagate he'd snap and be the first shoveling jews into the ovens. His rage is barely contained. His mind is straining against the chains.
Connor Kelly
Most raw veggies are bad for you because they contain natural pesticides that bust of your cell walls. We cook stuff for a reason
It's a bot. Every single time you bring up vegetables with Peterson and his dichotomous shilling of the meat only diet he'll respond the exact same way.
Evan Torres
This was my appeal to Peterson. It didn't get through but maybe we can meme it at him until it slips into his subconscious.
I'd like discuss to the Kek phenomenon and what it signifies in the current age. I'm addressing this to you because I believe you are (a) capable of ingesting it and (b) could use this insight in tuning your message. You're in need of tuning your message because teaching is entangled in learning. To teach our generation you must also learn from our generation. If you fail to learn even as you teach then you will fall from your wave and be dissipated in the chaos of the age. We, "The Lost Generation", were born into the chaos of post modernism and raised in the chaos of the internet age. To quote aptly "You merely adopted the darkness. [We] did not see the light until we were already [men]." To reach the lost boys of Kek you must comprehend the full import of our saga. And yes, it is a saga in the full meaning of that word. With that said let us begin with the story of the Princess and the Frog. Enter the frog, us, the lost generation. We are a plague of frogs. Only we have the capacity to retrieve what is lost by journeying into the forbidden, the dark, the chaos. The lost orb is the Sun Wheel. The Sun Wheel is also the Father. The frog is also the hero journeying into the underworld to retrieve the father. Who is our father? Look back and see our mother was Britannia. She was impregnated by the Spirit of the Reformation, from Germany, The Fatherland, and conceived a new nation. Germany is our spiritual father. Our "Vader" if you will. It is no mistake that European America is predominately English and German in heritage. Britain our Mother, and Germany our Father. This imagery is goes deep. The father we are retrieving from the darkness is the spirit of Germany, which is also the Sun Wheel. This saga is even more poignant because in this story we killed our father. We are at the point of the story where we have retrieved the immense treasure from the darkness. It is hidden truth from our past, it is the Spirit of Germany, it is the Sun Wheel. We are at the point of the story where the princess (society) isn't sure if she wants to keep her end of the bargain by honoring the truth and accepting us into society. To be fair we, and the truth we carry, Fate binds us to this story. It ends with us ascending into kingship (we transform into a Prince after all). To guide us you must help us complete this saga wisely. You cannot ignore the treasure we have found because it's central to the puzzle of why order plays as chaos.
You know what the funniest bit is? That one time he was talking about how veggies made him shit blood. He never showed any medical records of this by the way, and how we all need to eat nothing but meat. He gets money from (((the UN))).
Justin Martinez
Daniel Ward
By appealing to Peterson we can appeal to his cult following and either steer him (think MolyJew) or channel the newfound agency and clarity of his followers into the alt right. Honestly he's just too much of a coward to see where his worldview leads. He goes full denial and spectrum fallacy nonsense once you touch on race or JQ.
Matthew Morgan
boy I sure love me some vegetables legumes tubers salad fruits and veggies waco tehran bluebeam FEMA
Luis Adams
Nah, he's just a business man and knows that if he embraces where his worldview leads then he will lose the media exposure the kikes have handed to him.
Ian James
Meek Mr. Cleandick should be bullied to ruin by us, before he is bullied to ruin by the opposition - as is the plan of it all. They put these weak easy targets up, draw in a lot of young fragile people boost their self-esteem, then shatter it by shattering the meek cleandick, and then you just get blackpilled lazy and hopeless faggots.
Jace Hughes
That's not how it works
Aaron Ross
fuck off pharma/pseudo-intellectual jew
Carter King
Nice to see a thread properly conducted with clear self evident proof the misdirection agent Peterson is indeed is a kike disinfo agent
Keep it up anons good stuff
Julian Martin
Thomas Brown
i hate jews so fucking much
Carter Sullivan
Still need to ban the cancer and astroturfing or this place is fucking dead.
Jaxon Parker
Isaac Walker
Kayden Hughes
He was part of the Canadian communist party and is close with the Premier of Alberta, also communist. He left the party because he wants to seize the means of production and redistribute the wealth, but not kill all the rich people. Thats too far!
Gabriel Reyes
Jewish Peterson, author of the Amazon Bestseller "Clean Your Room, Goyim" is showing young white men that there's an alternative to National Socialism. Pay your taxes and keep yourself distracted for 10 more years of C I V I C rule while based browns flood our countries to plug the deficit in performing jobs that we wouldn't want to do.
Peterson is a smart guy but just another philosopher that asserts meaning and tries to justify it with some reasoning. He appeals to christcucks who have been looking for a replaceable to William Lane Craig.
He doesn't appeal to Zig Forums because he isn't a subhuman, low-IQ skinhead who puts on a poorly fitted suit and walks around the streets "naming the jew".
Jacob Rogers
Hi, TRS. Still pissed about Little it seems.
Camden Myers
I've accepted that retards like you exist and spend my free time now mocking you instead of arguing with you.
blogpost, fuck Jordan Peterson and his kike masters. You can smell jew cum from his breath miles away from him.
Cameron Miller
Easton Brown
Anyway, here is the original thread that got wiped after the turk got the boot.
Logan Russell
thank you, now move on with this fucking piece of shit nigger kike loving faggot
Sebastian Wright
He continuously calls nationalists morons and animals and only gives vague and generalized reasoning as to why. " just be an individual isn't an answer
Jason Perez
You are talking to a TRS bogdweller.Facts don't matter to them.
William White
Peterson is a ladder rung, like many other figures (Jones, Sargon, etc). They are people who for the most part move people further towards the truth but they themselves don't move. While Peterson can be reasoned with to some extent and would be worthwhile to talk to in my opinion, don't count on him moving along the path like his audience can. It is more worthwhile to ask the questions that strain the limits of Peterson's philosophy in his terms, such as when he banned Goldie from speaking at a speech event, or how he doesn't take the full step with his concept of sacrifice (object, self, then the above-self - his philosophy cannot grasp anything above the self when it clearly exists), or that Communism's horrors were very different even from the (((accepted narrative))) of NatSoc Germany. If approached in a friendly and reasonable manner, it will preempt the indignant rage response and avoid the minds of the audience from snapping shut as their authority figure is challenged. Those questions and redpill opportunities take the audience and move them further up the ladder, even of Peterson would rather they stick around on his level as all rung-individuals would prefer. That's why whether or not Peterson is creepily involved with the UN and (((other interests))) doesn't matter as much as the fact that he's elevating Zig Forums's kind of audience into a single, accessible pool.
Enough people repeating a question will eventually warrant a response from his very audience if that question is interesting enough. Condense such a question down into a single sentence and repeat it on many videos along with others advancing the same question, and that would be more successful. More likely though, you could throw in a few bucks into the Patreon and send paid questions directly to him that he will feel compelled to answer so long as they are not gotcha's or overtly traps. He's very intelligent and a psychologist, so don't rely on trickery since he'll see through it.
The fundamental basis for his philosophical understand begins to strain the most when he tries to bridge the gap between self and other individual and reason outside of self. "Just be an individual" is a legitamit impossibility for someone trying to interact with or give meaning to the people things and ideas around you. He also contridict himself several times and has a few hypocracies in relation to this. "Jews are a great collective" don't collectivise "white doesn't exist how do you define it!" Jews exist and the reason they are running everything is their hereditable high IQ
Samuel Smith
He's helpful as a stepping stone if you can get people past his gate(keeping).
The individualism cult is just repackaged Christcuckanity much like Marxism.
Jordan Peterson
I'm more convinced that he simply has certain boomer tier blocks in his brain. Boomers are easily the most pro kike generation ever born in the west. Even my dad, who is pretty far right overall won't cross that threshold into talking about the Kikes. His mind just won't let him go there. The most real response I've gotten from him regarding our conversations about the Kikes was him once saying "yeah, my dad used to say the same stuff you're saying, he hated the Jews like you do". He didn't even seem upset or against me or my grandfather sharing the same views, more of a "wow, how did they both come to the same conclusions and they barely knew one another." I took it as a bit of a compliment really, with the unstated message from him feeling like "but I can't mentally go there like you have". It really drove home how fucked the boomers are with the JQ. Something happened to them and they seem to have a really strong mental block that prevents them from accessing that information. But anyway, that's my thought about Peterson. I do find the UN stuff interesting and the controlled op theories aren't easily dismissed out of hand, but I just can't shake the feeling that he's just a silly boomer.
Jacob Hernandez
but that is so easily disproved there are more high IQ whites than high IQ jews because there are 40-50 times as many white people around, therefore, even if we have a lower average IQ, there are enough high IQ whites to massively outnumber jews. Yet whites are underrepresented compared to jews at the elite universities, in the top media and corporate positions, etc etc If peterson is unwilling to be honest about that simple fact, how could you trust anything he says? Add in the fact he is married to a jew and has pictures of stalin in his home and you have YET ANOTHER controlled op leading people up the garden path with little nuggets of truth peppered in amongst their verbose (a jew trait) bullshit. At best he is shabbos, at worst he is crypto. Either way, juden peterstein can go fuck himself.
Levi Murphy
All that you need to know about Jordan Peterson is that he is part of the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) which Jews are currently trying to promote.
ny Brought to you by: (((Barry Weiss))) – Romanian Jew
(((Sam Harris))) – Secular Jew (((Eric Weinstein))) – Israel-educated California-borne Jew, brother of (((Bret Weinstein))) Jordan Peterson – Individualist Canadian Shabbos (((Dave Rubin))) – Gay Jew (((Ben Shapiro))) – Stereotypical Badger Jew (((Douglas Murray))) – British Jew Maajid Nawaz – British Pakistani ‘Secular Religion of Cuck™ist’, married to a degenerate “race is a social construct” modern-artist White woman from Tennessee Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Literal Africa-nigger married to Brit Niall Ferguson, who wrote a glowing history of the Rothschilds (possibly a British Jew) (((Christina Hoff Sommers))) – Liberal Jewish Feminist Joe Rogan – Stoned Meathead Shabbos Charlie Kirk – Homosexuality-Promoting Zionist Shabbos (((Claire Lehmann))) – Australian Anti-Tribalism Jew Debrah Soh – Homosexuality-Promoting Asian Feminist, writes for Playboy (((Michael Shermer))) – Christian-Convert ‘Skeptic’ ‘I Am Not Jewish’ Jew (((Steven Pinker))) – Romanian/Polish Male-Feminist Atheist Jew
This is the Jewish counter-response to the rise of Nationalism. And Peterson is a part of it. That's all you need to know about Jordan "Why Hitler Was More Evil Than You Think" Peterson.
Lucas Brooks
The UN prolong up a guy like Peterson to divert the unrest into a more manageable platform makes sense
David Taylor
It's not even about Jews it's about the contradiction. He acknowledges genetics predetermanism in one sentence and denies it in another. He advocates for a specific type of collective and the denies all collectives when ethnic nationalism comes up
Ryan Thomas
Exactly. Men are not islands, and while the foundation of a good Western man is a strong individuality it is not the ultimate step. His philosophy is incomplete in a glaringly obvious way right there. He was inducted into a native tribe as an honorary member when he otherwise preaches abhorrence of being part of groups. He also assumes that any collective immediately means 'collectivist' in the sense of Chinese or Russian bugmen phenomena, but this is also not true of the groups of the West who banded together frequently into crews and parties and civilizations as strong individuals pushing as a team, not a herd. His knowledge of mythology is also woefully incomplete, and so far no one has challenged him on mythologies that contradict his ideas on 'the individual is the highest importance' idea. People need to speak in those kinds of arenas to really challenge him.
Trips don't lie. In fact, that's the sum of the whole 'JP Question' I'd say.
Undoubtedly true. When he covered the sacrifice of Issac story, he described a useful interpretation of was sacrifice was on a psychological level. He could understand sacrificing objects and oneself, but he couldn't understand sacrificing Issac, even though if you follow his logic it was a higher sacrifice than sacrificing yourself because Issac was 'the promise of Nation'. Yet even in his own framework Peterson admitted he couldn't understand it, most likely because he knew where it led but it dodesn't fit into his idea that the individual is the biggest, most valuable thing. He still hasn't figured it out, and cannot because it would require him to refute some of his tenants, and that is VERY painful for someone who has believed them for literally decades. Not to mention his ties to (((others))) who wouldn't allow him to make certain logical assessments with impunity.
I think he knows more than he is willing to say, as his intellect cannot allow him not to know from what he's studied, but he's admitted all he wants is to avoid the horrors that a white unity would bring in terms of bloodshed and dispossession. This is the great emotional fear that would be beyond reason, and he believes the current situation of (((domination))) is preferable to any shifts. But that's what you would expect from a rung. It's your job to move past him and keep going up until the real solution presents itself.
Jordan Jenkins
I thought it's Juden "Jews have IQ in the upper 2500's that's why they succeed at everything" Peterstein
Ryder White
The thing that pisses me off most about Peterson is his faggy little cult that worships him as some kind of intellectual heavyweight. Every stream they shill to me of his is either babbling about the most vanilla concepts of exestentialism or him meeting with some other skeptic like shapiro or crowder on a podcast and jacking each other off about the "sharing of free thought" or some bullshit. I'm glad you were able to break out of his group, every person I've met that follows him acts like they've unlocked the secrets of the universe just because they watched some leaf talk about good and evil. While he's not as bad as other people who have been defended as a normalfag stepping stone (see Milo for example), his converts quickly become locked in his beliefs and even if you try to suggest something similar like Neitzsche or Evola to them they freak out and call you a nazI.
Joshua Brooks
Look at the glowing review some faggot leftist gives JP in the middle of an anti-moonman article.
the fact that they don't see him as any sort of threat should be all you need to know.
Gordon P. Beterson's 15 minutes are almost up. hope he saved some of those shekels
Dylan Jenkins
The point still stand that either Peterson believes in hereditary traits and IQ as a biological reality or Jews are successful due to nepotism
Hunter Moore
It's also worth saying his ideology firmly is based on black and white concepts that ultimately you are either a total individual not bound to anything or a big man slave. The reality of life doesn't conform to this worldview
Jaxson Adams
"he accidentally led thousands of people to see the Holodomor as plainly as the German people did in 1933" < Believes this is why they turned to Hitler, not Hitler himself. You are still under the influence of the Skeptic side.
When they insist that it was how terrible the Soviet-Union that lead to the rise of the NSDAP, completely disregards the Great Depression, kike influence and that the KPD was nowhere near NSDAP levels, you know there is Enlightened Skepticism ahead.
Muh Soviet Union is why Hitler rose is Boomerservative BS, otherwise Poland would have allied with Germany years before 1939. They are deliberately ignoring that Hitler and the NSDAP making sense is how they became a big force and were able to seize power.
Juan Miller
Im not blackpilled about it at all. Thats 4chan level logic, usually the equivalent of script-kiddies in Zig Forums terms who wont admit they were brought to 4/pol/ by guys like JP, then as le edgy way out they attack him. Anyone who brings that shit over here is a shill, complete amateurs dont bother anymore as you might tell from our dismal traffic numbers.
Shills love "muh e-celeeebs" like kamfy loved "muh boooks", but its patently retarded. If you have something, use it to your advantage. We have the internet and social media 2.0, the first is full of us, the second is full of charlatans. Use them to boost message, subtly drop hints (incredulous questions in livechats and forums work best, but also blunt force memes), and when the overton window shifts hard enough that they are left behind completely, drop them like a hot rock. Rinse repeat, propaganda 101. You really think someone like Goebbels banned discussion of jewish newspapers in other countries? Nazis used jewish media more than anyone, nothing was a better teaching tool to expose degeneracy.
Then agle for JP as i see it is he provides the father archteype for young men. Remember people, especially young men, like feeling they discovered something rather than being told they were wrong and "corrected" with the truth. Its a tried and true trope to have the young man learn from father, then question him, then conclude he has moved past the father and is now his own (super nigger hating) man. Anyone here would be a fool to ignore the timeless psychological ploys available through manipulation of these branded kike whore "celebrities".
Easton King
as with all controlled op, he has some merits, not everything can be the epitome of evil. even communists can have some things to be revered, e.g. their dedication to ideology I have many gripes with him but learning to have order in your life is important for the young stock. I hope they can see past his poison and become further right as I did.
Adrian Morris
Lol that stream sounds like a sight to behold, could you link it? To bad he married a Jewess, I have a feeling he would be calling them out if he hadn't.
Aiden Hill
< Muh father archetype! Ugh!
Also, beware of Boomerservative anti-communism. Not all degenerates and snake oil merchants are leftists.
James Myers
don't worry my friend, I am well aware of the lunacy in the false dichtomy between left and right. Third position NatSoc is firmly cemented in my heart
All individuals are susceptible to (((corruption))) and I think he's also inadvertently teaching that too. "How come Trump has to act so kosher…ah, it's about hiding your power level! Clean your oven."
Ethan Gray
Jung went full crazy after his idol Freud told him to fuck off. Why would someone want to push him as some sort of intellectual example when he couldn't even take criticism?
Jack Perry
How many failed threads is this now? I've lost count.
Don't forget others do not. The problem isn't just ignorance but lack of consequent thinking that prevents them from seeing flaws in what they are being taught.
Nah, I'm just not a sad, spineless emo leech like you. -)
Ryder Hernandez
Mean age of them is now 72. We literally just have to wait for them to die, and the system dekikes itself.
Ian Jackson
Jayden Campbell
Some of them are seeking to (unwittingly in the case of Peterson) to spread the kikery to the next generations. The (((enemy))) will seek to maintain this kikery as much as possible, there must be a concerted, determined push in the other direction.
Julian Hernandez
#PizzaGate is the #CirkelOfTrust
Dylan Flores
Like my other post said, this is irrelevant frankly to the utility of Peterson. Whether he is secretly traitorous or /ourguy/ on either extreme, he aggregates a collection of people who are primed for redpills, some of which Peterson himself dispenses. You need only address the audience with more redpills and they will come to realize the limitations and flaws of Peterson's philosophy.
By the way, lets defuse Peterson's argument about Jewish prominence in offices of governance. First, the IQ of Jews being hyper-elevated is based on very tenuous evidence from a very small sample size, and only accounts for verbal IQ. Second, as other anons pointed out, even if the IQ was that high it wouldn't overwhelm the number of whites that are at that level of intelligence and thus render the argument of pure IQ invalid. Third, even if the IQ and some weird cultural feature accounted for the increased success without nepotism, a people allowed governance over themselves by their racial peers (Nationalism) prosper and could even be argued to be something of a right of a people in the same way that a child has the right to be raised by its parents in most cases.
It doesn't do to just argue whether or not Peterson is useful or not. You have to address his assertions and show why they need accentuation or that they are incorrect.
He's specifically said he owns an image of communists to remind himself of what happens if Communism wins. That he'll be hung and killed. It's a reminder of what he's facing. Fucking shills lmao
Jonathan Lee
Wasn't he formerly a communist kinda suspicious
Tyler Hughes
He is just a boring Pseudo intellectual who acts as an escape rope for people who know Centrism is a flimsy ideology but want an excuse to pretend their ideas have any weight at the table.
He is not pushing people our way, and when he does they are the worst people possible.
Colton Williams
I have the same unnamed mystery autoimmune disorder as he and his daughter. I promise you it's as shitty as it sounds. There's no diagnosis for it because nobody has bothered to nam or properly identify it yet. Doctors pretty much tell you you're fucked and then start prescibing symptom-management options, but it's basically just another way to get hooked on opiates if you're not careful.
Matthew Jones
Here you go OP. Peterson is basically a Canadian baby boomer that lived and grew up in a white ethno-state, and now he says you're not allowed to because other races were abused before you were born.
Peterson is also financed and paid by Globalist organizations, and he's a Zionist this is enough alone
I, I want Jordie-kun to be prime minister, not that cuban faggot
Jackson Brooks
Go to hell shill, I archived the original thread and it was just idiots pandering about the connections. Idiots kept begging the question and saying this was untrue, yet thread included a video of Peterson giving a seminar where he personally brags about getting Timothy Leary's position. "Straight from the horse's mouth" Peterson talks about it himself.
Would you care to make a rebuttal? Is there any connection that is untrue? I think you're the cuck that's full of jewshit.
Joseph White
They occupied the same office years apart. You're trying to make connections that don't exist. The UN thing is a bit shady, though.
William Russell
He's on Tucker now slaying muh toxic masculinity.
Brayden Brooks
Time to diversity you in the ass.
United Nations
Peterson proudly listing his work with Jim Balsillie and the UN:
The document produced by ‘The United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability’ (Peterson’s name is listed in the document with Jim Balsillie, Paul Jenkins, Simon Zadek, and David Runnalls):
tldr … you take peterson to be some kind of second coming
question anons, How old are you?
1) below 20 , wow this guy is smart 2) 20 - 27, wow this guy is going to change the world 3) 28 and above, damn this guy is going to sell alot of books to alot of white kids that have no father and grow up in the ghetto
Peterson is a modern fad of something that was and has been taken for granted , a father figure. Basically Peterson is the opposite force of the modern day "punch up" , "down with the patriarchy" meme
hes the anti-blm , anti-sjw , anti-atifa
hes a very smart , hard working professional that can make money off of a void that needs to be filled
For all the people whoes familes did not get divorced , hes not really anything special. The only people he effects are those with "broken homes" who didnt have a good up bringing. We know this has been rising in america, the "single family home".
You know what else is rising, Jordan Peterson's bank account.
I didnt read your post , but that IS the answer to the JPQ. Again look at what age bracket you are in, and grow up mate. Grow up as fast as possible so you do not waste your time.
Never slacken , never tire
Bentley Kelly
First, you started saying that everything was debunked, now you say only the UN thing is sketchy. WTF are you going to say now that I'm linking the video where Peterson got Timothy Leary's Position??
Literally every connection was proven true. Your shit-post >>11745886 is dead wrong! Hell, if I'm wrong, people can now look at all the links and archives I supplied proving that JP is in deep with globalist agendas as a gatekeeper.
Xavier Ross
In the same breath as a qualifier, you disingenous kike. Where'd you blow in from, anyways? Not eve a newfag would mistake your writing style for being from around here.
Isaiah Gutierrez
i'm not a fan of his downplaying the importance of groups either, but i get his prizing the ascended individual that comes out and atop the group
and there are more genius level iq americans than jews
what's wrong with making money commie scum
you talking shit about jung m8
>jbp helps disenfranchised young men, ultimately, identify the (((source))) of their problems that's pretty much how i see him much of what he talks about is powerful and true, but then there are times he answers questions with a strange desperation his outrage at some journalists calling his friendship with an injun 'romancing the noble savage' was perfectly admirable, but other times it's like 'he cries out in pain as he strikes you'.