Border Jumper prevention

I was watching a segment on The Fallen State about a Mexican Illegal immigrant assistant group based in California. They leave water out in the desert to help illegals make it to the United States. They just leave jugs along the known routes in the hopes of beaners finding them.

What do you think about dropping a few hundred tainted water bottles with poison just E. coli. or bacteria that can cause dysentery . This way they catch chronic shits and dehydrate at an insane rate. We wouldn't need to do it all the time or even drop more than a 100. The mere knowledge that some might be tainted would be enough to prevent many from daring to drink from water that is left for them.


Tainted water bottles dropped on the border to kill some taco niggers?

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Nothing says welcome like a bad case of dysentery WITH cholera. this is a good ideawhen it goes public false flag one of the liberal groupsbut don't talk about it here, friend

How do these things fare against UV radiation?

sounds like another david hog dox thread.


Runny refried bean burrito shit everywhere as far as the eye could see

Fuck off with your murderous plans, Sol.

Attached: How and Not to make threads.png (1917x1161, 936.43K)

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This isn't an article thread.

you see this is fucked up because the US spends trillions on military/defense and has continuous real time satellite surveillance watching every thing a long the border yet can't keep clinically retarded wetbacks from entering the US? BULLSHIT!! Yje should be met with m-60s or even better Apache Helo's My point being you go dropping poison water bottles you will be recorded by those same satellites and possibly jailed for attempted murder of an enemy invader non citizen and their shitskinlet brood they drag along for sympathy entry.Be careful.

We can wreck every nation in the world 1000x times yet can't keep out brown jungle monkeys who believe in azatlan?




BUMP for an excellent idea!

To me the great irony of Mexico is that Mexico has its own wall at its Southern boarder.

We literally let the wetbacks drive onto our military bases and conduct drug deals/sell children in the southwestern states. There was some shitty vice-tier documentary about white trash collecting scrap metal from bombing ranges on these massive desert bases. Just a whole lot of unmonitored open space and unexploded ordnance. Also the us pilots aren't allowed to fire on them… which should change.

This is dangerous to the environment and likely illegal, user…

Yeah that would be completely ineffective. They're mexicans dumbass, they won't even fucking notice. They ARE dysentery and cholera.

Probably would backfire, there is enough muh brown people dying on the minds of most whites. Actual non-whites dying at the border due to the acts of supposed "white" people hurting them would only help the other side of the narrative.

I mean even Antifa could do what you said or a government agency and it'd easily get blamed on whites. It doesn't even have to happen just has to be reported on enough and enough whites will believe you actually did this.

Does not exist

No, it has to "happen" similarly to how the white helmets made chemical weapon attacks "happen"

And this is how you know you're gaslit.

Came here to post this. You don't even have to bring the water, just salt whatever you find out there. Even a mouthful is deleterious to a thirsty person, and imagine how badly that would damage morale. I'm sure they say prayers of thanks when they discover those caches of water, but now they'll be cursing and weeping.

If that's the case wouldn't they do it anyways even if they framed it themselves? What's stopping you with that context if they're going to do it anyways?

Just add salt.

Don't use vising, it will cause severe diarrhea which could kill someone treking across the desert without access to water or medical attention.

The amount of visine required to do this would make it pointless, remember it would be diluted with the water.
The same problem exists with
But salting it, as other anons said, would be perfect. Salt water makes a person in need of water worse than if they just didn't drink it.
Faggots get wind of their bottles being tampered with and we will get even more salt.