REDPILL : Gypsies = descendants of the Jewish tribe of Simeon

"The Jewish-Romani connection: Are Gypsies descendants of tribe of Simeon?
Israeli scholar creates Jewish-Gypsy Forum after discovering biblical link between Jews and Romani people. Since publishing his research findings, he says, he has been contacted by thousands of members of the Romani community, and hundreds have been flocking to Israel for meetings with the forum members.",7340,L-5248902,00.html

Attached: tribe of Simeon.JPG (678x363, 49.45K)

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Seemed obvious. Their rootless behaviour is mostly the same parasitic insect minded types.

Nice. Send them all to Israel.

Pleas make time to read the entire article, I'm Romanian so this is big. Also I've found out about another jewish ethnic group that I didn't know about

forgot the link

Well, they do apparently look like an even more mongrelized combo of turkic, degenerate, and separdi-kike.

They do like to live tribally and steal from people…

Attached: How and Not to make threads.png (1917x1161, 937.23K)


bring back the caravan to israel it's gone out style.

I always seen similarities; they both function and look like rodents

Did this always have a border around it? Either way, thanks, I lost this meme somehow.

Heh. Bump just for fun

I thought romani were descendants of the Thuggee ethnocult which cohencedentally were expelled from medieval India out due to sacrificing and eating children

Inbreeding? check
Thieving? check
Mongrel genetics? check
Child kidnappings/molestation? check

This is how the Romani get their Israeli passports.

gypsies are descended from the tribe of dan. that's why it's called the damube.

I thought they were from India?

Well we got the Danube/Dunărea in Romania

sure they did…and ashkanazim came from poland.

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They are also used to whore out their women.


Wait, are gypsies esoteric jews or real jews?

both either way you don't want them in your country same with these jews.Would be entertaining to find a link between the disgusting filth of romani genetics/culture and the modern jew.Would seem like something the so called aristocratic jew would try to hide.

Yes, they are descended from Indians.

The tribes of Israel are mostly in the realm of mythology, or, at least, these tribes may have existed and may have descendants who are still alive but those people who claim every ethnic group on Earth is descended from one of those tribes is peddling some flavor of religious bullshit.

Always described filthy thieving kikes as a bunch of white-collar gypsies. Amusing to see it confirmed.

Attached: Italians trap Gypsy thieves in dumpster cage.webm (196x360, 2.97M)

They'll burn too.

Kill yourself kikey. We updated it.

Attached: Aliyah.PNG (1036x905, 422.26K)

We need to send the gypsies to Israel, this is important.

Why does it sound like a fucking goblin?

Kill yourself faggpt. You mutilate language worse than a nigger.


This is hilarious and I recommend spreading it as far as possible. Finally the esoteric people have a use.

Sure they are. Maybe all millions of them need to do aliyah to Israel.

And the Germans are supposedly the tribe of Ephraim, the Scandinavians are supposedly the tribe of Benjamin, and the Irish are supposedly the tribe of Dan.

(((They)))'ll find a pretext to reject them.
It could be dangerous though if gypsies are indeed convinced they are jews and start fighting us.

Topkek, Jewish creativity when it comes to business never ceases to amaze me. I'm assuming this means we have to add another 1.5 million to the number of Jews killed during the Hall of Costs, eh?

I'm sure they've gotten around.

What will end up happening is now they'll get kikes worldwide coming out in full force to keep the subs in italy.

No that's where Catherine the Great dumped all the jews she banished out of Russia.

Poland == "Pale of Settlement"

Every fucking yurt should be searched immediately! Deus vult!

The thuggee were wiped out by the British in the 1830s. The Indian Kings never expelled them, they simply pushed them to neighboring kingdoms.

That sounds like a banshee or some weird monster from The Witcher.

Those kikes sure are generous with our money.

Well they do have a lot in common. But i'd like to point out that next to jews, gypsies are a honourable bunch.

The heebs split into two kingdoms like 3000 years or so ago. The 10 tribes that went north aren't really jews in my opinion. There were some gypsies around here with a paving company. They scammed some people and committed a rape or two and then moved on.

Can we exploit this to flood isramutts with gypsies?

No. Israel protects it's borders. They even sterilized the Beta Israelis. Also, Gypsies by and large don't use the internet because they haven't figured out how to steal it. I wouldn't want to be the one to go to their slums and spread the good news.

That's what they want you to believe. Certain extreme cults of Kali are very much alive; today perhaps more than ever.

Fucking love Italians man, they have such brass.

WE should exploit this by convincing Europeans that Gypsies are jews. I saw a clip from a WW2 propaganda movie once where a German soldier being harassed by gypsies finally lost his shit and killed them. The comments section was a bunch of Gypsie hating normalfags that certainly were not our guys, but celebrated anyway because they really hated the Romani and said "Nazis did something right here." Clearly Gypsies are a much more politically correct option to hate than jews, and maybe we could gaslight them against the kikes with this information.

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Politicians have no balls but round these parts among normalfags you can rag on gypsies as much as you want and no one's gonna chimp over racism. If anything, agreeing nods and some anecdotes to add fuel to the fire.
From my life experience, there's two outlooks on gypsies - people who never saw one up close and think they're not so bad and people who had the misfortune of running into one and hate their guts more than anything else in the world. At best they're welfare leeches and a affront to sight and smell, at worst violent criminals who'll nig over anything usually on packs against children and senior citizens because they're fuckin' cowards.
Anyway, kikes are something people come to hate by learning about all the shit they done but people who hate gypsies usually have personal experience to back that up (mine dates back to elementary school). For the US anons, it's likely the same with niggers.

i actually had a jewish friend once >inb4 jews are never your friendsyes, i found that out and he said his (((mother))) swore that gypsies were "one of us" and that "we must support them." He could never explain why. I just figured it was bc they're grifters and moonworshipers

Care to tell us how you found out? I had nigger friends growing up and that made it harder to accept the red pill for a long time until my encounters with Commiefornian beaners changed my perspective on race.

It is precisely that, I've had them as coworkers and interacted with public niggers (homeless and not) and they are fucking terrible people. What's worse is that my sister, while not having total jungle fever seems to think they're funny and likes the filth. Niggers make you wish for Gypsies, since they are still more politically correct to hate than Bantuians and much more savage.

Attached: Spongebob_dead_nigger_storage.mp4 (720x711 1.79 MB, 23.34K)

I meant that the niggers are more savage, sage for double post.

about how jews are never your friends? I found out the worst way, but the way which makes you never forget: the hard way

Did he rape you? Kind of wanted to hear a story of some user becoming redpilled because of some shit his kike "friend" did to make him realize what shitty people kikes did. Clearly he stabbed you in the back somehow.

This is fucking great.

>he said his (((mother))) swore that gypsies were "one of us" and that "we must support them."

It's jusly like masons. They have to look the other way at childfucking because of muh oppression and muh ends justifies the means.

Gypsies tend to be insular and only crawl out of the projects to collect gibs and peddle stolen/bootleg shit on flea markets. People who have it worst are those working on the health sector or supermarkets since those can't avoid them.
Niggers tend to be a bit more involved with society so I'll concede it's probably harder for the average US citizen as the odds to run into niggers are higher.

True. Gypsies aren't as violent nor are they as clever as jews despite being swindlers. A shitty hybrid of the worst aspects of both.

What a load of shite. They're a fucking offshoot of exiled curryniggers.
Genetics prove it, linguistics prove and just look at one. Dress a gyppo and a curry in the same clothes, the same hairstyle and they'll look mostly the same except maybe the gypsy having a tiny touch of European blood at times.