Michelle Obama steps out in huge oversized clothes to hide her massive black ass during lunch meeting in Venice...

Michelle Obama steps out in huge oversized clothes to hide her massive black ass during lunch meeting in Venice sporting a tent-like pinstripe blazer and wide-grain-silo style leg trousers

Blending in! Michelle Obama steps out for glamorous lunch meeting in Venice sporting a pinstripe blazer and wide-leg trousers Michelle was spotted dining at the Gjelina Restaurant on Tuesday afternoon
She swapped her usual jewel tones with a softer palate for the California meeting
The former first lady was also accompanied by her Secret Service motorcade On Monday she bumped into Robert F Kennedy Jr while on a hike in Los Angeles

The former first lady also shielded her face with an oversized pair of pastel pink sunglasses and accessorized with a large pair of slutty hoop earrings.
Michelle's Secret Service motorcade was on hand during the meeting, holding the door open to shield her as she left the restaurant like a sheboon.
It remains unknown what exactly the meeting was about, although Michelle and Barack did recently enter a multi-year producing partnership with Netflix, which has an office in Los Angeles.


Attached: huge nigger tranny.jpg (634x797, 71.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That blazer aint the only thing that's tentlike on her

there's 2000 homeless in venice ca and 60 percent are black (the other 40 are white), there are no homeless shelters, (they try to pump them all to skid row). there (((service centers though))) which are nothing but democrat money laundering stations, they do provide meals to the homeless a few days a week though.

did she stop by there?
of course not.


Attached: exes and whys.gif (283x400, 50.99K)

What's up kikey? Mad you didn't get to it first?

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Wonder what that jew is doing behind the dick.

He wasn't good when playing football for Oregon State University.


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michael is putting on some weight

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Gotta bulk up if you're gonna be a defensive tackle nigguh.

Every tranny deserves a (brief) SS detail. Not the kind you're thinking of, though.

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Check it twice.

Isn't she supposed to present some show about nutrition on one of the many Netflix programs Barack bought? ahaha




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pack your own lunch or try fasting dumb burgers


is its final form a sacred cow?

Fucking kill yourself you D&C piece of shit yid.

Nigger women look fucking rough when you take away their wig and makeup.

The absolute state of Imkamfy-free nu/pol/


They aren't free you fucking faggot

waifu of ex-King Nigger gets fat? Irrelevant

Attached: gunterrated.jpg (811x734, 160.03K)

minutes later after a salvia induced freak out mo waits for the next bus back to compton

Attached: busstop.PNG (431x716, 415.72K)

they are for niggers
gibs me dat!

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very similar

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Mo is a disgusting nigger jew cow

"Never put the 'affirmative action' hire in charge".
Oh, and niggers…

Attached: obama over (2)

Moochelle wears loose fitting clothes shocker!
We have to vote him out!

she is definetly not blending in at all

what the fuck what a horrible things is the expresident of USA and his wife too, niggers look low class as fuck.

8 years. there were 8 year old kids that never saw an white person lead the US presidency. there were 8 yo kids that only saw a nigger and his tranny

that sheebom look like dog poop, like literally, the swirly dog poop thing.
kek public transportation in a nutshell

Slide thread is obvious. Sage and ignore.

this. they aren't even hiding it anymore

filthy nigger tranny

then cook something and take from home…

Come on now.

Attached: [incoherent laugher].webm (640x272, 1.34M)

That is with both…and it still looks manpanzee


Our children deserve peak nutrition.

Attached: grq-grain-silo-2563368.png (500x441, 94.06K)

Sure she did. She was there to meet him to discuss his run against Trump in 2020. Netflix is the cover.

Ass or Black Cock?

She had really nice legs.

Checked and heil'd

He also wants to hide his massive cock.


penis envy

Shill general

all the black cock pics posted to Zig Forums have been Michelle's. Waddaya think of that?

goddammit, i came in this thread to make this same joke

fuck off goon, freedom of speech goes both ways.


and from here on out she is only going to get fattier and hairier, shudders to think what this sheboon will look like it 10 years

Oversized clothes are used to hide the physical sex markers of the "wrong" sex.
Michelle is an MtF transgender. All elites are transgendered.

which came first, the chicken or the egg?