Starbucks provides weak sales outlook, will close 150 stores

(((Starbucks))) BTFO

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Kike free

But where will the negros and jewish lawyers that represent them sit and urinate without purchasing anything!?

At the other Starbucks around the corner tbh

Attached: tm-starbucks-understands-our-home-is-your-home-we-now-32357484.png (500x816, 184.69K)

Apparently an overpriced watered-down coffee-seller shouldn't pander to pennyless nogs. Live and learn, I guess.

dat pewpew life

Is this just jew infighting? user a month or two back proved that the original incident where a nigger was "discriminated" against was orchestrated and reported on by a jew who was interested in taking the real estate that that location was in. Is this a victory for that jew?


Jews play both sides yes, so that they always win.
Also Jew control isn't like some sort of tiny group directly pulling the strings, the tiny group merely sets things in motion. The majority of goyim who work for them are true believers - this is why this kind of shit happens where they can run a bunch of Starbuckses to the ground, because they really believe in their leftist insanity. This is also why so many leftists are against Israel while still ultimately playing into the Jewish game.

Never came in to chimp demands

Keep your eyes on the real estate, keep your eyes on the money.

In the end, virtue signaling pays nothing. The point needs to be pounded home.

Hey, it's almost like turning your business into a free for all for homeless niggers and other trouble makers is a bad decision!

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We have three threads for this now.

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Report the other two and link this one.

political aspirations huh? We will bury him.

I'd rather support local kids running their coffee shacks.

Lots of threads on this but still not enough.

We need a campaign to inform the public that Starbucks is a designated shitting store, especially informing the homeless. The more people associate Starbucks with a public toilet, the more its revenue and stock value will get flushed.

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Oh don't you worry, they are funded (((DIRECTLY)))

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Good info in those images, but please post originals not thumbnails.

I am too lazy for this. Some of those really stretched out except the original logo.

This one is my favorite though.

Attached: wew.jpeg (236x472, 31.15K)

Fucking nigger.

Reminder that when you pass a starbucks you should get in, don't buy anything and go to their bathroom and piss all over the floor. This will make the staff angry and they provide a shittier service to hipster sjws.

Starbucks won't even let this obviously mentally-balanced and in no way deranged Jewish man masturbate in the bathroom and then tell other customers what he did!

(Original link

sirens is a succubus, so this version is an accurate depiction, except shes spreading her tails, no legs.

Didn't SBs build a whole ton of them in the same areas to force independent shops out of business?

Yeah, let's just not continue our successful psyop on kikes; let's derail instead into christfag tinfoil /x/ shit.

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Yes. They also send their corporate drone whores into indy coffee shops to study and steal their style, products, etc. Then they start cafes in the same area with similar style, with a fake brand, obscuring the fact that they're a Starbucks corporate store.

what's the likely hood that many of these stores were those anti-American stores?

Attached: 729.png (645x729, 68.02K)

Hard to say, probably a non-trivial proportion. Learn how to spell btw.

they're gonna realize that people weren't coming to s-cucks instead of bk or mcds or kfc in order to pay 3x for coffee and sammiches, they were coming to s-cucks and paying too much so that they'd have a clean, nog-free place to eat and hang out.
basically the sjw bullshit is just gonna move their customers to paneras or to the local cofeve shop that's too small for the racket to try and extort.

So the blockbusting operation carried by the real estate Jews was a success I take it?

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You put it perfectly user. I hope Schultz is ready to sacrifice the company he started, and value to his shareholders', on the false song of SJWism, because that's what he's doing and there's no turning back now.

Haven't been here during pizzagate, haven't you? It was already found that kikes and political top are into all sort of forms of satanic cults. Even if you don't give a fuck about it.

Didn't we do this when we somehow convinced them to open all bathrooms to people other than customers?

I heard that that really fucked them up.

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Great News!
Fuck StarKikes, the libtards that go there, and that piss they like to call "coffee"

Fucking this. It's a shame they've got all that training and weapons and we're going to have to kill them.

Is the OP pic legit btw was that an actual thing or a troll op?

Posters worked around here. If any homeless ever bums you for cash point or lead him to the nearest starcucks.

I'm homeless and sometimes hang out in a starcucks and read a book while having them fill my water bottle with more water. I never pay. heh.

lol at occult illiterates

No faggot. It's that one meme pic of the elephant that is directed at the alex jones crowd where they're searching around and the elephant has a Shlomo face but written all over him is various boogiemen the goyim chase after. "The Elites", "The Satanists", etc.

It's the fucking jews. They worship yahweh. They cut foreskins. They do blood sacrifices.

Satanism is a CIA psy-op that was invented to get people chasing something other than the real source of their problems. The CIA/Mossad popularized and helped shaped the Satanic movement, creating it artificially and selling it to gullible teens, all just to cover up the real source of the blood sacrifices, pedophilia, and other crimes; THE JEW.

Totally Legit.


This is what happens when they engage in social engineering and pandering to the dindus. I encourage everyone to never buy from Starbucks.

Niggers =/= Money
Not alot of people actually have sympathy for them and will stop doing business with you once you begin.
Communists are not enough to keep a business running.
Fuck Starcucks.

Write that it's a designated shitting store in Hindi and the pajeets will come too!

That's terrible! He should report this to the ADL and SPLC.

It's jews who do that shit. Satanism isn't even a thing really. Well, the true satanists call themselves Christians, and become priests and such and subvert Christianity that way. They've been doing that for 400 years now. Look up "Agafia" she'll redpill you on that.

…but that aside the enemy is the jew and Satanism is a big nothingburger.