Negro Criminal charges the police and gets shot. He drops to the ground and gets right back up. Is this the strength of the average negro or was he high on something?
Negro Criminal charges the police and gets shot. He drops to the ground and gets right back up. Is this the strength of the average negro or was he high on something?
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Post the video you lazy nigger. Bullets dont kill instantly like the movies. You die from traumatic blood loss or shock.
Depends on the caliber, you can't generalize like this.
I did stupid nigger open the youtube link
Real fucking hard, nigger.
Europeans "White People"
11.5% of the 7.5 billion total world population
(Including Arabs and jews) it shouldn't
(Not including partial European descent)
Minority priority when.
Minority priority when.
wtf hi bot?
Still not a Webm, you summerfag.
Head or heart will kill instantly. Not very much else. Theres something called stopping power. Handguns dont really have much of it. Thats why the double tap method is taught. Typically 2 in the chest. Obviously larger calibres have more stopping power. Even though it may be seconds or minutes before death they will be incapacitated. Pistols do not have this. You can see the video from back when the disgruntled black man shot the white reporter multiple times she was able to run away, even though she had an injury she could never have survived proving you dont have to be high on pcp to still foght after a critical injury. Pistols are considered last resort close quarters combat in special forces. The preferred weapon in close range would be an smg. Good handling and exceptional stopping power. His generalization was fair.
Im quite sure if you got shot in the toe even with the largest caliber bullet you wouldnt die.
Damn, that cop he grappled with would have got dat nigger AIDS blood all over him.
Squirting all over him from the chest wound, like a clown's joke flower.
Now it's 6 months waiting for the fucking test to come back.
idk why the first cop didn't mag dump. pretty sure he wouldn't have gotten back up.
Hol up
Why was only one shot fired? I thought cops were universally trained to fire until the threat was no longer able to move?
Lad go install a youtube downloader extension and press save as webm or mp4.
Cops love niggers, if that dude was white he would've been mag dumped
The East Cleveland police department has released body cam footage of an officer-involved shooting that happened Sunday afternoon. Officers said that the suspect attacked a woman in the middle of Beersford Road, and also fired shots into the air around 1:30 p.m. "Officers approached, they observed the male striking the female on the ground. Immediately… as soon as officers got out of their vehicle the suspect charged one of the officers," said Commander Scott Gardner, of the East Cleveland Police Department. The video released shows the suspect lunging at officers when they arrive on scene. An officer fires at the suspect, and the man continues struggling with officers until he is ultimately handcuffed. Commander Gardner explained that the two officers involved were injured during the incident. One officer has an orbital eye fracture and one officer has a broken hand. Both were treated and released from University Hospitals. State agents with the Bureau of Criminal investigation and East Cleveland police continue to investigate the incident.
Police initially got a call about a man beating a woman in the middle of the street, and witnesses also told police the man had been firing a gun in the street. Officers told that they were able to hear the gun shots from the department's parking lot, so they were quickly able to respond to Beersford Road. Another witness describes nearly being attacked by the suspect while driving down Beersford. "This guy came out of nowhere and approached my car like he was going to attack me in my car so I backed up and went around him," said Victor McCallum, of East Cleveland. "It's not normal over here, it's very quiet over here. I don't know what he was angry about or why it came about," he said. The female victim who was attacked has not been identified, but police said at last check she was in critical condition. She also explained in the body cam footage that she was "just walking down the street" and did not know the suspect.
Real life isn't the movies. There's really only two locations to guarantee a nearly instant kill: head and heart. If you miss the vital organs there's a good chance someone will be fully functional.
OP you don't know how guns work do you?
blood loss is type of shock you retard
no. though, exsanguination could lead to shock, and death.
So am I the only one who noticed the person laying in the driveway screaming in pain?
Satan has confirmed this.
I've seen a body cam of a guy shot in the head still standing, holding his gun up, for a minute before collapsing. You shouldn't stop shooting until that fucker is on the ground with more holes than not.
There is also another video of a man high on pcp didn't stop moving until he was shot over 50 times. Police thought he had body armor.
>(((drudge))) headline reporting it as nigger shot RUNNING FROM traffic ticket
Imagine that.
Officer bullseye quick on the draw, my man.
Pathetic. After the first shot you don't stop loading lead in the animal until they're down and stay down. None of this fucking fire to injure shit.
That's a lie, I got shot in the chest and I died instantly.
Why did he shoot?There's 4 of you and 1 of him, he's unarmed, what are you afraid of?
Theres something called stopping power.
You sure about that? How is it quantified? How is it measured? Why does one gun/round have it and another does not?
Why do you even need a reason to shoot a nigger?
dead niggers are a good thing… moar should be shot and killed
Niggers are dangerous animals
Niggers have a kind of retard-strength from playing basketball, fighting everyone who scuffs their shoes, and running from the cops their whole lives. When they go into shock from something like being shot or punched hard, the limiters get turned off and they hulk out. Gotta double-tap them to keep them down.
Some types of ammo are specifically designed to damage more flesh around the entry point than others. Putting a softball-sized hole full of shrapnel inside someone's torso is a lot more likely to hit something important and stop them than a bullet that goes in one side and out the other cleanly.
Should have shot him in the balls.
Have the cops switch up to .50bmg
We should racemix East Cleveland with west Cleveland, as a Matter of fact we should ENFORCE it! Oooh boy You ladies and gents want News? Shit will hit the fan like You've seen before
handguns aren't reliable one shot groid-stoppers.
You'd be able to get back up from a single 9 mil shot too. It's just not a very powerful gun.
something of value being lost … kill him , nothing of value will be lost
dont you care about anything user?