Meet Nikolai Velimirovich. This guy explicitly called out the Jew, directly praised Hitler, and was even decorated by him. Best of all? He's a real, canonized saint!
This is what he had to say about Hitler:
On the Jews:
What's your excuse?
Meet Nikolai Velimirovich. This guy explicitly called out the Jew, directly praised Hitler, and was even decorated by him. Best of all? He's a real, canonized saint!
This is what he had to say about Hitler:
On the Jews:
What's your excuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
Russians fucking hate jews lowkey
They remember who 80% of the (((Bolsheviks))) are.
Because Jews are a group that came out of the "Hebrew" meme right? You know there was never a Hebrew language or a State of Israel? No sources can find artifacts or have ever reported on it in ancient history. You know why? Because Hebrew is an Aramaic word that translates to "NOMADS". The Jew meme in the time of Christ was a group of different cults following Moses books. How old are Moses books? The first ones appear in Greek around 250BC.
Now if you read the (((Bible))) and know the surronding religions it is easy to tell that it was a compliation work mostly based off the previous Empire to own the region before the Greeks: Persians and Babylonian myths = Zoroastrians and pagan cults.
The entire Jew meme is a lie. Christians larp and say "they're not the REAL Jews". But the real Jews were a confederacy of mixed tribes larping Nationalism against Greek occupation. That's when the book first appeared. They're magi nomads.
Now we have a cult that rules the world with the help of European Christians, thanks to race traitor whites on this very website screeching constantly. And who are these Jews? They're the mixed medditerianan peoples who sometimes look like they could be modern Italians pretending to be a trib from 4000BC. They rule all of our countries and they feed off the Christian larpers. It doesn't matter if Christians hate them or love them, they feed off of it because without the myth that Jews are a real people they wouldn't exist.
Yes they're inbred. Yes they have a common heritage. Why? Because Jews practice cousin fucking within their kosher communities for 1500 years. The user above told me my ancestors were Christians for 1500 years when in fact Christianity only lasted 500yrs as the dominate religion in Western Europe. Why did he say 1500yrs then?
Because they feed the Jew meme. That's their purpose without even knowing it. The Tulmud isn't much older than 500AD,but ask a Christian or (((esoteric Bob shill))) and they'll tell you it goes back to ancient BABEL. Of course it doesn't but they feed the Jew meme.
I'm not Orthodox because my problem with Christianity is that it allows people not of European descent to join.
I don't believe in organized religion and I'm sure Jesus would be against.
I'm unconvinced that christianity is true
Do you really see it that way?
They sure do. This guy's Serbian though.
That's a fair point. Not much can be done about that. A core tenet of Christianity is that everyone can and should be saved, though many are not willing. That does include every conceivable race, even Jews.
I mean, there has to be some hierarchy. Right? Apostles themselves organized churches, appointed priests and later bishops. If you question their judgment there, how much further does that doubt go?
But you do believe there's a God? If so, that's a start. Is there any particular belief system that seems attractive, or is agnosticism the philosophy of your choice?
Okay, I have heard of that theory before, though I have not delved deep into it. But let's imagine that it's true. Let's imagine that Jewish history is all made-up. They have, for all intents and purposes, tricked all of humanity into thinking that they're much older than they are. The history they're telling is essentially truth for 99.9% of people. How do you fight against that? Through full on wars? That seems like a grim prospect. Looks like people are willing to sell their freedom and future for a little security and pleasure. They're weaker than ever, and there's more of them than ever, with the most powerful mass-control tools in history. A grim prospect indeed.
I'd say that even in this hypothetical case, Christianity is still the best weapon against them. You essentially take their forged, made-up framework, and use it against them. Embrace all of their lies, all of the myths and made up history, and with all of that, attack them in full force. Compared to Judaism, Christianity is more logical, has more historical backing, and has a larger following. And, it is anti-Semitic in its crux. So, Jews are in a zugzwang of sorts. They either keep playing against a much better forged framework, or they show all of their cards, in which case they completely lose everything.
Of course, I'm not a proponent of the theory, so this is all hypothetical. I'd like some further reading on the Hebrew meme, as you call it.
Because none of those things came from the fact that he was Orthodox, therefore it would make no difference to become Orthadox.
You tell me OP: Why should we become Orthodox?
The kikes aren't a meme. Not recognizing them would only help them to blend in, retard. And they ain't mixed Meds, they're Tatars and Turk ancestry along with semitic slime. After time migrating to Europe, either by kidnapping children and raping your great great aunts hundreds to a thousand years back, they've been granted white genes. They're real and they're the real menace Adolf Hitler nobly fought to rid the world of, albeit not in time, but tried to before they can do Satan's bidding. They didn't just magic up a people. Don't mistake them trying to cover up their watered down genes to think they're just a meme and really just a greedy group.
Shilling that the Orthodox Bible should be in echos screams of either a barely white faggot, or that you're a kike shill. The Christians outed the jews left and right. The reason they controlled was because they bred themselves to fit in and gain position, retard, which is helped by infighting faggots like you that countersignal institutions that fight degeneracy and jewery. Your the kind of pos that leads to retard talk of "kike on a stick."
Christianity has demons from Zoroastrians, retard, not God and his Kingdom. If you were white enough to be intelligent enough to understand their gods are our demons, you might save yourself from the ovens we'll be making as we meme retards and jews out of existence.
Quit your bitching, and countersignaling what it is to be white and whites fighting subversive jews by saying they helped jews, retard user or you'll find yourself lined up against a wall one day when Adolf II purges faggotry>>11750402
Why Orthodoxy? Cause everything else is just a schism, with no bearing because everything is distorted and amendable. Catholocucks might have Jesus be shown as a homo tomorrow. The very fact a pope has the power he does is proof that the devil whispered into the ear of the Bishop of Rome right before the split. OP is correct in his assertion that orthodoxy may be the answer. Me personally, I'm just a Christian in general, but like Hitler, I believe and feel Orthodox Christianity is pure and probably the righteous cause. Hitler even said he would try and defend Mt Athos with his Wehrmacht and Waffen SS. He's revered there and has an Icon in his likeness for his and his men's valiant defense of the holy site from evil jews and communists. He may still yet be sainted.
Don't listen to this retard, probably with kike blood in him trying to mitigate his shame>>11750402
Not to mention that catholics aren't allowed to hate jews now, but it's openly practiced in Orthodox churches everywhere
Because every single one of my ancestors were what would now be called Protestant, who were keeping the fucking Danes off of our island. We became Christian, and yet Catholicism did not spread at the start. Either that or Orthodox would be anti-history.
When someone tells you that you must join a club to be white, that is the jew talking.
Blood is not a club.
This never used to be the case. Christianity used to exclusively be for the children of God, aka. the ancient Yahwehists. Modern subversion redefined 'children of God' to mean everyone on the planet, which is kiked nonsense.
Yeah why don't you convert to literally every ideology that has a guy that is able to make observations?!
Jesus and Paul did that
I still haven't been given reasons why orthodoxy is the answer, it's just more unnecessary dogma.
I believe developing individual thought is more righteous and pure than being led by dogma.
The Eucharist or Jesus sacrament is literal spirit cooking
[Varg frown]
No worthwhile orthodox churches nearby.
There are no nearby orthodox churches.
Because organized religion is idolatry, and organized Christianity is judaizing idolatry. Christians don't have any use for robed priests, temples, incense, etc. That is all jewish bullshit that will burn on the Day of Judgment.
Designated D&C thread GO!
I'll admit upfront that I come at this from the perspective of being a teenage edgelord atheist trying to reform and being on the "outside" of religious groups with no real history to tie me to one. It is from this perspective that I wonder, why would I tie my worldview inextricably with history of the jewish people? Yes, Christianity recognizes the folly and wickedness of jews, but it still holds them in regard as spiritual ancestors led astray that we must learn from, for better or worse.
I do not want to be a jew. I do not want to be an anti-jew. I want Europeans to live in accordance with their own innate strengths and weaknesses, wipe out any trace of the jewish people ever existing, and finally move on toward a more natural state of existance.
It's from this privileged position that I am currently trying to learn more about European paganism. A worldview that is founded in the natural world, recognizes the biological nature of our enemy (jews aren't just regular people led astray by greed, lust and bad teachings) and is at this point in time uniquely European.
That said I'm not claiming to be some kind of TruVikang as the tradition is mostly lost and I don't yet understand enough of it to gleam more than a first impression.
Yet in my ignorance I know that I'd sure as yell rather belong to a group of weird hippies larping in a forest than some fools poring over jewish fanfiction trying to shoehorn in greek philosophy so we can pretend there is something of value to be found within it.
my family on my fathers side were ukrainian immigrants to the U.S. my grandpa just died and i guess when his parents were alive, they used to celebrate "hunky" christmas. in russian porthodox church, you celebrate christmas in janurary on the anniversary of the epiphany. hunky was just a term used in the us for ukrainian immigrants.
kill yourself
No but im open to the possibility. There are certainly some tempting arguments for the logical necessity of a God but they all seem to rest on shaky assumptions. And id say im a skeptic not an agnostic
Truth is that the Orthos are the least cucked Cristcucks there are but having said that they still worship the Jew too much and therefore cannot be trusted. They can be an ally but nothing more.
Fucking retard. The dead sea scrolls are written in what again? You're just pulling this out of your ass.
If you're talking about England, then you're confused. England was Christian before Rome, and it was certainly Orthodox before the Norman invasion. Definitely not protestant until Anglicanism. So an invasion, and a king removed you from Orthodoxy. Protestantism was forced upon your island.
I can't. Orthodox are the only good Christians left. Everyone else is fucking heretical faggot nigger kike lovers.
Interesting. Part of my family were Bohemians of German ethnicity who had immigrated to America. The South Dakotans called them "bohunks".
Well, I do like to remove kebab. And those robes are really fucking sweet, but I don't know if I'm cool with this strict fasting calendar. It doesn't jive with my burger heritage.
>It doesn't jive with my burger heritage.
If you can't even discipline yourself with the food you eat then you've already lost to the juden
The fuck happened to "It's what comes out of the man's mouth that defiles him, not what goes in it?"
How to even into March? Wat do even is?
Super Canadian cucking – the post.
WOW, Christians are the embodiment of Justin Truedo's philosophy on life.
"Carbon dating test gave an indicative dating of 33 CE plus or minus 200 years"
"1950 was on a piece of linen from one of the caves. This test gave an indicative dating of 33 CE plus or minus 200 years"
kek plus or maybe minus goy?
You fucking idiot. You're defending Jewish myths this hard? Why? Oh that's right Christianity = the Jew meme defense force.
I'm starting to think you have to just be the average fast food worker to be a Christian
This doesn't seem scripted at all.
This doesn't seem like a fucking shill or a bot at all.
This does seem like filtered and reported.
Fear the truth. FEAR IT
Actually it can be argued that Protestantism originated in England. John Wycliffe would accuse the Papacy of being anti-Christ and start on translating the Bible into English 200 years before Luther. He would be one of the main sources of inspiration behind Jan Hus, and they would both go on to influence Luther. The Papacy is largely to blame as well, but it seems that the version of Christianity most concerned with individual purity would always be a Germanic thing; starting with the English, then the Czechs and then the Germans. One could even link it back to Pelagius, though his ideas about works is counter to the Protestant understanding.. it still held a rigorous sort of Puritanism that would be unique to the Protestants and the various sects that would spawn from them like the Anabaptists or Amish.
Recommend me some Orthodox literature, OP.
Why isn't Istanbul Constantinople again? Give us some good reason why we should give a fuck about a sect that seems to have no interest in regaining any lost ground from the kababs. May as well ask us why we aren't Coptic yet.
I already despise the kike and their subversion, influence and ideals.
Bizzaro world
Are you aware that Anglo/Irish, British missionaries spread Christianity/Catholicism in most of Europe?
A philojudaic judaizing cult, that helped the jews to gain control of half of the world.
England was Orthodox before the Norman conquest. That is just a fact. It's why the fleeing Anglo-Saxons went to join the varangian guard
Most of Orthodox are heretics too
Maybe you should read some Protestant literature? It might also be of interest to you all to realise that EVERYTHING that a nation receives, it will interpret in its own way. It is no coincidence that Protestantism was concerned with individual purity, it is no coincidence that Catholicism is concerned with authority. The Germanics have always been about individualism and purity; even the 'socialism' that they have tried to afflict the Anglos and Germans with is concerned with the individual instead of the collective - just think about how insane that is! To Anglos/Germans socialism is all about the individual's right to sodomise or smoke certain things. Ideological purity of the individual is important so we have these huge movements to prove people (like Trump) are hypocrites.
How is it in the Latin world? … It's all about authority, and no one cares about purity or hypocrisy in the slightest. If its for the greater good of the collective it will be done, and a serial rapist/fornicator/drug-dealer/gangster can easily be supported so long as he hides that side of himself.
There are differences between us, even whites. Germanic nations were always going to end up with something like Protesantism because it is concerned with the individual knowing God and being as pure as possible (thus resulting in Puritans, Amish, etc); while the Latins were always going to be okay with corruption so long as it was hidden from the public; this has been the case since ancient Rome and is still visible today with their attitudes towards people like Berlusconi.
We are our blood. Protestantism was and is "anti-Semitic" as it is based upon the Bible. Catholicism is too, and so is Orthodox Christianity. Anything based upon the Bible is going to hold that certain sects of Hebrew society were Moloch worshiping, child-killing, demon-sexing filth. Anyone who believes the Bible will know that those people became the Pharisees, who became the Jews.
Starting to think?
I can't give you a satisfying answer because I'm not sure where you stand in regard to the question of God.
No one stifles *your* individual thought in Orthodoxy. People often do stifle their own thoughts, having first-hand experience of how frail and weak of an individual they are. Most Christians are like that, and compared to, for example, Satan, even the greatest of Saints are nothing when they stand alone. "Dogma" here is the collective historical experience of vast communities and persons inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. Without faith that God is always-present in the Church, there's little value to this dogma.
So, before I can give you an answer to why Orthodoxy, I'd have to give you an answer to why Christianity.
We all make mistakes. Hardly anyone was Christian right at the start. Embracing a form of Christianity without knowing any better is good. Embracing it while knowing better is just stubborn. We all live in this interconnected world where information is in abundance. Very few can say that they have an excuse for not picking a better option, other than apathy and stubbornness.
I chuckled. I admit that argumentatively it wasn't a very good OP, but it did start some discussion, as was my intention.
You do understand that Satanists always imitate Christians? Satan himself wanted to be *as* God, to be equal to Him, not higher. Satanists strive for this perverted spiritual equality, so they emulate Christian mysteries and rituals, failing miserably. So, yes, going by your terminology, you *could* say that's it's THE one true Spirit cooking. Everything else is a sad, sickly imitation.
I hear this a lot. There are many places in the world without any Orthodox Churches present. Nothing I can do as of now but hope things will get better.
I'm always puzzled by this. What religion isn't "organized"? Don't you always end up with leaders and followers, with more influential and less influential people? These, then, unwittingly or not, pass down at least some practical advice to others, which in turn always becomes tradition down the line. We can see this in fundamental Protestantism. It's comical.
In principle, tradition isn't *necessary* for one to be a Christian. It's simply there as part of a larger historical context of a community (i. e. a nation). It enriches and connects different parts of one's culture into a coherent whole. While it sometimes can be a hindrance, its pros do outweigh its cons. Read "The Three Hermits" of Leo Tolstoy.
You are already tied in with the history of Jews. There's no escaping that. You can't just delete a bunch of people and pretend they never existed. Forgetting history leads to its repetition. It's common sense and basic wisdom. I fail to see how European paganism is *reasonably* founded in the natural world. It takes inspiration from it, but really fails to empirically (scientifically) learn anything from it. It knows nothing of biology, and thus nothing of the Jews' biological nature. As for Greek philosophy, I'd take it in any form any day, over weird forest hippie-larping.
None of the logical arguments in favor of God's existence are definitive, I admit that. Faith can never be systematically definitive, else it wouldn't be faith. Logic cannot completely describe it.
For the weak, exceptions can be made with a priest's blessing. :^)
For introductory books, I'd recommend "Elements of Faith", "The Orthodox Faith", "The Orthodox Church" and "The Orthodox Way". Each contemporary and excellent.
Last I heard, the Patriarchate of Constantinople is still alive and breathing.
Very important to understand. This is why people can point out superficial similarities between Christianity and liberalism (political satanism). But these are only superficial and never substantial.
D&C: Fight about religion, goy
Bumping chat bots activated
But watch out on Ware. Not sure if his books are faithfully Orthodox, but he is a heretic.
That‘s just alternative history or you are playing word games because the Catholic church calls itself Orthodox too.
That is a really weak argument, the varangian guard were a mercenary troop, many from still pagan northern Scandinavia.
Protestants are good at deluding themselves about the nature and motivation of different reformers, the difference between their rhetoric and actions.
Pretty sure that they spend too much time praying to some human woman, which isn't biblical.
Roman Catholic church did not yet exist at that time.
Because fuck Russians; I'm descended from Germans.
t. non-evangelical Lutheran
Cuting your dick is biblical if you are jew
That would be England. This piece of shit specifically:
Lies. Real circumcision is of the heart; it's inward. The liars that call themselves "jews" (but they aren't really jews; the Bible specifically teaches this) practice outward circumcision of the flesh.
Your stupid lies are easily debunked by people that have actually studied the Bible (whether they believe or not).
orthodox christianity is the "Based" one sort of speak because it is the most pagan of the 3 main christianity paths but christianity isn´t european at all its just Judaism for goys (and dont confuse Europeans being based and debunking the kikes during the middle ages with christianity being anti-jew)
if you dont believe me then research the following topics
>Look at all the (((Witch burning))) christians made and the Holy inquisition that did nothing but slaughter more Evropeans that wanted to preserve their traditions
dont fall into the trap that thinking that (((Christianity))) is based because all these Popes of the old days and priests burning and expelling jews were acts of common sense more than christianity being a wall aganist jews
heck you know that christianity does not even care about race right? like it would be fine to set up a (((Multicultural))) country of mixed mongrels according to christianity
still i can see in you that unlike Christcucks you seem to care more about your roots and people and would burn the bible in a heartbeart if were told to choose between the cult and your people
and be careful when reading the bible because remember that it was written by (((them))) and THEN reformed by European monks wich means a lot of source material is tainted the whole religion is wich it wouldnt surprise me that all that "Not a real jew" thing you have going in this post is actually kikes Psyopping your ass by fucking up the definition of kike in the bible
Christianity is Greek. Starting with the Greek's translation of the Old Testament aka the Septuagint. The Greeks are also the sole authors of the New Testament.
Reminder that Jesus preached to the heathens that lied and called themselves jews, but aren't really jews. All the jews were gone and the liars were doing whatever the Pharisees said they could do. Whoever the liars are that call themselves "jews" the Bible makes it explicit they aren't Jews like in the Old Testament.
that does not mean it is greek that means it got INTRODUCED to europe by greeks keep that in mind while it may got reformed by greeks the source material is still jewish
good job, moshe.
and? the real jews are long dead. the New Testament makes this explicitly clear also, and the real jews being long dead is the reason God sent Jesus to preach the truth and ultimately be sacrificed for us.
Nothing you say is going to change the fact that Greeks wrote the New Testament. Not even pointing out that they only translated the Septuagint. Doing that helped them to know the truth that the people saying they are "jews" are lying.
Fair point, but no previous ideal has stopped this. Europeans have been at each other's throats forever.
The Library of Alexandria was destroyed by Muslims. Pre-Christian European culture would have been entirely lost were it not for Christian monks being sent around Europe and recording it - you can argue about biased interpretations, but we at least know some of their ideas - which is far different to many of the enemies of pagans who were annihilated in their entirety.
You realise the inquisition literally rooted out jews and muslims who were pretending to be Christians whilst opening the gates to enemies, right? The Spanish Inquisition is only famous because the Jews got utterly wrecked for attempting to let muslims reconquer Spain; and so the Jews never shut up about how 'cruel' it was despite the fact that it was the Inquisition who popularised the idea of 'innocent until proven guilty', whose records show that they found 95% of all those put on trial innocent, and who executed those few inquisitors who were found to have committed murder.
And Constantinople refused to give military aid to the Crusaders and told the Normans that the Arabs were too powerful. Well those Greek pussies sure got proven wrong didn't they? Maybe if the Greeks could spend less time stabbing each other in the back they wouldn't have got sacked. And actually no; the Crusades have formed a fundamental part of Western identity - a militaristic union that holds that we keep out the foreigner. There is a reason why Zig Forums and nationalists use their imagery today.
Seeing as how it was the Dutch who insisted Cromwell allow Jews to settle in England in exchange for help; I think it would be more apt to blame them. Maybe it would be more appropriate to blame the Catholic King who was trying to force his views on a people who clearly opposed them en masse, and who then used armies of foreigners to try and force his authority over them? Now I completely agree that Cromwell should have never let the Jews in; but the gross mischaracterisation that so many here push annoys the hell out of the historian in me.
Yeah I didn't mean to be disingenuous about Cromwell, and I appreciate the lead to chase down about the Dutch when I have more time. Also as a Yank I have no problem if we place the blame on a king as kingdom wrecking is a definitive part of our history.
Papacy in Rome did, as well as the conflict with eastern Caesaropapism
The Shism happened in 1054, Hastings 1066.
Before that, never did England, the Anglo-Saxons side with Byzantium over Rome.
Jews were driven out of Spain, welcomed with open arms from the Protestants in the Low Lands. Same jews helped, paid Protestants to topple and kill a Catholic monarch in England. Re-establishing the jews in England, while Catholics were massacred in scores and sold as slave to America.
There we are.
Non believing Protestants think Orthodoxy is most traditional, unspoiled because of nice costumes, archaic decoration but in fact are totally unaware of doctrine and or corruption.
Catholicism has rapidly turning Protestant in the last decades, the last Pope trying to halt that was disposed, now becoming difficult to distinguish from Protestant churches.
No shit Sherlock. Has nothing to do with the fact that Islam was invented several hundred years after Christianity has established themself in Europe.
Good that the based pagans of India were not weakened by the jewish plot of Christianity, otherwise they might haven been conquered by the mudslimes!
>Look at all the (((Witch burning))) christians made
Look how based pagans burned witches
The only issue with Catholicism is that its beliefs are dependent upon the Pope and Clergy. Protestants in contrast will ALWAYS be anti-Jew because their beliefs are based on the Bible. We can look back on history and point out bad things that many Christians have done; but its stupid. The vast majority of Christians today, assuming they know ANYTHING about their faith, will distrust Jews as Christ-killers, the children of the devil, a brood of vipers and hypocrites. That goes for Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox.
All those who think otherwise do not know anything about their faith. Our job should be to remind them what Jesus said; not to waste our time here insulting one-another.
The religion is Jewish in it's origins. We should not accept any abrahamic religions and stick to our pagan roots. Any christian sect is ripe for Jewish subterfuge.
This sort of reply is idiotic. Do you really think anyone is going to be swayed by this?
If you really are a pagan then I would ask that you read some Christian literature. The entire thing is considered, even by liberal Biblical scholars, to be anti-Semitic. The gospel of Matthew is supposed to be the most anti-Semitic and is supposed to encourage the absolute separation of the new Christians from any Jews. Matthew emphasises that the Jews are the eternal enemies of Christians and that they have accepted the curse for killing Christ upon their own heads, and upon all of their children for the rest of time. .. AND that is how Secular people see it. Try reading what sort of the more religious types thought, like Martin Luther. Pro-tip: he advocated burning their talmuds, destroying their homes, refusing to let them settle in your lands, not protecting them from bandits when they traveled on the road and generally either having nothing to do with them or annihilating them.
But you're almost certainly just a shill, so whatever.
Fight about religion D&C
that´s why they literally built temples over pagan holy sites right?
and yet before christians came here we never had problems of jews and mudslimes triying to infiltrate
if by that you mean Rome and Greece remember that those were in contact with (((Certain elements))) and eventually got infiltrated by them
And yet he practices a religion that came from Israel, which was known by one of the earlier figures, Abraham. And they were all hooknosed rats. What makes you think that christcuckery will never be subverted when it's happening every day?
Satan i know you are to busy playing blackjack and snorting warp dust out of some daemonette´s booty but you gotta understand that unlike "X is not white" this is not shit flinging and speculation
it is a known FACT that Christianity is Jewish and NOT Evropean
we must stop christianity or else we will be subverted by the eternal jew
we must get ourselves clean from the semitic poison
So circumcision is not biblical? Probably a Catholic forgery like so many.
Curious that circumcision as a regular procedure, beside of judaism and islam, can only be found in Protestant countries
If it's the best weapon against the jews, how come they're still around, and not just still around, they're more powerful than they've ever been? Before christianity, there were no jews in Europe. Your first inclination is to post all of the times they were expelled, but they were constantly let back in because of christian tolerance.
Go back a step further. Christian infiltration into roman politics is what led to the downfall of rome. That was the actual main cause. Once rome was subverted by christians, became the holy roman empire, it targeted and destroyed pagan people and libraries. Because of the disarray caused, it weakened rome and made it easy to break because the (((holy roman empire))) was targeting itself.
Christianity has made the jews more powerful than they've ever been. When does it start to be a weapon? That's the same line of thinking as, "true communism/socialism has never been tried." What's in common here is that all three are made by jews, and thus it only serves jewish interests.
You know what's a real weapon against jews? Redpilling people on jews, it doesn't require semitic worship. Somehow you have it in your head that actively worshiping a semite hurts jews. Zig Forums is proof that simply informing people on what jews do to make this world a worse place is more than enough to attack jews. Zig Forums has done more in less than two decades than what christianity has done in two thousand years.
You're willing to call that bot posting when these posts are blatantly recycled script? See:
Maybe the real bot in this thread is there to follow OP's lazy message.
Interesting. These posts are from the same TOR exit node. This thread is filled to the brim with shills and they're replying to each other.
And the entire reason the pope sent Normans there is because King Harold was Orthodox.
….because Rome was not schismatic heretic before then.
Roman Catholic church has always been Protestant. Both are in agreement on filioque, on absolute divine simplicity, on Anselm BS, etc. Neither is doctrinally sound.
I already said like twice ITT that the jews are all dead. Whoever the liars are they aren't jews. The Bible teaches us this. All we know about the real Jews we mostly know from the Old Testament. They were prone to piss off God, feel his wrath, and repent. We know for a fact those people are not the same people as the "jews" in the New Testament. The Bible literally explains this.
Paganism could never unite whites. It failed. This is what you are called LARPagans. You're LARPing about something that failed; as if something dead has the strength to prevail. It's gone because it was too weak to unify men. Christianity took all that was good from European paganism and honored it by incorporating it into the faith and traditions.
Christianity is a Jewish religion, created by Jews, with a Jewish holy book (old testament) that is universalist among humanity and thus says that all races are equal and accepted. They feed niggers, have corrupt leaders, encourage racemixing, and give Jews their own special category, often with reverence. Until most or all of these facts change, fuck it.
that´s why the only time Europeans have fought aganist eachother were when romans came (and i already talked about the (((Subversive forces))) plaguing the roman empire)
like said if christianity is truly the definitive white nationalism religion how come that in 2000 years of christianity there have been shitloads of brother wars how come that mudslimes and jews who never set foot on europe (Untill the romans came and then again romans brought Christianity here so there is that) and now start spamming Pope quotes about burning jews and pics of luther saying "Gas the kikes race war now" but Facts are Facts and the Fact is:
Have we seriously reached this point? Like… Seriously? You think there was no conflict between the various Gallic tribes, the Brythonic tribes, the Germanic tribes? You SERIOUSLY believe that?
There's just no point bothering replying anymore. At least when you Kikes pretend to be pagans and bring up some relevant points you can bait me into a proper discussion; but at this point what you're spouting is just idiocy. I hope you are actually a shill because otherwise this is just sad.
Fucking wew lad
what a fucking easily debunked crock of shit
"I'll take 'What is feudalism?' for $1000, Alex."
The fuck is twitter staff doing here? I'm not just a bot there, but a bot here, too? It's called hiveminding, you stupid faggot.
you realize that feudalism appeared after the downfall of rome after they got christianized right?
read my previous post and you will see what i was talking about in that aspect
I usually skip religious threads because they're all shit. Is this just another episode of Zig Forums coming here to proselytize and saying "convert to my specific denomination, look how based this guy who lived 700 years ago was"?
dis guy knows about the jews and their lies
Dunno, I was born and raised a Catholic, and haven't really cared about Orthodoxy until recently due to the many controversies with the current Pope. I do agree that the Pope has a bit too much power in the Catholic hierarchy and perhaps the less internationalistic approach of modern orthodoxy may be better, but even if I converted, I don't think there's any Orthodox churches here. Only really the Catholics, the protestants and a few other smaller denominations, but not any Orthodox places of worship.
Don't you mean the (((Dutch)))?
Gott Mit Uns brother! It constantly flabbergasts me that so many here completely IGNORE the fact that National Socialism is a CHRISTIAN movement. Straight from the mouth of the Furher!!! I grew up Baptist and we were basically taught that Jews were at least as bad as any other sinner, and that all of Christianity were the true Chosen. This is true Christianity. The kind that wants to retake the Holy Land. Now, i think its one thing to be unaware of a truth, but completely another to deny it when shown valid proof. Im convinced that other than a few true Pagans who were probably raised by alternative parents, all the Pagans and Athiests on here are jewish shills. Jews dont hate Pagans, or Athiests, they haye Christians. Because we have in our blood, that which they may never have back- pure Aryan blood tracing straight back to Adam, with no taint of Cains evil blood. REMEMBER- The word Jew was put into the bible, BY JEWS. At the time of Christ there were no Jews as we know them- there were White Aramaic Isrealis, and Caananites, who were shit skins. It was Esau who crossbred with these children of Cain, and created the race of Edomites who now take the title of "jew" White Christians always have, and always will be, the true Chosen people of God. We WILL retake the Holy Land. DEUS VULT!!!
You Anglos are a race of self righteous cocksuckers