Dead Fucking Weight


There is no branch of the US military which, in 2018, has more non-White males than non-White females.


Attached: Military Demographics 2018 - (((Council on Foreign Relations)

What use does the Army have for hiring so many black women?

Hopefully making them infertile.

Take solace in the fact that the armed forces are somehow still majority white

Equal opportunity representatives.

Army still has to eat - cooks and admin mostly

uffff… saved

The fuck is this cuckchan shit?

If only they actually did anything.

They could help rebuild Iran


semper chimichanga y corona cabron

They have no use for them, they are just not legally allowed to discriminate and hire capable intelligent or fit people anymore. The question is why do so many black women apply, word must have spread that it is an easy life for them since they know they won't have to actually do any fighting.

Would you eat anything a nog cooked?

Please note that in this graph it puts spics in with whites too

my mexican gf's uncles drink corona whenever we have BBQs

I'm out of this thread


They get the jobs that a white guy with a head injury could do, but they do it for 20 years and collect a pension while fucking up the paperwork non-stop.

What the fuck are you talking about dumb nigger?


But again, let me reiterate: Its not JUST the niggers.
Every single racial group, except Whites, has more women of that group than men of that group in the US Armed Forces, across all branches and individually.

US military has basically become non-White women's …. third?… tenth?… seven-thousandth?… Whatever: Its become another form of welfare.

I almost can't believe this is a real statistic, but I've been saying that a lot since coming to Zig Forums those many years ago, and yet again, there it is.

Here's another

Roughly 1 in 5 officers, across all US branches of military, are women.

… Oh my god. That's what it is.
You asked, 'why are so many black women joining the military?', and I was prone to say welfare, but thats not it, or at least, that's not ALL of it.
I was thinking, 'ew man, these combathots must have trains run on them fucking constantly', and then it hit me: Its White men.

The US military is overwhelmingly White men.
These mudsluts want our precious seed, and they know the military is a great place to meet White men who're primed for easy pussy.
Boys, they're after our vital fluids.

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This is an Zig Forumsblic Service Announcement for all active US military forces of a Caucasoidal persuasion:
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT fraternize with the non-White mobile miscegenation unit distributed liberally throughout our armed forces, or, in the event such operations become absolutely necessary due to conditions on the ground and/or to maintain ethno-national security, internal essence liberation is strictly prohibited upon pain of dishonorable discharge and honorary deWhitening .

Hurray, majority of the israeli foreign legion is cucked Whites. What a relief.

Don't get me wrong, if you don't work like a slave, the shit will kill you. Eat big to get big.

majority white military forced racial integration

Attached: Mein Kampf No Really.jpg (609x343, 69.64K)

Anyone who thinks the army are our guys need to fucking remember that their goal is an all non-white army.

Why was this thread bumplocked?