This might seem like a honeypot thread, but I'm genuinely interested in meeting people IRL to form a cohesive bond among other like-minded white men that you just can't find in your local communities
How would we go about doing this, gents? I'm at a loss because there is no way to privately message one another on this platform, anyone you speak to could potentially be a spy who wants to harm you financially, socially, or even physically, and some people don't want to leave their computer and get active with others.
IRL activity, not protests/rallies but forming relationships with set boundaries is the first step to attaining a future worth having. One man is an island, but a group can do a lot of damage to ZOG by making their own community.
even if you are the genuine article, you'll probably meet plenty of CIA or FBI agents sage for what either is or may as well be a honeypot thread
Lincoln Flores
how is that bad?
Hudson Morales
It's just not a good idea to meet with anons from here. Really you can't trust anything here if you take it to IRL.
Adrian Scott
How are we supposed to get anywhere then? It's depressing living among the normies with the real people to lament with and maybe search for a solution.
Carson Bell
you forgot the t. CIA at the end of your post
Ryder Allen
You can be cynical all you want. In fact, people will only get more cynical the more they sit in their heads alone with no one around who sees the world they do.
Jeremiah Stewart
This place is a containment chamber, problem is that we are not suppose to get anywhere. As soon as we try we are derailed-infiltrated by the kikes and the glow in the dark nigger. It is hard not to get too depressed but it will take hard stoicism to face the future.
Alexander Wright
How self-aware of you. Just don't eat the brownies, faggot.
Don't do it here people are adverse to any kind of cohesion due to paranoia of which isn't misplaced so, I suggest making a ((Discord)) (although it's not good for privacy but it's the #1 service atm) anonymously, meaning do all you can to secure your IP address and real identity, get to know some people in "politically right" groups, build up contacts, etc. It's tough and lots of people will try to call you out for being an agency but it's doable, you only need to build up a trusted in group and then expand from there. Never incriminate yourself, be prepared to be put on a list. Of course you know all of this, you just need to put your mind to it more than you are now.
Sebastian Rodriguez
this place (((Zig Forums))) exists to foment JEW hate so NGO's such as the JDIF, THE ADL, THE SPLC can seek funding in conjunction with Law Enforcement. If you think the Holohoax is a lie, the biggest lie of all is that Zig Forums is not a creation of the JEWS themselves.
Matthew Reyes
HAHA guys he's right, lets all prove we are strong Hortler loving ANONYMOOSES by posting out Facebook accounts in this forum!
in the off chance you're legitimately looking for companionship OP, it'd be easier to find other, quieter places on this site to meet like minded folks without rousing too much suspicion like you did with this thread
Sebastian Young
Jews created and manage this site for shekel funding. It's what Jews do, defraud, and then deflect blame onto their victims.
I spent a bunch of time meeting internet weirdos in my 20s without getting doxed. It's not impossible but you have to be ready to bail or defend yourself. Minor OPSEC is a good idea; never use your real name at first, but don't go around calling yourself like jewstomper666, use a common name that is easy to remember. Use a burner phone, pick a time and a place and the person with the bigger balls identifies themselves first.
Arranging a meeting here though is lunacy, find a smaller place where you can have some real back and forth and size people up. Are they a drunk sack of shit prone to emotional outbursts? Maybe don't want to meet up with that guy. Are they going to flip the fuck out during a purity spiral if you don't agree with them entirely? Pass.
Ideally you can find another avenue of talking with someone, figuring out if you're either somewhat closely located, or will be attending some of the same events (works great with hacker conferences where no one else uses their real names anyway), and go from there. Set some ground rules before any sort of meetup, like no pictures. Use a burner to help if someone gets lost or bails.
I don't recommend that people actually meet up, but in my 20s I really didn't give a shit and I was fit and ready for a fight so it wasn't really a big deal. I was also flying around the country regularly and I would meet up with people from IRC that I had been talking to for months or years, so they had no idea where I actually lived, they couldn't track me home or even back to my car. But if I were to do it today, I would do something like that again, not in my immediate city, for short periods of time, probably in a public place like a bar with a patio where you're not likely to be overheard. Prepare to be underwhelmed. It sounds like more fun than it is, but a little goes a long way, especially when they have virtually the same opinions as you.
There are or were some britpol fags on here that usually have a long thread going that have met up and such, they had some goals together and I haven't heard of any major falling out with those guys. Maybe tap them and see if they have any suggestions.
Fuck off FBI, don't you have some elections to rig or something?
Aaron Brooks
Genuinely curious as to how many of your superiors cocks you throated to be given this cushy low stress job of baiting overweight neckbeards on an online anime forum into something incriminating
Jonathan Rodriguez
so what area code is everyone at?
412 here
Charles Torres
412 here too bro, wanna meet up?
Jose Butler
Same here, which is why I don't meet people off the internet any more. Turns out some of them were into some pretty sick shit once you got to know them.
Evan Brown
You'll meet plenty of trannies.
Jackson Lee
That pretty much sums up what I experienced as well. Lot of broken people on the internet.
Bentley Russell
You know what, heck I'll do it. Could use talking to some cool dudes. Hit me up at [email protected]. Interests: Qanon, /qresearch/, BBQing, militias, antiques roadshow, donald trump, israel
About that, how might you know if someone is an agent? I recently met a guy who seems out of place where I know him from and is all too interested in listening to me talk.
Thomas Green
I have an idea, one that is 100% safe and extremely effective. I know it works, not only because I have done it myself, but because it has been done by countless others. Meet your neighbors and people in your community Chances are they are more redpilled that you would think. They are also more open to learning than you think. They will be there for you should shit kick off or should you have an issue, unlike random anons across the planet. Unless Then my idea is move to a better neighborhood. Also, I know you might be (((shy))) or (((socially awkward))). No you aren't, you just have been tricked in to thinking everyone is fucking cucumber levels of cool via (((media))) and in reality everyone around you is a sweaty palmed mess that makes an ass out of themselves 45% of the time on a good day. In reality it doesn't matter because every person knows they do it too and don't give a shit unless you spontaneously ejaculate on their grandmother or children. So, meet neighbors and rebuild the communities that are in desperate need of it since the kikes fed everyone 800cc's of (((Social Media))).
Nicholas Carter
They glow in the dark and are susceptible to getting run over by cars.
Also these words of wisdom. I am 90% sure everyone else on here are kikes, niggers and pajeets and the only difference is how well written their scripts are. I even question if I am a nigger 25% of the time and I have access to a mirror.
Connor Adams
Yesterday Today Now meeting people Meeting people is fun
Logan Jackson
I fellnfornthis bullshit meme once… the guy wasn't even white (go figure) and spent most of the time trying to convince me that he was just because several generations ago one of his relatives on his mom's side was kind of white once like that changed him from a spic to a white man, don't do it, it's not worth it, form your own group end of story
Nolan Scott
Sometimes tried to avoid him, sometimes I would go with it. Only a couple of times did I have a real conversation with him. I even asked why he supported Zig Forums despite being a shitskin and he didn't know. Worse part is he has posted here before.
Robert Russell
I actually read all of that, and it is a great story, but you had a weak beginning and it needed something to kind of tie it all together and make sense. I think if you add Right at the beginning it will help the reader really grasp what you are getting at and the reasoning of your actions, and the story itself. Other than that, great stuff.
Aiden James
(checked) Golly gee. Thanks. Forever in debt to your priceless advice
possibly, i work nights so not available most of the time. near dormont. no gay sex pls
Lincoln Bailey
Tel Aviv? Upper West Side, NYC? Bethesda, MD? Boca Raton, FL? Lot of convenient places
Dylan Brown
It's not if you want to be entraped for crimes they encourage you to commit. I used to be in a right wing militia and I used to deal with these people. At the time I didn't know they were FBI because I was young and naive. People think they get you to do really crazy shit like building bombs or committing acts of violence but it doesn't work that way. Instead they befriend you and get you to commit various small crimes to build a case against you. Things like smoking marijuana, hooking up illegal cable for you, little things you don't think about.
Jonathan Hughes
Like pottery.
Nicholas Cox
William Diaz
Hey guys, I'm behind the Walmart in the cardboard box, stop by if you wanna talk
Eli Martin
and it fucking is a honeypot thread.
Owen Myers
My fucking sides
Just meet up at your favorite bathhouse so they can't wear a wire. You big faggot.
Brayden Peterson
See, this is what I'm talking about, clearly FBI:
Jacob James
I gave you some crackers and water. I hope you found some shelter, friend.
I'm Pakistani but I love Zig Forums. Anyone in NYC here?
Luke Kelly
No, this actually happened in America. There's a shocking amount of homelessness out there despite the "greatest economy of all time ever forever." Really makes me think about economic statistics
Colton Turner
Queens neighborhood where there are tons of Pakistanis. Not meeting up, Imran. Sorry.
Grayson Mitchell
oy VEYYYYY i just bought a new condominium in Venice Beach you goys er guy hehe should come visit me
idk, what is your favorite Zig Forums meme in 2018 so far?
Isaiah Flores
I was in a thread during a Trump rally and posted that I was up front wearing a red jacket. someone else replied that they had two flags. I looked around and locked eyes with this Zig Forumsack. Talked a bit and that was it. He had already met up with someone with an 8 of spades in his hat.
Grayson Foster
memes have been stale since like 2016 I don't even pay attention to them anymore to be honest.
The ADL, SPLC, and OPP themselves are just intelligence fronts for the CIA and DoD.
Adrian Ramirez
Meet people around you, youre gonna be surpised just how far their eyes are open these days.
Levi Cook
It's not Jews per se. It's the US military and its PSYOP units. The owner of this website (Jim Watkins) is a CIA / US military intelligence asset.
Owen Jones
interesting assessment user, I was much brainstorming similar openers to his long winded livejournal. perhaps
its like kikes are unable to envision life without being a literal scumlord,
Julian Baker
The second you centralize and coalesce IRL they have something to target, and they can run a game on you they've been practicing for thousands of years by this point. And they're better at it.
By contrast, the internet and anonymity pushes their shit in on an unprecedented scale. Which is why they're trying to destroy it.
In the future I'd bet "men's clubs" will start being a thing again. Not strip joints, but old school Men's Leagues. And bars will become safer places to talk too.
Brody Collins
this is not something I would do. Look what happened to that guy selling guns on Zig Forums
Ryder Myers
No. Don't do this. There are no benefits and only risks.
You can find people who are on your side in your town or city, but this is now how to do it.
Robert Ward
Face to face user, that's my advice to you.
Christian Allen
That logic is straight up retarded - especially the fact that you even posted it here, being an incredibly Jewish thing to do.