ANTIFA doxes 1500 ICE employees

ANTIFA doxes 1500 ICE employees

The Twitter account “nebraska antifa” sent out a tweet to its followers on Tuesday that linked to the personal information of ICE officers compiled from information found on LinkedIn.


Attached: antifa.PNG (1088x700, 1.15M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sooner or later, these faggots will learn to not mess with hardworking white men, removing the filth from their country. As well as the spic race traitors who hates their own kind as much as Zig Forums hates kikes.


Speaking of doxxing, i doxxed David hogg:

9800 Bay Leaf Ct, Parkland, FL 33076

Wew lad. This oughta be good.

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LinkedIn shows you who viewed your profile. It won't be hard to find the common links between the 1500 accounts. If we can get data from a few of the agents then we can see the most recent viewers of their profile, check their social media then drop a counter-dox.

Yes. It was always going to end this way.

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Fortunately this won't buy the political Left many allies - even people sympathetic to their recent kvetching about Spiclets.

A lot of people accept that these are just people doing their job that have no say in the laws that they do or do not enforce.

i believe the saying is "Do it faggot" ???

so sounds like a cool idea … ur not gonna do it

the left arent people , the left are animals, remember this, it will save your life

and this is why i will never use that piece of shit

People are animals.

Dropping this old antifa list from a few years ago.

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I like animals. Animals are fascinating to study and always contribute to their local biomes in a symbiotic fashion. I see the left as more of a virulent bacteria culture.

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Working on it now but I can only contact so many of the agents and they're probably marking my messages as spam.

I like wolves and dogs.

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Nothing will happen to the kike run antifags.

This is 100% accurate. Sage for a newfag thread.

Sure. Nothing at all. Sleep tight sweetheart. ;^)

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I have 2 dogs, named them John and Luis

Here's the identity of the antifa leaker:

antifa fighting the system's goons?
how very fortunate.

I hope they know this isn't a situation where they can call the cops if shit goes south like they normally do.

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I'm glad I took the time to read this picture. Holy fucking shit.

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This board has an average IQ of 5 due to morons like you


But you didn't tell him how he was wrong. :^)

Here's the faggot that started it.

Name is Sam Lavigne, apparently some art school professor.

Attached: dox him.jpg (918x906, 318.64K)

thanks sweetie fixing to pay him a visit

Speaking of that, Seattle University professor of philosophy Yancy Dominick is helping with behind the scenes work for ANTIFA.

Your welcome

You won't do shit.

The guy (Sam Lavigne) wrote an article for medium showing how he used a simple program to scrape the LinkedIn profiles of all these ICE agents.

I didn't read the article but he definitely used web scraping, meaning the script probably just went through and found all people who listed "ICE" or "DHS" (I'm unfamiliar with these american agencies) on their profile and collected all their information (names, contact info, previous employment, probably connections, etc…) into a database. The DATABASE is what is being shared around. These people aren't manually going to each of these people's LinkedIn profiles.

Not a professor. From memory, he was a teacher at an arts school
His dox is in the other thread

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Cry more faggot. Since the inception of Zig Forums all you guys say is "day of tthe rope" or "soon theyll pay". at least you enjoy larping

but what will he do to me oWo



If we confirm the home address(es) of the Antifa domestic terrorist doxer all it will take is blasting info to local PD officers and the faggot will have to move. How to get the info? Put the evidence together in a way a comp illiterate can understand, on a single sheet of paper, and a local user can print out the sheets and leave them on cop cars for a few days. Word will spread. If user is caught leaving sheet, talk with cop and explain what he's *tipping*, shouldn't be a problem.

༼♥♥༽ I dox then fuck ;^0

as per Fonda's Twitter instructions?

The kike went silent yesterday after people got his dox and started throwing it in his face.

James Woods is starting to pound on that Fonda ass.

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These are all Mexicans
Racist bigots!!!

That guy is being funny as shit.

Good thing the spics have been pouring in for 10+ years huh? The latest round, the most angry and bold, started coming in as """children""" and think of themselves as reconquista la raza warriors.

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source on the guy run over?

He's sitting on a blanket, it is a protest where he is hugging the tire so it won't move.

4chan's too busy sucking on feminine penis to care. Welcome to the future.


How did james woods make it though hollywood with his soul, his butthole and his money all intact? THe shit that comes out of that man's mouth is legendary.

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Then why don't we dox them?

What do we have to do to get antifa listed as a terrorist organization?

Aren't they already? By DHS I thought I saw.

Tommy Boy needs a visit from /baph/

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It still active?

I think that was one state government.

was Vince being killed a hoax or not?

I think he just outplayed them. Supposedly he has a legit genius level IQ. He's one of my heroes.

That's a start. We need Antifa declared terrorist Federally. Once that's done it'll give Eurobros credibility in pushing for that in Europe. Realizing Antifa is international (like the kike) makes it bigger than only a domestic terrorist org. It's an international terrorist org with domestic terrorists which makes them traitors. We need to get Antifa commies hung on livestream with TTS enabled.

It wasn't even a formal deceleration. Just some press release type thing:
This too. btw:

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