As long, as the kike-parasites, live on this planet...

As long, as the kike-parasites, live on this planet, we aryans will always have wars and financial crashes! There is only one solution… ZYKLON B!

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I don't eat as well

Zyklon B was a delousing agent used to sanitize kikes before granting them room and board in safe and well supplied containment camps.

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oh, I thought we were talking about the (((meat industry)))

It's funny . ZB really was used for the comfort of everyone. Maybe if judea hadn't declared war on us then things could've turned out differently.
Also the holohoax is a damnable Jewish lie

We need natural and organic memes!

I know, that there was, no holocaust, but exactly that was the problem! We should have gassed them, when we had the Chance!

Pajeet get back to street duty



Who's raiding us?

Fuck off Paco, just because Hitler recognized your kind as Aryan, doesn't mean I have to like you.


If you mean shoving Nazis, fascists and racists into a room and then dropping buckets of it into the room and watch them whimper and cough and hack before going quiet, then yes, that is a solution

Fuck Nazis, Fuck Aryans and Fuck Racists

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Fuck off with your avatarfagging, paid shill.

nice thread you got yourself here……

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wew lad. I'm gonna build some castles out of it considering you'd dump it in the dead of winter.

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Why would you delouse, feed, and shelter somebody, just to kill them?

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>tfw the dethroned shitskin BO is clumsily sock puppeteering as some liberal shitheel so he can whine in the metathread about how bad the board is now that his false flagging faggotry /intl/ is here.

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It's a (((mystery)))

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Shitty 2 lines slide