*blocks your greenscreen*
*blocks your greenscreen*
Kikey please.
You are literally pushing everyone away from this board with your low iq filtering of threads.
I'm happy to keep posting as long as you keep changing your IP and bumping a shit thread with no context to it.
.we already left dude, just check in occasoonally to see if he got ousted again with RAID
faggot kys
Nigger, you can't even say kill yourself right? This is pure cuckchan.
Your thread is shit.
Youre worthless. Please stop.
man, you really showed me
you're more worthless
but hes right you are worthless nigger
but I'm right too
you're an even more worthless nigger
yea, yea.. it looked like shit. I have thought they had strange loooking feeds for a while now. But this shit is ridiculous, nothing can produce that other than some fishiness.
t. graphics
You must have been on stress leave from the hotpocket hq. Kek.
That's some awful fucking greenscreen.
could based trump be stooping any lower at this point
Kikey we hate you and not in a funloving way
Its like they dont even try anymore
It's just really shitty greenscreen and an 'interview' on Fox as far as I can tell.
kill yourself kikey
Came to this thread cause i thought THE SAME EXACT THING when this was broadcasted as OP
predicted roach would be bitching as usual. Glad thread wasnt auto removed because it wasnt approved prooganda