Shakira selling Nazi-like trinket for El Dorado tour.
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Oooh baby when you Hail Victory like that… you make the kikes go mad!
Archive that turd.
Are you the real MoonMan?
yeah ok jews.
Holy shit it's real.
Ha Ha even popstar Shakira is infinitely more based than all the NeoCon jew supporting MAGApede spastics combined that we've had to endure on here over the last few years
Good on you girl
Nice. The fire rises.
Minority women who race mix with white men become the biggest white supremacists there are. They derive their status and worth from their man and his race.
Latina women exist to serve BWC and carry Aryan children in their womb. Zig Forums will deny this.
She’s Lebanese, Spanish, and Italian. She’s not Norwegian but she’s not a spic either. She’s white in my book.
Sage because off topic thread
Daily reminder
I dunno that doesn't look like the normal ashkeNAZI trinkets I've seen… Pics related are the typical ashkeNAZI trinkets the jews/jewlovers sport.
jewish MAGApedos upset at Shakira's infinitely more based antisemitism
Thats because its a sonnenrad, a sun wheel, which has ties to ancient Germanic pagan worship, and supposedly SS occult rituals, lately its been one of many symbols being coopted by white nationalists.
I like mine better. But holy fuck the fire rises when a pop star is selling black sun memorabilia for a world tour. That'll red pill her fans quickly lol.
I know exactly what it is. I'm pointing out that jews are the ones that flipped the anti-semitic pejorative onto the NSDAP. I can't find a single piece of German literature where the NSDAP referred to part members as "NAZIs".
The closest word I can find is "ashkeNAZI" which is the most numerous breed of jew.
I hate celeb worship but she is an honorary aryan for this redpill assault
Waiting on her first JQ/Race realism pop song probably titled
"Krush the Lies"
"My nose is small, and I'm tall"
"Mis suenos con mi tio Adolf"
I'm with this user, I am fucking chuffed about this
Now we can get away with wearing a blacksun pendant in public without scaring the normies, just say its Shakira memorabilia lmfao.
Is she /ourthot/ now?
"Nazi" is exclusively a slur. It is a contraction Ignatz, the Germanic form of the name Ignatius. Ignatz became 'Natz, which became the pejorative Nazi.
Shakira is interesting, haven't really looked much into her. Her dad was born in the U.S. to Lebanon immigrants, her mom is an Italian/Spanish mix… I always assumed she was Latina based on her incorporation of Spanish into her music but she actually looks rather Caucasian. She could be an interesting factor for influencing the Central/South Americans against the Jew. She has Dora Marquez and her Explorer Girls in the palm of her hand.
Dubs confirm.
There is still a chance that she doesn't know the meaning of that and was from her mom or grandmother/father
Considering the spanish origin it is possible her ancestors read some of Evola's work.
Publicity stunt, they swapped it out for a different design already.
Born on 2 February 1977 in Barranquilla, Colombia, she is the only child of William Mebarak Chadid and Nidia Ripoll Torrado. Her paternal grandparents emigrated from Lebanon to New York City, where her father was born.[28][29][30][31] Her father then emigrated to Colombia at age 5. The name Shakira is Arabic ( šākirah), from which language it translates as "grateful". It is the feminine form of the name Shakir ( šākir).
"Latin" isn't a race you nigger, mestizo is. There are pure white latinos as well as mestizos who don't speak a word of Spanish.
She's fucking Lebanese, moron.
Sorry i don't support israel.
She is doing more to the cause than any larper here who is waiting for when shit hits the fan.
how about no
yes i want total war with your pic related in the sheets please
wtf i love jews now.
Go back to kissing based shakiras ass
I don't care if a meteor or some shitskin that kills off the kikes.
Her Husband in that pic is a kike. She has kike spawn
Lebanese isn't a race either. She's culturally latina and racially a light-skinned mestiza.
As a castizo living in Colombia with Amerindian ancestors from El Dorado, now I want this.
Not true. She has one parent who is Spanish/French ancestry and another parent who is Lebanese
t. Colombian
Yeah ok, granted.
No, her husband is a Catalonian soccer player
yeah, its illuminati for sure.
all hollywood jew-puppets wear this occult bullshit.
all these JIDF shills. lmao.
fuck off kikes
No, her husband is Benjamin McKenzie (((Schenkkan))). And she's not spic she's Italian
Her husband is Gerard Piqué, a Catalonian soccer player. I'm a spic, do you really think you know your Shakira facts better than me?
Really? They changed it to a non-Aryan symbol? Unfortunate.
Alright then. This was interesting. Save it as a redpill and stop sucking her jugs like some thirsty NEETs.
Same. To bad that they shut it down
You have to go back
Nigger I'm Iberian. I was talking about Morena Baccarain, the huezellian whore in who is indeed married to a Dutch kike. Congrats on Shakira not being a coal burner though buddy
b-but 8/pol/ told me only whites can only come here, this makes no sense…
Is that Watson, the eternal anglo "detective"?
this, spics need to gtfo, esoteric or not!
is that a natural and organic sport?
self-sustaining memes when?
who is here?
The thumbnail looks like what Shakira's twat must look like at this point.
Friendly reminder Shakira claims to be both Colombian and Arabic, fact is, she secretly hates the kikes, but will never admit it.
Don't we all
I live in Colombia you dumb motherfuckers. I have a high IQ even by White American standards, which grants me a great quality of life in a third world country. The people who flee to the US are the scum of the third world
Shouldn't you putting all that silver on our ships esclavo?
Lmao, my family used to be slaveowners back in the day. When the slaves became free by law, the niggers at my family's place didn't want to leave, so they became "servants" instead.
And then they bred with them. Good to know.
They would often have illegitimate children with the males of the family, but rarely in Colombia do Whites ever marry Blacks. Here in Colombia, being White is a symbol of pride, not a source of self loathing like in the (((USA)))
inb4 her kissing a nigger or a jew on the cheek or something at some hollywood event therefor forever making her a coalburner
Shakira has always been somewhat redpilled in my opinion.
This song is from her second album:
Mestizo is not a race. Mestizo is Spanish for "mixed-race". It is used to refer to the result of male Europeans, mostly Spanish but also Italians, French, British and what have you, having intercourse with female Native Americans.
-t. Spaniard
Yes, of course. In other words it's a racial signifier, a shorthand for, as you say, mixed white-indian blood. No contradiction here?