Racist Tom Arnold: Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions Are Lying White Trash

Racist Tom Arnold: ‘Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions Are Lying White Trash Child Abusers’

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(^'-' ),

Tom still looks like a Woody Allen cum stain

never link goywater ever again

dead c, b and a list celebs can't tweet


Isn't that the kike from the trailer park boys episode where he acts like the "good jew" by offering to pay to have sex with Ricky's wife but in the end didn't for whatever reason?

Lol it's the same guy who beat Roseanne when he was married to her and made his fortune off her alimony

Fuck off Tom. Nobody gives a shit.

Why the fuck did he decide to mention us? Jesus H Christ what a dumb distraction from revolution. You idiots bumping this deserve to be hung by the wrists until death.

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Can't wait for him to be sued for all the coke he has left.

Trying to make himself relevant but nobody cares. Washed out actor

Isn't he a jew?


Always with the projection.

Swear to god if there was an IQ test to post, we'd have 4 fucking anons posting and none of them would be using tor

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Tom Arnold is calling someone white trash???

Well who has more expertise?

This is no surprise to anyone here.
It is yet another good example, but, again, this is at the core of the whole "Zig Forums revelation."
Furthermore, the entire mainstream media apparatus (on both sides) is owned and controlled by jews. This is how they get away with the massive double standard. Very few in the mainstream news calls them out on anti-White bias, and essentially NO ONE calls out the massive jewish influence in the "hate Whitey" culture.
The WHOLE POINT of the "anti-racist" movement is NOT to "end racism" or some crap they spew. The point is to HURT WHITE PEOPLE and further the ongoing genocide of White people.
They are motivated by HATRED of White people.
(this includes the demented anti-racist Whites who have been taught to hate themselves and their people)
The warped culture of "anti-racism," marxism, and "leftism" in America is the culture of "kill Whitey."

It is good to point out the hypocrisy and jewish crypsis of the "anti-racist" crowd, but calling them the "real racists" is a counterproductive trap.
Racism is not wrong. Racism is the recognition that race is biological fact and that racial differences are real and have a huge effect on civilization.
Racism is opposing the genocide of your people.
Opposing genocide is not wrong.
Racism is not wrong.
What we need is to reestablish White countries for White people and only White people, not argue with leftists over "who is the real racists."
The correct answer to that question is: "everyone."

Furthermore, the kikes/ leftists will screech about ANY regulation/ orders about illegal aliens. Why? Because their goal is open borders and an unending flood of brown garbage to turn the once Great country of America into a brown favela shithole. That is their goal. White genocide is their goal. This is the long-term goal of the whole "immigration/ refugee" racket. Never forget that. They actually don't give a damn about the "brown children" other than as a biological weapon to use against White people.

Only White nationalism will secure a future for White people. Anything else will lead to White genocide sooner or later.

Polite sage for distraction post and "muh REAL racists." Perhaps you mean well, but lurk moar.

Anyone who was not actually in a racist panic themselves would not that term.
There is far too great a tolerance for antipol speech. PoL must work from both ends, to either get the other side act reasonable or expand the window for allowable speech for PoL. I have a feeling they would actually favor the latter, but I don't think they'll get the civil war they expect. This faggot is obviously just a sometimes paid loud mouthpiece. But they are nervous about something or feel the need to continue applying artificial pressure. Do they know something PoL's not quite certain about? Has the President failed to be accommodating enough in a way that's completely unseen to the average person of light?

The other option is: they know Trump is their bitch and need to cover it up. The probability of this is infinitesimal to none his already appearing to be one of their biggest fans.

Could the goal be to keep it seeming socially unacceptable =and dangerous= to publicly support Trump? Whatever it is, it's obvious they are displeased with him.

Does he need to bow down and personally kissed each of their asses? Or are the children afraid and think one man alone stands between them and the toys they had to play around with?

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Trash shilling.

Theres a little buzz around Tom Arnold and Michael Cohen releasing 'trump tapes'. I doubt theres anything more than just the usual bullshit, old interiews of trump being trump and such. But the usual suspects on the left are saying this is finally the end of trump(for the bajillionth time)
Its just getting more and more ineffective as time goes on. A big problem with the left. They find an effective tactic and spam it until its lost all potency. Then they question how could this tactic not work 'it must be because the right are unfeeling monsters'
No its that people are tired of their shit, which happens to be incomprehensible to them seeing as they love the smell of their own shit so much.

Tom Arnold is trying so hard to be a proper kike, but (((they)))'ll never fully accept him because he only converted, and isn't a kike by blood.


is he doing this just to piss off his ex-wife?(roseanne barr)

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every time

and you wouldn't be one of them.

Based Tom

Jew-on-jew violence.

If Larry King were still around he might ask tom a question like "so how would you react if someone called you jewish trash"? it would have been hilarious.

bio jew or convert?

He's broke and is virtue signalling to apajew for a movie role. Don't give the old junkie the attention he craves.