US White Population Declines for First Time as Hispanic, Black, Asian Grows

Demographic experts explain that the change is a result of the declining fertility of baby-boomers and growing immigration from non-white majority countries.

The white population in the US declined for the first time in history between 2015 and 2016, a report by the US Census Bureau says. According to the document, the trend continued into the following year, with the white population shrinking by 0.2%, to 197.8 million people. The report also noted that the average age of the white population in the US also rose to 43.5 years old.

At the same time, the Hispanic population grew by 2.1%, the African American population by 1.2% and the number of people of Asian origin by 3.1% over the course of the year. The average age of a US citizen reached 38 years in 2017, according to the report.

Molly Cromwell, a Census Bureau demographer, believes the aging baby boomers are the reason for the trend. A low influx of immigrants from Europe paired with a mortality rate overshadowing the birthrate has also contributed to the white population's decline, the report says.

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How to fix this:

1. Lower taxes on the working class.
2. End Welfare
3. End Foreign Aid

Whites can afford to have kids again.

Go further.

4. Get women out of the workforce
5. Offer loans to young Whites to start a family, mus be repaid in 10 years, 25% reduction per White child born in that time frame
6. End immigration intomthe US and incentivize non-Whites to return to their point of origin

Thats the only real way to fix this.

Also, this cannot be said enough: the White figures are massively inflated.

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Reminder to Read Siege

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Hey but black and hispanic unemployment are at an all time low

t. accelerationist

Its okay, you have the mind of a child and arent capable of understanding revolutionary politics. Heres a tip, what you propose leads inevitably, without question - to a white minority and violence white extermination.
Accelerationism doesnt push for a white minority, it prevents YOU from PACIFYING WHITES into DOING NOTHING BUT VOTING FOR NON-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.

Read some books, understand them and then shut the fuck up. The systems coming down and so are your luxuries, what you fear losing WE will take from you, since you would trade it for your race.

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Checked. We have been a minority for some time, and we have always been a world minority. You need to stop making shit up over shitposts though.

Reminder the Jews power over whites comes from money and the ability to buy people off.
Reminder anyone can undermine the economy easily on their own.
Reminder a bad economy breeds an angry and resentful population.
Reminder happy and comfortable people dont become revolutionaries.
Reminder poor and disenfranchised people do.
Reminder if the beer dries up, the strip club shuts down, the mail shipments start disappearing and the power turns off.. that the niggers will force whites into fighting in defense on their own, while we still have a majority and can win.

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what could possibly go wrong

I was laughing at the EU and how pathetic it was earlier, but now I see this. You know, I think laughing at another countries (((unfortunate))) circumstances isn't the way to go, we should form a global link instead of feeling some sort of pride of another countries Jewishness.

I remember the redditpedes posting data that the white population was growing again thanks to Trump's tax cuts. Guess they dropped that narrative when they started pandering to based muds.
Guess party polyticks isn't going to save us after all.

7. Outlaw condoms, birthcontrol, and abortion for whites.


Hello, rabbi.

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Who'd have thought.

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Don't forget that Jews, Arabs, North Africans, and others are all also counted as "White" according to the US government

The problem with tomorrow is that it will be no better than today.

How'd accelerationism work out for Rhodesia and South Africa faggot?

Demoralization thread. White population has been increasing since 2016.

It didn't because they never did anything to be accelerationist dumbass.


No, it has not. You read the headline, "h'white birthrate becomes majority for first time in a long time" and assumed that. The "white" birthrate also includes 2% jews and 2% moslems, so it really wasn't the majority, and moreover, immigration outnumbers births and is almost exclusively non-white. Whites are absolutely declining in population in every country and the non-whites are absolutely increasing in population in every white country, and exploding in many of their own countries (Nigeria, Afghanistan, Somalis, etc.) which are allowed to immigrate to the west.

We are in an extremely bad situation. Do not take the "things are getting better" bluepill. They are absolutely not.

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Fuck off DACApede

you sound like a DACApede


I hope you BASED xD untermensch know that real nazis will give you a bullet in the back of the neck when the time comes, really, the fear makes it all the more sweet once we exterminate you weak vermin.

Good. Nords and anglos are the niggers and kikes of the white race.

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Cuck, you are implying that a non-white can EVER win a fight agaisnt a white. We don't need numbers to win wars, we are white.
Here's th problem: most of the whites, the normalfags, will NOT fight. They will lower their heads and be raped like they where trained and bred to.

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The non Whites growing off of Whites.

I sincerely hope that you aren't just recognizing that shit is FUBAR. I know that we couldn't actually discuss it here a month ago because the Roach would've anchored anything that wasn't just "MAGA!!!", but we've known these stats (roughly) for a long time and only those who are truly deluded/ignorant knew things were getting really bad.

Oh, look, a Spielberg Nahtzee.
How droll.

Oh, nevermind, its just another Jew.

Look at this nigger trying to force the trips, even Satan wouldn't bother with you

Boomers and whites that are currently on their deathbed greatly inflate the number of whites.

Yep. Don't say that fact though or you're le blackpilling.

The only specifc group of whites that matter are the 1-30 yearolds. Those that will,and those that are able to reproduce.

Yes and they're very much outnumbered which is the bad thing.

Why do people think that those who're post reproductive wall Matters when it comes to demographics?


Why do people think that those who're past the age being capable of reproducing matter when it comes to demographics?

False. White population is going down, which means the old whites are dying faster than the new whites are being born.
That isn't true for farm equipment, garden equipment and the abacus though.
White birth rate is the stat to look out for, and that is at the top for the first time in well over a decade.
This thread, like the article: is demotivation clickbait.

I don't know. Because they're stupid? What's your point though? I've been agreeing that the young one matters - and that's why they're fucked: they're not producing enough and they're being swamped with non-whites.

Dude, actually read my posts. I've been completely saying this.

WTF, that cap.
It's "internal flesh" that's fresh as a daisy and just shedded, that's why it's bright red. Blood (and bad hygiene) just smells gross, you don't need much else to explain it.
What mongoloid women does this dude know that wipe back to front?

The shit that pedos come up with to justify being kiddie rapists.

This is the natural consequence of the government preventing us from not associating with non-whites. Constant contact with hostile others is fucking us up biologically, we didn't evolve to live our entire lives in a warzone.

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This is due to immigration not birthrates.

Native-born nonwhites have sub replacement birthrates in the US. Conservative whites have above replacement birthrates.

Demographic change is due to LEGAL IMMIGRATION, our greatest threat.

Ending welfare would pretty much do it, all by itself.
Who would come to America if they couldn't get gibs? They'd be better off staying home, where they couldn't get gibs.

Hell, a simple alteration to the welfare laws that banned welfare gibs for the first two generations of "migrants" would be all it would take. And you could sell it to the native gibbs population as "there's not enough gibbs money for YOU, if we don't stop gibbs for immigrants!"

That would end the mass influx into the nation, almost entirely.

That's not what they mean by "fertility."
They mean the number of children whites are actually having. Much of that is a choice, now.

They vote.
They vote for people that set immigration policy.


damn, some people still dont get it
no, they come to genocide you, to replace you, to take over your territory
even without gibs it is still better to beg on streets in white countries than being a top professional like a lawyer or doctor in brown countries
you think spics would not rather rape and murder in USA than have to compete for that in Mexico?
Destroy your enemies or be destroyed

The kikes want that, not the individuals themselves. They want to come here because kikes tell them it's the land of milk and honey, and they can go on welfare and be fed and housed by the stateā€¦in their countries, there is no welfare, they live in shacks made of junk, and they scrounge for food.
Of course, being fed and housed looks great to them.

Some of them actually come here to work, but don't want to apply for another visa when the first runs out, so they stay illegally. They end up taking decent-paying jobs from Americans instead of just picking tomatoes.

But none of them have invasion or conquering on their minds, that would be their leaders, as well as the Jews. And the Jews want the whites to be minorities because it weakens them, and they've always had a better chance at being parasites in multicult countries with no homogeneous citizenry.

Part of what needs to be done is to red-pill non-whites about the Jews, as well, so they have no place to really hide, multicult or not.

Head in sand. Propaganda is the main driver in making leftists, not genetics.


white population shrinking and being out birthed are two different things user.

Our % dropped but our overall numbers grew. As in everyone in america is having babies but mexicans are having more (obviously).

Dont worry user , this just means more slaves for us. Or me. Ur dumb so you wont have shit you fucking idiot.

This is false. Both dropped.

t. Conservative retard

Everyone can afford kids. Kids being expensive is a meme. The problems are a lot deeper than that.