
Apparently bitcoin did something thats not supposed to be possible

A few people on crypto twitter think it’s either time travelers or quantum computers.


Can anyone explain this to a brainlet?

Attached: bitcoin logo.png (720x720, 64.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Speaking of brainlets.
Entirely possible, or just hacking. Kiketocurrencies aren't exactly the best stores of wealth, seeing as they're not stores of wealth at all.

Aliens did it

Speaking of brainlets.


this is cryptotards version of dubs
but it's not politics so why are we discussing it?

This isn't a board for politics only.

does that mean the first general purpose quantum computer could destroy bitcoin?

Nobody said the chain could not be unraveled. This was a test by chinks or nsaniggers with their new quantum computer to see if after they fool everyone into crypto they can control the world's monies.

This is monumentally different from dubs, trips or even all digit post. The odds are against this happening in all the years the universe has existed. Or it's a l33t hax.

Your digits appear to say yes

oh shit


There's nothing special about this except to prove that you were not a fool for not investing in the electronic concepts of imaginary replacement money. This isn't land. Intangible assets are the least viable.

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Do you seriously expect everyone to follow your link in order to respond to your question? Not even a good summary or page screencap? This your first day on 8/pol/,

So am I correct in understanding that someone put a vanity message saying "OneBitcoinEaterAddressDontSend" in the blockchain and thats why everyones upset?

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This has to do with the leading zeros in the beginning of the block hash, just like in the genesis block which remains unsolved. And just as importantly, the 21e800 trailing the first 18 digits. 21e8 is important because it signifies an exceptionally simple theory of everything. Often referred to as “E8 Theory, it’s a physics preprint proposing a basis for a unified field theory, which attempts to describe all known fundamental interactions in physics and to stand as a possible theory of everything. “21e800” should happen randomly every 16⁶ ≈ 16.7 million blocks or about every 300 years on average. In order to brute this into the hash, all 24 digits would have to be predetermined.


Yea I read that but it seems like a nothingburger bro.

Like it could have been 14882316 and I wouldnt really have thought much more of it.

“The Genesis Block: Note that it starts with 43 zero bits. Why? The block target difficulty was much lower (around 32 bits), so we can assume Satoshi did this on purpose.
The Genesis Miner: The Satoshi client source code version 0.1 does not have a special routine nor a command line switch to mine a Genesis block. In fact, the Genesis block was hard-coded, which probably means it was generated by another application whose source code is unknown. Nevertheless, since BTCs were essentially worthless at that time, and there was no competition between miners, we can assume he was mining with his own (and just one) personal computer.
The Satoshi PC: A good PC CPU in 2009 could do approximately 2²² double-hashes/second.
(Taking into account NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=2, so two threads mine together). Satoshi client 0.1 did not have an optimization of these double-hashes, by backing up and restoring the intermediate state of the second hash application, so we can assume that the routine that created the genesis block did not had such optimization.
Lets estimate how much time it takes for Satoshi PC to solve the genesis block with 43 zeros:
Initial 22 bits (nonce test/second)
Add approximately 16 bits for a whole day (86400 ~= 2¹⁶)
Add approximately 2.5 bits to make it 6 days
Total bits: 41.5
So after 6 days there is approximately 17% change he may have found the genesis block. Was he lucky?
So did he let the miner working for 6 days on purpose?
The day Satoshi rested: Let’s check the genesis block date/time and block 1 date/time
Block 0: 2009–01–03 18:15:05
Block 1: 2009–01–09 02:54:25 (6 days later!)

Did Satoshi intent was to relate the six days the miner “worked” to create the genesis block to the time God took to create the world in the Genesis book of the old testament? I don’t think so, but the relation is interesting!
The nonce mismatch: Now we’ll try to check all these conjectures by analyzing the nonce size.
The nonce size in the block header is only 32 bits. Too short to try 2⁴³ possibilities. Then to achieve 43 bits zero bits in the block header hash, the miner app must have overflowed the nonce approximately 2¹¹ times, incrementing the bnExtraNonce each time the 32 bit nonce overflowed.
Now let’s look at the scriptsig in the coinbase:
04 ff ff 00 1d (1d00ffff, the Compact representation of Difficulty or nBits)
01 04 (Extra nonce)
45 5468652054696d6573203….
So the extra nonce is only 4, which means that the block was found only after 4 overflows, which means the genesis miner worked for only 4.2 minutes (estimated mean time).
I haven’t the slightest idea why these two values (2¹¹ and 4) differ by 500x.
The explanation that Satoshi did have 500 computers while mining the genesis block is unsatisfactory, since the the number of initial zero bits in block 1 is only 32. Why acquire such computing power to and then never use it again?
One of the possible explanations is that the Genesis Miner did not increment the extra nonce when the nonce overflowed, but changed the destination address of the coinbase transaction. This in turn could mean that the destination address 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa is not a valid address, but a nonce.

Can you solve the mystery?

sell sell sell

OP is a faggot

Something that should happen approximately once per year happened.

Masons did this.

Nope ur wrong
Because money is the definition of political power and this is a shitty but possibly useful type of numoniez

Trust the blockchain goy… it will take too many resources to unravel goy… we do not own and operate many secret supercomputers goy… your coins are safe from us goy… give us your FIAT currency goy… you just need pure code goy… TRUST US! NO JEWS INVESTED IN THIS! NO BANKS INVESTED IN THIS! WE TOTALLY ACCEPT AND PROMOTE A DANGEROUS TECHNOLOGY IN OUR MEDIA GOY. BE QUIET GOY. WHAT ARE YOU DOING GOY? WHY IS BITCOIN NOT GROWING ANYMORE GOY? WHY ISN'T RIPPLE NUMBER 1? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Soros, Rothschild and Rockefeller are all in Bitcoin specifically.

Money is only political power in the mind of a jew. Changing the system requires creating alternative currency, yes, but that currency must be traded against the central bank bux at first. It might be better to avoid this entirely and just physically destroy the central banks and their operators. To bring about a new system Hitler's Germany had to completely detach themselves from the old. Only by untying the economic bonds to jewish interest slavery on a national (then multinational) level can we begin to solve the JQ, imo.

We can debate the philosophy of Financial systems and appropriate societal and resource control another time though.

Here it is explained for brainlets: coindesk.com/21e800-bitcoin-satoshi-mystery-twitter-obsessing/

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If and when bitcoin starts getting hacked with quantum computes we'll just fork to something quantum resistant.

Reading that link this sounds very similar to Q larp.

dubs checked

There's a potential demonstration that the bitcoin protocol has a weakness. As cryptocurrency has potential political implications this is relevant

If you don't know shit about crypto why even post? Ignorant retards like you halt any sort of constructive discission with pure ignorance and inabilty to comprehend technical details. It's the same with all these posts, they see something they don't understand on a technical level then it's "Q LARP" "JEWS" "SHILL", it's an excuse for your own fucking retarded brain.

Kek was born by cryptofags.

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Who gives a shit.

It would bring the entire cryptographic system to its knees. Bitcoin, your bank information. Everything would be compromised. Everything.

That person has no glue how cryptocurrencies even work. He seems to be surprised that the hash is small, but the whole purpose behind missing is trying to find a small hash. It also looks like they blundered their probability calculations, but I can't understand what he's saying good enough to correct it. Also quantum computers are nowhere near to mining bitcoins. We haven't even reached quantum supremacy yet. Additionally our current quantum computers have too much noise to do a calculation that big. That's why even though we could have enough qubits to factor numbers, but there's too much noise to do it successfully. (We can factor some larger numbers that we currently can if we know the answer ahead of time by just doing a check)

Q did this

Interesting, sounds like you know what you're talking about. Can you give me any more insight on QC and the state of the art currently?

Always figured it would.

Attached: mining rig.jpg (275x183, 6.01K)

Relying on cryptology is really just another form of security by obscurity. Physical security will always be king.

So keep buying that gold, goyim.

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What hashing algo is used in bitcoin? Consider it compromised.

Someone either has access to an exahash/s of hashing power, or someone has used a quantum computer to crack SHA-256, which means that absolutely nothing electronic is safe any more. Including bank deposits and nuclear launch codes.

Gonna have to transfer everything to one time signatures. This will be like Y2K all over again, except that we don't get to start fixing shit until after it starts becoming a problem.


Well fuck, time to format and reinstall my spicy memes full disk encryption laptop.

fuck off kikecoin kike

An exahash/s is 1/40th of the Bitcoin network. More than one somebodies have that.

The odds of a block having 18 leading zeros currently is
P(1-(1/16)-(1/256)) ~ 93%.

The likelihood of occurrence of *any* specific 4 char sequence following the 0's in a hash is P((1/16)^4), or 1 in 65536. With 528493 blocks, this sequence should have already shown up about 8 times.

Looking through block history this happens exactly 8 times: blocks 26284, 83434, 187323, 259695, 304822, 349158, 437039, 475118

Here's every block with a reference of "21e8" in it. A completely meaningless number.

Sorry, meant to say "a zettahash/sec".

What's the url to launch a nuke? I want to send one or several to israel, new york and la.

and london.

It's not a URL–you would have to transmit the codes to the nuclear sub fleet.


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Somebody will have that by next year

So it's a nothingburger. Thanks user.

We can open the Wikileaks insurance files!

Depending on how long it took this person to do this, it could be a lot more. If he got it within three hours, he has a yottahash/sec.

Don't diminish this. Do check if it is real.

Not "we" user. Whoever has that damn quantum system up and running.

I'm getting serious SEL vibes from this shit

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The last mile involves a Corpsman and a 12 inch floppy. Relax.

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Do they even know how to use those?

The 21e8 thing is a red herring. It happens once per year, exactly as it should.

The real question is how frequently should we expect to see an occational block with this much excess luck?

Someone has successfully compromised the protocol, or else aliens or time travelers.

Place your bets.


this is interesting as fuck, ignore the /b/ tier posts and actually look into it.


You mean whatever CIA/NSA/FBI deepstate niggers paid to start and/or own the company? Those people? That's provided they're a U.S. government and not Chinese or South Korean.

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At least try next time, Shlomo.
Quantum computers will or have already made encryption and data security trivial.
Any data ever created can be accessed. Universe already pretty much proves this with conventional physics ffs.

but why would they choose to expose themselves in such a manner? and why would they choose some code of 0s?

It is a way to do it without revealing who they are.

All of the blocks start with a bunch of zeros. What of it?

do what exactly?

Testing an as-yet-to-be-revealed secondary or tertiary purpose to cryptocurrency algorithms maybe?

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so… some autists are reading meaning into random numbers? is that all this it? ffs why is this posted here???

Reveal the existence of a SHA256-breaking quantum computer/algorithm.


this made me want to buy.

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As far as I can tell that's exactly what is happening. They're reading meaning into something that is in all likelihood meaningless.

The reason people are freaking out is because they're assuming that the random string of numbers (that are generated as a solution to a block or whatever) were one specific solution that someone was intentionally looking for (out of many possible solutions,) implying that they had a computer strong enough to find all or many possible solutions to the block and from that list of all or many possible solutions they chose one solution in particular to convey a message.

IMO that's retarded now that I look into it. There's nothing to indicate to me that this solution isn't totally random. But I'm not an expert by any means.


where's butterflynigger, need some scope here

Simplest possible non-math explanation I can do: the long string of digits satisfies a particular algorithm. The strings of digits which do so are incredibly rare. You could try random strings for literally years on your computer and not get the right combination. This particular one is, for a variety of reasons, even more unlikely to have arisen by chance and has characteristics which mean, despite its being new, it must have been created in the past. Now this is obvious nonsense, so either a time traveler is involved or else someone has a hack for the algorithm, which means they can fuck around making the really rare numbers whenever and however they like. This also means that they can crack any hard crypto problem, probably, because math.

time traveling transactions for time travelers?

but why would they want to do that instead of using it to become multi trillionaires and crash the world economy?

pic related was posted to the article in the op

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sorry wrong image cant seem to find it but it was twatter user who explained the randomness odds

Barron is Q

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Sorry but I don't buy that unless you can help me understand this a bit more. It's a random solution to a given problem and it appears to me like you're reading meaning into the randomness, staring into the abyss. A random number generator will sometimes generate 14881488148814881488; that doesn't mean someone selected that outcome or that there's some kind of non-randomness to it. Right?

Some people care about their fellow man more than personal gain. Some people aren't kikes.

Daily reminder bitcoin uses Child Porn for its blocks

True, but the problem is how rarely you'll generate a "good" random number. In some cases - for these kinds of algorithms - it can take longer than the lifetime of the universe before you're likely to even hit one of them randomly. So the chance is certainly non-zero, but it's pretty darn small. If someone has a hack, then all those odds go out the window of course and they can do crazy shit like make the numbers satisfy properties like "this was made five years ago even though it was only made today".

wrong. math brainlet. all the solutions are equally unlikely. they're just reading meaning into a random occurence.

it doesn't matter, tho. all the solutions are eqaully unlikely. you're just reading something into a random occurence.

this is what i'm getting out of it. all the solutions are equally unlikely, whether its 0000000000[…] or 98435743985[…] – the only thing that is different is that these monkey are making a big deal out of it bc it happens to have a bunch of zeros, proving once again that Zig Forums can't into maths


no u

dump it.

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Mind explaining your math user? What significance is 1/16 and 1/256?

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That's the part I'm not understanding - where are you getting this idea from? What about the number suggests to you that it was "made five years ago even though it was only made today?"

Random numbers are weird, man. I'm trying to understand how you reading into this number any significance is any different than reading tea leaves or the like. I'm not trying to neg you I'm trying to understand. Help me understand what's so significant about the number. If it's that 1e18 shit, I don't think that's really significant. But l'm open to your ideas.

Seemingly the number of zeros denotes the difficulty level of the solution? I have no fucking idea. But I agree in the sense that it's reading significance into random numbers that aren't significant. If it was a hash that said a full sentence like CHECKTHESEDUBS1488 I'd maybe change my mind, but to me this looks like a randomly generated string. And I haven't seen anyone conclusively prove otherwise. That Medium article reads like a fucking schizo wrote it.

Read carefully next time.


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