Mexico military interventhion?

I think we should withdraw from the middle east and out are focus on Mexico. For a long time Mexico has suffered from a corrupt government and a uncontrollable organized crime problem. And we to have suffered at the down fall of mexico with people fleeing illegally to the US in immense proportions, and literally tons of drugs coming across the border every year i say we step in. I believe what's happening in the middle east affects us more then the conflicts in the middle east especially sense we share a continent.

So if we go in and try to reestablish order can a turned around mexico prosper and able to take care of its citizens, and become more stable neighbor? Are is this just a crazy thought.

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Or we could just build a wall

There is no non white welfare state you can point to. Mexico won't ever be stable same as Africa won't ever be stable because niggers and spics can't into civilization. Ask yourself, when all the European colonies were revolting, why did only the WASP colony turn into the world's powerful country while all the other colonies are still shit? We all became independent at the same time.

bringing "muh freedoms" to spicland won't change the fact that they want access to white people

AGREED. Invade, build wall, make 100 mile deep DMZ zone on Mexican side of border, send illegals back, never think about it again

in a sane world, we'd use the military to just wipe out all the cartels AND build a wall

but guess what

The cartels are probably being aided by kikes in our government so this isn't happening, the kikes get their White genocide and cheap labor and thrive off chaotic conditions. Actually doing something to benefit our country and another is out of the question.

No how about just secure the border and let mexicans deal with it

If we go in a second time we exterminate every human in the country, plant our flag, and get some new resource rich land. Not worth our nation's blood and treasure to spend eternity being police for bean niggers. Kill them all. Take everything down to the Darien Gap. That gives us Mexico and Central America. It gives us the Panama Canal. It gives a small border with difficult terrain that we can easily wall off and guard. No more Mexico.

hahaha, this is the only "military" intervention you'll be getting


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CIA niggers and jews trying to start more pointless wars? Really successful 'kids in cages' psyop so now they want to follow it up with 'Nazis want genocide/war of peaceful Mexico'.


The last thing we need to do is invade a country that 20% of our population has cultural ties to. I hate Mexico as much as the next guy, but a war with them would only unite their country and divide ours.

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The beaners who would go fight for Mexico would only benefit us in getting fucking rid of them

my guess is that it has something to do with jewish political influence and the hole open borders thing to destroy a nations stablity to force a nation to ban together with other nations that are weakend to group together under one baner under the impression of stability many hands make less work profitting off each others prosperity something something new world order globalization ruled by them destroying everything and making everyone a slave AM I CLOSE ?

Why do you want more fucking wars? You won't be making any good boy points with anyone outside the US by pushing this.

This will never happen.

The US military exists to serve isreal.

Why do you think that quarter of taxpayer dollars go to the "wars for isreal" fund.

Once again, Trump has had the power to put troops on our border since day one but instead he's been going along with the false narrative that democrat judges etc have power over him.

like removing a tumor is dividing your body

fuck off with your zero effort shitposting

You're missing my point completely, they'd act as insurgents here in the states by being the front line. The last thing we need is a bunch of terrorist Mexicans taking what's left of the South from us.

Only if a specific and uncompromising part of that "intervention" was the COMPLETE removal of all hispanics from the US and deportation to Mexico.
Also, spics build the civilization that they are capable of building. No more and no less.
Everything has a genetic basis.
Look at the history of Mexico vs the history of the US. Mexico has always been a shithole rife with internal conflict and backwardness. The US has always been prosperous and advanced and, other than an unfortunate civil war, internally peaceful. Well, until the post 1965 browns and black invasion.

They are coming here for loot, plunder, and GIBS.
They are coming here to leech off of White people.
They still hate us, though, and will kill us off and create Mexico 2.0 if they can. It is their plan.

Not a bad plan.
It's mostly desert anyway.
It can double as a wildlife preserve.

The CIA controls a large portion of the world drug trade.
Taliban bans growing poppies in Afghanistan because the quran bans drug use.
US invades Afghanistan because "muh freedums" or some made up shit.
US kills taliban (who were horrible, but…).
Afghanistan becomes largest exporter of poppy latex in world. US soldiers guard poppy fields for CIA.
Poppy latex is used to produce opiates.
Opiate abuse in the US explodes.
It's almost as if………..

No. Remove beaners.

This part would be fantastic.
Our country NEEDS to be "divided" into Whites and everyone else.
Then deport all non-Whites.
Good point.

Now you're getting it.
Brown favela shithole world with kikes as the undisputed kings of the dungheap.
That is their goal.

This must be changed.
The White men of the military must be redpilled.
Their country is turning to shit. They must be made to recognize this fact.



Nothing would explode the "BASTE spics" bullshit faster than millions of spics chimping out across the country.
White nationalism would go from sidelined to iron-hearted mainstream in an instant.

Without soros funding, just how "successful" would a spic-operated terrorist cell actually be? Seeing as mehiko's standing army doesn't even qualify to apefrica standards, how the hell are they supposed to pull of coordinated, carefully planned and precisely timed maneuvers?
All I can see is a bunch of tacos screaming viva la aztecha while trying to detonate a home-made bomb crafted out of a propane tank stolen from home depot.

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Why would we do that? There's no oil or Israel down there.

In that case they seem to have declined in recent centuries.

With the corruption in the FBI and CIA they no doubt control the drug trade themselves. The USA no longer has the will of it's people to survive as a nation. What it becomes will be a shadow of it's former self.

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This is why you give that 20% an incentive to move to the new state created by the invasion. Make Spanish the principal language, like the leafs did with Quebec and frogs. Think containment.

And you think (((ZOG))) will just let that happen? Like that hideous ugly mutt US general of yours said they exist solely to die for israel like the mutts they are.

Military/Contractor intervention is necessary south of mexico where the majority are coming from.

Why would we want to give them the excuse to barf half of Mexico into the USA as "refugees"?

Because they are sending hordes of colonizers? What happens when Texas is majority mestizo? Maybe America needs to be divided.

Is it possible to make Mexico a territory with no vote rights without turning it into a state? Welfare for Mexicans if they sterilise themselves to stop them from breeding.

jesus fucking christ what a shit thread.
you just dont seem to know when to stop glowing dontcha?

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Polk should have tried Trist for Treason, this would have been way better


if it gets enough signatures it goes to trumps desk to comment on.

This is correct in every way.

Fuck off, dipshit.

how about rather than invading mexico we set up a military police task force with the purpose of dealing with the cartels running rampant in the country. In theory this would cease the flow of illegal drugs into the country, stabilize the region so they can get back to working the land, and encourage emigration from the united states. If you actually bother to speak to some Mexicans, most of them state the reason they left in the first place was because of the drug wars. "Deal" with the problem, which prevents the media from refocusing them as refugees, and in turn tighten the border to aid military efforts. In effect you can manage the border form within the country itself. At the same time you fund opposition parties to remove the corrupt government and put in a pro-american government that's more willing to agree to our requests.

Annexation is retarded. It's taboo, expensive, time consuming, and paints you as a villain regardless of how you do it. But call it a police action and no one will give a shit. This is one of the rare situations where you can actually have your cake and eat it too.

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I’m not paying for that.
You kill every mexican or the cartels continue. You burn every single drug-related plant or the cartels continue.
1. Nonwhites cannot manage nations.
2. Kill yourself; we’re done with interventionism.
So… treason (for the Mexicans). How noble.
Yeah, nah. We’re done with interventionism.
Great argument, moishe.
Not more expensive than keeping spics here, letting them hold onto the land, and all the other costs attendant upon LETTING THAT LAND LAY FALLOW.
Whoop de shit. And?
Unless you don’t give a shit what people who don’t matter to the argument think, which is how all Europeans behaved until 1946.

But then why come then does then does how then will I get quatros tacos from the Mexican grocery store while listening to Latin American pop jamss? Did you ever think of that racist Hitler.

I was thinking of the whole "North American Union" plan that was floating around when GW "Mission Accomplished" Bush was around. Why not just make Mexico and Canada new territories of The USA? "Why the fug do u care bout spics n canuks tho?" (((most people))) will ask. Securing our borders is as simple as securing the alliance and compliance of the two countries that share our border, no doubt. Having full control and full access to Mexico and Canada will allow a strong NatSoc government to fix all of the accumulated problems of the 20th Century as well. Instead of building a wall…why not just control everything that goes on in North America? It would honestly save us about a trillion dollars that could be used to revamp all 3 countries into a Super-State with a White Ethnostate as it's core.

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Haha mm.

Agreed. The Mexican government also aids and abets illegal immigration into the US. We have an enemy state at our back door, they're kicking their way in, and we're doing next to nothing about it. We don't need a wall. We need military action against Mexico. We need to annex a tract of land stretching from the Gulf to the Pacific, deem it No Man's Land, and anyone caught it should be treated as an enemy combatant.

I honestly get a good giggle out of seeing Jews calling each other kikes.
everybody knows LOL thats the best part.

Drugs kids, drugs, Usa is a drug fueled country, Mexico is like China at opium wars, kill al drug user, including yourselves, and the problem will be solved.

The Mexican leaders are calling for their countrymen to invade America.

Or just simply station military along the border and give death sentences to those who illegaly trespass or smuggle drugs/weapons/humans. You cannot fix biology, third world is shit because of those who inhabit it.

Don't just leave it as a DMZ. Weaponize niggers against the spics. Take all of our aspiring rappers, urban youths, thugs, and basketball americans, and place them in the DMZ. Tell them they are in their own African nation and they are free to do whatever they like. Offer them money or, after a few years, food, in exchange for every Mexican scalp they present to the border patrol. The more the Nogs clear the land of Spics, the further south we push them, and the more land and raw resources we come to control. When the Nogs finally reach Central America, we gas them and control a unified, aryan, North America.

A wall is practically meaningless without people defending it.

ITT we justify an invasion of mexico

Invade mexico! That land belongs to US!

In a sane world we have a eugenics program and our leaders would be talking about how to take the land from Mexico so our people could have it.

but guess what

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That 20% you speak of isn't part of our nation. They're just living on our land. To say they have ties to Mexico is an understatement, they ARE mexican.

This country is over populated already. We don't need more people we need less. And while nigs and jews are worse, mexicans are easiest to get rid of.

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It needs to be open season on invaders but yes bring some actionable military force to the border.

If we go into Mexico with our military we need to kill everyone and allow white families to rebuild for cheap. No business or housing projects until every white American has had the opportunity to acquire their own land.

Viva los personas my niggers