Burger King Encourages Sex With World Cup Footballers "As Part Of Its Social Responsibility"

Burger King apologizes for offering a lifetime supply of Whoppers to Russian women who get PREGNANT by a World Cup player


The burger chain launched the promotion on VK – a Russian alternative to Facebook – promising three million roubles (£36,000) as well as the free food to “girls who manage to get the best football genes” and “lay down the success of the Russian national football team”.


Now Russia ENCOURAGES local women to hook up with foreign footie fans during the World Cup

HORNY Russians should have sex with visiting footie fans, an MP in the country encouraged today. MP Mikhail Degtyaryov has urged Russia's women to enjoy flings with tourists this summer - and conceive babies with them.

In a misguided attempt to help improve that team for future generations, Burger King unleashed an ad in Russia that promised vast rewards for any Russian woman who got impregnated by a World Cup player. According to CBS News, the now-pulled ad stated, “Every woman will get three million rubles [around $45,000] and a lifetime’s supply of Whopper burgers. Women who manage to get the best football genes will ensure Russia’s success in future generations.”

The public outcry was swift, resulting in the ad being pulled and the following frustrating response from BK: “We apologize for our statement. It turned out to be too offensive.” Turned out? The saddest part of the story may be the quotes from Russian citizens in USA Today, in which some say they weren’t even surprised by such an offensive ad.


Russian media mock 'husband-hunters'

The promotion caused public outrage in the competition's host nation, forcing the company to delete it. "This is a direct reflection of the level our society is at towards women," said one feminist community on the messaging app Telegram.

In advertising and in the media, Russian women are being portrayed as sexual predators hunting their prey.

Articles in the pro-Kremlin media describe the way they "bait foreign fans" and chat them up.

"Love tricks: Russian beauties catch foreign fans," said Moskovskiy Komsomolets newspaper; while the Championat sport website told of "How Russian beauties snare foreigners".

In one YouTube video, a state TV host says that "hundreds or thousands of vamps have flocked to Moscow" in the hope of meeting foreign football fans.

Sports website Championat has also been publishing a daily roundup of "top World Cup beauties", and some prominent bloggers have followed suit.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Every since peoples were moved around during their Soviet era, I don't know how mixed they are, but it's good to know some fags want to further destroy what remains of Russia. Although, if a woman was willing to do this at all (especially for Burger King shit), would say a lot about the value of the individual.

At least you put a bit more effort into this one.


Russians are racist as fuck m8.

Why do faggots always have to act as if one degenerate represents an entire country?
Why can't you spend your time with suicide instead of lying and implying like that?

Yea like they need to offer the money up, those Russian women wont be able to keep their hands off the BBC.

so many jew shit companies to boycott but I can't because I'm already not a customer.

If only they'd apologize for Burger King Foot Lettuce.

Even if they happen to be banging white guys, they aren't going to be doing the white race any favors.

Attached: 6a2.png (600x610, 564.81K)

Seriously, dude? Are you colorblind or something?

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Why are so many anons on Zig Forums haplonationalists instead of ethnonationalists? Do they not know what ethnicity means?


fuck burger king


Russia is actively trying to reverse it's demographic decline without replacing it's population. They're a model for the rest of us.

user pls


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

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Athletes don't build civilizations. They're a dime a dozen; if they weren't athletes they would be flipping Whoppers.

I fucking hate that my country is used to spawn these disgusting degenerate multinational parasites. It's been over a decade since I shopped at a big box store, ate at a fast food "restaurant" (trough more like it) and I hate every Amerifat that's supposedly my countryman but is too much of a dumb nigger to stop it too.

What are you even saying kike nigger?


Offering money to women for getting knocked up and likely becoming single mothers is pretty degenerate, but you know it's not the degeneracy they're upset about here.

Attached: euthanize me.jpg (750x701, 82.86K)

Jesus Christ man…

Yea it's a sick joke that kikes can use genetic (racial) differences when it suits their agenda. It's perfectly ok to talk about everything a nigger is better at like having a big dick and playing with a ball but if you suggest other races are more intelligent you're a raysis. I hate nigger apes and their kike masters.

Seems legit kike.

Attached: average jewish girl 8.jpg (190x266, 7.53K)

BTW the only reason (((burger kang))) cancelled the ad was so they wouldn't have to give free food to the dumb impressionable girls who already let a nigger ape rape them.

fucking hell, how did this pleb tier find its way here?

((( )))
> this is what non-chads believe
must suck that you come from a race of weakling that fear competition/getting cucked

Found the nigger ape.

How can someone put his hands on something that doesn't exist in the first place?

Attached: BBC hoax Jew.JPG (600x519 119.1 KB, 152.54K)

Russia is also undergoing the white genocide. A lot of immigrants from the former Soviet Central Asian republics.

It's amazing when you realize the liberal revolution of the 1960's globally has survived on nothing else other than by sexualizing everything. Their whoppers are good though.

why kike shills always pretend to be niggers here?
Do they really think someone is going to fall for their tricks?
Gas yourself Herschel.

Attached: how can white bois even compete.JPG (480x272, 42.25K)

Ever the more reason to continue my boycott of Burgerking

whiter than you, Schlomo

NSDAP considered Russkies and Slavs as white.

yep hitler even wrote that he wished he could have met vaslov earlier and made more alliances with the slavic world

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Dayum I knew I should've gone to the world cup!

Exactly. Single mothers are the ones that raised all the male feminists, faggots, pedos, school shooters etc. Single mothers are the worst thing for a society. Single fathers are the next best thing to a normal two parent home. A single mother household is off the table entirely. They're terrible.

I'd procreate with a blonde girl from northern Russia. They're probably some of the most perfectly built women I've ever seen. Damn good genes in northern Russia.

its nearly impossible and actually illegal if my senator is within earshot. better commit an assasination, brb.

too bad they nearly get fucked in court sideways

Without the Jews (See pic. related Israel Cohen, 1912) using you nogs as a literal bioweapon to destroy the white race, and promoting you with all of media control, the whole world would see you for the sub-human savages you really are. You are a fucking plague on humanity. Everyone should read the attached pdf (The Negroes of Negroland), perhaps the greatest book in the history of books, written before the Jewish cancer of political correctness was foisted on us, and contains more truth on each page than most books published these days in their entirety

Attached: israel cohen cropped highight.jpg (1133x894, 416.44K)

this is D&C. Ban this kikenigger

The american jew is no different from the american white and the american black.
All americans must be removed. All of them. regardless of age, gender, skin pigments and ideology .
The reason you weak faggots do this "no more infighting u guys!" is because you know that without this equality amongst whites you will never be accept. Weaklings will fight to death for equality while the real men will fight to death for elitism.

That say, slavs can stay after you purge the mongrels. They served their fuction of protecting Europe from the yello horde well. All those deformed slavs (ie poles) are mongrels with yellow blood while the human looking ones are the purbreeds.
Anglos, specially americans, have never been anything but shabbos goy. The price for betrayal is death.
Norcs are snowniggers that never done anything but killing each other and raping innocent whites in small villages till they got btfo by any real army. They like the barbarians from warhammer but with druidism instead of chaos.

Attached: Amerimutt - It was a beautiful morning.mp4 (640x360, 12.25M)

post your hand.

So you can call me a pale jew? Fuck off satan, I bet you are red or "tanned".

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Kinda makes me understand why Eastern Europeans hate America. At least the Jews if America.


Did you even fucking read the OP?

>Unironically posts Rosen(((berg))).jpg

They out themselves user.

Mutts are top tier fast food customers.

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Rosenberg wasn't a kike you nigger, and -berg isn't a reliable jew marker in the first place. Shlomos usurped what originally was an authentic German suffix.




This thread is being slid. Remember the football genes. This is their latest psyop. We caught it early. This is how they are trying to damage control due to Russia being majority white and christian and niggerball fans being redpilled as a result. The Sochi events have been disastrous for the (((NWO))) propaganda machine. Years of fearmongering quickly evaporating into thin air. I am sure Langley and the Pentagon are livid about this. Expect more harebrained memes about genes in the news. They are trying to subvert our recent successes regarding race realism.

Neck (((yourself))), TORpedo.

No, but it is one of many exterior markers for race, and the most highly visible. Look at someone from a hundred yards away and if they're shit brown, keep your distance. If they're white-colored, at least approach for a closer inspection (slanted forehead, hooked kike nose, extra-wide nose if they've got a nigger in the woodpile, epicanthic folds/slant eyes if they're part Asian, etc) before deciding if they're deserving of the rope.

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Oy vey promiscuity is good. Keep fucking random people goyim!

And not native English speaking, either.

That sign, however…

new moderation is too cucked to delete posts like that since they're global faggots.

We have not been memeing responsibly.

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We need to meme harder. We need coalburners spat on in the street and excluded from all social circles. Burn all bridges and treat them like the piece of shit that they truly are.

This is the plan!

I meant this

Oh look, it's a newfag and he's a fucking moron. What a surprise.

Do you have an actual source or PDF for that book? Because I keep hearing it's fake.

Russians and Slavs are white.
You're fucking NOT, kike boy, and you never will be.

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Not that user, but Jews say everything about them that's damning is fake.

Just like they claim Elders of Zion being fake?

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That's what you get for not exterminating the kikes.

Christ, do rooksies lack identity so much as to reward their women to fuck foreigners and raise their cuckoo chicks in the country?

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KIll yourself, kike.

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Imagining that anything other than a stupid slag whore could emerge from a woman this retarded and immoral…

Children Inherit Their Intelligence From Their Mother

Breed stupid slags with 'footballers' get stupid slag children with low IQ slag mentality…actually I think this is a great plan by Russia…it is nice to see the Bolsheviks are still intent on dragging the deboned carcass of russia through the mud yet again; an endlessly fun game for them to engage in when it comes to 'Mother Russia'.

Attached: Russia after the bolsheviks.jpg (640x351, 50.94K)

Well, I suppose if I can boycott McDonalds for their abysmal service then I can add Burger King although they had been my goto fast food replacement. Just picked up a hibachi, I think that I can improve my meal experience.

I know they don't fear one person's decision. Let's see how many it takes.

Yes, some outrageously high percent of their population is Muslim…so nationally they have ZERO standards. This is hardly 'their fault' but is instead a 'creation' of the Bolshevik revolutions work on genociding 60-100,000,000 of the most moral and productive citizens of Russia.

Global 'peace' index map…Russia is as low on the internal peace (high crime, violence, murder) scale as nigger nations because they are being bred to be a 'White nigger' population, in the words of Trotsky.

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Attached: state of peace global map chart.jpg (576x800 85.59 KB, 131K)

I see your Burger King propaganda and I will raise you with some CIA/Tavistock propaganda…only this could make the picture of degeneracy more full.

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How do they just get away with shit like this

I hear you on that, user. I'm a VikingCelt, and I'm pretty sure those QTs are basically pure Nordic/Germanic. Holy fug, that would be a jackpot. I think the hottest lady I have ever seen up here (I have lived for a while in North Dakota aka shitlord land) was one of those. She was some random farmer's daughter. I about had a heart attack and fucking died right there.

What fine QTs.

international mixing is bad, even if both parents are white

If it's "fake," then why has it happened, you fucking retard?

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Race and Color



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Seems legit kike.

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Not an argument. The contents of the Protocols happened, and we also have the Protocols against which to compare. The book doesn’t exist.

The first thing that comes to mind. "Burger King" advertising to Russian Woman, Let us all Just for a moment Picture these Russian woman and what they will look like if they love "Burger King".

2nd thing comes to mind, Man these American corporations dont know jack diddly about Russians and how we think, if they really did advertise this.
First of all, Number 1 rule when it comes to Russians and the food they eat: Everything that is free tastes better". Burger King is going to be a Local Laughing stock with their tiny burgers.

2nd: Boy oh boy Russians love to beat the shit out of people and there is Nothing in this world that a Russian would love to do is beat the shit out of a Nigger hitting on a Russian woman.