No one in in my place (India) belives me when I say that there are grooming gangs in UK and there are unsafe places. Mainly because I can't find any data in it, nor any strong articles to prove it. is it even real or am I just hearing a loud political voice over the internet.
Does anyone have data on UK grooming gangs, like is this is problem that started now or was it there for a long time? (if there is really such a problem)
And is the media held down by the law from reporting because the content could harm the victim or is there any other reason?
UK Grooming gangs
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I don’t have it at hand but have seen the articles. The U.K. is over in by them and it is real. I read a story where a rapugee raped a girl. She went for help after the rape. Then another rapugee raped her as she was looking for help.
Wait until the isrealis log in, they have all the stats for the oy vey da muslims crime rates.
Their job is to pretend that blacks and indians and all other 3rd world filth don't do nothing wrong and all crime is committed by the jews latest wave of violent muds.
No go zones in London for instance date back to the 70's where Jamaicans/West Indians were first dropped, followed by hindi indians now its muslims that are brought in to colonise and displace as their previous mud brothers had done.
Basically blacks, indians and all 3rd world invaders are all a problem, the jewish counter jihad is designed to pretend it's only just the one strain of mud that's a problem, when in fact they all are equally just as much a threat to our societies.
Indians aren't really a problem in terms of child rape, at least not the high caste ones that move to the west.
They have enough blood and culture in common with us and a high enough IQ that they don't cause any issues.
That doesn't mean that they belong in the west, because they don't. They should be in India purging the Dravidians, and calling for more Aryan reinforcements from Europe. If we didn't have our own migrant crisis and if we had higher birthrates, we should ideally be sending them reinforcements to help purify their bloodlines and fight the Dravidians, Arabs, and South East Asians.
So the gangs of indians and blacks who have targeted white girls for the last 40 years don't matter, because they're not muslim?
Do not race mix. Do not steal from the white race. Bring National Socialism to India as Gandhi intended. Join the global SS. Most importantly: LURK MOAR FAGGOT!
That's a lot of black and arab cock the bongs are taking.
Isn't Aryan race a myth, there is no historical evidence (other than guess work!).
[I haven't really looked into this, but I have seen only some supporters most intelligence in History in India is calling it a bluff to claim European Superiority over India and thus justify their rule here]
Gandhi had no ideas for post independence India, he basically handed it over.
The entire aryan/semite dichotomy is a linguistic model concocted by German philologists in the 1780's. It was an interesting and worthwhile model for languages at the time but it has long since been superseded by other more relevant models>>11758020
Gandhi did not understand the JQ. He was only interested in religion and the British empire. He did not learn about the (((NWO))). He viewed "Western Civilization" and "Eastern Civilization" as monoliths and deluded himself into thinking that "Western Civilization is active while Eastern Civilization is contemplative". By contemplative he was trying to explain away the subhuman IQ of Indian retards. Gandhi had too much pride to admit that he was lower IQ than the whites and modern day Indians worship him for that stupid defiance. National Socialists don't care for Marxist morons like Gandhi who just happened to ride the wave of Nationalism at the time. Reminder that India has not produced or created anything of value since the British Raj ended. Race is real, so is jewish control over global politics, media and banking.
Who gives a damn? Why do you squabble over "outdated" definitions when the only thing which matters is beauty, intelligence and the preservation of one's race and their national interests? The various phenotypes which we consider to be white are different in terms of their perfection. Irish are not Bavarians. Native Swedes are not Spanish. Each admixture has upsides and downsides. Do you understand?
Rhetorical questions. Lurk more.
I honestly find it difficult to believe that Indians of all people are unaware of how much pakis like raping young girls as they seem to do it India often enough.
Reminder 1 million British girls were sexually enslaved by muslims.
Reminder, many millions more raped by all the 3rd world filth the jews sent there, most of them have no religion, it's what the biological non-white enemies were sent by the jews to do.
The Gandhi from the Civilisation games is not the real one unfortunately. Pakistan would be a mirror by now
It's likely that they don't believe you due to the myth of the Anglo-saxon excellence and their empire, when in reality the anglo-saxons were nothing more than the best pawns of the Jews at the time.
If the white peoples of the world survive we are going to exterminate you all.
I am really wondering what is going to happen in the next 10-15 years when these kids grow up and actually engage in society as adults.
How they and others will rationalize that a sizable number of them were raped by shitskins… what kind of effect does literally being raped by pakis do to a group of people?
About the same effect as being raped by millions of niggers
They already are grown up. This has been happening for 30 years minimum. Most of them end up drug addicts and prostitutes due to the pakis getting them addicted to shit.
The pakis have smuggling networks they use to pass around drugs, which they then give to young girls in order to make them reliant on them. At first they're "nice" offering rides, alcohol and weed, but then it evolves into harder stuff and more and more men come to have a go at them. If the kids refuse they threaten to kidnap one of their family members and beat/rape her instead or threaten to kill their families.
This isn't just some girl locked in a basement. This is a full on industrial scale network which has delivery taxis and will ship girls between cities to meet clients preferences. Most of these girls come from orphanages where the staff members also fuck them, single parent homes where the parents have no control of their kids and when the police get involved they're usually in on the ring as well.
Anything you imagine is small time compared to this. The elites literally keep a class of pedophile pimps fed and sheltered just so they can kidnap little children and abuse them. They even know which men will rape and torture these kids and warn their best girls away from them while sending any disobedient ones for a ride with them.
We're talking a modern industrial scale pedo ring here.
dead judges can't let the rapists off with a slap on the wrist and dead police can't stop people from making dead judges
Gandhi was a pedo
I knew this guy named Tommy ,he knew all about the gangs. He has the data but some say its stored on his corpse in an old abandoned UK prison. If you fetch me the data and bring it back I can use it to forge the Shield of Cuck.
so that means no ones gettng exterminated … got it
You shitskins do a pretty damn good job of it yourselves.
show bobs and vegana
You are getting the rope kike
If you are so worried, or so inclined, take a flight to the UK and start bombing mosques, yourself, on your own time of your own accord. If you're not willing to do it, don't pretend like you care.
News that could contribute to public dissent is memory holed very quickly and efficiently in the west.
Why should Zig Forums care what street shitters do or do not believe?
Generic drugs that are x1000 times cheaper than burgers drugs.