Brit/pol/ #2837: Pre-emptive Salt Edition


European elections 2019: Polls take place across the UK

Army veteran 'attacked' with milkshake outside polling station for wearing a Brexit rosette

Nigel Farage 'stuck on Brexit bus due to people armed with milkshakes'

Hospital 'abused' vulnerable adults in Durham

Sajid Javid: New espionage bill will tackle threats

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send him your energy lads

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First for the Brexit Party

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naah mate

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Good lad
A vote for niges party is a vote for epic meltdowns after the results on sunday

apparently Milo has a stepson who is 16… I think we know what that actually means

No thanks

is there a more noble calling than journalism?

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May as well have not bothered voting at all lad tbqhwy

Ugly way of speaking. Swearing and crass allusions everywhere. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

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I dont want to seem overconfident but has any other party got close to the same unity of voters…No.

The Remain vote has been shattered into pieces. Silly Tories really fucked this up for themselves.
scoobydooish man is a creep shocker.

all he had to do was call them "smear merchants", instead he showed his TRUE LIBERALIST POWERS and showed what Western values surely should be!.

This but unironically.

The alt lite are truly cringey wankers tbh. I wish Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad would pull an andy whatshisname, and waltz around a black area playing edgy donation soundbytes from his phone.

Just went and cast my vote lads. Brexit Party of course. The ballot paper was comically long.

Clown world tbh.

There was like 11 candidates for the norf west

Didn't bother checking my ballot, only looked for the Brexit Party.

alright lads

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The Swedish government is looking into the possibility of forbidding the use of Norse runes, local media has reported, amid concerns that the ancient symbols have been misappropriated by neo-Nazi groups.

Justice Minister Morgan Johansson is currently investigating whether or not runes should be banned in Sweden as a way to deter hate groups, a Swedish website Samhällsnytt reported. His is expected to make a recommendation on the matter by the end of May.

If Johannsson decides to move forward with legislation prohibiting the runes, the ban could potentially encompass all Norse symbols, imagery, and traditional scoobydooelry.

Go for it: it'll make their anti-European agenda even more blatant.

Great idea, sure this won't backfire in any way.

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*wakes up back into sheer existential terror*
yeah its all so based, everything is based. nothing better in life tbf, just the invariable future of working then sitting in a chair staring at a screen, it could be anyplace, its all the same. its all shite. best years just spent on getting money for shite and it all just disappears into some pit of money like a car or some other worthless thing. you get certifications and degrees but all that matters is nepotism. people say work your way up but if you started at the bottom they will never take you seriously enough to make you a boss. its all just stupid shite, you get better at your job but then the bossman just hires some person to do what you were doing at a higher pay than you and everyone is just an atom.

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we live in an ugly world tbh

Doesn't matter. God's gonna burn this world up and replace it with something better.

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I honestly hope he does, I need to start praying that god destroys the united states more. every waking hour is shame

No thanks


Gypsies? Any context - other than just being irish scum?

maybe bots are happy

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Climb the mountain lad, never come back down.

Kek. How many are? Seems like a spazzy minority position surely.

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Based pikeys

keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that was like going back into the iron age

I believe the car had Muslim defence league pakis in who were harassing people

Where was this lad?

deploy the gypsies

Yeah, if America really is the whore of Babylon then it sounds like it'll be nuked out of existence when the antichrist stops having any use for it. We're definitely moving towards the weird transhumanism and stuff from Revelation.

Burnley or Barnsley I think


Left wing conspiracy theories are going out of control this year.

???? = More Islam

nice mene

Haven't seen this memi in about ten years.

yeah I was talking with a lad IRL about how in the bible the mark is a blister and a the proposed chips they want to put in people go in the webbing between your thumb and pointer finger and they used hot-cold exchange of blood to recharge the lithum batteries, an over worked lithium battery would cause a blister like from the bible

wtf, are they now attacking whoever instead of Tommeh supporters. There's gonna be massive street brawls at this rate, what with calling themselves the IDL.

I would have voted for Tommeh tbh over TBP, they will have enough support. Tommeh would be watershed moment

That is what they should have called themselves if they had a brain that is.

How do you feel about that lads?

The democratic system is shit anyway, right lads?

idf tbh

*rolls a fag*

Shit I should have taken a pen to the polling booth.

You made that up

I doubled back and walk back up three flights of stairs to get mine. I shouldnt worry too much tho lad.

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*smacks it out of your hand*


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etoro: not even once


remeber when that one thot got murdered by her nigger and her name was kaylee yuga

Not a wise name to give your daughter rly

Smh lad. We need to bring based quality weed back into hands of us lads. Fucking hate shite paki skunk grown in the attic of kebab shops.

this guy was in the Bahamas


Something is fishy about these logos.

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They aren't wise people.

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are these devoid of THC or are they just omitting that information to add some sort of legitamacy? Much better to grow your own imho but if you still live with parents I can see that being a lot harder although I've seen pretty impressive plants at 53lat

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err yeah naah

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Had a similar experience with them. I'd reccomend Plus500

Went for a smoke in the woods the other day with an ashkenazi scoobydoo. He ended up putting a fat chunk of hash in the pipe without telling me, got the lionshares of it myself and was sat there too monged to move for ages. Was there from 12 till 5 in the afternoon.

Don't trust scoobydoos lads


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low THC but way higher CBD than found in regular cannabis bud. Good for health and mind.

Sounds like a shit life lad

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Nice, did you make this or does someone at the Brexit Party know memmies?

It's Yacks.

Ah, right.

No, you're shit


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What's the smell like lad? Also do you get high with it anyway?
Dont get the point of smoking to not have a psychoactic experience to shuffle of the mortal coil that is the existential nihilist dread of living in this country


stop doing drugs lad

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drugs are just a wasted life IMO

You could sell it to local teenagers as High Grade Bud tbh, you cant tell the difference to look at but it doesnt get you high/mentally derranged like THC. It relaxes the body and you dont seem to give a fuck about anything. Its anti psychotic, cure cancer blah blah blah

why would a kike want to get you high for free?

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Would just be worried about mummy opening up a parcel of weed tbh.
I'll stick to buying shite skunk off the local wog for now


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It clearly says Hemp on it, totally legal, your mummy might even like a tea made from it.

Stop being a lumpenprole