Happenings under our nose

All events currently that seem to be big are dead in 2 weeks like its all just an entertainment show to pull the masses in a particular direction.

examples:killing in vegas, shooting in Florida , cathy griffin jokes about beheading trump, muller case , IG report , trump tweets about pedo, yada yada yada

These are non happenings, and I dont think well ever get a true happening because we are too disjointed to have a synchronization that would make such an event occur. Plus we just are that many or that supplied.

I think that there is a happening occurring below the scene , within the culture(s) of america. Like tectonic plates shifting before an earthquake. We cant see it yet but its gonna make a big effect in the future.

America is becoming more divided, this division is becoming mainstream. I think states will start seceding or making inner alliances more like what is going on in Europe. Beyond this there are also subconscience happenings formed by MGTOW, LGBT, and traditional groups. These groups have been and will be more solidified in the future. With their own cities, businesses and sports leagues.

Example: The NFL is an illusion of two worlds meeting. When players did not stand for the national anthem this illusion was shattered and almost destroyed the institution itself. They need to regroup and go towards one side. What ever happens to the NFL it will be more open and honest about what it truly is. A leage that enforces traditional American patriotism or a league of roided up unpatriotic black guys. Its been allowed to be both for a while but now there are cracks in the facade.

There are many facades in america that can be cracked.

Will America still be one nation? Is the great experiment over? What will break the camels back and what do we do with the camel after its back is broken. Maybe America will stay together but only as a business, with the MIC enforcing taxes and each state deciding its own fate. From the looks of it that seems where we are going. The constitution is an illusion a facade that is real to some but is just a set of words to others. Half of the team is kneeling and half of the team is standing. Do we break up the team or do we try to make this work knowing the reality.

This kind of shift is under our noses for many cultural norms and at any time the illusion might be displayed and subsequently destroyed.

Point of this thread is to talk about what those illusions are that you think might change in the next 10 years and what will they become?

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That's a fine ass moose.

It's all smokescreens.

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Who gives a fuck man, all niggerball is a grand distraction no matter what they are doing; as for the perception of patriotism, it doesn't matter anymore. Shopenhauer was right, Patriotism is cheap and it has been used and exploited for a hundred years to fight wars for ZOG. FANNING the fires of accelerationism is the only way forward now.

There is a concept called psychological momentum and a shift in consciousness. The masses are slowly realizing something is wrong. Outrage is now common, but there is too much to be outraged at so they are confused.

We need to draw blood. Only by igniting the fire of a revolution through high ranking ZOG members being assassinated can we dispel the invulnerability of ZOG and show people that death and suffering must come before the renewal of society.

We must light the spark. High profile lone gunman attacks. Impossible to predict. Impossible to prevent. Do not speak your plans aloud or type them out. Assume every piece of tech is your enemy.

If you can't get a gun or knife then try to snap their neck. It should be easy to do if you walk up calmly behind said person in public while they are busy talking. It will likely be a martyrdom operation but one snapped neck is worth a million future lives and eternal freedom from the tyranny of the panopticon kike AI skynet.

Exactly! They want you glued to your screen LARPing. Only if you go out and actually do it, whatever it is, then you will affect ZOG.

You can plan until you die of old age like a boomer cuck. Nobody is here to rescue you. By browsing this page you are already braver than most of your peers.

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I too will die in combat or resisting torture (studied Judo, Karate and other self-defense, have a knife at least). I have a plan.

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We have to get rid of all the jews or we'll never be free.

Wew lad.

So, what? Are you trying to tell me to become Hitler or something?

Sounds difficult, I’d rather watch sweaty niggers body slam one another on the idiot box :^)

Fuck it, I’ll stop shitposting
The general psychic gestalt is one of void
The kikes - in effect - want everyone confused, docile, insane porn-and-gore addicts

The real happening is that people’s fucking spirit is being broken, hacked if you will. There are forces at play attempting to demoralize at all angles, from the media, to the Zionist establishment in all forms it takes

Go to the club, stay inside, be MGTOW, go knock up spics and Chinese sluts, go to college, be a NEET, get a job, contribute to a dying society, do nothing.
It’s fucking schizophrenic, the current western psychic gestalt is dying - in desperate need of a strong uncompromising leader who will invoke elevation and put us back on the path of ascent

There is no other option at this point. We either need a Hitler or we die like dogs.

We don't exactly need a hitler a person like Rockwell (Rockwell was the man I would put him on the same side with Hitler) would be enough. If only one of the fucking veterans wasn't braindead and close minded (Patrick Little). We would be winning a lot more in this ideological warfare

Accelerationism does not work. Look at South Africa. Things got REALLY bad REALLY fast there and there was no revolution. The hearts and minds of the PEOPLE must be FOR revolution in order for it to happen.
And "patriotism" may be a sham but "Volkish Nationalism" is most certainly not.
That is the way forward. White America must become a people again and cast out the non-Whites. We must reawaken our warrior spirit. Our ancestors were men of iron. They conquered THE WORLD. Their blood flows in our veins. We need only stir the demoralized spirit of our people. We need only make the fire within each of us rise.
We must stop the ongoing genocide of White people and remove the ones responsible for things getting this bad.

It's like John Adams said about the American revolution; it had occurred in the hearts and minds of the people of America BEFORE A SINGLE SHOT WAS FIRED.
ANY "terrorism" will just make ZOG look like THE VICTIMS. It would only hurt us.

Your trips advise both attention and caution.
We must DO, but what we need most of all for now is to REDPILL WHITES. As the OP said the facade is cracking and people are confused. Why is everything going to shit? We must answer that question for them. When confusion turns to anger it must be anger at the RIGHT people for the RIGHT reasons.
White genocide or White nationalism.
Pick one, White man.

Patrick Little told the truth.
The kikes are WHY things are all going to shit.
They are WHY non-Whites are flooding into White countries, and WHY degeneracy and depravity are everywhere. Removing them and their influence from the country is an absolutely essential part of fixing America.

Sometimes things must break before they can be fixed. Look at the people of Weimar Germany. Their spirits were broken. Their country had gone to shit. Yet they rediscovered the strength of their BLOOD and cast off their oppressors.
That said, I don't think the spirit of the White American people is being broken. I think the lies of ZOG are no longer enough to cover up the reality of ZOG, jewish crimes, jewish media lies and degeneracy, and the reality of the ongoing genocide of White people. The kikes are scrambling to demoralize Whites and hasten White genocide, but it is also partially redpilling millions of people.
The "racism taboo" must be broken and the increasingly blatant and undeniable ongoing genocide of White people is how to break it. Even the most cucked conservatives are waking up to the fact that "diversity" and "anti-racism" actually mean "White genocide."
White people want things to be OK. They want it so bad that they will pretend that things are OK even after they are most certainly not OK. The illusion of "everything is fine" must be shattered.
Betrayal is perhaps the single most powerful source of righteous anger for White people. Our "government" has betrayed us. Immensely.
We need angry White men. Lots of very angry White men, and they must know enough of the TRUTH of why things are as bad as they really are in order to be angry for the right reasons. Doubly so for the White soldiers in the US military.
That is how you defeat ZOG and stop the ongoing White genocide.
I figure, anyway.

OP here just on a different computer:

the point of the thread is to make a guess on where its going to end up and to discuss some evidence

one of the fucking gimmies of the post was "would america stay together", This as a general happening but possibly created different causes. Is Rome going to burn again or not. Discuss. Or fucking sage the thread and go into a dumb ass NatSoc shill thread a fuck off.

I for one think that Amreica is going the way California is going. Not a "day of the rope" happening but we will split into regions based on economic and cultural desires.

Azlatan* might happen. I would put my bets on that before America staying one nation.

the thing here is
1) who the fuck takes up the mantle
2) how will they know that their hard work is all for not.

You are brave , skilled and are willing to sacrifice yourself for the "greater good". But then you never know who else will come into power. Its all very vague and childish.

boomers didnt plan mate .. boomes only cared about themselves

blah , blah , blah … yea we have 1000 fucking nat soc shill threads. The question here is how do you see it happening. You have the voice of a quarterback but not of a coach.

What is the fucking plan mate. All this cheerleading is like the rights version SJW.
NatSocJW. Its empty crying. How do you see this thing playing out?

yes this seems to be a path , like I mentioned about the NFL an institution at a cross roads to accept one path.

So I guess the "dying like dogs" would be america staying together and the MIC holding everyone in line while all cultural values are sold on amazon

And the need a Hitler is American civil war v2.0

Do you think the Neo Hitler (lets just call him Neo or maybe Heo) would be able to get politicol power like Hitler did in Germany. I say no.

This is not Germany, this is a different beast, so we would not have Hitler but a different kind of Hitler.

Also Hitler had a legion of men and women willing. White men are fragmented from each other and their women. More and more I see a split like California where we get a trump wall round the mid west and the south and those splitting from the union.

Zig Forums is more dead than ever. Where did everyone go?

absolutely. the kikes labor under the delusion that if they ignore it and don't give it exposure on their typical platforms it will wither.
The Right is awake. Half of the Republican party believes 'media is the enemy of the people'. Polling on formerly good goy forums shows an eagerness for righteous bloodshed.

We are taking up the mantle of those who died in WW2. As long as our memory and deeds survive we are immortal like Breivik and Traini. That is the beauty of life. If you are concerned about children then impregnate a girl before engaging in the operation.

This does not make sense. Hard work is never for *naught. It is the only way to keep society afloat and hold back the eternal night.

That matters not. If a jew global AI takes over there will be no more coming into power. Humanity will be destroyed and all individual freedom extinguished - or worse enslaved to the AI's own programming.

See that's what you think, but children have one thing right and that is unbridled optimism and idealism. If you refuse to fight for a future which benefits your kin then you may as well die for you have been killed as a human. Are you a dog? Are you a slave? Or will you stand and fight so we can dedicate our resources to space colonies and rationality? Will you engage in jewish nihilism and lysenkoism or transcend your mortal chains?

Agreed. The instinct to survive has been reduced to a myopic exercise in greed and submission to jewish manipulation.

That's funny. This thread seems alive to me. Demoralization shilling much?

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No like it is…we either have to kill/deport all the genetic trash to regain the founders vision (so America take two; kill the shitty garbage and carve out a living space for our people)…or we go with the 'jew plan' the break up and division of our homeland, pict related. They constrict and squeeze and constrict and squeeze…it is a very delicate dance of slaughter in order to force the breath and life from the victim.

The point of devastating us first morally culturally and ethically was to make it easier to put the 'jew plan' into the works and for them to tighten their construction grasp of Ethnic Europeans once again…they don't have to murder us 'quickly' they just have to do it step by step over a few thousand year (this is exactly what they have been doing)…see picts

"There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity."-Rabbi Efrati

At the same time, we are the largest private army on the planet 200,000,000 strong private gun owners…now they wanted to take our guns and we basically said FUCK OFF…no amount of their FF child slayings is going to make us turn over the only power we have against them so that they can come in and kill us all (including ALL of our children). So they can only break our nation up WITH OUR CONSENT. If we don't consent, then get ready for the streets to FLOW WITH BLOOD and be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice yourself. I am ready and waiting to see what the American people decide…yes (the jew plan of gradual extermination of whites) or no (the reinstatement of our nation and ITS PEOPLE…not the brown trash that the jew/muslims brought in)…

This is the main reason why the jews HATE to Boer so much (see all the recent Zig Forums threads on Boer hatred…because the Boer are race realists, number one (they KNOW THE JEW) and they have decided NOT TO CEDE TERRITORY TO GENETIC FILTH and number two as the second largest Ethnic European army (some 3,000,000 strong) they are showing a few Ethnic Europeans that shit isn't going to fly in our homeland and that we are going to KILL THE JEWS FIRST…ALL OF THEM…ALL OF THEM…and then take out the TRASH.

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What was this meme? Vaguely familiar.

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The USA has never been a nation, you massive faggot. It has always been a collection of nations, and always meant to be that way. That's why the USA has "states", not provinces. The kikes fractured the ethnic neighborhoods though using weaponized niggers, which then left the people vulnerable to (((Counterculture))).

For example, Robert Sargent Shriver was head of the Office of Economic activity in chicago when it gave over a million dollars to the Black Stone Rangers in order to scare White people away from ethnic neighborhoods, particularly catholic ones. Shriver was working for RFK. If RFK was catholic, why would he be deliberately destroying catholic neighborhoods?

You're level of knowledge and thinking is nigger-tier all the way. You don't even realize that every single sports fan is a complete degenerate and a cancer to society.

What's happening is that the PNAC document is being enacted by Trump.
What's happening is global White Genocide.
What's happening is postponing of all the food and environment.
What's happening is the destruction of all forests.
What's happening is that truth is becoming illegal.
What's happening is millions of Whites joining the kike agenda.
The fact that you even have to wonder what's going on shows that you're a retard and not from here. Every happening is just a specific instance of the above. You are looking at individual battles and not even noticing there is a war.

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Oh I forgot this as well:

- Lev Bronstein (Trotsky)

Quotes : >"The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that in the Russian revolution*, the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism." - ' A Program For The Jews And Humanity ' by Rabbi Harry.Waton. (* Not a Revolution but a Coup).

So genocide is the name of the game again…someone (Ethnic Europeans has to be the animal led to the slaughter for the 'forgiveness of their sins' with the dollar reserve currency…see someone has to 'take the blame' for them and be their human sacrifice so that they don't have to take responsibility for their crimes against humanity. They ALWAYS DO THIS historically as it is the main tenet of their faith…that something has to be killed (in this case you and your family) so that they don't have to take the blame for their fiscal malfeasance.

NO USA means no USA RESERVE CURRENCY…they escape again having plundered the ENTIRE PLANET with no one the wiser…and the whole thing…them sitting as parasitic overlords while raping the Earth continues…but with darkie being the slaves now they can count on it being a good 10,000 years before blacks are cultivated enough to fight them off…does it ever make you wonder EXACTLY HOW MANY TIMES THEY HAVE DONE THIS…we can date 'out of place artifacts back 100,000 years + in many places on this globe…hmmmm

Now THEY ALWAYS leave this out when they are quoting it on their 'nationalist websites'…and it is the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE WHOLE THING.

Ok, Ethnic Europeans…THINK BACK to what was going on 3,000 years ago…this is long before Christ…so what is the 'christian' aspect of the 'judeo-christian' faith supposed to accomplish? Christianity was taylor made as a weapon against the European people…it is a blend of European gods with the idealization of martyring yourself to 'cover jewish crimes'. So it is taylor made to promote the jewish agenda of genociding us in our own homeland…they need a docile 'human sacrifice' brought forwards…something that GIVES ITS CONSENT TO BE SLAUGHTERED…

This has been done…why do Ethnic Europeans NOT UNDERSTAND THAT ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE YOUR ENEMY?

So IF YOU REFUSE TO DO YOUR DUTY FOR YOUR PEOPLE, THIS ABOVE IS YOUR ONLY FUTURE…this is the future of your children and your grandchildren. ARISE AND KILL THESE FUCKS!

"The white women must cohabit with members of the dark race, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the white means the end of the white man and our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the 'pax Judaica' and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people's."-Rabbi Rabbinovich.

So they have worked the plan in Russia (they murdered everything 'good' that they could find there) are working the plan in Europe (they will shortly murder everything good they can find there as well) and they are going to attempt to work the plan in the USA/SA as well…South Africa will start first and then because of that tension (when the Boer begin killing blacks EN MASSE) similar tension will break out in all the Nations that they have imported their standing army soldiers into Australia, Europe, USA, Canada…this is the whole point of bringing in 'child soldiers' because they think they will be harder for ethnic european adults to kill…HOWEVER PEOPLE LIKE ME ARE SIMPLY GOING TO KILL EVERY BROWN PERSON I SEE UNTIL THEY ARE ALL GONE…MAN, WOMAN and CHILD…I am not going to turn my back and be gunned down showing pity and mercy for what has no pity or mercy. My mercy is reserved for my own people, my pity is reserved for my own people Ethnic Europeans ALONE are my responsibility.

PUNISHMENT is reserved for OUTSIDERS and FOREIGNERS especially those who came to pillage our nation…get your collective heads out of your assholes, these people are not our 'friends'…they are parasites come to feed off a carcass.

Ok…that is all…for now. Got to go to work.

it is if all we get from it is 150 characters.

Happenings should be actions that effect the masses. His call out hasnt stopped it. You might even say hes actually demoralizing the nation more by stating that even the leader of the nation knows about it and cant stop or wont stop it.

Itll be a happening when people are arrested and punished for the crime not when they are "called out"

I dont think you quite understand idiot, we want blood we want action we want happenings

Im happy to be enlightened but this statment is so fucking vague that even if you are right I know you dont have enough knowledge to prove it.

General love for competition is natural so this is idiotic.

elaborate please

The point is for the thread to be a discussion of more specifics then this general "Jew rule the wold" shit we get every day. Your post has shown you dont know how to read.

Tell us something we dont know. Something we will see.

put this in numbers or actions. If this is happening then when will it make a difference on a large scale? What will be a critical point in the genocide?

Your vagueness is just high quality shit posting prove me wrong.

so when you going to do this?

that sounds like a happening but all I get instead are useless posts like this

Do we have an AWARENESS of the situation? Are we awake enough to still have a fucking pulse? IDK…we shall see I suppose. They are literally ripping us apart in every conceivable arena they can…I have never seen them do anything like this in my life…every 'sort of cool' YT'er is ripping into Ethnic Europeans and doing everything in their power to separate us from cohesion. Every magazine and newspaper is doing the same thing…it is literally like we are being ripped apart while we are still alive (forget the fucking human sacrifice that is dignified and cerimonial) they are just RIPPING INTO EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF OUR CULTURE.

IDK I am undecided as yet…there will be a spark that either signals the absolute end of our people or their absolute beginning of our people and the complete end of the jews. I am looking for that spark…soon, very very soon…it will happen. You don't get a build up like this and then just decide not to set things ablaze…also, the jews know that if they don't kill us all that we will kill them…and so they are having to rush and make their plans quickly (this is where errors creep into calculations)…this is where mistakes are made…I spend most of my time these days trying to provoke them into rushing and making that fatal miscalculation. While at the same time trying to TURN THIS BITCH (the EE Titanic and keep her from SINKING HER FUCKING SELF as part of the agenda).

I see the situation. I dont feel this tension can last too much longer.

I also dont feel the desire for a real civil war among the entire populace.

1) Im pretty sure california , west coast , liberal states know they cant conquer the mid west traditional states

2) I dont think the populace of the south and mid west want to sacrifice their lives to try to annex the liberal states by force

3) the MIC wants it all , I dont think the military is a conservative or liberal construct as of right now

I point to california as an example and I see this happening to the rest of America. We will split, we really dont want blood in the streets and it will be avoided.

Otherwise Kentucky will have to send troops into Oregon if they want this madness to stop. I just dont see that happening


dont give the sorcery more power than it has, yes be vigilant but dont over dramatize it. Its also a call to rally the troops.

exactly this is what I mean by happenings on this board. You got me to an extent. I play lots of video games.

Who an this board does not, who on this board is actually making moves? What moves are being made? What are the actual happenings. Thats the point of this fucking thread you dimwhit.

Ill LARP all over your moms tits while I play Civ5 faggot

All the faggots, soyboys (we only *suck* cock, not take it in the ass) kikes and the like in my life already stopped talk to me because of muh Trump. Sure puts the like to the multiculti brainwashing I got in school. Now I mostly stick close to my home and (white) family.

It's a feature, not a bug.

I filtered you, stupid. The mods don't ban you jewish fucktards anymore so I have to ban you myself now. Go tell the other Zig Forums nigglets that you failed to lump pedophilia and wetback exploitation in with Kathy Griffin's noises and have another hotpocket, you fat piece of hooknose shit.

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It was the old shemitah happening meme, something about jews crashing and burning the economy on every moon cycle or shit like that

started as a meme but newfags started to unironically believe in it and shitted the board up with it, and later searching for excuses when nothing happened

this shit was already 3 years ago, time flies

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Tired of these kikes shitting up the board.


If you think Quebec and Alberta have anything in common other than a leaf, you're deluded too.

You really are a retard. Shit thread, go back to cuckchan.

An Airborne Respiratory Pathogen will get released into major city centers & antibiotics will not be able to stop it. Major Cities will have utter chaos as they will not be able to enforce a quarantine on the Metropolitan City Borders. This will disrupt global commerce and it will cause currencies to lose all of their value because the governments will not be able to enforce the fiat currency with military might / collecting taxes.
When this happens there will be no trust between the races, there will be food shortages and no electricity. Most of the races will seek out vengeance against the whites & the jewish government will use the non whites to try and keep power. It is important for us to return to the Forests because they will be safe havens for us. Non Whites will be lured into the Cities for the free handouts but those won't last forever. The Jewish Government will also roll out some type of implanted chip as a way to keep law and order i.e the mark of the beast. The Jewish Cities must be starved and all non whites must be destroyed.

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The "SJWs" have been very successful at pushing their ideology onto society.
Emulating their success is not a bad plan.
Plus, truth is on our side.
Their main weapon is guilt and warped morality.
They blame White people, especially men, for everything.
We must blame the SJW crowd for what they are guilty of: the ongoing genocide of White people.
Every time someone screams "racist" at a White man, that White man should respond "White genocide."
Morality has been warped and weaponized against us. We must fight fire with fire. We must forge moral weapons of our own. Spreading the word on the ongoing genocide of White people (to White people) is one such weapon. It must be repeated OVER and OVER and OVER. It must become a household phrase that everyone is talking about. It must be an inescapable part of political discourse.

We are in a war of words and ideas. Words and ideas cause revolutions, not violence. If violence occurs it is a RESULT of the revolution. It occurs when enough people share a strong unified vision that runs counter to the current system, and when they believe in that vision strongly enough.

THAT is how things will play out. Either enough White men can be redpilled and sufficiently dedicated to stopping White genocide and removing ZOG, or not.
If enough can then we will win. ZOG and their invasion forces will be removed and White countries will be reborn and flourish again under White nationalist rule.
If not enough can be made to see the truth and to want their people to have a future again, then brown favela shithole world ruled by kikes.
Trying to "start things off" when there is insufficient popular support among Whites (especially men) will be 100% a recipe for utter failure.
I am not saying to do nothing.


This is what I figure anyway.
Furthermore, be prepared. Be armed and supplied. Get /fit/. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. Network if possible.
Preparedness is always good, regardless of whatever may be coming.

Did you even see the pic?

I meant poisoning

I did, you massive faggot. Read my post again. I wrote about weaponized niggers.

Listen up, cuckservative. Pretty soon, most children will be raised by single mothers. Fatherless boys grow up to be feminists, Leftists, etc. They don't grow up and then destroy society. The entire West is in a death spiral. Most women are not having kids before their 30s, if at all. Being childless makes women go crazy. None of this happened by chance. All this happened via laws designed to steer society towards collapse. Your cherished Reagan was one of the worst; no-fault divorce alone caused more damage than any good he may have done. Society is at the brink of collapse and all you can say is
The problem is clearly that you're a degenerate that ignores reality and instead engages in escapism, like (((televised sports))). Actually play sports instead of being a lazy faggot.
Sage because cuckservatives are infuriating, even more so than Zig Forums


truth is on no ones side mate … thats why its called truth instead of opinion

thats where you are wrong , there would be food surplusses if cities population was quarantined

the farms are not in cities, also electricity generated out side of cities… farmers probably are most likely to have generators

you almost had me , quarantine cities I get it. But the rest doesnt make sense

for this to be true the jewish gov would have to be
A) the farmers
B) the military

if the "jews" are just the media and the ghetto collective they would be screwed by this "happening"

but I will credit you for at least detailing a happening that could be in our future

even though it sounds more like a videogame than any specific reality

so you have shown yourself to be a member of team kamphfy* … some loser right?

good filter me , filter this thread … we dont want your useless thoughts here.

to remind you the discussion is: happenings, what are the real ones, what will be the outcome?

Daily reminder the mean age of boomer is 72 and they are dropping off rapidly. The only reason they are lasting that long is due to modern drugs and health care.

Take that away, massive die-off.

not to really turn this thread into boomer topic (althoug the boomer is a "happening" that was under the nose of the great society and might be more apt to this thread than I think) but the boomers do know how to eat if nothing else.

diabetes is a disease of the neet with modern food (vs your modern drugs). Boomers take all their excess money and spend it on find cusine, the best ingredients. Their love for food has replaced their love for kids.

The boomer decided why have one more white child when I can spend that money on a cheep mexican maid and over pay for vegitables. This is the 72 year old you are talking about.

The only thing modern drugs do is addict (using as a verb) young women. Anyone see the new truh ad?

But back on topic. Who is the new "boomer" is it "MGTOW" are our kids going to be in shit post threads 30 yrs from now talking about how the "MGTOW is the reason I cant find a qt asian wifu"

I dont think so , I hope not. But this is the kind of happening I was talking about. The cause of the symptoms. Like the boomer is of our lives.

im 30 years old

memes fly

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I didnt really know what I was doing with that image. Im a city boy.

But apparently there is hope. Thx user

Yeah because you're watching and reading entertainment sources you fucking halfwit.

ended the khoi/afrikaaner union momentum