An unknown social threat

I've been doing some thinking, collecting books from Zig Forums the last few hours, music of the German army, etc.

But, what's crossed my mind was this:

Say there is a taboo subject, like black crime statistics. You state the facts to a normal person, and they are quick to call you racist, or get anxious about even the discussion of facts. Thus, they are quick to shout you down by overpowering you with their voice, or they will simply not talk about it. They are brainwashed to the extent of passively allowing themselves to not think about whatever taboo subject is in front of them. They would so much rather fall into the cattle-perspective, what is socially accepted. Thus, if they did not follow the normal ideas, they have a subconscious fear of being socially excluded, as do most normal people. This is a brainwashing technique that I don't think the jews have purposely pushed for but fell into place for them in result of the normal person's support for the kikes.

Of course in real life, you can easily say something along the lines of "Quit avoiding it and present the facts" but online.. it's not as simple, because they have the ability to look online for brainwashing propaganda to confirm their ideas, and to block out the idea that a racist could be right.
How do you get past this in an online debate? How do you break that blockage? How do you really get someone to think, someone who, when presented with facts turns a blind eye and ignores it all?

OP has been thinking.
Fucking Braniac.

Attached: Injustice2-BRAINIAC-wallpaper-MOBILE-53265.jpg (749x1114, 220.22K)

What kills me is that OP has only been thinking for the past few hours. He hasn't been thinking before that. So he starts thinking and then has to post something about it. What-fucking-ever.

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I bet you're jealous because you haven't been thinking at all :^)

Old meme - Truth

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Don't do a wrongthink goyim :^)

You attack their ego at the same time and or ask hypothetical questions. If you challenge them in some way to prove you right or wrong by threat of undermining their confidence upon their failure to do so, they will almost always rise to the challenge. The ones that don't are generally not worth your time anyway.
Essentially, you make them begrudge you, and in their spite, will prove your point to themselves.

I suppose it was for the first time in your life.

I can't force myself to be interested in your bait tbh



You must be new here

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I've been browsing for a while, on and off, mainly on, while dysnomia was the talked about subject was when I really started watching the board.

So yea, pretty new.

Pic unrelated, guy on death row has game consoles, tv, fan, etc.

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The common modes of persuasion are: ethos (appeal to the authority), logos (appeal to logic) and pathos (appeal to emotion). The best route, I've found, is to go with pathos because they tend to have different authorities, and different logical simulations, yet they are still capable (one must assume) of "feeling".

Clearly you haven't.

Study persuasion. Facts don't change minds, they only solidify a mind that has already been changed.

Fear generates some of the strongest persuasion. A close second would be concern for women and children. This is why we have "Victims of Black Crime" threads. Putting a picture to the act helps immensely.

Another tactic I've seen work wonders is asking the person you're talking to to "ante up" on their beliefs of equality. If they don't believe that black crime is real, ask them why they don't live in a predominantly black neighborhood. Demand their zip code before continuing. Nine times out of ten this ends the conversation with them backing out in hypocrisy.

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Sure, you could use fear to attempt to persuade someone, but if the usual "they will use fear so ignore it" propaganda is there in them, what do?

For example, you show someone a picture from one of the threads "Victims of Black Crime" that you mentioned, but they could easily assume that it's false without doing any research. Still dealing with that ability to avoid thinking.

First off, read Solzhenitsyn, and 3 Wild Swans by Jung Chang, to understand social fear and political systems enforcing a state of self-censorship. Then consider than, in the west, we've been convinced of our freedom, while a far more subtle, and insidious form has festered here, a version which we think is our own free belief.

Now, the only way of changing peoples mind, is by allowing them to come to that conclusion for themselves. Some won't be able to, they are intellectual cowards. But people like me, when presented with a good argument, that contradicts what I previously believed, will be prepared to challenge and further look into the question, and hopefully make a decision based on the real facts on offer. Thus, the best you can do is present that facts, without trying to convince said person. You can however point out how you yourself have been manipulated and mislead by large propaganda/news corps, presenting misleading data, i.e., labeling hispanic most wanted criminals as white. Why is our government and its institutions, and the media by not questioning the practice all aligned in the practice of lying to the population? How long and how often has this gone on, and why? Just ask lots of questions. Doesn't make you racist.

Yes, the jews totally didn't mean it when they produced thousands of hours of film and television deliberately portraying anyone who holds right-wing beliefs as old, fat, ugly, ridiculous, stupid, criminal, outdated and a subject of ridicule or just plain evil (Archie Bunker, Alf Garnet, American History X, every Holohoax movie ever made etc.)
It was purely accidental goy.
Fuck your thread.

I hope you're only pretending to be retarded.

You're missing the main piece of what I said, I don't know what you're going on about.

I'm discussing the fact that the taboo level of an idea causes people to not think into it, and you're talking about how movies made people see anti-semites as bad people.

Yes, goy, be right wing and pro white. You don't want to be self-hating, do you?

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Bait, I never called myself alt-right, and I don't support kikes, fags, or niggers like the alt-kike does.

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This is worth a bookmark.

Because the term "far-right" doesn't exist, surely it doesn't.

Stop the sharia takeover of America.

Counter-jihad now.

Attached: Jew Muslim Agitprop.png (832x766, 395.68K)

Obviously Mooslems wouldn't have the power they had today (if you could call it that, getting away with crimes consistently) if it weren't for corruption. Without the mass flow of kebabs into Burgerland, they would be a fairly unknown subject for the most part, rarely discussed.

People ignore facts presented to them while they are in a defensive mindset, which is what is created when they 'call you racist' and 'get anxious.' This is especially true of facts given to them by someone they perceive as being adversarial which you would be seen as by bringing up topics that make them mentally defensive like that. Instead of giving a fact to them bluntly, make them find it themselves. People are much more agreeable with an idea if they feel it's something that they came to or discovered on their own, rather than something being forced upon them from an outside source. Instead of providing those 'hard facts' yourself, try to make the conversations into a way you can have them want to look up the information for themselves. Truth is on our side, and the great thing about the truth is that it stays true regardless of whether you believe it or not. The facts will always be there, you just need to give the person an incentive to look at them. Once they have decided that it benefits them to know those facts (and to know if they're even true or not), they will seek them out on their own.

Stop giving out facts and start giving out reasons to look at the facts.

(wew lad trips)

Good to know, I can understand what you mean. Still, some people are a lost cause if they deny facts from official sources :^)