Faggot Mexican Presidential Candidate Calls For Invasion of US
Mexico also has a ZOG government.
Meme this to wakeup reasonable whites who still think we are exagerrating because they live in Wisconsin
Mexican here, AMLO has Jews everywhere within his MORENA Party, google Gloria Sheinbaum, an open Jew running for Mexico City mayorship, expect to actually see Soros buses full of more poor teenagers that look 40ish. Nuke Mexico already, there's nothing good in this land.
Mexico would be a beautiful tourist destination if the aristocrats weren't oppressing you and fucking it up. I don't want non-whites moving to the US but I don't hate you people, I'd like to see you do well. Fight.
This tbh.
Its a full fledged invasion at this point, their leaders aren't even trying to hide it any longer.
I'm alone behind enemy lines, user, and weaponless, the country itself is giddy to surrender to AMLO, I'm finding less and less people willing to listen to anything that's not his propaganda. What can I do?
My boomer parents cannot get it through their heads of how bad america has become because they still live in a 90+% white area, and never leave or go anywhere that isn't super majority white. They watch bill maher and colberts late show and feel properly informed. Boomers are truly the worst generation.
I'm constantly point out to them how "diversity" is basically Low IQ shitskins, and one of the best points i've made that make them cringe visibly is when i say " these are the people who are going to take care of you in the nursing home". They know deep down that non whites are not as smart and unable to do basic tasks in a reasonable time frame.
Funny how they don't let the Central or South Americans settle in Mexico.
I second this. I am a castizo living in Colombia and I feel helpless. I know that if I ever got myself into a position of power, I could turn this country majority White in a generation or two
I wouldn't give jews what they want: whatreallyhappened.com
Besides, there is lots of good stuff in mexico, loads of lush green areas, coastlines, mountains, ancient sites, even inhospitable northern mexico has a gem in it, the largest silver mine in the world. The problem is all the bad that's marbled in with it. A pain in the ass to unwind but that's the situation most everywhere. No way around it, just start hacking at it.
Educate, organize, and inspire.
It will not be fast initially, but it will grow and lead to real change.
Yeah….because they want to get the filth and low rung members of their country gone. It's not the scientists or engineers or tax payer base that wants to come to america. It's the troglodytes and subhuman mongrels that are physically deformed and have a lesser stature than a jockey. It's the ones that have no skills and the best they can do is mow lawns or take basic jobs that our niggers used to do. Walk around LA below the jewish section of the city, and you'll see over 80% of the city is now mexico with the same subhumans that inhabit mexico.
You could tell them that if we, Ethnic Europeans of the United States, have to defend ourselves from an invasion that we will not stop like we did last time…just a helpful hint…this time we will come for the fight and stay for the extermination. Remember that fucking faggot isn't going to be the one under our gunfire he will be in his bunker until we pry him out and PUNISH HIM.
I've been training physically and going for times without eating and carrying heavy loads through mud and desert alike in case it comes down to that, I'm not being heard by anyone on my anti AMLO info, they say that all candidates are bloodsuckers anyways. That nothing matters, that it's useless to fight. I'm entirely alone. But willing to die fighting against the kikes.
Thank you for explaining it juan.
Is he Jewish?
They are demoralized due to too many years of all politicians (the ones not assassinated by cartels and establishment, of course) being corrupt. That is why the inspire part is essential. You have to restore hope to their hearts to put life back into them, or they will remain golems.
For now. Do the work and that will change.
We must burn Mexico along with their people.
¡Ayy veyhito!
Definitely. Possibly a mongol breed.
Nice D/C Moshe.
Fuck off spic, you don't deserve to breathe our air.
Kill yourself joto.
Kill yourself kike shill.
I'm white….so this isnt working Avraham.
You will never be white, cunts.
You're already doing good with your physical training, expand it to all things like a boy scout, work on getting prepared in as much as possible. If you're prepped, have your fingers in a bunch of pies, and out there meeting people eventually "luck" will find you as you'll be positioned to jump on possible opportunities when they comes up. I need to take my own advice.
I live in Wisconsin and I wish I didn't have to know how bad things are. But so long as they are as bad as they are, I will have to.
They're not even considered Spaniards, no matter how much they want to portray themselves. Even the language which they speak shouldn't be called Spanish.
They really think they have a place here or in any white society. They have nigger-levels of self awareness. Meaning none at all. I wonder if they could pass the mirror test.
A bunch of savage rape-babies.
I could literally turn my country White if I were a dictator
They all have this mentality. My mom voted for Hillary because she thought Trump was rude and would rather have her in the WH to save the space until we get a GOOD candidate. I told her that line of reasoning is why Mexico is shit and will always be shit.
This time please please please let's not rape the women. Just put the whole lot to the sword.
You can blame the Spanish for that. Unless your ¡jeb! no one finds those goblins attractive enough to bother.
Its probably one of the reasons we're so hostile to spanish even if they're white spaniards. What they did to the americas is unforgivable.
I was having a discussion with a fat spic about politics around the presidential election and he liked hillary because she WAS corrupt. His reasoning was that she was "smart" for gaming the system and making herself some money. It didn't matter if she was going to fulfill her promises, just that she was a smarter candidate because she was better at "politics" than trump was. It blew my mind that he didn't care about the issues or what candidates stood for, but that it was all a joke, and that you vote for the person who's more corrupt and better at taking advantage of the situation.
I've noticed that mentality in a lot of spics flooding the US. They share that "get mine" immorality with niggers. No wonder the whiter Mexicans are trying to deport their beaner trash to the US.
Absolutely yes user, leaving any survivors was an unforgivable act that we are all suffering from.
The invasion is STATE SPONSORED; this why it is an invasion. America has absorbed more than 30%~ of the entire population of Central America, their governments encourage and teach their demographic liabilities, malcontents and prisoners to go to America.
La Cosmica Raza is fucking retarded dysgenic mutt mysticism. They think they'll become a cosmic race if they rape, over populate and fuck everyone through race mixing.
The 4th communist international was in mexico, most of central america is 2nd world with warm summer day IQ. Trotsky is considered a national hero in Mexico and Neocons are diet-communists that want permanent world revolution.
Cartels sings songs about annexing America, poisoning the gringo and raping our women. They run Mexico.
Central America will be brought justice because of their evil and stupidity, it will be the next theater of war and military intelligence knows it.
What should have really blown your mind was that these people think they're actually better than the niggers they despise. They have the savage genes in them. They'll always be savages no matter how hard they try to pretend otherwise. Unless you bleach them for 5 generations but even that's too much work to deal with.
I mean don't get me wrong the spaniards did wipe out the majority of these heart ripping human sacrificing savages, but then mating with the women was just absolutely fucking backwards. No wonder it feels like the world and gods are against us for always falling to half-measures.
This. Mexican is a completely different language than Spanish. Spanish people have trouble understanding Mexican, it's described as dirty etc.
It starts with mind poison:
and ends with jews being let in and taking advantage of the easily subverted and manipulated followers of such poison.
Sorry, I don't understand this phrase, but if you mean to socialize and see what sticks, yes, I'm trying to show a youthful, energetic self outside to prove changes can be done.
The only thing I'm going to correct you in is that no one fucking knows who Trotsky was around here, whatever happened between 1911 and 1968 is not shown on history books and has been phased out of books since 1996.
Actually it was because the Spaniards were too cheap to buy niggers and simply enslaved the indigenous population that they didn't kill- but let us not split hairs here.
We have a ton of spics up here in Wisconsin, user.
That is because they are anywhere from 10-30% nigger blood…they race mixed with the niggers who were brought over by the jews during the (((Islamic slave trade))) all the native american corrupted their blood with nigger blood.
WAY MORE NIGGERS went in to South/Middle America than came into the North…and look how many niggers we have here…those nog probably fucked the natives silly and pumped and dumped everything in sight. Do you wonder where the savage cannibalistic bullshit comes from (their native blood) but then they went and mixed with the parasitic niggers to make savage parasitic low IQ nigger babies.
What Mexico is doing is an act of war, the US military has international law on their side– especially since cartels are government employees. I hope any spics here realize that their turd world is going to be blasted to bits, Jade Helm was a final warning to you and one of largest military exercises in history. The cowards that fled to be insurgences won't have a home to back to, (((they))) wanted them to stir up shit so they an excuse to create the NAU.
There wasn't a peep about the seven year long Mexican Narco civil war in the US, even though hundreds of thousands died– more than Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Zionists don't want America using it's military for shit that's actually important, now it's gotten so bad that only war can change anything.
The cartels occupied governments will be the next ISIS and Central America the new Middle East, all that needs to happen is a major attack.
That is the kind of stuff every open borders piece of shit needs to be forced to watch, and if they are still for immigration then they too should have their heads removed in the same fashion.
No texts at all on any Narco-state war even mentioned, as I said, things are getting memoryholed specially everything regarding President Diaz Ordaz, who rightfully killed 500 communist traitors in one of the last if not the last actually good thing done here.
came here to say this.
IT just blows my mind that a major issue for politicians in Country A would be ensuring that citizens from their country can easily leave and move to Country B. To my knowledge, here is no White country where they are talking about, when I am Prime Minister I will make sure that the immigration policy of [foreign country] is conducive for those of you trying to escape this shithole! (Or totally-not-a-shithole, according to CNN, which is why politicians are helping people leave??).
I mean, a more honest thing would be to say, "I understand that it's becoming increasingly difficult to relocate to the Estados Unidos. But we have to acknowledge that there is this principle in White society called ‘sovereignty’. Basically, it means that other countries are not subject to our rules and whims. It's terrible, I know. But what I am proposing is that we make MAY-HEE-KOH great aga–err, great. We make it a great place to live, so that you people stop trying to leave in droves, which causes a brain drain, which prevents our economy from growing."
In truth, Mexico's fucked up beyond all repair, I get it. But with their politicians talking about helping people move to the United States, it's almost like the jig's up, and so you have this guy advocating invasion and genocide of the White regions. Very good thing to share with your normalfag friends, at a minimum.
Fucking niggers.
jews ruined the new world.
Half right. A shekel saved is a shekel earned.
Its rhetoric. That guy wants to be the Mexican Trump by making a bunch of patriotic and controversial statements.
At least I hope its rhetoric, because if its not than God help us a legit retard is running for Mexican presidency
They ruined the new world, they ruined the old world, they ruined the ancient world, they ruined the Earth.
The infection spreads…and the jews are ensuring that it does. Above all their other weapons, black DNA is the most powerful tool in their toolbox for destroying the earth, nations and all of the diversity/life therein. I don't even feel bad about advocating openly genociding all the 'brown' peoples because they are too stupid to understand that when the jews are done with Ethnic Europeans, they are going to coordinately wipe out the 'browns' of the earth leaving the entire planet only for themselves (at which point they will promptly starve without a race to parasite off). So if they are that stupid, they deserve to die anyway…we need an Ethno-Globe filled with Ethnic Europeans.
No point in hiding when the jig is up.
No, what do you think all the robotics and ai is for. Once that stuff is in, nearly all of the bio slaves will be liquidated.
Yep, there is a rush to take care of it before their plan gets out of hand and beyond their control.
I prefer the full out invasion vs the long term trickle. That said, a potential president of one country running on a platform that its citizens should force their way into another country is peak retardation.
it ends with the utter destruction of everything they hold to be true only to be replaced with the unyielding might of our people
there is no arguing with cartel or their backer
cartel will cut your dick off and blow torch your taint for a laugh
they are descendants of death cults
we are descendants of the bringers of civilization
Also its a lot cheaper for the mex gov to send its crap north rather then having to feed them.
shill on
shill on brah
When a Mexican says they're going to do something retarded, they mean it all likelihood. They're not big on sarcasm, satire and irony.
shill on brah
jew on chiba
Pro tip, if you want to harm Cartels where it hurts them then attack their South American associates and burn their drug fields doesn't matter if they are warlords, politicians, cops or whatever, just do it.
We start with Home Depot.
No, they're thugs and it's a mean to an end. They will simply find new markets and people to exploit; anyone with their culture, music or even related to them deserves to be liquidated for what they've done.
Research the history of the Thugee in Indian, that is how you remove them.
Jews have an average IQ of 84 because they have never experienced any evolutionary pressure to develop their brains any higher than the level required for Criminal Mafia activity (don't believe the LIES and their hype, this is very well known in the IQ literature that they are barely above retarded). The only way they keep control of the globe is because they murder any race that is breaking away from their own low IQ fucktardery.
Who is going to 'fix their shit' when it breaks? Their plan is a stupid plan, one that could work for Ethnic Europeans quiet well, because we were the productive makers of the tech, but one that will result in the jews own deaths and I am really happy about this…no matter how things turn out it is a win for the Earth even if it isn't a win for Ethnic Europeans (if they PUSSY OUT and won't slaughter the jews before they slaughter us; despite the fact that they say and demonstrate their intention OVER AND OVER AND OVER).
It is all part of it. Cut off the funding, cut off their supplies, cut off their hands.
I wouldn't worry about it.
A declaration of war.
How could they not? But let's imagine some things together. Imagine, if you would, how decisively and completely such a war would end if White America was united behind a full understanding of the gravity of the war. I'm saying if America sent all shitskins home or into the ocean, and at least provisionally concentrated american niggers into certain areas of the country for later dealing with, and everyone concerned was prepared to support the war action, and there was no governmental gridlock or military corruption…imagine what the absolute might of the White arsenal would look like if it was unleashed decisively. How long do you think that action would take? I'd think that within 3-14 days the destruction could be total on important infrastructure and civilian populations. With proper follow-up techniques, maybe like gassing, resource destruction, intelligence gathering and propaganda, wouldn't it be basically wrapped up 3 months after that? Something like a 92% kill rate of targets? Quarantine zones for pockets of salvageable humans of course, Whites are everywhere really even if in small numbers. Seems pretty worth it to take the entire of America North and South, America, one country. Good for the economy too. I suppose if I was in charge of such things I'd do something like that. Actually, I have a lot more good ideas.
So here's what I'm talking about. Just gather up all the threats and try to determine the true intent behind the actions. Distill that essence of intent, and then you know what to do. You reflect and amplify. I think this might be some kind of basic game theory+, but I try not to study exact techniques until I've practiced and learned a bunch of it on my own that way I can gauge how good my predictive power is, which in turn shows me how reliable my information is. But in any case, we are all well aware that these "people" want to invade, destroy and exterminate our entire race slowly. So we what? And we do it QUICKLY. Reflected and amplified, all perfectly legal under Divine Law. The thing about this trick is that you have to be absolutely transparent as to your own intentions, or obviously you'll end up destroying yourself with the double-edge of that sword.
I feel like that's enough spaghetti for one post.
Make Tenochtitlan Rubble Again!
Ees no racis wen we do eet senor!
Send the homeless niggers to mexico. kek
Or you could probably convince most of them to finish killing each other if you were so inclined. Bribe and misdirect and misrepresent, sew discord, etc. But do it better than before, way better. I can't tell you exactly why this would be an acceptable way to proceed, but I have no doubt it could work eventually. Problem is that people lose their fire and fury in faggot ops like that, then you lose the will of the people to global ascendancy. I honestly think using overwhelming blitzkrieg force is the right way to move. We have casus belli. If you want to get these savage animals to kill each other for you, better start a few decades ago. And it was probably effective in some part. That's one thing the ponyfuckers still have some legacy street cred in.
Sic vis pacem, para bellum.
If you see this image while scrolling the first page, you have been visited by:
William 'live the thug life; you lose your life' Sleeman, the repressor of the Thuggees
Smelly dumb nigger-spic thug scum and all other murder cults will be hunted down in your country and their bloodlines destroyed– but only if you post
In this thread
Si vis pacem fac bellum.
You can't simply storm into mexico expecting to clear ALL the cartel nigs over there, they have residences, systems and people working for them in the south too and if push comes to shove they will retreat there, if you seriously want to destroy them then you should focus on destroying their funding first, expunging their allies and then finally annihilating them, it is a known fact that most conflict areas in south american use USA manufactured weapons that the mexicans facilitate to the belligerent groups in exchange for tons of drug produce.
Overpower the south and only then you may corner the mexican.
So you don't stop until you clear Argentina.
Bet you they'd make good shock troops, some zergs with decent equipment to clear towns. I suppose that would have a nice side effect of making one group of enemies actively die and kill for us all at once. They'd probably totally buy into the invasion idea if we absolutely promised them their own good country with permanent gibs. And of course I'd fulfill that contract faithfully if it was signed. Because depending on how you set it up, you can time it out so both groups go extinct at just around the same time. And the surviving zergs can have their country, but if you look really closely at the cursive fine print they'll need to be sterilized. However, free good ass gibs until they expire. Not a bad way to go if you can resist chimping. Or: if chimping, then purge. Nice tight little package, and then onto the next stage. I can't imagine this to be very difficult.
Just have to work it out with the Slavs, they probably did get the short end of the stick for the last several centuries. But ruskies and ants have already shown that they're both willing and capable of killing off massive amounts of their own people, so again I'm saying that I don't actually see where the difficulty lies. It's just kikes being annoying right now–but has nobody noticed that kikes are kind of just an illusion? Man behind the curtain and all that. They're terrified that the desire they have to burn the planet to death will manifest as a "holocaust". Which of course it will as per the theory of reflect and amplify. It must really be nasty if it's caused them to go insane hundreds or thousands of years before the actual event itself. Should be epic for some reason, I can't even guess as to why it even matters without thinking about it for a little bit. In any case, if the kikes nuclear arsenal were rendered inoperable, they wouldn't even have the shadow of a threat left. If there was a fleet that was capable of making that happen, then again I'd have to say I'm kind of failing to see the major difficulties anymore. Just need to let the idea percolate for a little while longer and infest the hearts of men. It's quite the insidious meme.