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Leftist comic cringe thread
Take a guess as to who made this shlock.
was it a jew?
I don't know if I should laugh or be pissed.
Cucks, the "bull" and the whore that does this all get the rope too. Just fucking cleanse them all.
Sorry OP that text is way too painful to read.
If anybody's got a color comic that you think a good /pol edit would fix, post it and I might be able to shop it up nice.
His ex was.
Op, find any Mainstream comic book. Its fucking rife with this shit. Dont even get me started how tainted hard left tripe is.
Excuse me while i review the footage of the IG hearing. My sides will be in fucking orbit.
The Touhou one hurts me the most.
Cal-arts is implicitly leftist. View if you dare.
Should have spoilered.
You know, I think the Reimu one looks pretty good.
Well we already knew that…
I've seen this comic before and for me the last couple of panels always come across as having an unintended hint of deprecating self-awareness, maybe like a subconscious cry for help.
They actually feel a little like parody edit one of us would make to fuck with and lampoon the intended message.
Fucking lefty faggots.
It looks like a ripoff of LISP-tan.
To be fair. The whole calarts thing has been thrown around for decades with very different definitions of what exactly it is.
Either way CalArts is a fucking shithole that needs to burn but so long as the USA is so enamoured with Hollywood the USAs animation industry will remain there and will suck up people from that institution and be run by the same small group of people with the same sense of aesthetics.
Who the fuck wants sex to be "challenging?"
fuck off moshe
Her shit is usually pretty exploitable at least.
Holy shit this might be the most hypocritical thing I have ever seen. Mind blowing stuff just how crazy these people are.
Dwin Benis was less confusing than this shit
The sad thing is I think he is sincere, swedes amirite?
his wife, Sorenson's son.
You can attach up to 5 files to a single post, newfag.
10 bux
Was thinking about throwing some words on here, but honestly it probably doesn't need any.
Can't say I'm shocked the democrats would hype her up so much.
Republicans freed the slaves and got the first nigger in a suit.
a true classic of the genre