Public Service Announcement

Reminder that if you havent read Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries, Hunter, White Power, This Time The World, Fame Of A Dead Mans Deeds and Siege at this point, that you should stop posting and go read them. Also, pic related.

A locked shitpost died for this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also I know you faggots havent listened to more than 10 or 20 of the 300 Pierce broadcasts.

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Is there any real and concrete evidence for Zig Forums's claim of 'war against the whites', save a few sentiments from non-white college professors who go about trolling and various other unsuccessful trolls of color who go about trolling on the internet?

If anything… I'd think that the concept of 'war against the whites' is away for powerful fools to try to manipulate 'white people'.

White Power is a fucking good read, man.

If you actually paid attention for more than 5 minutes and I dont mean selective blindness, you would know theres endless amounts of evidence.

Attached: jews-opinions-on-whites2.png (720x722 110.94 KB, 243.18K)

selective hearing, whatever, willful blindness.

Sir or madam..

Who are you to say that I do or don't pay attention?

Of course i pay attention, or else I wouldn't be posting here on Zig Forums.

Street credit if you give me an actual response explaining your claim.

Again, how is it that you, being an user can make this claim?

t. respectful and honorable hero of the white race

Read the 5 images. If you paid attention you would see, Zig Forums is based entirely on truth and so the only thing that a lack of information signifies is not having spent much time here, and refusing the facts.

Wither it's (((intentional))) or (((unintentional))) doesn't change the fact that demographics are changing in major white nations in a way that's going to be highly unpleasant.

Awaken your Faustian Spirit you scumfucks

The threads been anchored and the purpose is in the OP. I could fill 10 threads with infographics and memes. If you want to see the evidence that Jews are trying to exterminate whites, go make a thread. We had it in the primer before, Kalergi, Hooton etc. Kikes took the board over though and removed that.

I've seen enough irl to understand that there's a lot of seemingly pro-Jewish anti-antisemitism out there, although who's to say that's not a psyop by White Anglo Saxon Protestants and others so that they can pin their own faults and mistakes on Jews and weed out neo-nazis/??

"Kikery" could be pseudo-elitism in disguise claiming to be 'kikery".

Is there any hard evidence against that?

You still didnt read the first fucking meme where a kike admits Jews are behind browning America to achieve a white minority. It takes 5 minutes to find something like that, and theres thousands of examples. It takes YEARS to achieve a Zig Forums education, but it only takes a short time to see Zig Forums is always right and Jews are pushing white genocide. Key Words: "Looking beyond this second phase and into the results of the next two years of work, we imagine the OHI providing a suite of services and partnering with leaders in the tech industry to be able to search out hate speech on their platform in all its thorny nuances."

I did read it. Why do you say I didn't?

well sheeeeit, why is it that in every society that the kikes have been apart of they're either monopolizing or subverting it? Kikes got thrown out of countries just for Usury

Attached: white genocide49.jpeg (952x1103 789.95 KB, 812.64K)

Sorry, I don't mean to be a bother.

t. Celt

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funny because Jews are so actively engaged in brown genocide

White people doing this sort of stuff is giving those non-white people more attention than they deserve.

Feels like a psyop to me.

You can hold your own ground and culture without being a propaganda machine or some hell-bent racist loser, or someone so upset about 'this racial thing' or 'that racial thing'.

Only the losers of the race are racist, and that probably explains much of the sufferings of the African race as they seem to be the race with the poorest fortunes, and a whole continent full of 'race war problems'.

Attached: Greater-Israel-Jews-Demanding-It-Now3.PNG (634x352 1.92 MB, 8.47M)

..a nation created by white people.

top lel

Youre a retard excusing a genocide, the evidence is right there that Jews are planning to exterminate us by browning us out. Read up on the history of Rhodesia and South Africa, its still happening today. First niggers vote for your stuff (reparations, on the democratic platform in 2022) then they kill you when you refuse to give up the farm your family had for a few hundred years, but first they rape your family and toss them in a bush, and then the police take 4 hours to show up and dont do jack shit when they get there, and youre already dead. Thats the future of white countries if people like you get their way. My fucking psyop, youre a lefty/kike/ shill, I could tell right away.

Attached: France-Civil-War-Inevitable.jpg (750x934, 65.04K)

I'm not a lefty, a kike, or a shill.

I live in the U.S. Niggers don't have that much power here. They aren't even the preferred pawns of the establishment. They are like the secondary pawns, while the preferred pawns are college kids and people associated with fraternities.

Attached: How-To-Promote-White-Genocide.png (1132x1394, 256.29K)

Whites have no power with 56% of the population, race war is inevitable and you better side with the good guys or you will find yourself with no allies at all.

Lol, yeah implying the whole country's establishment isn't white.

Nice incorrect statistics.

(…sorry, I don't mean to be rude…)

I don't see a single negro freemason in the Revolutionary Era or a single Asian signer of the United States Constitution in the Revolutionary War.

Ron Paul is a white man, not any other race. Same for his son.

People shouldn't be jealous of others.

Source Consciousness has probably assigned a time and place for everything under the sun.

Meanwhile every Christian preacher around the world denounces Islam even without a big scare about it.

Thanks for all these images…. am saving them all to study them.

t. Irish Lord

56% pure white European minus all the "huwites"

Attached: white america.jpg (763x760 445.21 KB, 405.59K)

what are 'huwites'?

strange mixture of percentage and your response to my praise of Ron Paul

quite random citing of percentages, when unrelated to infographs you've posted (plus interesting use of a vague undefined slang term)

perhaps you might call this 'degeneracy'

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Was your last president white?



huwites arent white. I hope that clears it up.

(((white))) not White.
IE, they are kikes. The ones that are not kikes themselves actually are kikes but pretend not to be (crypto kikes). The ones that are not cryptos are married to kikes. The ones that are not married to kikes are (((schofield bible))) "Christians" who worship kikes and israel. The ones who are not cucks who worship the kikes and israel are goodest good shabbos goyim who are up to their eyeballs in jewish schemes and crimes and are probably luciferians or freemasons.
Then there are the numerous non-White "establishment" figures, which of itself blows out your claim.
There was this one named "Obama" a few years ago….

Your point being what?
That the US used to be White and is not now?
That's kind of the whole point.
The US was only ever meant to be for WHITES.
The invasion of non-Whites is GENOCIDE.

Islam is only very slightly better than judaism.
They are both vile.

You spelled "corrupt rich JEWISH business owners" wrong.
Most of the "1%" in the US is not actually White. It's mostly JEWISH. They pretend to be White in order to deflect blame off of jews and onto Whites for things that jews have actually done.
And no, jews are not White.
The fact that they mostly look "white" is a great scourge upon our civilization.

non-White caucasoids, primarily kikes.

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