White Identity

The public perception of NSDAP and their iconography is extremely negative.

It is illegal to display this iconography in almost every part of the world. It is DOUBLY illegal if you're white (meaning penalties more severly imposed / no clemency).

Being pro-white is not yet explicitly illegal (only psuedo illegal in many places via (((hate speech))) provisions)

Also consider what the average normal person understands about Nazi stuffs:
* Hitler has replaced Satan as "the ultimate evil"
* Nazi is bad, I mean really really bad
* Calling people a Nazi is effectively what calling them a Heretic / Witch / blasphemer was in the past

So spending any effort to rehabilitate the image of Nazism or Nazi iconography seems to me to not be a pragmatic approach.

This is because you're effor will be to merely pull the reputation of NSDAP and their iconography out of a very deep hole.

While you spend effort being an edgelord or advocating people to repair the image of NSDAP and their symbols (((they))) are busy demonizing white identity
in general and making that illegal.

IMO this is the goal, and also IOTBW was a prime example of where effort should be spent. The main thrust off all public propaganda directed at normies and kekistan
etc should feed the core message: "It's ok to be white". That forces (((them))) to EXPLICITLY say that no it's not ok to be white.

All of us understand that this is their essential ethos of jews and leftists anyway but normal people don't know that and the best way to do that is to make
(((them))) explicitly come out and say it.

Jews will tell you to wear a swastika and grow an hitler mustache and march down to city hall demanding policy change but if you are not retarded you can see how this is
ultimately futile. No normal person will listen to anything you have to say, also everything you do and say can now be trivially filed away under (((hate speech))) and
it helps them to further criminalize white identity.

Understand that when the Nazis were defeated, their imagery was also defeated. (((they))) have had 70 plus years to poison the well.

If you spend effor to rehabilitate or salvage this imagery then you fail and waste your effort (this is (((their))) desired outcome)

If you listen to anyone who tells you to display this imagery in public they are setting you up for arrest/punishment. (again they win)
and you help to make their case for them that white identity itself should be criminalized.

What does Zig Forums think?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Homosexuality seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity.


I think you're an idiot. Since Nazism is today conflated with any sort of right wing position whatsoever, rehabilitation of the image is absolutely necessary. You will not win if you allow your enemy to frame the narrative.

Oh really? Then tell me how to rehab the image of Nazism? Even one suggestion that's not fucking retarded would be appreciated.

There is no use in trying to avoid the NSDAP label.

The NSDAP by another name will still clearly be the NSDAP in policy, and disguising will not work.

Embrace that Hitler did literally nothing wrong and or the jews in every other nations' governments had not ganged up on the Reich, we would be living in abetter world today.

What Zig Forums has been doing already for years.

Give it a good image by

And be respected. Offer salvation from invaders, debt, degeneracy and they will come.

easy, show how diverse the ss was and how holocaust didn't happen

Good post incoming from me but it'll take a while, stay tuned folks

Abstract faggotry with no practical explanation of how any of that could be achieved.

HOW fuckwit? how do you go out in public not get arrested and also give it a good image?

Gay, we don't want diversity, at most we want white immigrants but nobody else. If you show how diverse the SS was thats no different from civic nationalism and their "based black guys".

Also good luck talking about how great nazis were in public.

Yeah there is. What is our goal? To secure the existence of white people and a future for white children, not to rehabilitate the image of Nazism.

IMO you have an opportunity cost: rehabilitating the image of nazism is fail and spending effort on it means that you can't also do 14 words. ALso you play right into their hands out yourself and go directly to jail and do not collect 200 dollars.

The whole point of going form that is the gradual red pill and all you fucking optics cuckers are always talking about not showing your hand all at once and gradually redpilling the masses, so that should fit in perfectly with your methods should it not?

I don't think Zig Forums has had much success at publicly rehabilitating the image of nazism / NSDAP, none at all.

They have only succeeded in redpilling people who already kind of realized that something was wrong.

The thing is, the left has pulled off a great trick in essentially tieing the stone that is national socialism to white nationalism in order to make it a sort of self referential sin so you kinda HAVE to drag it along with you, besides we're not the kind of group that has the organization and cohesion to just ignore that a great many of us are national socialists

You've had 70 plus years faggot. When is your moment in the sun? We're overrun with niggers and spics and mystery meat invaders.

When is your fucking master plan going to kick in? Seems like never to me.

Meanwhile we are

We had the same problems as white nationalism in general, we had 0 media control and the jews had total media control to the point that they were able to subvert the biological drive to protect your people

Just start a civil war already! What can soyboys, females and shitskins do against real men?
Fucking anglomutts larping as nazicucks I swear, trying to get the cattle to follow you instead of the jews fucking shit mate i hate anglos so god damn much

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This is where I disagree. NSDAP symbology is a boat anchor and a honeypot.

It is (((their))) most defended / strongest point. They have already captured and secured that area in the hearts and minds of the populace and that is where you want to attack? Retarded IMO.

Attack them where they are weak and haven't already won. Just push IOTBW and the fact that white identity and white culture are ok.

Those are the only people who matter.

FIrst pic, has no nazi imagery, none zero.

There are only 10 guys, I don't see anybody else around, they aren't in the town square or anything like that.

Second pic looks like some faggots basement, he's also alone. So who's gonna start this war cool guy? To do so would end things for us. You attack when you're strong and can win, not when you are a marginalized group.

That gets me to our next point, we have to drag the stone but we don't have to attack at their strongest point, the live rallies, the all that, that is their strongest point, if we just don't do mass rallies we don't have the confusion and the self controlled whatever people happen to be plopped in with us and blah blah.
What we have to do is we have to do all the debating one on one with peers and such to drag those we can slightly to the right of where they are: See the transcendence memes of:
Holocaust should have happened>Holocaust happened and thats good>Hitler wasn't racist holocaust didn't happen>Hitler was racist for the holocaust
But besides just that we have to increase our intermingling in the institutions of society and subvert the jewish masters of them just as the jews did to their capitalist aryan masters before

I think the left are doing our work for us.
Ten years ago:
I feel as though white people are unnecessarily, unfairly burdened by affirmative action and black-specific programs.

We can debunk the Holocaust without trying to resurrect Nazism, or trrying to salvage nazi iconography, or rehabilitate hitlers image.

I agree mass rallies seem to have failed and worked against us. Public debates are good and going well and seem to be a good approach but only when done as a neutral persona not as a Nazi.

One more thing, people sort of imagine that the left has a magic science man that can put whoever in their place, but I've found me and other people believing that WE now have the magic science man who could destroy in debates if they were there when in some cases its kind of unreasonable to expect that data backed arguments can be made for either side, and there are people actually working on that.
See the alternative hypothesis' website and the library of hate

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I agree and think things are gradually coming around but I don't want to waste time trying to salvage NSDAP and it's imagery. I think it's a boat anchor right now and I just want to drop it and focus effort in other places. I worry that by the time it's obvious to normal people that we're getting fucked by jews and commies that we'll already be so far up shit creek…

I agree with the rest of your post

I agreed you stink of reddit.

Probably because the NSDAP was responsible for the biggest genocide in human history you stupid knuckledragging racist ape

All Nazis and their families deserve to be exterminated for the sake of human decency

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-Page 659 of Mein Kampf, Stalag Edition.

-George Lincoln Rockwell, This Time the World, Ch12

All of you are untermensch.

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Stopped reading there, OP. The Swastika is the Cross of Thor. It is a holy religious symbol. Any discrimination against it is illegal under Marxist egalitarian law.

Thanks for faggy pictures shlomo, one day we'll have kekistanis and based black guys stomping on your throat!

Cheers mate!

back to reddit

You stick out like a sore thumb.

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Another D&C content free post. Try again

Lets follow their example goys, I'll out on my nazi costume and march downtown by myself what could possibly go wrong?

these vids from alt hype are relevant, there are points I agree with, although the conclusion of dragging teh notsee stone with us I don't agree, and I'm working on a thing responding the the points in these vids which I really think are the best points made so far for the optics cucking side, again stay tuned.

forgot to actually paste the links


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I'm not advocating fag acceptance. Thanks for trying to slide thread. Get in the bog.

I appreciate that you are new and moderately competent but it is National Socialism not Ignatz.

We need to use a combination of everything. Old and new. Whatever works. Be pragmatic and do A/B testing.

I watch alt-hype, his vids are very good. Well researched they are definite red-pill material.

That's racist! Welcome to our side, you didn't even mean to join but now the first racial redpill has sunk in ;)

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already been memes and pranks to get people to agree with hitler by putting his quotes matched to the face marx, actors, politicians, etc. that result in the public agreeing with whatever is being said.

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I agree that we should do whatever works, unfortunately I don't think National Socialism and it's memes are working. Also I would probably wear a swastika around if I wouldn't immediately be attacked by commie faggots and thrown in jail for disturbing the peace, but here we are.

This is a good point, but it's not really moving the needle much in our direction.

I am fine with you convincing nigs to stomp on jew throats… who were you shilling for again?

Thats all fine and all, but he's wrong about optics cucking just as he was wrong about the ancap stuff back in the old days, gimme some time to type out why

OP you are wrong. Lurk more.

Do you not understand the idea of a normie pipeline? You think we end up this committed and fanatical over night? It takes time, research and acceptance to reach this level of redpill.

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I totally disagree that natsoc imagery is defeated. Look at satanism, their imagery was literally heretical and you had to lay low with satanic imagery until maybe 50 years ago. Now it is prevalent everywhere and is accepted moreso than christianity. Also imagine what you saw on the internet only 5 years ago, not even a small fraction of the natsoc imagery and ideals being spread compared to now. Now it is most places that aren't censored.

People are starting to realize just how much the media lies and are starting to realize that maybe something similar happened to Hitler and Nazi Germany. This is not a bad angle to push, just do it anonymously for now. I am sure in time what happened with pentagrams and satanism will happen anew with the swastika and national socialism.

I am a Zig Forums lurker and never post. But I'm getting pissed off with all the jew faggotry I see starting on Zig Forums. I agree Zig Forums is starting to get infested with reddit filth

Are leftists really this historically illiterate?

Even if the propaganda against Nazis were true and they did exterminate all 6 gorillion jews, communists genocided literally 10 times that.

What a shit thread. Kikes literally made a commercial calling Trump Hitler and he won in a landslide. You are all faggots.

Attached: If They Lied About Trump.webm (1280x720, 4.35M)

Thats fine that you disagree. I think you are wrong about satanism. Satanism only gaining any traction in the vacuum left by christianity. When christianity was muscular and assertive satanists dwelled on the fringes where they basically still are to this day.

Post more. We appreciate a good signal to noise ratio. Every post counts believe it or not.

Thanks for proving my point. They are calling him hitler because that works to poison his image. If it didn't work they wouldn't do it. So why try to go through their wall and not just go around?

I agree with your premise that lasting damage has been done and that they've had generations to condition us, but at the same time that conditioning is wearing off in places. It's arguable whether the damage done is irreparable.
I think an unfortunate side of this is that if you do take this line and consciously try not to associate yourself with NSDAP/Hitler in any way then it becomes an effective tool to damage you when the inevitable policy/idealogical beliefs come out. If you are a genuine National Socialist you don't have to wave around a swastika in downtown Charlottesville but eventually you will have to defend your beliefs, and those are obviously similar or identical to those of the Third Reich in reality.

You should kill yourself.

Why isn't this redditor banned yet?

You can only use this imagery here in an absolute free speech zone essentially among people who already agree. You cannot take these ideas into the public sphere currently and address normal people directly.

Personally I used to be a typically vanilla shitlib, but I had the nagging feeling that something was wrong and shit didn't add up. I always hated gays though and no amount of pro fag propaganda ever resonated with me. But I was def a civic nationalist. 4chan /pol / red pilled me a lot before it became overrun, but I was already mostly there by the time I started lurking on 4chan.

I actually think that alt-light and jordan peterson are gateway drugs to our shit.

Thanks for letting me know that my thread is good schlomo! JIDF approved goys!

Stop being a fucking cuckservative retard and read up on radicalism.

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MFW you don't even try to argue agaisnt my points

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Wew. Thread is over. Obvious who made this.

Do you know how popular the band "slayer" was? Satanic imagery is completely and totally allowed in the west. Try to make a band or group of any kind with natsoc imagery and you'd get your funding cut in the US or outright arrested in Europe. Satanists can even have their own churches and seem more protected by religious freedom laws than Christians, especially in leftist dominated areas. You want to try to start up a natsoc group? Good luck not getting murdered or arrested.

This makes you sound like a shill. People are clearly becoming more accepting of natsoc imagery if not for any other reason than the leftists have pulled a "boy who cried wolf" on it repeatedly since Trump started running. Five years ago "nazi" was a political death sentence. Now no one other than the far left gives a fuck because the insult has lost all meaning. Give another 5 years and people might actually open their minds to trying to understand what natsoc even means, especially now that it is so apparent that the media lies constantly and that people of the west are propagandized from birth.

Yes, you are reddit. No, youre not worth explaining everything to in child language. Just say wignats and leave it at that you anti-white subversive. You called the thread white identity because you dont believe in it. Your arguments are shit "edgy" is not an argument.

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I agree that it seems to make perfect sense. It seems like a good strategy, but to counter both GLW and AH are dead, and they lost. So what am I to think?

If you can't see how assblasted and retarded this shill is, you should leave too.
Probably a butthurt boomer cuck that can't get over that it was born without a future because it's breeders were retarded kike puppets like it is.

You carry the torch of truth further and move on, never forgetting the truth or pervert it for cucks, inferiors and kikes.
But you don't want us to do that, don't you. Your kind try to tell all of us to either follow Hitler's every word or become neocons. Not gonna happen :^)
The truth will live on and we will kill every kike on the planet and it will be justified.

Thanks guy. You say you have the secret sauce and yet, you don't share it with us, and apparently I am the shill.

This thread is a /tv/ raid.

Lets take your argument at face value that there are in fact 150 million national socialists. Where are they all in the USA? Are they in Europe? Because if they are, they're certainly hiding well. THey're not doing anything to end the fucking invasions of 3rd world trash funnelling across the border.

What the fuck does this even mean? What are people supposed to do with that statement. If they follow your instructions they just stop thinking about practical solutions to further white identity.

Doesn't sound like something they should do. Even if you don't agree with me, everybody should be think about and making moves to further the acceptability of white identity in public not jsut on the internet.

You will never be white.

nice try yid

I'm not telling you to become a neocon. I don't know of any pro-white neocons. So you fail at framing my ideas.

Good kill every kike, I'm not standing in your way. So you are advocating that we follow strategies that have failed in the past when people were even more openly pro-white than they are now. Doesn't seem very smart really does it?

You presented a hypothetical situation with variables that guaranteed total victory.
I never said there were right now 150 millions National Socialists in the US.
Your very first sentence is already an attempt to lie and manipulate what I wrote.
Eat shit and die, kike!

And I did say I will always honor the truth, not that I will follow Hitler's every word in the posts above. It is you who won't frame me, filth.

This is what a kike/shill looks like folks. Observe.

See pic related. Psychological momentum is a thing. Depending on who you ask the tightening spirals of history are also a thing. How much of this is planned to coincide with the 70 year/7 year global prophecy cycle is hard to ascertain.

Rothschild cycles, jew prophecy, subversion, it is hard to wrap your head around where ZOG control ends and our chaos begins. It has been my life work to try to delineate these phenomena.

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aesthetic memes you 30 year old fucking boomer genz can't get enough of them. kindly report to your nearest gas chamber

Hardly. The fact that you are a shill is obvious. You're only goal is to end this thread. You don't advance any ideas that are better or more helpful or shoot my down with actual intelligent statements, you just call me a kike. I'm judging you by your actions.

If you want to be a public Nazi go right ahead. I think you are full of shit though. You will honor the truth? How does pegging white identity to nazi iconography achieve anything?

Please lay it out for me. I'm waiting.

I think your argument is cogent and you make some good points.

What you are saying is similar to what Storming AA says about the wisdom of reclaiming the identity of America's Founding Fathers, and of using American nationalist symbolism - such as the flag.

OPTICS - In Scandinavia the men of the Nordic Resistance Movement wear white shirts, present clean optics, and avoid 3rd Reich symbols.

& of course Generation Identity uses the ancient Lambda symbol that ancient Spartans used.

However, I love the 3rd Reich, and I feel that the only thing Hitler did wrong was to not listen to the advice of his generals - in particular regarding the need to fall back and regroup at Stalingrad. So I will always react well to 3rd Reich symbols. I also like ancient German symbols that pre-date the Reich, such as the Iron Cross.

And BTW, not every race feels as negative as you describe about the 3rd Reich. In Thailand and Japan the old black-red-white colors of WWII Germany, as well as the hakenkreuz (swastika) are quite well liked.

Just use whatever symbolism you think is best, user. The movement is healthy and will do well with diverse opinions and strategies.

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Nigger please. This trolling is weak

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Indeed, kike. You are telling people to join the kikes in the quest to smear dirt on the legacy of Hitler and his people. I don't want nor need to put out any "intelligent" statement to some disingenous kike.

You see, I never said this. Find me where I said this?
Never said that you have to do this in the current political climate at the moment.

Anything else, you filthy fucking subhuman?

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His generals WANTED that frontal charge to Moscow. Hitler wanted Baku for the oil.
The Prussian nobility of the German High Command were just as at fault.

Kill yourself leddit.


Nope thats your framing. I said that people should further white identity in any way except using Nazi iconography which has been successfully poisoned in the public sphere.

You will spend so much effort trying to salvage it's reputation that you will accomplish nothing of value. That's my opinion and I obvously could be wrong, but thats how I see it.

You seem to be some kind of sperg/ or extreme autist who can't be reasoned with in any practical way. Do whatever you want I don't care to be honest. If you have some way to salvage the image of Nazi iconography or hitler or whatever then please offer it up. I think that your ideas will be shit but I hope I'm wrong.

Does this actually work? Do goys ignore posts because you found a gramatical or other spacing error? Do tell.

You still can't find me where I said everyone has to goosestep downtown to save European cultures.
You can stop now. People here can already see your seething hatred for Hitler and his quest to save his people from kike capitalism and communism in these posts

It is real in your mind, yid. Good luck trying to convince us to start using "hwhite nationalism isn't evil NUTZISM" in public.
The first step is obviously to kill subhumans like you when the first chance reveals itself.

I love seeing this shit and I think it's awesome. TBH I think we would have more success with Nazi memes outside of Europe and NA than within.

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Hi juden, how's that film projector working out for you? Sure must've served you well.

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And if you want to convince people here, try not to be a kike and accuse people with your false dilemma first :^)

My jewish neighboor survived 66 extermination camps and he witnessed the ass goblin of Auschwitz.

The Kekistan civiccucks don't even share our end goal, so it's not even about them being "moderate". As far as actual white nationalism goes, you can't use Hitler's time as a guide to our time, and Rockwell is an overrated failure, sorry, but he objectively failed to get off the ground even before he was sadly assassinated. Hitler got into power and challenged the world, but the difference between Hitler's time and ours is that nationalism was actually popular back then, so Hitler is only saying use the most radical nationalist propaganda and promote the most extreme means for it, but the end goal of a white society was widely shared in German society, and many of the non-natsoc conservatives only disagreed on the means to achieve it, and they wrongly thought Hitler was too barbaric. In our time, hardly anyone even agrees on the end goal because they have been so brainwashed, and so yes, you can get the best with radical propaganda, but there will be approximately 100 of them, and it won't be enough. The tactics that worked then don't apply now. Spreading the idea that whites should fight for their own identity is the goal you need to achieve before you can even establish a National Socialist means of doing so.

Thanks for outing yourself. There's no further need to respond to you.

No useful ideas, just fake nazi rage. You don't have anybody's best interest at heart. Please put in my place by giving real concrete ideas that aren't "kill subhumans".

Killing subhumans comes after taking power. You have to take power first. Come on le real nazi tell us how you will take power, how will you futher white identity by going out into the public sphere with symbols that are illegal? How do you make these symbols legal? Do you have anything useful to say?

Pic related: This is where we are right now. So I guess your big propaganda victory is just around the corner amirite?

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Election politics inevitably lead to white minority, were fighting a genocide, whats not practical is doing it with both arms tied behind our back blindfolded.
The mass lemming opinion is irrelevant, winning the (inevitable one way or another) race war is the only viable and practical solution. Read siege, attack the system, or shut the fuck up and go back to plebbit with your PR cucking TRS astroturf bullshit.

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