The public perception of NSDAP and their iconography is extremely negative.
It is illegal to display this iconography in almost every part of the world. It is DOUBLY illegal if you're white (meaning penalties more severly imposed / no clemency).
Being pro-white is not yet explicitly illegal (only psuedo illegal in many places via (((hate speech))) provisions)
Also consider what the average normal person understands about Nazi stuffs:
* Hitler has replaced Satan as "the ultimate evil"
* Nazi is bad, I mean really really bad
* Calling people a Nazi is effectively what calling them a Heretic / Witch / blasphemer was in the past
So spending any effort to rehabilitate the image of Nazism or Nazi iconography seems to me to not be a pragmatic approach.
This is because you're effor will be to merely pull the reputation of NSDAP and their iconography out of a very deep hole.
While you spend effort being an edgelord or advocating people to repair the image of NSDAP and their symbols (((they))) are busy demonizing white identity
in general and making that illegal.
IMO this is the goal, and also IOTBW was a prime example of where effort should be spent. The main thrust off all public propaganda directed at normies and kekistan
etc should feed the core message: "It's ok to be white". That forces (((them))) to EXPLICITLY say that no it's not ok to be white.
All of us understand that this is their essential ethos of jews and leftists anyway but normal people don't know that and the best way to do that is to make
(((them))) explicitly come out and say it.
Jews will tell you to wear a swastika and grow an hitler mustache and march down to city hall demanding policy change but if you are not retarded you can see how this is
ultimately futile. No normal person will listen to anything you have to say, also everything you do and say can now be trivially filed away under (((hate speech))) and
it helps them to further criminalize white identity.
Understand that when the Nazis were defeated, their imagery was also defeated. (((they))) have had 70 plus years to poison the well.
If you spend effor to rehabilitate or salvage this imagery then you fail and waste your effort (this is (((their))) desired outcome)
If you listen to anyone who tells you to display this imagery in public they are setting you up for arrest/punishment. (again they win)
and you help to make their case for them that white identity itself should be criminalized.
What does Zig Forums think?