Ask an unironic neoliberal anything.
I'll try my best to dispel all the bullshit out there about my ideology.
Ask an unironic neoliberal anything.
I'll try my best to dispel all the bullshit out there about my ideology.
if other people are doing something thats bad for them, such as doing drugs or sleeping around or being a bug chaser, then do you care as long as they aren't doing it to you or anyone you love?
Why do you tell and feed Arabs lies about the EU being a paradise where you will be given a job regardless of qualifications, causing them to spend their fortunes on pirates on dangerous journeys across the sea and past several totally safe nation to apply for refugee status in places where they will have no future?
Why do you support actions that would displace the native populations of Europe?
Obviously we want good outcomes for the members of our society and want to minimize self destructive behavior, but at the same time we believe that individual agency is what makes our society so great. Measures should be taken to reduce the risk of disease spreading and drug use should be highly stigmatized and dealt with properly.
Who is doing this? There is a humanitarian crisis going on in the middle east, of course we must support them and help as many people as possible.
I support policies that will make Europe and the rest of the world as rich as possible. My goal is for the people of the world to have the highest standard of living possible.
that's somewhat of an oxymoron, but alright.
how do you cope with the fact that, like communists, your ideology can't function as other nations would just use your system against you by buying out public services? How would a customer survive your system if it would be a-ok to form monopoly structures such as internet providers only providing to one zone, and charging pretty much anything for it.
how would large scale damage from natural disaster be repaired, if the state have little to no resources from taxation and public revenue?
Why not help them at the nearest safe place, but rather risking their lives and wasting their entire life saving to no future in a place literally thousands of kilometers from home.
Now they are jobless, moneyless and can't really go home either.
You are evil and are scum.
How can another nation buy out public services? They're owned by the state, who aren't willing to sell them.
That's why we have anti-trust laws.
That's why we pay taxes.
These are shitty questions my dude.
Don't you have a dinner date with Anthony Bourdain?
And not the entirety of that place is on fire. Some places are totally a ok and the arab refugees can find better prospects in those places where the cultures are similar and where they don't have to learn a new language.
By importing millions of unemployable people, first by tricking said people into thinking a job will land on their lap in Europe.
Evil scum.
Why haven't the neoliberals fixed Detroit and Chicago yet? Just put the niggers and commies in FEMA camps.
When are you going to send the Arabs and the Africans back? Because that's the thing about refugees: when it's safe, they go back. Syria is the only country actively at war. Africa being shitty because of Africans does not make them refugees. Muhammad Muhammad thinking he's oppressed because there's no welfare or White women to rape in Islamabad does not make him a refugee. The Boers have legitimate cases to be refugees because they're consistently targeted for rape and murder by government-approved goons and all your ilk do is shriek about how they're racist for not wanting to be raped and murdered. So no, I think it's more like you want the natives in Europe to be displaced and eradicated. You accept any black or brown people and give them welfare, just because they're not white. Your ideology is a lie, a way for you to mentally jerk yourself off about how much nicer and smarter you are than regular people; in reality you're just making a fetish out of dark skin and third-world culture.
And how will importing people who commit violent crimes and abuse welfare at disproportionate rates and who have never been capable of producing a wealthy society on their own into Europe improve quality of life for Europeans? Wouldn't it make more sense to advocate a new colonialism where higher quality of life can be introduced to third world countries without largely impacting average European citizens?
then you don't understand your own ideology, my friend. true neoliberals are basically the normie version of the ancaps. the 'state' as you could call it that anymore, would be nothing more but the most bare bone necessities.
jeah, because regulation is truely neoliberal, eh?
and you just saying that makes it pretty fucking clear you don't even understand the fundamental perspective of neoliberalism on the state and the market.
shitty larping, come back when you actually do some goddamn research.
And they won't be at war when every kike that runs ISIS is dead. Turn the muslim on the kike. Let them know we will stand back while they fulfill Mohammad's final sermon.
The surrounding countries have taken millions of refugees each. We have to lighten their burden.
immigrants create a demand for more products, which in turn creates jobs.
Outside of Africa, because they are dumber than gorillas, that's sort of already happening in the third world. Go to any other third world country, and there will be important companies that keep things running with White people working there making more than natives. Everyone just pretends it isn't colonialism. In some places these companies are also Chinese owned, and then it's really colonialism twice.
How many refugees has Saudi Arabia or Israel taken you lying fagot.
This, they never see the double-think they're spouting. I knew this thread was gonna be retarded but I came here anyway.
estimates range from 500,000 to 2.5 million
why do you believe in the treasonous cause of feeding non-whites and increasing their ability to compete against us?
By supporting non-White immigration into White countries (especially Europe where Whites are the aboriginals) you are supporting a policy that will lead inevitably to the genocide of White people.
You support genocide.
You are a monster.
You can rationalize and "mental gymnastics" all you want. It does not change the fact that you are complicit in the ongoing genocide of White people.
To hell with you.
Again. Genocide.
To you people are interchangeable parts in a giant economic machine.
You value nothing that actually MATTERS.
Like race, genetics, culture, heritage, history, community, a homeland, and ACTUALLY HAVING A FUTURE.
Or rather, you value the future of low IQ violent blacks and browns over the future of White people.
People like you destroy everything worth a damn.
You're sick.
You're turning the world to shit for SHEKELS. For SHORT TERM PROFITS. For FEEFEES at "muh poor blacks and browns." (Who all have their own countries that are not being flooded with foreigners)
You are advocating for the genocide of White people.
You are sick. You are complicit. You are a monster.
Why do you rip off chunks of communist ideology and then rename it?
And you'll fail miserably, offering nothing but retard tier rhetoric and making it apparent that you have no real grasp of the stupidity that you've taken a role as useful idiot to propel.
Retard bullshit alert #1. Meaningless lofty rhetoric. "Obviously we support rainbows, puppy dogs and lollipops, which is why we benevolently seek to seize all power and engage in ruthless, perpetual, and omnipresent propagandizing and demoralization of the populace to install a kike global dictatorship. . ."
Retard bullshit alert #2
We want to exterminate Europe for the benefit of inbred shitskins in niggers because it's easier to control low IQ races. We won't acknowledge that we are killing Europe with kindness and you'll have to burn down our synagogues and slaughter our children in the street if you want us to stop because, you know "humanitarianism".
Retard Bullshit alert #3
"How can another nation buy out public services?"
Pretending shares of those corporations can't be purchased, and of course he's never heard of the concept of shareholder supremacy and will claim it's a conspiracy theory because he's a lying kike subhuman desperately in need of a thorough curb stomping.
yeah, by killing those fucking roaches the second the step foot in a white nation as well as killing anyone that aided them in their invasion (i.e- you)