Piece of shit rat censors live

Look at this shitshow


This donations rat deleted the stream now. He wants to do everything to save those shekels. Fuck this cunt, report his other videos.

No one gives a fuck about your shit fetish, moshe.

Bogdanoff posting is a countersignal to exposing Jews and is a lefty/pol/ meme. This guy knows his stuff on genetics and whatnot but hes fucking braindead when it comes to radical politics and propaganda.

You need to explain, most people here dont watch TPS and the ones who do watch it rarely, and not live. Id guess hes cucking on something that someone said on the stream and now hes using the excuse that its the law in Canada that he can get arrested for what other people say, which is not true and is 100% made up bullshit.

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Srsly though now I want to know what he did, youcis was supposed to be on that episode and theres absolutely no one talking about it at all, besides a couple links to the pulled down youtube page.
Historically, this cuck pulls things down when people in the US say things that supposedly violate Canadian hate speech laws, which dont even apply to the fucking internet.

JF for the love of GOD, just stick with genetics and race pls.

They were talking about mcaffee and his wife. Emily told him to scroll down on the news report to show his wife (which was black). Rat scrolled down, then as Emily started talking he muted her and then chimped out that you can't say this or that.

The whole stream was cringe, I think he was paranoid as fuck that Emily is part of le bot squad (because in the beginning of the video she told him there were no bots but fans that don't like censorship) and wants to hurt his channel.

The rat said in another stream that he does not want any freeloaders, only people that donate to him, he does not care about the others.

So this piece of shit only cares about the money. Fuck this cunt and report all his videos, get at least a strike on his channel to teach him a lesson that cucking is not the way.

Yea, hes toast. Its a shame because he had a lot of backing coming out of that victory over cuckski. Hes been told by people who know - that Canadian hate speech laws do not apply to internet speech and that you cant be prosecuted for running a chat stream where someone in the US uses his(or her in this case) free speech to say something mean about niggers.

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According to Youcis herself she said Mcaffees wife was "old and black", and thats enough to make Gariepy cuck on supposed youtube hatespeech rules.
According to some random guy from 2 guys ago, Gariepy was repeatedly taking shots at Youcis and it was pissing him off.

10€ says JF got a whisper from (((someone))) to tone it down or they will dry up his cash flow.

Youcis was a strategic choice to give him plausible deniability while he curbed the content.

Id bet if thats the case - that itd be someone like Weev or Anglin who seek to control white nationalists, deradicalize the "movement" if you arent autistic about calling it that, shift it away from race war and naming the Jew.
Anglins choosing to label himself "alt-right" from the start was obviously an attempt to control said alt right. Most people would think he wanted to push them further right into the extreme and normalize Natsoc, instead he countersignals natsoc and tries to prevent them from going off the reservation, from doing anything not kosher.


I actually had (((higher ups))) at jewtube in mind, the guys that have the finger on the money tap. JF decided to do this full time and has another child now, so clearly he has play long term strategies.

I'm honestly surprised his streams with "Frame game" (the most desperate jew to try and stop the inevitable) haven't gotten gassed. The one about circumcision was age-walled.

"Movement" depends on why you're calling it that. No question that there is something going on in the White racial subconscious. It still has to materialize into an SA, but that's years off.

Perhaps. The question is whether JF will bend the knee to his financial masters. He's tactically using 2 channels to try and preempt the impending gassing.

Whatever my personal opinion is worth, I like JF especially because he has the fucking degree in biology and can assert racialism with muh papers, but his foray into politics has been a little bumpy. I'm glad he ditched warski and those faggots from the k*mite.

You're a hero

Pierce had the National Alliance and was against referring to things as the movement because the NA wasnt just another group, it wasnt part of the movement. We are part of the movement, by that I mean the pro-white movement against white genocide. Were really the spearhead of the movement, and everyone else is behind us in that they have yet to become the same thing as us. In the end, we are of the movement, and the movement is National Socialist - if people know it or not. The aut-kike is merely controlled opposition and a stumbling block in our way. Anyone who countersignals us is antifascist, the enemy.
As for Gariepy, I liked him but hes cucking too much. This isnt the first time, and as you said hes clearly milking the shekels and compromising the message. If hes worried about jewtube, use something else.

Oh and yea, that framegame guy was highly cucked and reads far too much leftist horseshit. This is one of the problems is that people are using fucking Maoist strategies on the far right, were not communists, we dont set up local fucking councils etc.

The white sharia meme is garbage but shes fucking great for not cucking. Shes almost too good to be true, but then again pistachio girl is a weird entry point for a fed. The fire must be rising when women are telling you that the normie masses dont matter and its only the radical minority that will make the difference, Rockwell rhetoric.

It's about Youtube and keeping his channel from being banned, not the law.

So use something else. Its also supposedly because she said "old and black". 8d cuckoldry I guess huh.
Last time his excuse was the law, when he pulled Cantwell down for talking about racewar or something.

He knows his stuff about jews and their influence/power. He thinks that he can somehow stop Whites from doing what they've done over a hundred times.
despite being well-read on the JQ, he gets the gas too

I would go as far as to assert that we are "beyond" the spear head. We are years ahead of where the racial consciousness is and need to bring it up to speed through the power of our memes. Women teach you the power of living in the now, as Schopenhauer said, their "shortsightedness" is good to counteract our idealism with.

He's been working the message pretty hard. I guess it has more to do with him being Gen X (30 or so) and his lolberg tendencies. I like that he describes the (((elites))) as habitual creatures bent on destruction because it paints jews as termites and parasitic bacteria (which they are), and I believe that the superior understanding of jewry is exactly that, as opposed to thinking that they're in conscious cohorts with eachother.

He'd have to go back to a "real job", and I assume he burnt some bridges leaving Duke. He's shit on the "peer review process" and commented multiple times that he did not like the state of academia. I'm not sure how many options he's got open at this point, but they seem to be shrinking and disappearing which may explain his interest in surviving on jewtube instead of flying too close to the sun.

Daily reminder that JewKiss is an obvious kike that promotes bestiality and shit worse than that. I refuse to watch the "worse than that" category.

Hes Ricky Bobby tier and from memory he said hes not a white nationalist, if you listen to his suggestions hes pushing for coping mechanisms for a mixed race society and white victimhood because he thinks Jewish media and university professors will ever buy into the idea that whites are victimized and oppressed and you cant accuse them of privilege and demand reparations etc. Niggers arent whites, neither are Jews. When white minority arrives (and Ill be dead by then, only cucks will willingly drift beyond 50% in their country) - niggers WILL vote for reparations regardless of whatever framing he does using reverse alinsky tactics.
Nigger, dtube literally pays him per view and upvote if we watch it there instead of jewtube, in cryptocurrency that can be pulled off for money.

Pretty sure Ive never seen her promote beastilaity and shes Lithuanian. The worst thing Ive seen from her is a video from like 10 years ago where her tits are visible.

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Yea, those are leftist memes alright.

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Yeah no shit he's cancer.


You fuckers take the hibernian meme seriously and then call the bogs a leftypol meme?

tldw: JF hovers his hand over a red censor button the entire length of every show he has or/and will ever do.

i disavow jf, i can't defend this lvl of cuckoldry. can't even point out the fact that spook McAfee is a race-mixing drugged up degenerate with out jf oy veying