Muslim shill

I don't know if Zig Forums knows about this, but I think we have recognized the spot where the whole muslim shill angle comes from.

It's from

It's a left wing website that fully embraces the whole hurr Hitler = left wing, completely with embracing refugees and interracial and breeding out the white race, and supporting BLM. Their only point of contention is how they hate jews and hate Israel, except they hate it because the jews are racist tribalists, ethnostate is bad because Israel is an ethnostate, and how every white nationalist movement is a CIA deep-ops funded by jews, and how the muslims should be welcome in Europe so that western civilization (which aided jews) can be destroyed. These people become leftist universalists just to own the jews lol.

This is the first time I ever seen such delusion regarding national socialism, but know at least we know where the muslim shills come from.

Attached: plate armor combat.jpg (926x494, 185.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Could be…but until somebody gets enough to fund and run the next incarnation of a chan after 8ch fails, then we can't get anywhere. (We don't have board owners that will call out subversives by their IP's and trace them to their filthy hives, you dig?) Zig Forums isn't actually supposed to be like this, but I think when 2020 hits we are going to need a dedicated place that unfucks the ZOG more than ever. Worth a look in any case, OP.

Attached: Pondering Cat.jpg (1024x768, 77.8K)

I hope you aren't from that site yourself, dude.

In any case, the admin in that pic is a genuine moron, he praises Hitler for one second while wanting to destroy western civilization and white people the next.

Would be glad if he comes face to face with the Anti Deuscht in Germany, where they are Israel-supporting leftists.

Why would I be? I think North America (Canada and Mexico) and Europe should be 90% White. Sweet Christ, that list of Jews page is revolting…yet this person wants a neighborhood watch of people who are not "Islamophobic"? Desert mysticism can go pound sand literally. It seems like the type of person who thinks that Whites will accept him if he is anti-zionist despite being a Muslim subversive cunt.

That jew list is actually wrong, unless he has some secret proofs on how Richard Spencer is a jew.
And that person literally hates white people, it's likely he's a an actual muslim mud (as seen in his vocabulary, not german, but muslim) or a deeply self-hating whitey.

He hates jews because he's muslim, not because he's a nazi or any bullcrap, and he would turn against Hitler too when he learns Hitler was a Zionist.

Oh and to add to that. Islam is very much an Arabian religion that is based more on Wahabism than anything. The Middle East wasn't always Arabs, but after Salahadin fucked that region up, then it laid the foundation for Arabia to take over. Fuck all of them.

You mean Mohammed, he literally browned the entire region by enslaving and killing everyone.

Too bad again, the Sassanid empire can't handle them.


As said, any proof?

Who says Adolf Hitler wasn’t just liberating the continent from racists. Besides, he gave tons of moneu to whites to raise families.

Oh yes, the anti-racist Adolf Hitler who staged WW2 so that racists from all major European countries are killed off.

It takes all kinds I suppose. I have quite a bit of kike blood, but I wasn't brain-washed into that idiotic cult nor any other. Thus I am free to use my own judgement on what is really going on and what I can see for myself. I agree with Hitler being a zionist though. Where else are you going to put all the Jews? In fact I would say that all the Jews alive now should be put in Israel, but at the same time they shouldn't have any military power or nukes because they are complete assholes.

Hitler was a zionist in the sense that he supported the Havaara Agreement, but the actual place where he wanted to place jews is in Madagascar.

In truth, the idea of relocating ALL jews to a place is what truly what jews fear, because they know they are gonna get fucked like the first time they did that (the kingdom of Israel gets rekted by the Roman empire, and the jews survived via this huge diaspora that parasite other countries).

I would say the jewish diaspora is more dangerous than a jewish state, but they serve the same purpose, just one is hidden (the diaspora) & revealed (the jewish state).

Fucking ebin, thanks for convincing me that this entire thing is actually an alt-kike false flag to label all their detractors as moooslims

I seriously doubt that all of the people claiming to be Jewish are anything but usurpers who have taken on "Jewry" as their own "Chosen Cool Kids Club". Inbred Khazaris and a handful of Shepardem does not a diaspora make. If anything, the real "Jews" were Greeks around Alexander The Great's time and now all that shit is gone and all that is left is a bunch of anti-white pests that need to "have their mouths shut" as Goebbels said.

Attached: kafir.png (470x790, 194.38K)

That particular website actually shills for Dugin and detests homophobia lol


I do not defend Spencer, but is he a jew or not?

Attached: homophobia is jewish lol.png (835x773, 74.29K)

You can check the DNA, it checks out.

And no, jews are a bunch of semitic arab people, not European.

Even more proof it’s alt-kike shit. They can’t stop shilling for based dugin
He’s not racially a kike, but he helps them attain their anti-white goals on all fronts by adopting the alt-kike label which was coined by his jew mentor Paul Gottfried.

Except that particular actually hates alt-right, because the alt-right/the Right shills for Israel, thus they are the enemies.

In fact, they consider themselves as True leftists as nazis are actually anti-racist lefitsts.

Attached: Alt Right errorists.png (871x849, 116.15K)

Note his usage of ahimsa, itself is an indian term.

And here's another hot take.

I hope this guy realizes that BLM desires a fucking black ethnostate, but I guess it's okay because only a white ethnostate is bad because it's like the jews, and jews have an ethnostate.

Attached: BLM is anti zionist.png (788x877, 89.49K)

Like I said, alt-kike false flag to label any and all of their rightful enemies as mooslims

Or you are encountering some legit muslim shills.

This site has been alive longer than the Alt-right started being popular.

Just tell me fam, how do you feel about the alt-kike? is probably the most Jewish website I have ever seen.

As with ANY organization, some are likeable, some are not.

It's too bad most of them become Alt-Light, but I will forever Murdoch Murdoch.

There is no alt-light, there are only alt-kikes
Thanks for outing yourself. Anyone who associates with the label is controlled opposition and therefore not only unlikable but irredeemable

Well, OK? is ran by poo in loos i.e. the products of miscegenation between Aryans and Australoids.

I will post some bits from the site in order to showcase this retardation.
I want to do this so people who are new to NS don’t make a mistake thinking these guys are legit and represent authentic National Socialists.
So let’s start.

So if you are 60 year old Black Homosexual Muslim you are more than welcome to join.

Everyone knows what anti-semitism means, it’s not about languages, stop being autistic.
Hmmm, opposing Gentile tribes as well. What did they mean by this?
We will soon find out.

Woah, jews btfo, what an epic maneuver! Why are these people anti-racists? Let's find out. Get your sides ready.

First they opposed gentile tribes, now they want destruction of gentile religions. Interesting. Very Aryan of them.

>Is there any relation between White Nationalism and Aryanism? No. White Nationalism promotes altruism towards so-called ”white people” only, making it a form of tribalism, akin to Judaism. Aryanism is opposed to all forms of tribalism. Indeed Aryanists, being folkists, reject all forms of ethnocentrism, oppose negative prejudice towards immigrants and seek to unify multiethnic society rather than divide it. This makes White Nationalists (whom we classify as Gentiles) our sworn enemies, even as Jews are our sworn enemies. Both obstruct development towards a united society.

This is where it gets very interesting.
They are “folkists” but are opposed to tribalism and ethnocentrism. Wtf the folk in folkism means then??? You will see soon, just wait. It will be worth it. Opposing negative prejudice toward immigrants? Do they think other European immigrants? Could be, judging from all the examples of Third Reich allowing neighboring ethnicities to come to work in their state, oh wait nevermind…..
I mean, the Führer came from Austria to Germany, that’s basically same as Somalian coming to Germany right?

There is so so so much shit on this site, I could go on for days. But I will stop here and finally show you who do they consider ARYAN.

Attached: golden kek muscles.jpg (324x291, 28.31K)

Holy shit, that does explain why they think they own the "aryan" label, because muh ancient hindu.

Don't this poo in loo kike knows that gentiles mean his ass too?

Bump so more people know about this.

Cos we have so many muslims on this board continuously promoting Trump and fellow based John McCain and the rest of the ZioCon establishment on here encouraging us to burn Korans when the aggressor was jewish like in the Matt Hale thread…

At the moment the only alien interlopers we have here are jews and MAGApedo spastics

Jews are primary enemies, does not mean muslims are okay.

same semetic shit.

TBH, I don't see organised teams of muslims astroturfing these boards to fuckery.
The problem we have here is jewry, one of the many symptoms we have in our countries is the jewish instigated 3rd world mass invasion.

I do not see why not, the muslim are backed by jews, ISIS even have their PR team, they must send their shills everywhere.

Most Western European nations are at that % right now, and look at the problems it's causing. It should be >97% ideally.

France, and Germany are still 90% white?

I do not think France meets the standard.

Something wrong with 100%? Why would you even want 3% degraded DNA in your homeland? Nogs in the USA who commit the majority of the crime are an absurdly small percent of the population…do you just have some sort of 'need for crime' in my homeland fetish or something?

I take it back, this isn’t alt-kikes false flagging it’s indians being retarded street shitters.
I bet they think altists are bad because they’re rayciss not because they mingle with kike and fag apologists.

Reminder that Indians are not aryan, they’re a race of mixed fuckers that worshipped the hyperboreans that built all of their monuments.

He is ashkenzis on his mother's side, which by jew law makes him a jew…but he is wealthy and (((protected))) enough to have all that scrubbed off the web (I have actually had my stuff scrubbed and witnessed this myself, multiple times). All the 'alt-right' leadership is composed of ZIONIST Kikes and being promoted to 'lead the new political movement in the USA'…if you were wise (since they really just want you dead) you would shun them and develop some fucking standards that allowed ZERO percent kike in a position of power over you.

Lots of nigger blood was dragged and raped into the indian population over the 1,400 years of the (((Islamic slave trade)))I forget but isn't their average IQ similar to the semites? Low 80's or something…just BARELY smart enough for agriculture?

Attached: Islamic slave trade routes map chart african.jpg (770x376, 67.96K)

Any sources? Even a screenshot would suffice, I've been wondering if he had kike in him. He sure acts like it, degeneracy and all.

Jews will pretend were talking about muslims in white countries instead of using them to pressure Jews globally and in Israel etc.

Attached: bypass.jpg (800x1296 339 B, 90.67K)

No. Stop spreading rosie bullshit statistics. Canada is 20% white by 2060, 2040-2060 European countries reach white minority.

Attached: white genocide40.png (655x625, 531.17K)

I’m unaware of pro Muslim shilling on this board. If it’s the Assad / Hezb / Iran / Houthi angle it’s about being anti-kike more than anything else. If it’s not then I probably just have those niggers filtered

I have no problem with 100% white, but I get pretty cynical at times when I look at the depravity that is supposed to be tolerated.

Would like to add that they are Shia Muslims. Who are only 10% of the Islamic population.

Alright then…I just don't call it a 'win' in European nations when even 1% are foreign parasites. If we had 1% forgein parasites in the USA that would equal the entire kike population here…does anyone think we would be 'better off' with 99% Ethnic Europeans and 1% kikes, since this is what we have now and look at the degeneracy they have brought into our nation? Why bother to kick this can down the road AGAIN! The time for extermination is here.

Censuses say there's up to 200 million shia and around 1.5 billion sunni shits in the Middle East, Asia/China/Russia, North Africa and the shits swarming into western european countries as "refugees", nevermind jews.

No they are not.
Most European nations don't even gather ethnic demographic data anymore because that would wake the goy up.

And you also don't take into account age. It doesn't matter if Europe is 99% white and 1% shit when the majority of those Europeans are over childbearing age.

That's good info. Have you heard of the lemming theory basically 90% of people are useless sheep and won't do anything while 10% are the only relevant ones.

I'm the type of NatSoc who's pretty sympathetic to Islam, but there's definitely been some shilling going on. Do you have anything linking to these shills? Do you have any examples of this lunacy from too? It seems odd to imagine someone calling themselves an Aryanist while wanting to destroy whites, but it feeds well into the Duginist controlled opposition false-fascists.

No one is talking about Iran, we are talking about muslims.

And make no mistake, the muslims in that very site has no caring about blood.

Uh, it's posted right in this thread.

Need I remind you that Hitler had kikes on his side.

He had mischling, half-breeds.

Assad and co aren't muslim shills, neither is Iran.

I'm talking about the muslims who basically blame everything on jews and act as the muslim invaders in Europe are innocent actors forced to be there.

They realize the jews cannot protect them anymore, so they blame the jews.

Christ, I didn't read that because I thought it was just some imagine talking about the alt-kike being controlled opposition. These people are insane!

I truly wish that poo in loo can meet a surviving waffen SS or Heer and see how they react to his refugee welcome antics.

Nah, kill yourself goat-fucker.

Reminds me of this shit, the Aryan Protocols, or killing the kike by killing off all the white normies and increasing the power of the niggers and chinks and intentionally fucking up any attempts by New Right or Zig Forums to fix things by openly siding with the kike and agreeing and amplifying everything he does out of pure vengeance upon the Brits and USA that did the kike's bidding.
These people are traitors pure and simple, and they get Codreneu's Solution.

Attached: Intentional Economic treason.png (1423x769 240.73 KB, 165.69K)

Forgot link:

Aryanism is one of the last legitimate bastions of Hitler's actual movement. I don't agree with everything they have said, but their racial theories are based on the truth.

If any of you know who John Alan Martinson Jr. is, then you have already encountered Aryanism.

Race is a lot more detailed than skin color.

Hitler was too soft on the jews, everybody knows that.

If anyone has the time, consider this youtube channel.

I don't blame him, he was a kind man who wanted peace, but you can't fight for peace with people like jews.

part two

They do not have a racial theory, for them, even black can be aryan.

But that's true though (well, CIA and Pentagon).

It is not, some white nationalist movement traces its origin before WW2.

That is where you are incorrect. They have at least eight articles detailing the aryan diffusion throughout the world as according to Max Muller. You just have to accept that "Aryan" never, at any one time, meant "white" or "fair skinned".

The truth of the matter is that there are no "pure" races anymore because race is a cultural conception. Put simply, the guys at aryanism believe that there were hunter gatherers (gentiles), mesolithic herders (Jews), and neolithic farmers (aryans). These groups are not defined by their genotypical characteristics, but by their culture, and relevant phenotypes; yes, their skeletal forms are significantly different.

watch these videos if you cannot be bothered to read, they are short

Can you tell me the differences between a nigger aryan and a normal aryan in bone structure?

Which face looks more "aryan" to you?

Attached: whatever.png (220x273 70.08 KB, 26.36K)

By the way, here is an example of two Aryan phenotypes.

Attached: bowie.jpg (1280x720, 62.48K)

The same phenotypical differences can be found in eastern cultures too as seen in Japan between the Jomon (gentile) and Yayoi (aryan) populations respectively.

Attached: 54cb1f94833f52c859e21603473b2e6e.jpg (340x185, 17.3K)

Makes my blood boil because it reminds me of the Morgenthau plan

Point being, aryan phenotypes of different genotypical origins have more in common than with different phenotypes of the same genotypical origins.

Likewise, aryan personalities have more in common across ethnic lines than they do with differing personalities of the same ethnicity.

A good example of this can be seen in GLR and Malcolm X.

meditate on this.

Attached: c41.jpg (599x478, 50.49K)

Mods, delete this self replying lefty boomer.

Would you rather me reply to one guy several times?

Learn to finish your thoughts before posting, schizo.
Fair, blond hair and blue eyes.

Except, fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes were never traits considered by the racial theorists of the Third Reich. Max Muller was very specific in his writings that race was cultural. It was the British who came up with a genotypical understanding of racial differences, not the Germans, and Muller himself was alive to criticize that.

Neither, and jesus fuck, this nigger believes it.

Muller was an anti-racist cuckold and even he only linked Indo-european, not worldwide.

You niggers are having world class delusions.

One writer who died three decades before the NS rise to power in Germany. Jesus fucking Christ.
Yeah, Anglos were operating in secrecy.
Remember to fucking sage.

Why sage? Sage is not a downvote.

We must show how idiotic these nigger shills are.

The fundamentals of Hitler's racial theories are based on Muller's work, so according to you, Hitler was a"cuck" too for being anti-racist (and he was). Also, if you have read Muller's writings he suggests an Indo-European ORIGIN of the Aryan race. Solar iconography (including the swastika) and agriculture found their way into the Americas as well. I am sure he would have been very interested to have found out about such cultures in his time.


Hitler was a racialist, and Nazi race theory was not based on Mueller (who is a linguist, not a biologist or archeologist), where the fuck do you get that from?

It is not about being reasoned with, it is about showing how stupid they are.

And no, this thread is about exposing this kook of a site.

Because the racial theories accepted by the NSDAP were cultural in the same way that Muller had proposed. Culture is not the same thing as skin color, and Hitler knew this.

Race is not skin color.

No, race is not cultural, it is genetics and blood, there is a point why Hitler adopted the term honorary Aryan for non-Aryan.

What I do not get, is that despite the fact that the people on this board are anti-Zionist, albeit for different reasons than on aryanism (and there are many of their subscribers who come here), why would you deny a more socially acceptable Hitler who was open to allying with other peoples? Also, why would you deny uniting with others who would otherwise agree with you?

Yes, the aryans are genetically different than non aryans; which can mean being genetically different than others within the same genotypical frame. Fuck, and you wonder why Jews are always one step ahead, its because they know racial politiquing better than anyone else. They know that the primitives will always choose division and isolation whenever faced with a problem that they manufacture- instead of cooperating across arbitrary lines.

No. NS theories came from guys like Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Hitler allied with honorary aryans do not mean we have to abolish borders, kill white people and replace them with niggers and arabs, which is what the site advocates.

I will interpret this for you. The bloggers on aryanism word things in attempt to appeal more toward a leftist audience, instead of a general one, which is an arrogant mistake of theirs which will cost them if they are not careful.

I have read what they have had to say in detail, and they have never at one point promoted the ethnic replacement of people with fair skin. What they are against is "white tribalism" which is a platform that has only began to exist beginning with western colonialism, which has only ever been a Jewish project.

If you have read the immigration ideas by the people on aryanism, they actually do believe that countries should have borders (with relative levels of security), for the sake of jurisdiction of laws. However, they do support, and rightfully so, immigration from other countries. They support multiethnic nationalism while opposing multiculturalism, similar to civic nationalism (and yes, people of different colors can assimilate, not everyone is a total kike).

This is the banner on their website, kike

Attached: refugees_welcome_banner.png (940x198, 3.17K)

In that very site, they claim to be leftist universalist and want to replace white people.

This is all said in the site, you are trying to deny it now.