Brit/pol/ #2838: Bollock Busting Bonanza Edition

European elections 2019: Polls take place across the UK

Army veteran 'attacked' with milkshake outside polling station for wearing a Brexit rosette

Nigel Farage 'stuck on Brexit bus due to people armed with milkshakes'

Hospital 'abused' vulnerable adults in Durham

Sajid Javid: New espionage bill will tackle threats

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Le Milshaking Fascists xDDDDDD

normfags out

reminder that all cats must be removed from this island

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Bollocks are getting vaped tonight

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good lad

Look busy lads

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Also good lad of Northern Irish origin



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He's ugly as sin, money is the only cure


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one big strawman

the guy on the right just forgot to shower

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Thanks lad

Thanks crusader lad

Very good lad

Have an idea for OC but don't know if I can be fucked tbh


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The guy on the right does none of the things listed, most likely.

Why does Alex look like everyone's mate's dad here?

why are you being such an obtuse liar

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you should honestly be banned

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Pretend this is captain britane

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Your work curing fellow incels of virginity will be noble and just

we're all gonna make it lads
even strawcel

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deportation to Egypt tbh

Vocels are good people tbh, they are often like it for religious or personal reasons, Incels just come off as pathetic and entitled, and it's probably a good thing they aren't getting any so they cannot produce more incel-like children.

Thatcher corpse crying, pissing its pants, maybe shit and cumming

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A penis was never intended for an anus. A penis was intended to go inside a vagina.

There is hope for sodomites if they turn from their sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation. Christ died to take away your chains and set you free.

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literally who cares, just breed them in captivity to fluff up their numbers if they get low

felines are the most graceful and precious animals of all- much better than d*gs, which are basically a glorified jaw on legs

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spic won't make it


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[b]God Leaves Example For All Generations[/b]

[bold[ah fuck pls no bully[/bold]
how 2 bold


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Blocking out these scumbags names rather than allowing them be fucked up by some random

just put three apostraphes lmao

yeah I didn't block 'em, idk why tf people do that

People who give spic (You)s are probably worse than spic tbh

Not surprising, homosexuals love the things.

Fucking hell it's like I'm in the comments section of a youtube video in 2007, I'll assume you are the lefty from earlier, why are you still here?






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I really like the extremely bostonian lass with the big nose tbh

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 21:18-21

yeah man stay incel so you dont anger the sorcery-spooked pedophile book lmao

One of the songs that plays constantly in my workplace tbh

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This fucking blares constantly from my toil's DV8


Thanks for proving my point, literally a Reddit atheist lmao, the state.

very nice pic

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What a fag

ty lad

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Idgaf about furthering atheism, people will come to their own conclusions as more and more shit is discovered, just lmao if you're going to stay virgin to abide by a couple verses without going full christian and murdering renfaire wizards, stoning rebel preteens, and raping kids lol

Get up and clap lad

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Having sex isn't what he wants he wants a wife, becoming a fag is worse than suicide

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YouKipper needs to get back to making youtube vids. He is spending too much time on twitter. Worse than wews for it.

How about we just settle this the old fashioned, christian way; tie your wife to your fence outside, I'l come around to fuck her a few times, then we'll call it even

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

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Lmao, a christian that picks and chooses his bible verses, you've cucked your faith to liberal society


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Reminder that non-protestants shouldn't be allowed to post here

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really didn't want to have to start handing out cards for strawmanning this early

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If I could find my reasoning I'd pray to lose
One half wont dooo

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Go retweet the Pope kissing nigger feet to get into heaven, lad


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nobody likes the current pope also you have female priests and support fag marriage

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love britney me

Very good lad


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Good lad was listening to that earlier

So how was QT?

Good lad lad.

Good lad, antibully penguin doesn't get enough love. I've got nothing but love for that little pingu.

Had an idea for OC and made it but can't be fucked to post it tbh.

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Thanks lad

Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

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6 days on nobrap lads, I feel the fire rising inside of me.

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You should't retain braps

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keeeek, I fucking love him.

Loooving (you)'s, is easy cause they're beautiful

The greatest of feels.

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