We've all heard of normies being NPCs. I've decided to create a NPC folder for pictures of NPCs making NPC like comments.
I found an example from Reddit. Does anybody have any other examples of NPCs unable to get off a script? If you submit a picture I would like to thank you for that.
We've all heard of normies being NPCs...
thank you.
Could you not make it more obvious that reddit is where you spend most of your time?
some people just can't have their minds changed. Their brains are hardwired
No, you tell her to stop dating niggers.
Oh its this faggot AGAIN because the nigger mods wont ban these shill faggots.
Disprove the Haavara Agreement you incel.
Kill yourself.
Nice strawman, moishe. Go suck jewish cock somewhere else. You've outed yourself.
Remember the three images from this post:
You'll soon notice this shill popping up regularly.
Hello Emily. You got a great pair of optics.
Yes, it's spam. You and your kind have been posting it since the days of 4chan. We don't fall for this shit.
Ah, shit, you're the other guy. Sorry, user.
Zig Forums is clearly controlled, obviously not by me. Nobody buys my shtick here.
You won't believe me anyway
You starting to realize that most people don't have souls and same level of consciousness.
Hes been busy today.
Because youlre a lying kike and we see through you.
Ive reported every post you've made.
Its a global board, reminder to global report absolutely everything and put "KYS chodenigger" as the reason.
I hope you recognize me. Remember me.
Shut up already you whiney spam kike.
(have a you)
The cracks are already there man, stopping me won't stop anything.
The left is braindead, they only act on their stimuli.
i bet you're the same kind of person who takes the bog pill.
Thanks for outing yourself as a ban evading paid shill.
Turn capslock off?
I was banned three times in the same day, none over 24 hours in length
What a fucking mystery that is, huh?
pick a lie, any lie
All your posts. Fuck off. This board clearly isn't for you.
There are no cracks, jew, theres just you spamming.
(counter sage)
pick one
And now you're jut spamming nonsense again.
You kike faggot.
Nice thumbnails, jew shill.
oh fuck those ants on that first image.
just wanted to shorten it a bit, here's the full.
You're a dumb kike.
You're just spamming now.
And to be clear: Its well-known Trump has connections to Zionist Jews.
He's a shabbos.
You aren't 'revealing' anything, you worthless faggot, so enough with the Q-LARP-tier multi-thread shitposting.
Its fucking disgraceful.
I already made my argument you assmad little Jew, you ignored it and started spamming because you knew you were full of shit.
Why do the mods bumplock a whole thread because there's one worthless faggot in it spamming and jewposting?
Oh, so your arguments were
Yeah, you got me.
Where's the jewpost? Was it the one I called Trump a Zionist stooge?
You know why it's bumplocked bub.
I was going to another thread anyway.
You made a shit argument, I BTFO it with no response from you, and then went about spamming nonsense.
You're a shill, you've already admitted to being banned for spamming like a shill, and here you are again, fucking spamming and shilling in your bumplocked shit thread.
Fucking kill yourself, you disingenuous kike.
can you be specific?
I was, you dumb kike.
Btfo how?
No, help yourself to suck-starting a shotgun you worthless heeb, after you've enjoyed this shitty bumplocked thread to your hearts content.
you said "nuh uh jew shill"
you must be new here
jew (ad hominem)
(nuh uh)
just because I was banned for spam doesn't mean I was spamming right now. Reposting is not spamming.
attack my argument not me
jew (ad hominem)
Hope you got what you came for OP.
Armed with just these two images and this images to identify the shill, I'm impervious deception about the Nazis.
doubtful ia