Is modern society a looks based caste system? Social media has stripped out all meritocratic elements from society at an incredible speed. By this I mean that no amount of hard work or self improvement changes the quality or quantity of pussy you get in the post tinder era. You are your looks, which sort you into a given class (chad, normie, virgin) which is now inescapable. Studies have shown that Tinder for example is worse than 80/20 these days, with 17% of the guys fucking 80% of the women. When earning more, going to the gym and socialising no longer yield ANY pussy for an increasing number of men, what is the point? Before someone says I haven't tried hard enough, I have a well paying job, 10% bodyfat, and an active social life, and know many friends in the exact same situation. Every fucking woman I flirt with or ask out or make a move on tells me she "is single but not looking for anything right now" or some variation of that which means "fucking chad with no commitment".
Why is it that only white supremacists complain about girls ignoring ugly guys? Is there an issue that you are all trying to project?
Christopher Cooper
Charles Phillips
If you are childless and don't kill yourself you WILL end up in a nursing home where unironic 56%ers will unironically torture you, you know?
Gabriel Wood
Ian Adams
Daniel Wood
In the West there is this mindset that a person's face displays their soul. A pretty face is a pure soul, and an ugly face a demon. Whether or not this is true or not is irrelevant because just believing it makes it true. But it gives insight into this "look based caste system." I don't think anyone is particularly surprised about looks being an important part of sexual attraction. Some atheists might even tell you that love is just derived from sexual attractions and looks. The problem with people who complain about things like the 80/20 rule is that they are just looking at the statistics and thinking "I need more pussy!" They might analyze female behavior, which is sometimes just a disguised method of looking up how to attract women. But so few people look at this from a sociological point of view. They don't develop their "god vision" and see the dangers of most young men being deprived of women, or the dangers of women being so promiscuous. They tend to look at the issue exclusively because they have a stake in which side wins.
This current "sexual market" is not healthy. It is not normal. The libertarians and the communists will never admit it, but it is the truth. Sexuality shouldn't be about who looks the best, who gets the most pussy, or anything of the sort. All these extremely issues revolving around sex and marriage are merely the symptom of a greater societal damage. No meaningful change will come about if the men who acknowledge these problems only preoccupy themselves with gaining an edge in the sexual market. They need to restore health and sanity to the world. If you're playing poker and the game is rigged, you don't keep playing, you overturn the table.
You really too lazy to try to hide your origin you paid demoralization shill?
Daily reminder that sex is fucking pointless jew hedonism and not a goal in and of itself. Be strong. Be confident. Be sensitive to how others perceive you. Women are not fast food or a video game. Building a good relationship requires effort.
Isaiah Hill
Keep repeating that jew. NS is about the family unit. Women have been the same since the dawn of time. It is only jews who are trying to subvert their core nature into something disgusting and despicable. A robot slave dog.
Nolan Perez
Aiden Edwards
I agree with most of that. Specifically I should've said in the OP: attractiveness used to consist of a physical element (looks) and a meritocratic elements (money, personality etc.) . Social media has changed it to a purely physical system
Jordan Wood
Society as a whole has become extremely egalitarian. In such a system, it's perfectly natural for dynamic things to lose their value to things which are unchangeable. If things like money were to be seen as things which reflect moral character i.e. a good man has more money than poor men, women would be much more attracted to the wealthy. It's similar to how all the old stories have Knights and Princes falling in love with women. In pre-modern society, these things were heavily respected; knights and nobility were of much better moral character than the peasants. Instead of keeping this current promiscuous system: we should build a new nobility. Instead of judging people on looks and money, we play match-maker in accordance with love or pragmatism.
Dominic Myers
It is not social media. It is jews. They elevate ugly and non-whites into positions of power to try to create the new beautiful. Still people are drawn to the splendour, intelligence and radiance of the white woman. That is because white is right and jews are wrong. 14/88
Adrian Robinson
But what am I supposed to do if I've maxxed out my career, looks and personal skills and still can't get laid?
Eli Jones
No, you just have a crippling lack of self esteem and have constructed this mental fantasy to avoid confronting your own shortcomings in a positive and constructive manner. Almost everyone has sex, and almost everyone has a mate. There is no 10/90 rule at play here. You're just a irredeemable fucking loser.
Oliver Miller
Bentley Mitchell
Easton Nelson
What many of you are forgetting is that the ZOG is a double edged sword when it comes to gender dynamics and the sexual market. Jews, by their dualistic nature are inclined to both matriarchal and patriarchal sexual habits. However, they are trying to construct western society in much the same manner that existed during the time before the Neolithic revolution; where a few men have all the women and the rest of the unworthy men are left for dead and or enslaved. Remember, marriage itself (particularly polygamy) was designed to benefit women as they could all rely on a few men, monogamy on the other hand was designed to make things fair for average men during the Neolithic era as people had become more inter-dependent in their labor.
The incels have, from their unique perspective, offered us a glimpse into the greater effects of the enemy's plan. The ZOG is replacing the social role of average (normie) men while they monopolize on violence. Thus, while most young men are enslaved to the ZOG, women can rack up incredible consumer debt while maintaining a steady population by having Chad's babies. (Chad is a radical variable here, as he can be used by the state for anything from feeding the prison/military machine to becoming the next pop culture idol).
Ultimately, incels should probably be sterilized as they are genuinely genetically unhealthy; However, so are many women who would end up incels if they had appeared the same as men. Yet some men in their desperation still reproduce with these women foolishly wreaking more genetic havoc in our society.
If we are able to take back men's social role (not "gender" role) away from the ZOG, then we can make society fair again where people can find love with others with relatable levels of beauty, and monogamy can be maintained and people will be happier. (incels and women with genetic issues still need to be sterilized though, and maybe they should get state sponsored plastic surgery too. That money can be taken from our sack of shit public schools)
No. Learning "game" and trying "fixes" for short, ugly men (high heeled loafers, make up, working out etc) won't allow you access to the quality of women a tall masculine man has at his disposal, this is true. Money doesn't help you to get sex, it helps you to get a wife. If you think wife = sex then I'm not going to spoil your delusion. The secret "chads" tall, good looking men don't tell you to avoid hurting your feelings, but I am going to tell you: SO-CALLED CHADS DON'T NEED TO APPROACH WOMEN - WOMEN APPROACH THEM. This is why "game" is such a joke. It's false-rape-allegation-fuel at best, because even if you do manage to talk a girl who is out of your league into bed, the next morning when she sobers up, she is seriously going to consider reporting you for rape. Good looking men don't need "game" - their "game" is written into their DNA, it's expressed by the proteins forming their exquisite 6`2" frames and ample muscles mounted on broad shoulders. "Game" merchants like "roosh" and the rest of them, are selling short men a lie. The lie that "chads" are getting all the sex because they know a secret combination of words to whisper into the ears of pretty girls. Not really. As a "chad" I can tell you, the women come to us, sometimes obsessively. Now if it's a wife you're after, then money will help you. But don't expect woman who married you for your money, to suddenly find you attractive. She will still be hoping to be seeded by a tall guy, someone like me. Sorry if this hurts your feelings, but being angry at men who won the lottery of life is nigger-tier behaviour, really no different than niggers who hate Whites for having higher IQs and better looks. You can still find a girl, just stop aiming way above your abilities.
Blake Myers
Thats a strawman though. I've tried going for ugly, morbidly obese women and even they aren't interested. If 1s and 2s are out of my league its over.
I already know attractive men get approached, seen it myself plenty of times. Thanks for telling me but I already knew.
I guess I'll go on NEETbux then, no reason to contribute to a society which gives nothing back
Levi Clark
post pics or LARP
Brandon Edwards
Thats a lie. You wanna know how I know thats a lie? The ugly ones will take whatever comes their way.
You must double your demoralization efforts mosh, or at least take some formal training, cause you're fucking terrible at it.
Henry Lee
why would you want to reproduce with 1s and 2s?
Josiah Johnson
I dont, but having worked my way down the attractiveness ladder and got nothing I thought I'd try the bottom rung
Eli Carter
They don't take anything i they can get n the age of tinder when they can be chad's 10th backup
Benjamin Evans
I'm not making assumptions about you, but I know a lot of guys (I am friends with some) who think they are 8s, that they deserve 10s but they are really 3s. Doesn't matter how attractive you think you are if you are 5'2" or a severely autistic personality (supreme gentleman).
Not to put all the blame on men though, women are more at fault for sure.
Henry Nelson
You're right actually. My post wasn't completely honest because I didn't want to be accused of demoralization/pushing a "mgtow" agenda. Even the 1s and 2s will just wait until they can get a "chad" who is having a dry spell/too drunk to care/feeling charitable enough to give an ugly girl some fun. So yes, the chance of securing a faithful girlfriend is pretty low, even if she's ugly because they prefer apex dating. You're right. I understand that way of thinking and it's not the fault of the men who espouse it, they are desperate. The problem is that the fabric of society, both legally and morally, has been twisted to benefit women to the greatest degree possible, while ignoring men completely. In the past, sluttery and infidelity was seriously punished. A woman who cheated on her husband, or who got pregnant out of wedlock, was essentially ruined, she might not even survive. In those days, even the less gifted man could be assured of a nice faithful wife, all he had to do was keep his end of the bargain, be a good provider for her and the children. Today it's completely fucked up and I personally don't blame men who seek "love" overseas, not in the slightest. Right-wingers and "game" pushers like Roosh will lie to you, tell you that you just need to "work on yourself", become an "even better man", earn another 10k, get a bigger car, spend another K on a better suit, improve your elocution, start going to church to find the "right kind of girl." Well yes, you can more easily meet a wife in church because women also follow what the beta herders like Roosh are saying. They know desperate men join church and are likely to snap at the first offer coming their way. So they use this as a deliberate funding strategy - have fun all through the 20s having casual sex with good looking men, possibly have a child or two in the process, then when the wrinkles set in at 26,29, 31 - whenever, then quickly hop over to church. Put the feminist literature into a box, hide it at the back of the closet, cover up the tats and take out the piercings. I feel for you guys, I really do.
Wyatt Robinson
Neetbux is still a good way to rebel against the ZOG empire. If they take that away, most angry young men will literally have nothing to lose which scares the shit out of the kikes.
Adrian Jackson
Male society = sexual redistribution (monogamy), freedom everywhere else
Female society = sexual freedom, tyranny everywhere else.
Yeah, I've tried redpill stuff in the past before realising that attractive men get approached, and that women my age are totally uninterested in either average men trying to game them or betabux. If I stay in my job it'll be either for FIRE style early retirement and/or a realistic sex robot. Fuck this gay earth, women and their techie soyboy enablers in social media companies have ruined everything
Andrew Jackson
No, you can be fat, fuck ugly and filthy rich. And you'll still pull some trophy whore wife.
Looks may be advantageous, but you'll open more doors - and legs. with a huge bank balance
Cameron Turner
There's not much you can do. Just go keep meeting women and hope you either find your soul mate, or find someone who'll fuck you. The system is rigged against you, so your concern shouldn't be about playing within that system; it should be about changing the system. I know it's not fun to hear, but it's probably some of the most honest advice you'll get on this subject.
Lucas Lewis
Ban birth control hormone therapy, causes too much pollution and personality disorders Arrest all single mothers and dead beat dad, send them to FEMA camps to be exiled to Mexico The only self-actualization advertisement is having a family. If you don't have a family you're a loser, period. Tax the unmarried, girlfriend and boyfriend fines for unregistered couples living together Offer interest free loans to upstarting families, bigger the loan on genetic and educational screening All bastards have to live at a state boarding military academy, minimum requirement to have children in a household is two adults. Violent criminals, whores and bastard-makers are castrated or spayed. Tinder, pornstars, camwhoring and other adverts are considered whoring.
I am skeptical of this. If you lift, dress well (not even expensive, but just clean, well fitting, etc), make money, and know how to use your money to signal that you are settled (ie decent premium car, your own home or apartment, etc), and are cultivating your masculinity- it really shouldn't be that hard to pick up women.
just don't chase after shoots. Regardless of what everyone here will say, there are still lots of decent women out there.
Brody Gomez
That's what it's going to take to bring them to heel at the very least, bastardization is a vicious cycle that can only be broken by force; birth needs to controlled as much as death and the border. What we have is basically open borders for sex.
Joshua Campbell
So long gay Bowser.
Carter Murphy
just find a wife instead of trying to get laid. Just fuck prostitutes once a month if you need to change things up every once in a while.
Sebastian Moore
You can be a rich, ripped motherfucker, but if you have no game, no woman will fuck you.
Women won't fuck you for "self improvement". Women won't fuck you for having a well-paying job. Women won't fuck you for having 10% bodyfat. Women won't fuck you for "having an active social life".
The very fact that you are complaining about this tells me you have no game. You have no idea how to seduce women. In fact, they are probably repulsed by you.
Here's a hint: you have to exhibit dominant behaviors to court a woman. That's it. You don't get any pussy because you act like a beta pussy.
>>>>/r/TheRedPill and don't come back for 2 years.
Daniel Reyes
I literally do not know a solution to this.
It seems like you either have freedom and democracy and the eventualy corruption of it like now.
or you have full blown sharia. People are too fucking primitive to keep a happy medium
fuck this shit
Joshua Diaz
what you just described is something that requires critical thinking, and logic, and INTELLIGENCE
its not just this issue that people fail to see the big picture, but everything.
intelligence is the problem. and more niggers/mullatos popping up each day with children level IQ… its all going to crumble man. its far to late. im sorry but it was over in 1946
were fucked. let the jews milk whats left and retreat to their bunkers while the missles fly.
I see no other way.
/dac but seriously though
Lincoln Allen
fuck im heated.
Wyatt Nelson
i have no doubt this number is climbing.
but why the fuck do you have 2 graphs showing 2 numbers for same years?
the second graph says males, so i know its not a male-female average. wtf post non fucked up infographics dude
Dominic Carter
There will be no caste system because everyone will be of the same race.
But ideally, there should be a class of warrior elites that guide society.
Jordan Torres
Ian Roberts
Awful bait. Most people have done or seen tinder catfishing with a 10/10 guy to see that women respond to his "let's fuck" first message with laughs and "okay," but the average guy says the same lines and gets different reactions.
This is like saying the Honda Accord can compete with the Ferrari in a race if the driver just "drives awesome." No, the women are swiping right on Ferrari for their cums and right on the Accord to be their personal taxi driver betabux.
Women with their own money and in a pozzed society that empowers them, do not need to spread their legs for men they don't want to spread their legs for. Most births and marriages in history were women spreading their legs out of "part of the trade."
Now, they only have to spread them when they feel they are getting superior genetics to their own into their cunts, which is why average women are on Tinder going apeshit for 9 and 10 Chads just to be the girl who cleans the cum off his sofa after he fucks the girl who is above average.
We live in a society where women are programmed to prefer men who fuck a lot of women, and laugh at men who do not. If anyone ever needed proof that women naturally need to either be restrained psychologically or in a harem, that's it.
Carson Sanders
MGTOW faggotry. It’s 100% about being fit, confident, and having a massive willy.
Not even joking here, if you have a small dick or are overweight just fucking leave. Zig Forums is a chad board.
Henry Sanchez
hahahahahahah it feels good to know that at least i will never be you
Hudson Edwards
fuck a disgusting hump hole that gets paid to be a whore.
Gabriel Barnes
if the women know about your dick size and use this as a reason to be with you, youre just finding trash and your completely missing the fucking point of this thread
you are the low intelligence problem, you need to go
Kevin Green
Actually I get plenty of snatch just from being /fit/ Girls don’t fuck you because you have psychological issues and cope with it by making up all this “red pill” shit
The only red pill you need is the one that says “Hitler did nothing wrong”
Colton Taylor
spell check making us look illiterate, more jewish tricks. it didnt used to autocorrect to literal wrong grammar
Elijah Hill
Ride the tiger fam. Stop looking for tradition in a society that’s abandoned it. Look for an alternate way to spread your genes ie just user fuck lots of skanks and nut inside them
Hunter Butler
know how i know youre fucking retarded?
because youre making up your own narrarive, being angry and emotional, and just here to make noise so you have proof you are worth something
fuck off
Kevin Ward
Spotted submissive beta who thinks pleasing women is his job
Jackson Williams
dont call me fam you literal nigger
Oliver Parker
Nah laddo, if you have a big enough dick it’s painful for them, you derive almost 100% of the pleasure from having almost every pussy you smash feel tight.
Justin Garcia
Dadaist Paintings on Whores Faces, a photobook by Julius Evola
Daniel Perry
i think youre trolling
but if you arent, you sound fucking stupid the way you talk, like a post NBA game interview with profanity and twitter memes.
you also sound mixed or black
you should stop existing.
Jace Rodriguez
I’m not angry with you, I just see through the MGTOW shit. Read evola and embrace the degeneracy, let it burn your attatchment to the physical plane away.
Elijah Evans
sure tyrone.
Samuel Howard
John Morgan
ok, but then why you do speak like a fucking nigger?
Landon Wilson
Why you use reddit spacing?
John Powell
It's funny that Ride the Tiger's interpretation of "active nihilism" today would be just fuck stupid sluts of you can, and VR helmet your dick off if you can't.
The right has few things that disgust me, but their insistence that "muh pure waifu is out there" is a joke. Most women in America that are adults today and remotely decent looking (healthy) started sucking Chad's dick before puberty in our modern pozzed grade schools.
Logan Reed
why are you so easily influence to the point that double spacing lines is inherently bad because of a misconception that it never existed on chans before reddit came along?
or are you just posting more bullshit because you think youre actually a good troll and not just a dunning-krugerite getting some dopamine rush from people acknowledging him and his pathetic existence?
John Torres
ill say again, you are stupid, and you dont know how stupid you are. but trust me, you have lower than average intelligence, even for most people online.
Isaac Morales
It would be doing these things as a way to expose yourself to filth as a way of attaining a deeper understanding of exactly why it is filth, but the point remains.
Grayson Clark
fucks sake, it all makes sense
youre a brown pajeet,
WHY are you all so FUCKING STUPID.
Julian Evans
To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to reject society’s rejection of tradition
Hitler was an avatar of vishnu you retarded redditard. You all know I’m right so you pick apart my posts looking for minor transgressions you can use against me. From the semi-ironic cadence I use to the acknowledgement that Kaiki and Vishnu will return
Owen Price
now i know why you were speaking like a nigger like youre used to doing it IRL.
pajeets culture these days exists of ticketing systems and nigger slang
you lost your entire culture, if you had one at all. more than white people have. you pajeets are just low IQ phone spoof scamming, telemarketing, short smelly dumb retarded drawven people.
stop speaking like a nigger at least.
Aaron Cruz
You’re fucking retarded tbh. Indians never had culture, only the high castes that were mixed with hyperboreans.
Lucas Morales
i literally dont give a shit about you or your true definition of your smelly kingdom.
fuck off, stop leaking your shitty thoughts onto the internet where people might accidentally read them like me.
thats all.
Connor Murphy
I’m fucking dutch you stupid nigger. Pure aryan genetics, more so than your reddit browsing anti-fun niggerball watching faggot ass
Easton Brown
You people glow in the dark.
This just confirms it.
Evan Young
life as a handsome individual irreversibly damaged by meme overexposure isn't easy
But if you want serious advice; the less you care, and the less you try, the better your odds ironically, and the same is true for the inverse relationship. Getting women shouldn't be the end goal for your pursuits, it's the other way around. Women sense men who actively (and even worse, politely) pursue them as desperate, and accordingly put them into the shit-tier category. Before you show any sign of attraction & intent, you have to psychologically and somewhat subvertly/subconsciously convince her beforehand that she wants YOU, and not the other way around, you're merely accepting her. This is done through confidence, charm/humor/social intelligence, i.e some form of social validation.
Prop yourself up on delusions of grandeour, and you're literally miles ahead already. Psychological confidence and belief reflects outwards, which others recieve and it becomes a feedback-loop of self-fulfilling reality. Then again you also have to look the part to an extent, else their intuition of what they're seeing & experiencing disconnects completely with their expectations, and you're just a weirdo.
The solution is to ban dating and legalise the courtship. Take all of the children from fags, lowlife criminals, tard or single parents to be adopted or put in the two gender based boarding schools.
Dominic Bell
a meme already covered your position itt if anything its just demoralising to see your experience if your white do us all a favour and have children
Ethan Sanchez
Hint, vaginas are small, but very, very elastic and short, you can reach the end with fingers.
Jeremiah Morris
There is also a reason the average penis size is five inches. Contrary to porn and hentai, women don't actually enjoy massive dicks all that much.
Noah Ortiz
It is actually better that you do not try to give him sex ed. The best way to learn is by being a man and doing literally what you want with her, girl love being used by growling husky men no rape or degenerate shit though.
Justin Foster
wow, it's like I'm on cuckchan right now but I'm not
Hudson Young
I always say "You look like what you are." That is why jews always look so ugly, sly and predatory, what you are seeing is their essence of their soul, or lack of one, displayed through the medium of flesh. As well as being seen from a metaphysical point of view, as in pure soul, pure face etc it can also be explained in purely physical/ material terms. Micro expressions are constantly working the facial muscles in line with inner thoughts and feelings, especially around the eyes. Over time these muscles shorten in some places and lengthen in others depending on how much they are used and you end up with creases that emphasize you most common expressions. As I said before: "You look like what you are" There is an old saying that is somewhat related: "By the age of 50 you get the face you deserve" This is literally true and explains why many jews look more jewy the older they get, robert deniro being a good example, I had no idea he was a jew when I watched his films in the 90s, but now it is plainly obvious he is a kike. I am willing to bet that a lot of the older anons have angry expressions etched into their faces from too many redpills but also obvious laughter line from too many keks.
Nathaniel Turner
That actually scares most women, especially on dates with big guys, maybe they think it's cute if you're an awkward manlet. I don't think you understand 'dominant behaviors' because it's what men do to each other when horsing around, women do not like being treated like one of the boys.
It's easy getting laid, go to a dive bar or tinder if you really desperate, but I turn down sex because I always ask myself the most important question:
The answer is mostly no, so I just keep it to dating and 2nd base. Casual sex isn't my thing, too much risk for pleasure. Maybe it was just college but every girl I met had major issues that I couldn't afford like drug abuse, STDs, mental illness or being a general subhuman. Women are open books if you know what to ask. I don't understand entirely how the hell these young 20 somethings are so damaged, boring and fat. I really just want a clean high IQ White nerdy girl that isn't neurotic and likes to read books about Aryans, even if she's a little assburgery and chubby that's fine.
Chad here. I had 50 lays from the age 18-21 before I knocked one up and settled down with her. The dating market is flooded with whores, if you can't get sex at a time like now then you shouldn't be having sex in the first place. 80/20 thing is a myth, though I agree with most incels that women should be stripped of their rights
Aaron Young
My God you sound like such a fucking cuck. This is why I am not Alt-right.
I am a white identitarian, and I will always stand up for the rights of whites, particularly white males.
I will never lower myself to be a white-kniting cuck like you though.
Gavin Foster
Your face can look good and you can have a low IQ. Your face can look good and still have unhealthy genes such as predisposition to diseases.
When I go outside I see hot chicks with average looking guys, or even below average looking guys all the time, but this is assuming that they're all a healthy weight and or fit, fatness is a special case and is the worst thing you can be when it comes to sexual attraction, there's also the height factor. It is an odd divide between reality and the online, because there are more things that physically attract you than facial features or height, etc, obviously fitness is a massive step-up, but there's also unconcious attractions like smell:
Also, you can have sex with someone while not being fully attracted to them, that's just how it works. It really hits home with me because I met a beautiful girl of whom I wasn't fully into, but I fucked her all the time, but I was only following my base instincts and wasn't really all there, her personality was absolutely fine too. I dropped her for a girl at least 2 points below her and I've never been happier, of course there are many other factors to attraction but this is an interesting one.
Jaxson Williams
For poor. Rich have their own caste system.
James Turner
You don't even understand why you get the pussy you do. If you had no game, women would be ultimately repulsed by you regardless of how attractive you are. You get that pussy because you exhibit the necessary behaviors without even realizing you are doing it, because you don't know what those behaviors are.
There was a great article in the Economist about this:
The central thesis is that men who can't get married and have children tend to be more willing to take risks and more willing to do violence. When you have a sizable proportion of your men unable to marry and have children, and thus more willing to do violence, this tends to breed civil war. On a macroscopic level, the inability to get married is like being an army that can't get salt. It is something which is seemingly insignificant but has massive ramifications. This is why monogamy actually exists. Monogamy does not exist to curtail female sexuality, it exists to prevent men starting civil wars.
See above: particularly the Free Northerner article.
I agree with almost everything here. But violent criminals can and ought to be conscripted into the military. If they can be disciplined and taught to follow directions, then their naturally violent dispositions can be a great asset. Same with Bastard-Makers.
Ryan Brooks
Fucking kek. Sentience in their proximity makes normies uneasy. Subconsciously their safe little world made from governments and insurance becomes a universe filled with uncertainty and insane possibilities.
I see a lot of cocksuckers in this thread trying to blunt the edge of this weapon they've created. Be proud of this one thing you managed to accomplish with your animal existence. It is a good weapon. It's going to destroy everything you hold dear.