Degenerate accelerationism for redpilling the masses

in light of the TEDx controversy, it's time to shove past pedophilia, beastiality, etc.
it's time to start a psyop where we fire up lefty sockpuppets and push raptophila (aka biastophilia). the sexual attraction to rape.
the goal is to get vice and salon to write articles championing rapists, to further d&c the left. thoughts? opinions?

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You sound like a disgusting fat fuck who can't get laid so he projects these insecurities into being misogynist and having a rape fetish

I hope whoever you try to fuck on the street is armed and pumps your stomach with lead

I approve of this operation. Have a bump.

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Easy there, Chaim. I know you kikes fear our psyops, but you're playing your hand awful quickly

I thought SA goons, twitter leftists didn't believe in gun ownership.

Whenever I get into a caffe or restoraunt, if there is TV with open access over wifi, I always turn on that youtube video of guy swimming in septic tank for everyone to see.

It's fun seeing normies get disgusted by that sort of stuff, but I am too edgy for that.

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rough draft idea

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He's not saying we should rape people you stupid Zig Forums tool

I find it distasteful and anti-woman. I don't think this would be successful in the slightest.

it's a waste of time, redpill people on the kikes instead

it's a stepping stone. people will instantly ignore the truth about the jq at face value



This, bumping OP, push their own idiotic shit back in their face. Since they're pushing pedophilia, this will be easy.

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You know what might help? If you can convince a woman to talk about a female's desire to be dominated and how rape is an extreme expression of that. Talk about how it's natural and so on… Also to get her to talk about pedophilia so people correlate the two.
They could bring up rapists who got married in prison and those crazy chicks that show up in courts

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Also to add to that, is the TEDx video with Madeleine at one point she talks abouy the punishments and speaks about how pedophiles are charming and have futures and they shouldn't be sent to prison for their crimes. Ted Bundy was highly intellegent and charming and a law student and even helped the police find other criminals so they could bring that up (talk about her video and those points and agree with what she said) and say Ted Bundy shouldn't have been killed and that rapists and pedophiles are misunderstood

In the tedx video**

AKA 'courtside seats'

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Bad idea, OP. You forgot about intersectionality. If this works at all the left will just spin it as Brown rapists are good, White rapists are evil, which they basically do already.

>here's a (((op))) goy
No. We don't do lies, that is their domain. We shove Truth - raw, unfiltered, and pure into their throat and skull fuck them senseless while doing so.

We should start modifying all of their LGBTQ posters and just put the P on there for them.

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If you want to troll scum like vice, have at it OP. But that will be you, wasting your time. If you want to make an impact :) Visit their Brooklyn offices with an AR and a few drum magazines.

A stronk wyman once told me how it would be cool if there was a surbice where stronk wymen could pay to have their raib_bantacies lived out. They can be pretty twisted. Don't forget some of the sacred cows of the left are cool with it culturally, or practice it so new talent can get promoted, or are statistically more prone to it. Everyone but pol really, yet pol somehow have the label arbitrarily affixed to them along with "in cel" and "mass sho*ter". If for that reason alone I think this is possibly a worthy and ironic op. If it lead back here, oh well we already have the label. And I do think grils could be led to agree. Sage for keebin't anah bow blow
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