Self-described white supremacist and paedophile Nathan Larson wants to become a congressman

The media is setting up false flag pedophiles to intentionally conflate White nationalism with support for pedophilia, weaving it into their "incel" narrative.

See how they are incorporating the pedophilia narrative into the "incel" narrative:

Could this be one of the reasons why TED pulled the plug on the pedophile normalization video? Because it conflicts with the media agenda to smear White nationalists as "incel pedophiles"? This also explains why so many of the shills hitting the TEDogate threads are pushing the angle of "there's nothing wrong with pedophilia hail hortler LOL". TEDogate thread:

This is the media's new gambit: Smearing White nationalism as being linked to pedophilia normalization

There has been a huge increase in (((anons))) trying to push meme that "pedophilia is natural it's the jews and feminists who are oppressing White men by demonizing wanting to secure White girls for breeding at a young age", some of them even blatantly stating:

RED ALERT: We must expose the media's false flag pedo agents and crush the "incel pedophile" narrative.

Attached: congressional_candidate_pedophile_Nathan_Larson.png (590x1035, 890.9K)

Other urls found in this thread: Larson is an Absolute Madman and I Support Him Wholeheartedly – The Daily Antifeminist.html

It's likely a false flag from the Trump administration.

Yep, thought the same thing as soon as I heard about the guy. He got vast mainstream media coverage while candidates like Patrick Little were completely ignored.

The audacity of these kikes.

This sounds like the most cartoony shit ever, only an absolute idiot would but this kind of drivel.
Then again…

Attached: Leftist soulless stare.png (753x899, 581.78K)

It was being spammed by antifa kikes on Gab for like a week straight at anyone for anything remotely right wing.

you haven't spent much time on incel enclaves. this is par for the course among them
>Larson is from Charlottesville

This is the most blatant well poisoning false flag I have ever seen. We need to dig into this faggot's history to look for glow in the dark connections and kosher lineage.

Somebody needs to see if there's a Kessler connection, and if he has any jewish ancestry.

You burgers are really weird ppl. Whoever is going to try to speak about pedo normalization where I do live is going to be skinned and quickly memory holed.


Do you really think pedophilia is partisan? Both of the jew parties are infested with kid-fuckers at the highest levels.

He's an ancrap.


National Socialism will ALWAYS prosecute child abusers.

The fact that the kikes blackmailed you with it is not an excuse.

he's a living meme smear campaign

He teamed up with glow-in-the-dark Mossad agent Tom Grauer.

Oh I completely agree. Reps and Dems are the same shit.
I was talking about ideology

I don't think anybody would destroy their reputation like this just to false flag their political enemies.
More likely he is just a nutcase who genuinely has the views he claims and the media found out about him and is promoting him for smear purposes.
During the first gamergate exodus back in 2014, but before the Zig Forums (2nd) exodus, pedos were unfortunately a significant enough majority on this board that they had to be given their own containment thread.
When they became a tiny minority, that those threads were happily removed. But it told me that there are people who like some aspects of NS, but are pedo degenerates.

Where do you live exactly? Is it somewhere in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or is it a non-White nation? Also:

significant enough minority*
pedos were never a majority on this board.

Here are Grauer's accounts on Larson's forums:

He teamed up with a jew?

Attached: grauer2.PNG (963x839 79.94 KB, 117.01K)

Not just any jew. Literally Mossad.

I love little girls. Anyone who can't discern from what is appropriate and inappropriate is fucked though eh?

t glow in the dark nigger glows in the dark

Incel is another glaring example of the left can't meme, and with this guy they can't false flag Trojan horse either.

Archive of (((Tom Grauer's))) posts on

Doesn't make him an agent. He could still be a nut, just now he has a handler.

Of course they would, they blackmail and bribe people to sacrifice their reputations or even their lives all the time.

If he actually is a pedophile and not just larping, then he has likely been bribed by the feds cutting him a deal on not going to prison for being caught with CP, or possibly even been offered access to children. Here's an article about him from 2015 where he is denied custody of his child (the mother was apparently a FtM tranny that committed suicide) because he's open about being a pedophile:
>For instance, he thinks that it's acceptable for adults to engage in sexual acts with children of any age so long as there is what he refers to as "consent." Larson also feels pedophiles are simply a minority that is unfairly discriminated against.

So how much do you want to bet he's a spook asset that's working with them so that he doesn't get killed in prison and maybe even gets to attend pizza parties as a bonus? Either that or it's a long-con pedo larp that's been activated now that they've found a suitable group to try to discredit by proxy.

The way he immediately embraced the media media's "incel" boogeyman meme is what gives it away the most.

Found his blog:

Attached: 20180611_214101.jpg (816x1088, 365.81K)

I wonder if this guy is a glow in the dark CIA Nigger?

Our nation is very kiked. Not really all that surprising when we have the largest Jewish population outside Israel.

Good find, please always archive, user:

Look at how he writes those articles basically full time, and is incessantly focused on posturing himself as part of the alt-kike. He's very careful to make liberal use of chan memes and nomenclature as well. He is an obvious well poisoning shill.

It actually looks like a Mossad false flag.
What is this shit:

Attached: 013.PNG (937x822, 219.08K)

Renegade really does some good work, if only they could tone down their tism just a few notches.

You weren't lying. Putting out multiple jibberish articles every day trying to build up a backstory. Looks like a classic intelligence operation. Both CIAniggers and Mossad love to use pedo shit to trap people so wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Any sort of movement that does not practice hygiene is weak and pathetic. If a pedo claims he is a white supremacist, he has to be murdered. It really is as simple as that.
You can either think of the time in jail as serving time for your race, you can take over prisons like nonwhite elements have done, you can get bailed out once the movement wins and you can wear the years served as a medal when you are out.
You can also be cushy, support the status quo for ever, never organize, never do anything, just sit the fuck down, shut up, stare at the ground at match the tempo the jew is marching you to your death or enslavement.

I am not even American or over there so what happens there isnt decided by me. All I know is that the whites of America are failing and I think this is because of their timidness. I am from eastern Europe and I personally practice proper hygiene for myself. Politics is decided by the few of politically active ones. Majority sits the fuck down and shuts the fuck up.

And it seems Larson was always part of the scheme: Larson is an Absolute Madman and I Support Him Wholeheartedly – The Daily Antifeminist.html

This is actually a real internet false flag… holy shit.

This guy looks mentally ill, and if it was a mossad op, I don't think they would have an open JEW running the propedo site.
Of course, mossad could be filled with mentally ill degenerates for all I know.
If blackcube's shenanigans tought me anything, it's that mossad agents (or former agents) aren't the skilled super spies the media likes present them as.
More like typical con men but who work for a government instead of themselves, and whose repertoire includes murder.

didn't mean to sage that time

weev is practically an open jew, and he runs the Thai Fuckshack.

problem is user, burgers don't distinguish between pedophiles and guys who are attracted to jailbait. to burgers, fucking a 5yo and fucking a 15yo are the same thing

I don't think that most burgers are this retarded. It's mostly hysterical roasties posting that kind of nonsense.

Just need to point out they are actually libshits.

Someone in the previous thread mentioned before that this is a jewish long con. They're trying to push pedophilia on both sides. Here's how they're doing it here:

If supporting him (no one here will, just for clarity sake), you get a shabbos goy who poses as an /ourguy/ + pedophilia. The right gets dragged through the mud because of pedophilia.

By not supporting him, you don't get the fake /ourguy/ but also the cover story will be, "Why the right rejects pedos and neo-nazis." The scheme here is to set the right up for a no-win scenario. Since the pedophilia stigma luckily still applies, (((they))) want to use it against us for once by dragging a (fake) /ourguy/ through the mud and stigmatize what he supposedly stands for with pedophilia.

The solution is to fully expose him as a zog agent and remind normalfags that (((they))) are pushing pedophilia from every direction, and that includes him, because he's a zog agent.



You'd be surprised, there's a lot of people on here that feel that way. I wouldn't doubt they're burgers. I'm one but I don't believe that sjw nonsense.

ironybros need better opsec.

It didn't work for Nehlan. or Little. It won't work for you.

t. civnat

This is one of their most effective tricks

How so?

This is apparently his mom. Not conclusive, but still a start.

Attached: Schnabel.png (780x351 23.9 KB, 84.2K)

How can celibacy be involuntary when you voluntarily choose to not rape children? Choosing not to do something because the potential consequences deter you is still voluntary.

Pro-tip: Most pedos are alt-righters

libtards are pushing this guy as the face of Drumpf's Republican Party but I've never heard of "" before they started pushing him.

the law doesn't make any distinction so why should normies

Top kike. No one identifies as a supreeeeemist, and no NatSoc is in favor of kid rapists. Have an ebin bump to combat the shills.

(((Apedre Anglin))) wrote an article endorsing this guy


that guy sure looked like controlled opposition, doesn't he?

Definitely a kike. Like Jared Kushner, or Ben Shapiro, he has no overtly jewish features except pitch black, assymetrical eyes, and his skin is light, but he's not quite white.

Attached: 22783950-mmmain.jpg (620x413, 56.25K)

Obvious plant is obvious.

Keep telling yourself that, psyop victim.

He's no more obvious than all the other plants you idiots fawn over.

Glowniggers created your "well."

Could you be less obvious? Thank you.

That literally applies to every WN blog/website in existence.

Renegade Broadcasting is one of the most obvious CIA/DoD WN internet psyops currently running.

No, those don't exist, according to internet WNiggers.

Yeah, because the endless historical list of white supremacist and neo-Nazi murderers isn't "well poisoning" enough.

Jews are transferring their sins on to the white people so the jews can avoid DOTR and jump on to the new boat.


Oh shit, I actually just read op. Yeah, this is pretty bad.

Hey, mr potatoniggers!

This is beyond revolting. The reason the kikes think they can get away with shit like running a monster like this on a WN platform is because they do not fear physical removal. that complete lack of fear on the part of the kikes is because of whites' weakness and cowardice. Fat fuck lazy stupid cowardly "conservatives" unwilling to physically remove motherfuckers like this false flag piece of shit ogre candidate and all of those connected to him.

This kind of thing is so transparent and offensive to one's intelligence that it's unreal. The kikes are unbelievably, profoundly, breathtakingly arrogant and have no fear whatsoever of the people

Mother's maiden name is "Schnabel", which means "beak".

Hey, you need to be more inclusive to our based black, latino and Asian allies. We need them for our fashy lolberg government.

Don't argue with that guy. He thinks that the irish are the ones behind globalism instead of (((them))).

And you never answered my question.
Should White Countries stay White?

Should White Countries stay White?
Is demographic displacement a bad thing?


I guess you can ask Frazier Glenn Miller that. He's one of your heroes, right?

I don't even know who that is.
I am asking your opinion on the demographic dsplacement of Europeans in Western Europe and North America.


Or Wade Michael Page, another one of your goofs.

Should white countries stay white?

Why are you wasting your time shit posting on a Filipino cartoon discussion board?

Be like J.T. Ready and fight for the white race.

By telling the truth about jewish subversion and not lying to their subscribers like every single individual in the CIA controlled aut-kike does?

Should white countries stay white?

And who is JT?

This man has a thread on /cow/:

He's friends with Marjan Siklic btw, the most infamous incel on the internet.

You mean like propagating goofy conspiracy theories like flat earth, ancient giant trees, chemtrails, and other such psyop crap?

Kyle Hunt and Sinead McCarthy are trained actors and role players. Kyle Hunt was sheep dipped by the CIA/DoD when he was in high school via the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA (a US Dept. of Defense intelligence contractor front). Sinead was sheep dipped during high school also.

Should white countries stay white?

Why can't you be more like Curt Maynard and less like Christopher Poole?

Should white countries stay white?

What do you know about the Rainbow Alphabet?