Ten points of the Italian proposal presented at the EU summit in Brussels by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte:
1. Intensify agreements and relations between the European Union and third countries from which migrants leave and transit and invest in projects. For example, Libya and Niger, with whose help we reduced the departures by 80% in 2018.
2. Centers of international protection in transit countries. To assess asylum applications and offer legal assistance to migrants, also for voluntary repatriation. For this purpose the EU must work with Unhcr and Oim. Therefore it is urgent to refinance the EU-Africa Trust Fund (which currently has a total overdraft of EUR 500 million) which also affects the fight against illegal immigration on the Libya-Niger border.
3. Strengthening external borders. Italy is already supporting EU missions (Eunavfor Med Sophia and Joint Operation Themis) and by supporting the Libyan Coast Guard, these initiatives need to be strengthened.
4. Go over Dublin. Born for other purposes, it is now insufficient. Only 7% of migrants are refugees. Without intervening properly, we risk losing the possibility of adopting a truly effective European instrument. The Common European Asylum System today is based on a paradox: rights are recognized only if people manage to reach Europe, no matter what price.
5. Exceed the country of first arrival criterion. Who arrives in Italy, lands in Europe. To reaffirm responsibility-solidarity as a binomial, not as dualism. Schengen is at stake.
6. Joint responsibility between Member States on shipwrecks at sea. It can not fall on the countries of first arrival. Overcoming the concept of 'illegal crossing' for people rescued at sea and brought ashore as a result of Sar. It is necessary to separate between safe haven of landing and the competent State to examine asylum applications. The rescue obligation can not become an obligation to process questions on everyone's behalf.
7. The European Union must combat 'trafficking in human beings' and combat the criminal organizations that nurture trafficking and false illusions of migrants by means of joint initiatives not entrusted only to individual Member States.
8. We can not bring everyone to Italy or Spain. We need reception centers in several European countries to safeguard the rights of those who arrive and avoid problems of public order and overcrowding.
9. Counteract secondary movements. By implementing previous principles, intra-European refugee movements are merely marginal. Thus secondary movements can become the object of technical agreements between the countries most affected.
10. Each state establishes entry quotas for economic migrants. It is a principle that must be respected, but - concludes the document - appropriate countermeasures must be provided for financing with respect to states that do not offer to welcome refugees ".
Rapefuge summit - 10 point Italian proposal
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Or just kill them all and sink their boats.
The only "alternative" solution would be opening European migrant centers in fucking Africa and let those niggers stay there, if they claim to be fleeing from a non-existent war.
No more of this "every country should take some" BS, niggers and kikes have no place in Europa.
Just recolonize Africa so that their countries can be run by authoritarian white men and stop being complete shit holes. We get their resources and they get to live in a white-administrated society. Then they have no reason to leave. Problem solved.
The inquisition of Africa was just a jewish attempt to mix blacks with whites.
What did you get from that?
Atlanta and Louisiana
Why not mine the Mediterranean?
Why not just fulfill Charles Darwin's, a scientist leftists deeply worship, prophesy? Quote
>At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes (Negroes), as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked (18. 'Anthropological Review,' April 1867, p. 236.), will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla. (The Descent of Man, 2nd ed., New York: A.L. Burt Co., 1874, p. 178)
Forget just our race, even the sandniggers, kikes, chinks, latinos, etc all know niggers are worthless. It would be the easiest unification of humanity to ever exist, a cause to exterminate the nigger.
Eternal reminder the difference between a migrant and a refugee is choice. A migrant chooses to go and where to go while a refugee is forced and has no choice in their destination. Migrant is more appropriate for these niggers but at the same time makes them no different from every other unwanted immigrant.
This all sounds like he's been putting on a show for his bull. It all seems amazingly cucked from what I gather.
Ok but why fish them out?
I hope this is to make people say fuck no.
How about not let them in?
This seems a bit weak.
Chirstkike or woman?
7.5 Billion on earth, Half of them are starvation level, we can't take them all, just 5 million is almost setting the EU on fire.
if no substantial agreement is made then the Bavarian Christian democrats will split with merkels CDU.thhe coalition will end. Merkel for survival reasons might have to make huge concessions or loose power. win either way. think this is why the spagettis are making such bold demands
You can‘t bribe yourself out of this situation.
They will blackmail you again if they want more moneys.
Strenght is the only thing respected.
No African country has agreed to host migration centre
That are all operations to smuggle illegal immigrants to Europe.
None are refugees, legitimate asylum seeker. The example of Australia shows they are all just in search of a better life at the expense of wester tax payer:
Blow to Australia's $55 million Cambodia deal as two more refugees quit
A married Iranian couple who were once refugees at Nauru have left Cambodia and returned to their homeland despite the potential dangers, in a further sign Australia's $55 million deal with the south-east Asian nation has failed.
A spokeswoman for Mr Dutton said refugees "can elect to return to their country of origin at any time, which is what an Iranian couple in Cambodia decided to do recently".
Mr Rintoul said despite being found in genuine need of protection, the Iranian refugees may have decided to "take their chance" on returning to their homeland because Cambodia did not offer them education or work opportunities, language training or potential for family reunion.
They may also have returned home with plans to migrate elsewhere, such as Europe , he said.
“returning home despite ‘well-founded fear of persecution”
They really think we are total idiots.
Yeah, dump the invader on Spain or Poland, because you not only failed to protect the border as demanded by the Schengen agreement, but you did smuggle them yourself with your own navy!
They are not shipwrecked!
That is just a transparent juridical ploy to let in hundred thousands of invader, you picked up from the beaches of North-Africa.
How about not let them in?
How about stopping to flood Europe with invader?
Operation Mare Nostrum (after the ancient Roman name for the Mediterranean: "Our Sea") was a year-long naval and air operation commenced by the Italian government on October 18, 2013 to tackle the increased immigration to Europe during the second half of 2013 and migratory ship wreckages off Lampedusa.[1] During the operation at least 150,000 migrants, mainly from Africa and the Middle East, arrived safely to Europe.[2]
You, that is what past-nigger want, dump millions of nigger in Europe.
You promised to protect the border!
In return you had been admitted to our countries without border control.
Dumping the invader, you let in, on other countries.
Quit Schengen!
You pasta-nigger are going to need visa to visit civilisation.
Dumping the invader, you let in, on other countries.
There is no right what so ever for “economic immigration”
So the italian proposal is more of the same
So they don't want to work hard to make their money in Cambodia for themselves. How shocking. White people went every where and make their colonies thriving because it is in his nature.
Reminder, they claim to be political persecuted, in fear of their security and life.
Everything should be better than Evin prison or the hang man. Cambodia is safe for them.
Of course that is all pretending, a lie.
They are after the white man‘s money, nothing else. All of them.
Yeah sounds like it's bullshit, why does italy not just refuse to accept any more immigrants, which is what italians want? if he really had the intention he could do it but of course it's all just a show and the new populist parties are controlloed just as much as the socialist parties, all of them have ties to israel and they won't stop immigration but people just don't want to understand this, we don't have any voice in our countries anymore! and it's time that we forcefully take back our countries from politicians and the globalist eite. Democracy is dead and the time for compromises and promises is over.
Yeah it's pretty cucked, but remember it's a coalition between M5S and Lega Nord (Salvini). Both are anti-immigration, but maybe M5S is too weak.
Any Spaghetti here to clear it up? Would it be any different if Salvini had his way?
Not sure what a "transit country" is.
But let's assume that a transit country is a country like Libya, from where tons of rapefugees make their way to Europe. Let's assume that someone builds centers in Libya. Couldn't European countries use these centers as a pretext for deportation? When you try to deport them the left always blocks it, but when you deport them to these centers, what can the left say against that? Nothing.
Those centers will be a place rapefugees can go to get a pre-stamped document that turns them from illegal immigrants to legal immigrants, and not a single European country can stop them or deport them.
The centers will hand out documents by the million.
I see, thanks. A fucking terrible idea then.
they're threatening hungary with sanctions and consequences in one months time again even though they were supposed to do something months ago and now that hungary as so many more allies with austria leading parliament soon they are doomed. spain-france-germany you will be remembered as the eternal traitors of europe. well, maybe not germany seeing how they are turning hard on merkel so just shitskin hellholes of spain and france. traitors get the worst punishment.
Salvini is legit, 5kikes isn't. ie. About a year or two ago 5kikes voted for some proposed climate rapefuge law passed in the eu. Salvini bitched about it up until the election.
5kikes (specifically DiMaio) squirm every time the rapefuge situation is brought up and will only bitch about the opposing governments (Macron & Merkel) instead of the niggers themselves. Salvini doesn't give a fuck but has to compromise in situations like this because of the coalition to play nice.
The overall goal is to prevent PD from ever gaining a foothold again bc the devil you know (5kikes) are much easier to manipulate into whatever he wants. When Salvini blasts "the establishment" on anything 5kikes has to join along otherwise they cant claim to be an "anti-establishment" party and maintain the center-left votes. Salvini is taking full advantage of this.
Nice. So the largest party is too cucked for real change but Salvini may outsmart them.
Still this 10 point proposal is pretty bad, although it won't pass anyway. It makes them look willing to play nice (which will improve the image of European anti-immigration parties to normies, i.e. muh PR) but the EU surely will ask to tone it down or outright ignore it. It's usually better to start off with bigger demands then walk back a bit if necessary. Nevertheless they need to keep pushing and get the conversation going, in that sense it's working.
Let's hope this new Axis is for real. Godspeed Spaghettis.
Europe reminds me of WC2 opening cinematic
Remember goy, you must navigate my 1,000,000 pages of laws, rules, morals and social codes if you wish to do anything.
Scuttle the boats, and scuttle the EU, UN, IMF and every other global body that exists while we're at it.
Stop obeying the laws and rules, we did not make them, we do not want them, and at some point we need to realise that they're merely a way to straight-jacket us into submission.
Don't forgot my shit stain of a country Britain is fucking terrible.
Vienna, which is slated to overtake the EU presidency on July 1, has prepared a set of proposals for stricter migration policy. It includes creating camps for migrants rescued in the Mediterranean and a new, better protection system, making asylum seekers file their applications before they enter the bloc.
The Austrian government has prepared a document for discussion during July’s meeting of internal security officials, slamming the “fundamental weaknesses” on the EU border and previous migration policy, according to a Financial Times report.
“The migration crisis of 2015 and its consequences left many people with the impression that political elites and the EU as a whole have lost control of the situation,” the document, cited by the English newspaper reads.
No Anti-Freedom Attitudes
The paper stresses the necessity to tackle the influx of young uneducated men from territories “characterized by patriarchal, anti-freedom and/or backward-looking religious attitudes”.
“Many of these are particularly susceptible to ideologies that are hostile to freedom and/or are prone to turning to crime,” the paper says.
This is the only viable long-term solution. Implement an Australia style NO WAY approach in the meantime.
Xenophobia, Hate Speech Widespread in EU Amid Migration Crisis - Report
Europe saw high levels of xenophobic populism and hate speech last year amid the prolonged migration crisis in the region, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) said in its Friday report.
"Xenophobic populism and hate speech have continued to be on the rise in 2017, with high levels of migration and challenges of integration, religious extremism, terrorist attacks and the austerity-driven socio-economic climate observed all over Europe," the organization said.
The ECRI warned that in some countries, there was "a trend to depict multiculturalism as a dangerous notion and to pursue a pattern that seems to negate and deny the value of human rights and their universality."
The Negro knows no gratitude. Any attempt at GIVING them a stable society to exist in will inevitably be sabotaged by them.
The only correct solution.
If my neighbour's dog gets into my yard and bites my daughter I won't build the cocksucker a new doghouse to get him to agree to keep his dog in order, I'll shoot the fucking dog.
Austria holds border exercises in response to Germany
As Germany's government bitterly debates border protection, Austria has announced a large-scale border operation. Austrian leaders say the German squabble and possible changes to European policy triggered the move.
Austria unveils new border division
Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache of the far-right FPÖ told Bild:
"On Tuesday there will be a major police and army exercise in Spielfeld, during which the new Puma police border protection unit will also be inaugurated."
"With this exercise on the border between Austria and Slovenia, we want to prepare ourselves for all developments and send a clear signal that there will no longer be a loss of control and free passage like in 2015."
"The reasons for this are the debate about intra-European border closures, triggered by Germany, as well as current developments on the refugee routes in the Balkans."
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the center-right ÖVP said:
"We will be prepared and will do everything necessary to protect our borders. That would mean securing the borders at Brenner [at the Italian border], but also in many other places."
"But I want to cooperate so that it will not come to that. We must ensure that illegal migrants no longer make it to the European Union in the first place, because then we would not need intra-European border controls."
Why don't we negotiate with terrorists? Why do you NEVER pay a kidnapper?
This is fucking insane.
You are being invaded. Invaders should run into a wall of bullets at the border.
When the Germans invaded France, did they pay the Germans not to? No, they sent their army out to stop them (they failed, miserably, but the response was the correct one).
"B-but…the Germans had guns & stuff!" you may respond. Yea, but if you had shown your belly, like you are to these rapefugees, the Germans would never have shot anyone, either.
And the rapefugees ARE killing and raping you.
But, noooo…you are going to pay a ransom to their countries of origin, asking them to keep their assholes out of your country.
And I guarantee, it won't work. You will be told it costs more and more every year, to keep them from invading you.
Bullets are cheaper…MUCH cheaper.
You can't go full 1488 in one day, you know
sounds perfect
Then those who are planning to take a boat will immediately reconsider
Too late for that.
Unfortunately we didn't do it when we had the chance and now jews are uniting everyone on the planet to exterminate us.
they have (((human rights))) according to the (((UN)))
and (((UN))) (((human rights))) (((globalist))) (((NWO))) laws will always overide national laws and sovereignty
It is important that we are not surprised when these people are hypocritical or don't play by the rules
They only care about winning, they only care about power for them.
Rules are for us, "do what thou wilt" is for them.
How about all immigrants
This fuckers are just putting on a show for us they will never stop immigration.
or in other words legal immigration.
They forget how long it took the furher to go from nobody to king: Almost 15 years.
While i find niggers an irredeemable beast, there is a single parasite monster which in my opinion deserve much more gas than them
This, but Salvini is still a good start.
not surprising, really