Illegration and illigration

I have been searching for a single-word alternative to "illegal immigration". This would also result in single-word alternatives to "illegal immigrant" like "illegrant" or "illigrant". I have encountered barriers to this though. There is a 2012 book called "The Illegration Conspiracy" which pollutes results of searching for the term. You can see on page 47 of this PDF:
that for some reason searching the term "illigration" displays "Migration", also polluting results. The only use I could find so far is here:
from July 15 2010 and the use of the illigration tag 3 days prior at:

Popularizing a single-word term for conciseness is important. I don't know why it hasn't happened yet. The phrase "nonimmigrant aliens" is used here:
So you can see some people refuse to refer to illegal aliens as immigrants. We should probably not allow the letters "immig" to be included in any way when referring to illegals to prevent the media from spinning anti-illegal protests as anti-immigrant.

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Other urls found in this thread:



No. No more newspeak. I am tired of people ruining language because their attention spans can't grasp anything over 280 characters.

Call them fucking criminals and be done with it.

This. Kikes are constantly changing the language so people never know what's being discussed. Enough.

We already call them 'illegals'

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on that note, here is a 2016 article called "Immigration, Crime, and Crimmigration" which refers back to a 2006 issue of American University Law Review (Volume 56 Issue 2 Article 3) a PDF found at which I have attached to this post.


This could work better since it's already in use, rather than us needing to invent something and have it discredited by association with us.

It would be obvious that crimmigrant meant a criminal version of an immigrant. Changing the language is exactly what we need to do so people know what we are discussing. If we say "illegal immigrants must go" the media will report "right-wing extremists say immigrants must go". They will simply ignore preceding adjectives, which is why the root word itself should be changed.

Both are great ideas.


True, but there are all kinds of illegal things one can do, nouning an adjective like that isn't very specific.

Valid, I agree with Trump's recent use of it. Hard to meme though, searching it will just saturate with stuff like Space Invaders vidya, we can use both inconcert. Perhaps "Crimmigrant invaders" to drive the point home? It can function as an adjective too, even if it's like saying "triangular triangles"

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reported for goatse spam

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Agreed. No more newspeak. Just fucking call them what they are. Criminals.

Call them criminals or illegal aliens and be done with it.
If you want to be an edge lord and you're dealing with a leftist, call them 'deportables.'

Calling illegal immigrants criminals (or criminal immigrants) and calling them crimmigrants do not need to be mutually exclusive. If we just say "deport criminals" it is not specific and is not clear what we're talking about. If we say "criminals murder children" it doesn't make it clear we're not talking about citizens. Deportables is certainly nice, appears to date back to 1939, it deserves a seat next to crimmigrant in the lexicon. The difference of course is that deportables is a broader category. Blacks who were born in the United States are not immigrants and thus not crimmigrants, but they are still deportables because we can strive to deport them.

Whats wrong with illegal alien?

One word is more efficient than two. Hashtags and shit. I don't want common populace unable to use quotes in searches coming across Ellen Ripley.

We don't need newspeak. We don't need your kike lies.
"Foreign invaders." "Foreign invasion force." "Military invasion." These are the words you use.

a person or group that invades a country, region, or other place.
"it is a country that has repelled all invaders"
synonyms: attacker, aggressor, raider, marauder; More


I don't object to the word invader being used to describe them, but it's already well in use so it is hard to meme.

We don't need your kike clutter. "Foreign invaders", as opposed to what, "non-foreign invaders"? It's not a military invasion.

As opposed to what, non-criminal invasion?

I like invader tbh

The issue
as perpetrated by
connecting both criminal law and national defense.

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organisms that live in or on another organism (their host) and benefit by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.

a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.
synonyms: hanger-on, cadger, leech, passenger; More


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This. Call shit by its name.

Criminals implies they have a status, which they don't. Hence alien. Even "illegal" in illegal alien was a compromise. They are alien invaders but for reasons I stated in I'm calling them criminal invaders. Let's see if it gets traction.

What good are words if they're only spoken by beaners? Only room temperature IQ mutts and weary kikes don't like a bit of word play.

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I call them foreign criminal invaders.

Criminals implies someone has committed a crime. I'm pretty sure we don't limit crimes only to citizens with legal status.

Underused compared to leech, 2 syllables are catchy, we can use that. Perhaps we should only use it to refer to female illegal immigrants though? Term reminds me of this cutie