Reddit admins are as cancerous as their communist website. With the recent Red Hen ordeal on attacking Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Maxine Waters calling for violence against Trump supporters, I think it's time we begin looking at the people who were spreading social "justice" long before it became a DNC strategy.
Of course, in the link above, redtaboo is defending /r/politics, a subreddit that calls for radical communism and violence against Trump supporters. Does redtaboo defend Trump supporters? Not at all. Case in point:
I'm not a furry btw, Skr00da was meant to depict "Nuclear" from #Zig Forums like how Pity Part did "Hydrastra".
Both are fags that had their careers ended on #Zig Forums
Hunter Davis
It's interesting to see SRS pop up immediately whenever someone makes a thread about reddit. They try to gaslight so they don't have people look into what they've been doing on the net.
Logan Lee
I didn't think they could manage to fuck up reddit's layout even more, but I underestimated the subhumans.
OP walks in out of the storm and says sure is raining cats and dogs out there. The real question is when we boot up the RWDS how do we target Reddit admins? Some of them have to non-flamboyant whites right? Do we want any of them slipping into the masses unpunished for their crimes against the nation? They are cancerous cells that need to be removed. We need a good solid doxing so they can be named and face their day of judgement.
Jeremiah Peterson
You don't need to dox attention whores who say their name and post pictures of their faces every where. You know where they work every day ffs man.
Jeremiah Perez
Reddit is garbage. Anyone who was a good quality poster on Reddit have now moved on to Voat.
They don't make any pretense of caring about freedom of speech. They shoahed our sub /r/uncensorednews when it was at 140,000 subs. At this point we should be firing up tor or any other way you can be untraceable and spam horrific shit on reddit so that possibly they lose ad revenue or traffic. I hate reddit and its users with the fire of a thousand suns
Andrew Young
They "work" remotely. The senior admins are likely on some payroll list. But the volunteers doing the bulk of the work banning and censoring. Faggots at home on their laptops. And we don;t want nay of hose cancerous cunts surviving in the new America. They will be subversives with defective genes. They must be identified and dealt with. Like any other hazardous waste.
Jayden Collins
Who cares? Every conservative that is run off reddit, Facebook, Twitter eventually finds their home in Zig Forums's fascist, nigger hating arms, and we all know from experience how good Zig Forums is at turning a moderate conservative into a 1488 stormtrooper.
Well when you remove jews, chinks, spics, trannies, etc. there won't be many left to find.
Gavin Scott
Jayden Green
Eat shit, yid.
Christopher Brown
Fuck off with your faggot thread retard nigger, reddit has been known compromised since the start. Making these water is wet threads helps no one other than you making you think you're part of a big "OP". Go away reddit faggot
Cameron Cruz
in other news cuckchan is deliberately being let raided by bots and shitposter just like infinity Zig Forums now is slowly let being degraded to, and admins are unironic niggers and commies who will just range ban most of le nazis germany for no reason, ban every variation of cuck and soy goys to shut it down not for le bantz, but let retarded marxshits and niggers spam the same 100 template spam threads every day without any effort to prevent it
Carson Smith
Just in case…ZIONISTS are mongrel breeds that are bred to blend into the native population but that are only loyal to ZION…their whole life revolves around destroying nations and being traitors from within…the 'leadership' will try to salvage those who they feel have some 'value' to them in terms of being willing slaves…we musn't let this cancer slip away to plague us, play the traitor and destroy our people in the future.
Ryder Adams
Not my thread you stupid fucking kike.
Jose Smith
Yes (((communists)))
Henry Ortiz
No doubt, I was simply stating when we remove the obvious enemy there will be a lot less to look for.
Sebastian Ross
Your type defends these water=wet threads, so you're just as culpable faggot
I would like more screenshots of prominent redditors doing communist things.
Ryan Reed
This. An oldschool neverending toilet flush of nigger hate, animal rape, faggot bashing, and redpills needs to be piped into Plebbit by the Russian bots DNC shills hand wave about.
You don't need an account to keep an eye on the shithole faggot bathhouse.
Look at that spez faggot and tell me he doesn't rape children, I dare you.
Checking those dubs of cleansing.
Elijah Powell
I never said anything about an account.
Aaron Torres
Fuck Plebbit, Tumblr etc. The effort involved in retaking those places is immense. We're better off focusing on other platforms that are poorly protected by leftists/communists.
Imagine what we could achieve if millions of Pinterest women were influenced right with very little opposition. Instead of posting pro-white propaganda offline, infiltrate Pinterest and post pro-family and pro-traditional values propaganda. Before you know it you've got millions of women who have all the right values and who would be more open to right-wing parties.
Lincoln Young
Fuck retaking them. Burn them to the fucking ground.
Josiah Williams
The psycho Christians have done a number on the right's credibility with women. I like the idea of going on those websites only normalfag women use, and creating the false-impression that there are millions of 1950's Leave it to Beaver type guys out there waiting for them to come around.
Jordan Turner
Exactly, and there is virtually no opposition as long as we stay on the fringe of acceptability.
Brody Reed
Subreddits are ran by moderators not admins.
But the interesting thing is that, yes, the community manager of reddit is a member of the Argentinian communist party.
Jace Taylor
Alex Jones was right
Jeremiah Stewart
Reddit kinda needs a bullet in its head. The double standard is so palpable.
Niggers hating white people is a-ok but god forbid you use the N-WORD anywhere on their site without 100% verifying your melanin count first because then its totally allowed.
The entire site of faggots will shill up completely fake articles as long as the person writing it hates Trump, and then they all quietly act like it never happened when the shit gets shown to be false.
Only reason I go there is because of T_D and to have a "work acceptable" website to leave on my browser when I walk away from my computer.
Reddit needs to go the way of Digg. And soon.Someone needs to mega flood that shithole with CP and gore and drive out the drones.
Christopher Bennett
You know the founder of Reddit is alt-right and that he specifically made it as a free speech website so he could disscuss that shit?
Not to mention the fact that all the left wing pages like r/socialism and r/fullcommunism are fucking hated by the communist community because they're a bunch of IDPOL larpers.
Stop being a retarded faggot thinking that anyone who doesn't want to masterbate over 2d asian women while hailing the white race is just a commie cuck.
Asher Wright
no longer has anything to do with Reddit? And also finds the way the site is being run now to be bigoted and anti-free speech?
Aiden Anderson
R/TheDonald has a huge amount of censorship of leftists.
Does this mean that the right is anti left-wing free speech?
Even the leftist boards are censoring leftist speech and economic and philisophical disscussion.
Why are right wing people suck fucking special snowflakes with their free speech.
Grayson Sanchez
T_D doesn't censor leftists it removes trolls and faggots being faggots. Theres a difference between being a leftist and having a legitimate point and just posting bullshit full on leftypol wise there to try to get a rise out of people.
I'm a conservative libertarian, I constantly challenge the T_D narrative and I have never been banned because I do it with facts and strong arguments.
Jackson Allen
Yes it does, it censors any criticism of Trump.
I saw a pic a while back of a post about Trump and there were more deleted comments then there were actual comments.
And I'm an AnCom since you're posting your beliefs.
Right wing people have no sense of politics at all, they just base it all on identity and their fee fee's.
Lincoln Barnes
Hey look, theres why you get banned. Cause you don't have any facts and you're just a troll faggot looking to get a rise out of people.
Voat is just as bad with mods treating their boards like private clubhouse and banning people who they just don't like. Fuck you and your hugbox
Jackson Fisher
Jonathan Edwards
And I wasn't banned.
We do have facts. We have several books on economics, philosiphy and social organisation. The right has "BUT MUH WHITE RACE IS SO STROOONG GOYS HUR HUR BUT GEWS R STRONGER SO DEY ARE BAAAAAD!!!!"
Samuel Thomas
Oh so you're 14 years old.
Benjamin Allen
Bullfuckingshit. spez was and probably is maintaing a offsite community for SRS so these subhuman troons can organize their brigades in peace and Ohanian married the ugliest looking sheboon allowed to walk free. In what fucking universe are these people alt-right you chucklefuck?
But fucking communist reddit administrators ban subreddits like the_donald while letting communist leftist subs like r/anarchy or r/socialism doxx and organize violence
Landon Long
As I said. Not many leftists apart from IDPOL leftists like reddit. It's the crock of shit of leftists.
Parker James
So you will work for niggers for free all your life in your ancom community because you got white privilege while the niggers will do nothing all day but complain about the things you do. That's ancom.
Christian Rodriguez
So what? The problem are the reddit administrators that ban right wing subs but keep left wing subs alive even if the leftists do 10 times more shit against the reddit TOS
James Morris
The idpol leftists outnumber the tru ones (they are all idpol anyway), so good joke.
Noah Martinez
Who the nigger fuck cares? Reddit is a shithole, and this is a National Socialist board. Take your petty squabble and shove it deep into your anus.
Cameron Rodriguez
Under AnCom if you try to leach off the system people just won't give you their shit.
Can you prove any of this?
The only IdPol leftists do is anti-idpol.
Adam Myers
Grayson Barnes
Theres a reason you're cannon fodder in the ideological war.
If you can't understand this struggle, chances are good is all you'll ever be good for is burning crosses 100 miles out in bumblefuck and away from anyone who could ever care or challenge you for it.
Weak. Learn the tools of modern warfare or become a useless eater.
Andrew Adams
Samuel Hughes
What happens to a problem you ignore? Reddit has to be turned or destroyed. There is no ignoring something with the level of influence Reddit has on the normals when it is stacking the deck against freedom.
Get your head out of your ass soldier.
Andrew Cox
Get out. No one cares about your petty squabble on this board. We are not civnat cucks like you on reddit, this is a National Socialist board.
You're a fucking idiot. This is a POLITICS board. Thats the name. Natsoc is for fucking weebs and neckbeards with no fucking sex lives so they can yell nigger on the internet and act like they have some justified philosophy behind their idiotic behavior.
I hate you fucking pencil neck faggots almost worse than I hate the leftist fucks on Reddit…cause you don't DO ANYTHING. You're USELESS.
Daniel Brown
Reported. Kill yourself filthy kike.
Michael Reyes
Fuck off non-white
Jose Morris
Reported for what you LARPer fuckball?
For calling out your small fucking nuts? THE WAR IS ONLINE….its time to fight. Wheres your fucking WHITE POWER when all you can fucking do is add a total zero sum of effort to the so called issues you claim to defend FOR YOUR SUPERIOR RACE.
Ryder Cruz
Yeah I'm Norse-Irish so you can kiss my fucking ass pansy.
Get the fuck up and stop pushing your little Nazi LARP around the backyard you faggot. Theres a REAL FUCKING WAR going on out there.
Adam Myers
Jaxson Miller
no kidding. i was a moderate conservative, then found my way here and within a month, i am already questioning libertarian capitalism and moving towards national socialism…..
Jeremiah Edwards
So how much nigger blood do you have in your ancestry? The only people I know that are lolbergs today are degenerates, and people with comped genes.
Charles Torres
Does this mean you are redpilled on the JQ? I know you're not, so shut the fuck up and go back to reddit. You have no idea who they enemy is.
Jack Murphy
If you dont get banned from the cuckold, you dont belong here at all. Go back to your racemixing board where youre among likeminded racemixers.
I'm RH negative. I'm so white my fucking useless Indian doctor at the VA blames some of my concerns with my health on being "PURE WHITE" so…yeah whatever.
You know what a nigger is? A lazy person. You know what you fucking Natsoc LARPers are? Niggers.
Matthew Adams
Multiple continents have shifted right because of us, open discussions on armed struggle are being held. The fire is rising, youre spreading blackpills and discouraging activism. Youre probably a shill, if you arent, youre still not welcome.
Ryder Phillips
This is low tier at best, lowest possible tier, I don't even think you tried.
Josiah Martinez
Report and filter this infowars tier faggot. He's not worth replying to and deserves to be gassed.
Cooper Brown
Nolan Thompson
I see that sort of shit all the time on leftypol, retard. I saw many posts wanting the Boers to be butchered.
Ayden Sanders
I'm encouraging OPEN WAR with subverted social media. What you're doing is finding excuses to think our fucking goals don't have some level of mutual benefit.
Asher Jackson
Ok? Most of leftypol is tankies.
You're basically just strawmanning at this point, you just assumed that I want all white people to die for no reason at all.
Hudson Sanchez
Your type have had no problem deplatforming and disavowing racists, fascists and other far right people. Why the fuck should we help you, lolberg.