Marriage Vows in the West are just empty ritualistic phrases

Braindead Normies just say these phrases without ever discussing their meaning or what they expect from their spouse after making the ultimate commitment to spend the rest of their life with that person. (well, as we know, most of them don't take that part seriously either)

This thread is about sharing what kind of traditional marriage vows your culture/religion developed and how we can make them mean something again. if not in politics, than in our own private life. I am very interested in the experiences you had with actually discussing marriage vows and your expectations with your spouse regarding them. I don't understand how regular people can just say these things and don't communicate with their wives about what they expect from them.

If you watched Meghan's marriage, you heard them give their vows to each other.
My ears peaked up, when they said.
"I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage. With my body I honour you, all that I am I give to you, and all that I have I share with you"

Now in today's world, the last part is codified in marriage and divorce laws. You don't even have to swear it , considering common law marriage in anglo countries. But the "all that I am I give to you" part? The sad thing is that this phrase probably finds more acceptance with Normies, if you tell them that you and your girlfriend are in a full-time bdsm relationship, rather than a traditional marriage, if you talk with them about this phrase without context.

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All I know is that divorce should be made a capital felony. Everyone anti-marriage should be killed.

jews will always make nonsensical extremist statements like this to suppress our popular support and gaslight. Remember: NS is not about killing "thought criminals", a Marxist concept, only actual criminals.

*well actually NS isn't about killing criminals either, only violent revolutionaries and external threats may face capital punishment, but they must do a hell of a lot to deserve it.

All vows are stupid empty rituals. I don't know which pagan jackasses invented "wedding vows" and taught them to the Catholics, but it has always been retarded. The very idea that you can trust a single word that comes out of a dippy woman's mouth is absurd. A woman forgets her "vows" five seconds after she gibbers them through her painted face.
Marriage is supposed to be a transaction whereby ownership of and responsibility for an individual female is passed from her father/guardian to her husband for the sake of protecting the community from her untamed vagina; no fucking vows needed.

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Marriage is a sham nowadays, this is sadly true. Sex being unleashed onto us did immense damage. Social shaming used to be in effect, you'd be shamed for having sex outside of marriage. Keeping sex for marriage only motivated men but really it was the prize of having a loving woman and family, something you have much less chance of these days.

Get a load of this faggot. This is arguably humanity's lowest point, and it is all you've known so you assume its aways been like that with a black pill shoved so far up your ass.

We must unkike the system if we have any hope of saving humanity, in particular, preventing the fall of Europe.


It made a lot of sense in the honour bound societies that ancient pagans lived in. Back then you made a vow and fully expected to keep it, with severe consequences if you didn't. With special places in the afterlife where oath breakers were punished

Vows, oaths, and promises in general mean nothing anymore to honourless lemmings because there's no consequence for breaking them, and they have no spiritual or moral integrity. If a woman wants a divorce now, she gets it. Along with half of her spouse's belongings, the kids, alimony and the dog.

Are you implying shitskins have it better, OP?

Nigger what

Modern marriage isn't real marriage. The couple are usually already fucking and living together.

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You are delusional if you think men are any better at keeping their vows

can you format that second image a bit better?

so reading it does not involve scrolling left & right?

Are you some sort of phoneposter? Any given widescreen resolution views it just fine

Thanks for your input on what National Socialism is and isn't, schlomo.

"Good morality in Germany is better than good laws are elsewhere"
One of the core fundamentals of National Socialism right there.
Powerful stuff.

They are.
You ever notice how the divorce rate and the rise of "feminism" and "feminist" thought have gone hand in hand?
Male society = fidelity.
Female society = whores and easy divorce.

Your "cartoon nazi" version of National Socialism won't fly here, chaim.

dubs checked
well put user

Have another soy latte, bitch.

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except you can't own them anymore because they have all the rights men do, if not more
simplest solution is to remove all women's rights - no working, no voting, no owning property

How do you know he is NS?

Also, divorce AND adultery/infidelity should be criminalized

A "foam" in white?

It says it's fake right there on the fist paragraph.

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Yeah nah, you're a cunt.


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Yeah, fuck women! I jerk off to cam girls instead!

Nice non-sequitur.

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The line of thinking where tradiational rituals mean nothing is why we are where we are, the rituals are given meaning by the culture surrounding them, pure logic need not apply to benevolent rituals of which reinforce the togetherness of the culture, of course it depends on which rituals you think are worth preserving! Some people think the disgusting act of cutting a babies foreskin off is a great ritual!
It's all about the rituals of which you consider should be conserved, rituals create more cause for meaning rather than being an empty shell of a person. It is possible to think rituals are not logically required but still necessary for the preservation of your culture, it is one of the ways and a good way to cope with the existential unknown. I think rituals should be benevolent but yet not hinder our drive to find the real truth with Science, Technology or whichever tool with the means for doing so.

The idea isn't for the woman to be honorable of her own, it's for the entire society around her to pressure her into it because nobody would help an oathbreaker.
This system just stopped (((mysteriously))) working after WWII

the fact you identify with the cuck at the bottom and not the chads at the top is your problem user

I hate faggots like you , you probably seriously think robot waifus are a option dont you? Pagans actually took their vows seriously, unlike you, you retarded faggot. If youre Christian, the reason vows worked in pagan societies and not in Christian ones is because pagan societies put extreme importance on social cohesion and maintaining your word, as well as honor. Suicide by the sword (literally white seppuku) was considered acceptable if you tarnished your honor enough and there was no chance for redemption, thats how honor-obsessed they were, I specifically remember reading that General Varus committed such suicide by "falling unto his sword" when he failed against the Cheruscans, because he had made vows not only to the Caesar but to the Gods to win. Allowing even the smallest lies was akin to letting a rat infest your granary. Why would you lie in a vow? Especially if you live in a primitive honor-bound society that literally thinks dragons will eat your ass if you lie in this world, especially when you lie in a vow, since you are essentially making a promise to the Gods. Its telling that the lowest of Hels in Germanic cosmology is specifically reserved for those that broke their vows, those that betrayed their nation, and those that betrayed their wives/husbands/family. The fear of such eternal punishment wasnt the only motivation; being exiled and shamed by your entire tribe, even your kin, was another factor. Traitors and oath-breakers are the worst scum in the world, the Germans were right about that, they are the ones who lead to the ruin of nations. Vows are only empty rituals to you because youre probably one of those scum who couldnt be trusted with a single word. May snakes stare upon them forever and may their backs be flayed relentlessly by the Corpse-Eater.

If youre an atheist get right with God you miserable queer.

what an Islamic/Jewish idea. Oy vey goyim, dont make marriages into a sanctified and ritual process so that it motivates both parties to be loyal both to each other but also to the Gods/God, just make it a purely financial transaction like shes some sort of cattle. Im sure that will make her love you and not lead to her fucking the first man who charms her and gives her what you couldnt. I feel pretty sad for your future wife if you actually manage to get one. Your hatred of white women is Jewish mental poison, Im guessing you watch alot of cuck porn or something else thats fucking gay thats brainwashing you into these ideas. Take a cold shower, stop watching porn, actually talk to some girls for once even if its just for practice and to get an idea of how girls actually think and stop being such a blackpilled faggot.

I posted this in another thread, I will post it here again because it needs to be said apparently since you dont understand that pagans had better waifus than you, and it was specifically because of their oath-obsessed, vow-obsessed, honorbound society.

"Do you know the story of the Teutonics? They were a barbarian tribe that crossed the Rhine in order to invade Roman-Gaul. They failed in their attempted invasions, and as they tried to flee back through the Rhine every man of the tribe was slaughtered mercilessly by the Romans. These tribes were wholly nomadic; when they up and went to a new area, the entire clan did, even women and children. So Romans found themselves a bunch of slaves and sex-toys on the other side of the River. The Teutonic women however refused to be whores to a foreign race, and looted their husbands armor before attacking the Romans themselves. They failed, just as their husbands did, but that was probably the intent, to die with them. Instead of being sex-slaves, they decided to die with honor. How many women do you know that would ever do that for you? Most women, when threatened by a military force of armored men, will bend over quicker than you can say "harem". Most women today will jump to the nearest cock the second youre dead. Hell, even most men dont have that kind of fanatic loyalty. Those are true waifus anons, women that are worth going to Hell and back for, worth dying for, worth killing for. "

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Where the fuck did you even get that idea from? How do you miss such an obvious point so badly?
Is it a jewish thing? Must be.
The only kind of loyalty that women will experience is the kind forced upon them on threat of dire consequences, stop bestowing them attributes that are beyond them by nature.
They are.
Nice projection, moshe.
Overall you sound like quite the whiteknight, if there's someone here that's bound to get cucked is an embarrassingly naive faggot like you.

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read the fucking pic related you cum guzzling faggot

Look, I get it, you got betrayed or never were appreciated by women or something or other, do you want all women to fail even more so? What then?
The fact you do not want to change the way they are, you are defeatist weakling. Women are helped by gentle oppression and control, don't you get it fool? That's exactly what you want yet you want to reject any sort of solution to your blinding hatred of women of your own race.

I'll add to this, if you're a genetic mutant with no hope at all (meaning no matter what you do in the physical world you can't attract a living thing), hope for the best and commit yourself to human progress or just off yourself, it's the best thing you can do for humanity maybe you wouldn't just out of spite. That is also why eugenics is great.

That's wrong though. True, we have a disturbingly amount of dysfunctional women in todays society.
But healthy, normal women are very loyal and capable of strong pair-bonding by their nature.

The sad thing is that women can get corrupted, but they can't really fix themselves after that. It's completly impossible to go back to being an innocent virgin after being a slut or being traumatized.

Fuck off, with your /r9k/ tier shit. This is like listening to Common Filth after you have already been redpilled about the LGBT movement and homosexuality.

You mean except for the part where the vows were legally binding, inviolate for centuries(ie could not be annulled under any circumstances), and were rigidly enforced by social convention that made those who broke the rules into pariahs?

I'd love to see where you are pulling this shit from given that oaths were the entire basis of feudal law during the Christian dominated era.

Also Germanics and Romans constantly backstabbed and politicked all the fucking time particularly during war, that's the nature of iron age warfare indeed because of the problems of coming to grips with your foe on your own terms deception and bushwhacking were far more common than set piece battles. Hell the defining movement of Germanic nationalism was a pagan warlord befriending a Roman governor then murdering him and ambushing the column of reinforcements he'd requested. Not that lying and backstabbing didn't happen in the middle ages but if you think that early iron age warfare was dictated by honor you are a fool.

Wrong. Ceremony is important to making the event impactful. The jews have whittled away at traditions precisely because it removes the emotional strength supporting the societies they try to subvert. The jews want people to just impassionately, carelessly go through the motions till they decide not to even have the motions. They want us to give up on everything important to us. They destroy the context of history so we will not hold onto it, then they can reshape it into something we are ashamed of.

This applies to literally everything normalfags do. They mindlessly do what the cultural norm is. That's why they're normalfags.

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alright user ill admit I was being a bit quick with judging him to be christian, honestly he comes across more like some atheist cuck.

and yes I know that Germanics were ruthless and backstabbers when they could be. But , in the words of Odin, "Trade Gifts for Gifts, Trade Lies for Lies". Honor is something that should primarily be maintained between individuals in an enclosed society, not something thought about during war when its either useless or actually harmful. I never claimed anywhere that Iron Age WAR was honorable, only that Iron Age SOCIETY was. and theres absolutely no reason to maintain honor with an enemy you are at war with; you would never have any qualms about lying to a Jew would you? I would backstab a Jew in a heartbeat, if I could could manage to make one trust me.

And it probably was more honorable under barbarians, because they had all sorts of strange honor laws. There are accounts from the Romans of Germans helping their enemies up after defeating them in battle, dusting their armor off and providing them water. But then again there are other sources saying the Germans would take war-captives to their heathen altars and offer them to blood-thirsty wargods, so I guess it depended on their mood and what the oracles told them. The battle you mentioned where Arminius the "Pagan Warlord" betrayed Varus, the Germans slaughtered them all, tore their flags and standards to pieces and cast them to the wind, cut their armor and shields and offered them to the swamps, and broke their swords and threw them in lakes. So yea, I take it Arminius didnt take the whole being enslaved thing too well. you forgot to mention that little detail, that Arminius' tribe had been subdued and slaughtered by the Romans, and he himself was a hostage sent to Rome.

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It's Canon law, it's a lawful recognized binding contract, spiritual and temporal.
Canon is the highest law of the Western world, that's why the presidents go suck his dick in Antarctica occasionally. Whether he's a corrupted Masonic faggot is besides the point that all the UN laws and shit are at his disposal, USA rights given by God ect. All come from the pope

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Warning: This is a fagceltow b8 thread.

There are moral people who can control yourself but society as wholes needs whip and carrot to be held in check otherwise its worst part would destroy society.

The artist is Eurasian Tiger, a seriously fucked in the head hapa that hates Pol and likes to write suicide notes. Chris-chan levels of lulzs. That is what fageceltows associates themselves with.

Yep, semitic/shitskin mindset. >>> r/hapas >>>/r9k/ >>>/TheWoodchipper/

Because it was supported by actions and law.

Fun fact: in Ancient Greece husband had right to kill his wife's lover if he caught them in the act. It didn't count as murder and was privilege of the husband. I dare you to try other man's wife then.

what is it with hapas having this weird depraved hatred of white women? Ive noticed that asian men like white women but almost always get rejected by them, is it related to this?

Im not sure if youre trying to disagree with me, but I agree with you user. Vows dont mean anything if there isnt threat of exile and public shaming if you dont uphold them, and then further cosmic consequences.

It is. But without event vows are empty.

In case of marriage substance was whittled away first (thanks to conservacucks) only empty shell of ceremonies left.

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They also hate hapa females as well.

The wiring is different between the White and Azn brain. When the two are combined, there are going to be fuck ups. This easily gets noticed and their unnatural appearance is instinctively noticed as well. Not surprisingly they get rejected when they try to muh dik, if the white woman still gives it a try, the relationship will likely fail. Either way, the hapa is rather going to believe White women are the problem. Inceldom gives them the excuses they (and other genetic defects) are looking for.

That your kind conflated no fault with gibs divorce shows that you are a dishonest lot. >>>/r9k/ Go back! Go back, you deformed, mentally ill mutant!

That force is the only way a woman (that isn't mentally ill) would have a relationship with you is pretty damn telling. You are genetic defects. mutts and shitskins that needs to be kept locked out of the genepool.

This does not applies only to the marriage case you know. Whenever society wants something done it is guided by force. People work for money, get goods in change for money , stealing money or goods is a crime. Everyday citizens life is guided with the whip cracking at the background. Without relying on morals only. Can good people cooperate without punishment? Indeed they can nut dishonest people will ruin such system with no survivors if you would rely on the morals only, without violent enforcement.

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It USED to be that the woman (in her bows) said she was going to give obedience to the husband… now she says "cherish"

absolute subversive cancer

This was my plan. I'm planning to help the Pan-American Nationalist movement once the US wanes. As soon as that happens, I will push for this.

Difficult to think all these years I had to keep my opinion on this quiet, but yeah:
Divorce = death penalty.

((( )))
You are either an american woman (WHORE) or a soyboy. There is no way you can look at our current times or human history and think, "hurr durr durr, divorce is healthy and normal."

Most people in prison, come from single mothers btw. Also, "thought criminal"? Destroying a marriage isn't a thought crime, it's an actual action that carries actual consequences (as stated above, most crime).

Sadly this.

Anyone wanted a wholesome marriage with a virgin waifu and many children? Too bad! You can't have that. That's just the reality, the closest thing to this is the ILLUSION of it that some wymyn can bestow for a couple of years before turning you into a cuck (believing your current family was worth her LIES).

Yes. More patriarchal societies are happier. Saudi Arabia is one of the happiest countries on Earth.

retard, when the (((BBC))) or some other fake news takes a survey for that, they DON'T measure happiness. They measure (((equality))) because they (((assume))) it's happiness.

I was going to write something along those lines.

Wymyn are all whores, but only if men let them. Men were the ones that approved feminism, most of them probably incorrectly assumed that would mean more pussy because of a lack of social moral OR because wymyn would be "thankful".

What these men were ignorant of was wymyn's hypergamy. All these "ancient" rules we had were there for a reason.

holy… shhh-

In Sweden, muslims have taken away the right that the country have given to their women.

(((equality))) and equality means happiness.

where is that pic from?

top kek, look at this loser

w t f ?

oh look, a whore or a kike

taking bets


God, I fucking hate boomer conservatives and their Ronald Reagan worship.

Marriage Vows vis-a-vis Lifespan

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was 13 years old, and Romeo was only a little bit older.

The Jews bar mitzvah at age 13, and the boy says "today I am a man".

Life was Brief
In the pre-technology ages human beings got married around the age of puberty. At that time life was short. Women often died during child birth, even in their teens and twenties. A simple cut in those pre antibiotic times could kill you. Women and men - the LUCKY ones - usually died in their mid-30's.

Broken legs, infected scratches or cuts, simple diseases, over-work, etc., killed lots of people. Archaeologists doing forensics on graves not long ago reached the conclusion that about 20% of deaths in the pre-tech past were from fucking dental infections

Only half of children born actually made it alive to age 6..

So when couples who were being married swore to have and hold each other untill death do them part, their marriage vows contemplated a period of maybe 20 years or so.

Today by contrast people live until their 70's or 80's…
If they get married at 20 or so, that means the vows would contemplate a period of 50 or 60 years. That is simply not realistic. To expect two human beings to stay together that long - well after the child rearing is finished - is fantasy.

Divorce is now a normal part of life and society… and BTW, lads, take it from the Old Bull -→ Thank god.

Yes, men are better at it. When men do not keep vows with other men they must fear being subjected to retaliatory violence. Women do not fear violence, but ostracization. And they don't even fear that when society has geared itself toward not shaming women for ANYTHING they do, other than trying to be mothers instead of working to give Jews more shekels.

Unless you're talking stone age or the absolute lowest of pox-ridden beggars that's a retarded number.
People in the middle ages regularly lived till 50-60.

It's a wordplay.
"Schaum" means "foam" and it rhymes with "Traum" which means "dream".
In english you call it "Chocolate-coated marshmallow treats" (seriously?) but in german it was called "Negerkuss" (Negrokiss). Since pc took hold over society the name of course was labeled racist. So they changed the name to several different one like Schokokuss (Chocokiss), Dickmann (Fatman) or Schaumkuss (Foamkiss). The last variant was used here as a pun since "Schaum" rhymes with "Traum", so instead of "A dream in white" it's "A foam in white". I know it's stupid, but that is normie commerical. Nevertheless the normies got butthurt over it because "lol, the bride is a fucking nigger joke".

Can I get that image without the facebook UI? It's perfect for posting here.

Jesus Christ, son.

Hello Jamal, I think you took a wrong turn here on your way to your #BlackLivesMatter meeting.

I took my vows seriously when I was married. She didn’t.

That's why you marry a virgin.

Soooo…. you killed her?

I'd kill my wife, if she tried to ruin me and my kids life by trying to divorce me.
And I would only marry a woman, who would stay with me after I said that to her.

I thought about something an edgy atheist said to me the other day, about "Stoning adulterers" and how marriage is an evil institution in general, and being an anti-natalist fuck in general, called him a faggot, he called me a bigot, and we went our separate ways

And it really made me think about the context, we're talking about a time where, people didn't really live all that long, and you're entering into a contract where you literally take years off of your already short life, to provide resources to a women, whom in turn, comforts you and provides your offspring and home a chance to flourish.

If a person takes that from you, by breaking the contract, they've essentially stolen years off of your life, how do you get that back? How do you punish something like that? The death penalty for such an offense makes sense.

But wait there's more, there's a modern equivalent to this and that's alimony, and that is applied to men, more often than not, How the fuck is Alimony any less of a death sentence?

A restriction of resources limits quite a bit, be it healthcare, hobbies, enjoyment, basic living expenses, It's essentially forcing the person into a reduced living standard.

Marriage was always a serious thing, and it seems the attacks on it's very foundations have just made it another word.

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>thread #558 where Zig Forums argues over marriage in CURRENT YEAR


Ignore the /r9k/ and cuckposting.

Marry a good girl or don't marry at all.

Get outta here lil brainlet with your congnitive dissonance, if you have no solution then don't post.


What is this brainlet thing certain users have begun using? It's only popped up recently. What is it?

saging because these threads always bring out the /r9k/ fags.

Checkmate, goys.

wtf I love the state now.

The only way to have a reasonable chance of your girl being a virgin is to marry a teenage girl.

People did live fairly long, it was dragged down by all the deaths in childhood. Once you made it past sixteen it was safe to say you could get to seventy.

Thats some disingenuous bullshit if Ive ever seen it, fag

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I don't know why, but I laughed hard at this.