Humans alone in universe

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This is what I have always suspected. Which is why it is so important we don't get outbred by shit skins. Forget planet of the apes - imagine a Universe of them

Aliens likely won't talk to us because the most powerful human civilization on Earth is led by a fat orange tyrant with a tiny dick who likes drinking Russian pee and has a following of alt-righters on Zig Forums who are as equally despicable

I thought the same thing… truly our role is to wither…

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I'm pretty sure you have to be over 18 to post here.

They'll never make it off the planet.

Are you just 1 posting in every thread baiting for replies?

At this point, any E.T civilization probably bans all travel in the Sol system so the Jewish and Marxist virus cannot spread beyond its containment of Earth. Any observation posts probably abandoned and scuttled/thrown into the sun and any humans here written off.

The statistical odds that intelligent life is only limited to here are insanely low. Bullshit

Perhaps there's a subtext here, that they do not believe the universe to be practically infinite? Could also just be more "Don't try to go to space".

It is of course very difficult. There may be 'flashes' life sparsely distributed across the universe, but the chance of two civilizations existing long enough to develop the technology necessary to communicate with each other is well, astronomically small.

I think you can rest assured that shitskins will never pollute the universe should the white man disappear.

The news headline is fucking shit:
Galaxy =/= universe

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what the fuck is that abomination?

This would suggest that life sustaining planets are rare, which we already figured, but they may be even more rare than we suspected.

It also suggests that intelligent life is extremely rare, to what degree is uncertain but very very likely we are the only such thing in our entire galaxy.

But what it suggests strongest of all is that whether intelligent life is semi rare or super rare across our universe, it suggests that faster than light travel remains just as much of an impossibility at all levels of technological advancement as we currently think it to be.

There may be a civilization equally or more advanced than us in a distant galaxy on the other side of the universe, or we may be alone in the universe, but we may never know for sure which way it is, because the space in between is to vast to ever span it.

probably true tbh

Extra, Terrestrial beings already phone home in 1947 and said, "Not Welcome".

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The observable universe and the Milky Way are two very different things regarding alien life. The universe we can see is huge and made of many galaxies, most of them are extremely far away. Detecting life outside of our galaxy is difficult because of the distance.

Now regarding only the Milky Way, while there are many stars, their number is not that big when considering all the things that have to go right for intelligent life to exist, namely being in the habitable zone of the star, not being tidally locked, having water and an atmosphere and not a hydrogen cloud at the surface, being in a somewhat stable environment for billions of years to give life the time to appear and then evolve etc… I could go on forever the list is huge.

I'm pretty sure there are bacteria and life forms that exist on other planets, including maybe in our galaxy, but intelligent and advanced life forms are certainly much rarer than that and it is likely that we are the only ones in the galaxy at the moment.

Without whites, no one is getting off this planet.

That isn't how statistics work lmao.


Look who it is again, ID 000000. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "000000" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

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What if there's cycles of the universe where it repeatedly expands and collapses and this happens probably millions of times before we came in to existence and the odds of life happening at all are incredibly small and we're the only form of life in this cycle.

If ET life doesn't real, explain THIS, did 5 drunk teenagers with wooden boards do all this in 1 night?

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Absolute bullshit, ayys are everywhere.

Grey's didn't fly over D.C. it was Germans from the South. The whole Grey/Reptillian phenomenon came about much later, 20-25 years after the first contactee cases and all of those were humanoid, had german accents, or spoke high german. It's where the term "Nordic" came from.

The whole Grey/Reptillian thing came much later when contactee cases pretty much ended and as far as I can tell it's intentional disinfo to prevent people looking at the real connection hidden to this day.

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The bearers of false gifts are jews, aren't they?

Those dumbass ayylmaos are all refugees. We need to find them and bring them to earth

150,000,000,000 stars in this galaxy , 150,000,000,000 galaxies in the observable universe
Hmm I'm no math whiz but their probabilities seem low.
Sentient beings on this planet


Kill yourself.

You autists don't understand the fermi paradox.
If life isn't rare -> Why don't we see aliums all around us?
If life is rare but still possible outside of earth -> if it's rare that must mean it must be xfold more rare that life (such as humans and aliums) would evolve create technology at roughly the same time (within a few thousand years of eachohter) -> either humans are the first sapient life or there's some aliens somewhere who are too dumb or too far away (galaxies apart) to detect
if intelligent life actually existed out there somewhere -> either they're so monumentally apart from us that they could never reach or even contact us (which implies that FTL travel is impossible), we're currently just too stupid to detect them/we're not looking in the right places, or they're all dead.
Of course there are special scenarios that would "defeat" the fermi paradox:
1. by some inexplicable chance ET sapient life created civilization within a thousand or so years of us and they're just on the verge of developing telecommunications or contacting us
2. Aliens are actively hiding from us or life in general
-→3. Some earth organization is actively construing the data so that the general populace remains ignorant of the existence of aliens.←-
4. The stars/night sky are actually a hologram and we're inside a gigantic zoo or a simulation or something

also, scenario
4B. God is real and the vast but empty cosmos are all for us to take


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The Bible says the heavens proclaim the glory of God. It's so big to humble us and show us that God is bigger than anything we could physically observe.


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Been a while since I've smelled that pasta. Heaven was such a faggot.

Ah yes they are. I didn't really get much of the image.

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There will never be a universe of shit skins. If we as white people perish, they will follow. If we as white people proceed, they might be removed for our own safety. Their job is only to die, regardless of which way it goes.

Kikes first.

Welp, thats all it took for me. Obvious bullshit.

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Earth is the most important place in the entire universe. Seize your destiny

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Aren't mexicans enough?

Why would they want to contact us? If they are so advanced that they can freely travel the universe what possible gain would they have from us? That would be like if humans would try sending an official representative to achieve first contact with some monkeys in a forest. The only reason they would have to make contact with us is putting us in zoo's (whitch they propaly already did) or taking our planet.


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Please tell us more, why? How? Since when?


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Well by the time the light gets to us, they're about as advanced as we would have been, assuming we all had the same start (Big bang)


Yes. Teenagers can do that. When you make it a plan you just need a piece of paper with the legnths you need to press and you are good to go

How the fuck is "he may not exist" a simpler way of saying "he doesn't understand ___"? They're two completely different things. What fucking retard wrote this?

Shits getting stranger. I suppose we're going to learn who the real "ET's" are soon enough. Turkroaches are now moving in.

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Poor naive souls.

But you faggots wonder why we don't want you finding us. Unfuck your own shit before you go fucking ours.

Chinks and ruskies already have the tech.

Ruskies got off the planet first, even.


Pretty subtle jidf shilling there, Avi. You earned your shekel for that one.

I just realized communists was the first to go to space.

Was gonna say communism, forgot to rephrase.


If there were dormant alien probes already in our solar system, how would we know?

They didn't invent the technology, as such they will never understand it. There's a reason why China invents nothing and to this day is living on the European race's inventions.



They found organic elements on mars already
Yeah life may be too far away to find but it's out there. In a universe this vast if life happened once then it happened elsewhere too

The booble proclaims that the son of god was a jewish rabbi. I smell a scam here, do you?

This. The article is also shit bc it doesn't even attempt to give us the probability distributions they used in the Drake Equation, let alone any justifications for it. It looks to me like they just surveyed the literature concerning past attempts and attached high and low numbers to it. It's actually quite surprising nobody has done this yet. Either way, there doesn't seem to be anything new here.

tl;dr- just another faggot recalculating the Drake Equation. Nothing to see here. Move along

Yes. Thank you for the correct meta-interpretation this early in the thread user.

shoo shoo you wretched shill jew. Christianity is not banned under NS, but your sick and fucked up cultural marxism is.

Dude jesus was a fucking dirty brown semite rabbi
The Eucharist is spirit cooking for the masses

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Actually it was NatSoc scientists that were either absorbed into programs of the victorious countries or had their work stolen and copied.

Oh I know a lot of German scientists were kidnapped before the end of the war. Problem is, their inventions sent commies to space before anyone else, sadly.

Judaism is a newer religion than Christianity, Hebrews were not modern kikes

if your god is omniscient how did he fuck up so badly as to give the Jews a chance and hand his whole religion to them? how did he not know that it would fail miserably?

life began on earth.
As life observed the universe, it created the entropic gradients for more life.
as it looked out to the skies, it birthed stars
the earth is the centre of the universe, not enough time has passed for life to evolve elsewhere and come visit home.
astrophysicists know nothing.

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If there's no aliens out there the stars are ours and all we need do is reach out and take them. The only reason why you'd hesitate to go to space if there's no greenskinned babes from mars is because you want to miscegenate and all you have are niggers to fuck.

Because He gave humans free will, which allows us to make choices, because He cares so much that He decided not to make us as braindead obedient meat golems (i.e. animals). Freedom comes with the risk of wrong choices because he didn't make us as perfect as Him (no point in creating something as Godlike as you), which He is aware of. With this, He already knows all the possible ways things can turn out, but WE don't how things WILL turn out, because we're the ones making choices to see which result we'll get. God gives us advice along the way on how to get the result He knows is best, and it's up to us to listen. If we don't, well, he already knows what will happen (but we don't). Kikes decided to pick the devil option, and got promptly fucked. Basically, you can consider omniscience a flowchart.

-jews finished the kiked(old) testament in 450 BCE
-Christianity came after that, derived fromt he old and "new" testament/gospels
Is it even christcucks spreading the bullshit that "the jews where ALL DEAD(for some as of yet unexplained and mysterious reason) when jesus came about?

The Grey antatomy isn't probable. The chances that a whole alien species has such a similar bipedial, two eyed form is wayyy too slim.

Judaism came first, but Christianity stemmed from it like a guy running out of a burning building, carrying only good aspects and faith in the Lord, because jews turned against God and were condemned.

Heres a simple question. Any crop circles in China? No. Any crop circles in Asia? Dont think so.
Its a western hoax.

none of that makes any fucking sense, if god knows everything whats the point of trusting a race that he KNOWS will fail? not just that, he wasted thousands of years trying to shape them correctly. why not just start with the Aryans? makes sense to me, when Aryans were writing philosophy and building giant monuments, Jews were sucking foreskins off baby cocks and destroying any artwork they came across for being "idolatry". your god is either not actually omniscient (so hes a liar) or a fucking retard

Im not even going to respond to the "jews didnt exist! they were hebrews!" ive never heard something so abysmally fucking stupid and it genuinely saddens me a significant amount of christcucks on this board actually buy that shit, or even more, think it matters. Read the OT and tell me that it doesnt reek of Jew-shit. Slaughtering women and children because their men opposed the chosen people, child sacrifice being acceptable to Yahweh in two different cases but not for other Canaanite gods like Moloch, the fact he describes himself as a "jealous" god and is obsessed with dismantling the cults of other deities. What god has infinite power, and then is also jealous? What god has infinite power, but has to make the Jews slaughter and destroy other cults for him? what a petty faggot.

This is a ridiculous claim given how long they've been searching, the narrow search field, and the fact that a human hasn't even gone to another planet yet. Let alone another star system.

The state of shitlibs running science today.

Fuck off back to Reddit, you ShareBlue JIDF cocksucker.

to stay on topic with OP

i dont believe in ayylmaos or any of this retarded faggot shit, and if there are aliens we should bully them. no I am not kidding. fuck aliens. If they arent extra-dimensional pockets of gas that float through space and thus pose no threat to us, I want them all fucking dead. There is no way in hell I am letting any Enders Game faggotry get in the way of Galactic Lebensbraum.

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Holy shit. You seriously think drawing circles is too difficult for humans?

Its much less reasonable to believe in something youve never seen than it is to dismiss it as fantasy. The kind of logic that leads people to believe we arent alone in the universe is entirely arbitrary and baseless.

On a literal metaphysical level I believe that we're probably in some MMORPG or something, and god is just the game AI adjusting to make things more interesting.
Maybe nothing really existed before now and that's just the backstory our characters are forced to accept because we don't know better. Maybe the whole "waves of degeneracy coming washing down" is a big kinda story event.

you know that that idea comes from Jews right? Makes sense considering they worship the demi-urge

I dislike such thoughts and I think theyre invented and spread by Jews to demystify the divine and make God into something mundane, likening him to some bored programmer just fucking around with AI's and NPC's to see what happens.

Do you have a source for these claims?

ofc he doesnt, why even respond to him?

Those mental gymnastics are fucking impressive

They still want to try to kill 90% of humanity with Project Blue Beam.

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