Beginning to get a little tired of winning:

Beginning to get a little tired of winning:

Supreme Court rules for Trump in challenge to his administration's travel ban

Now it's even harder work for shills to shit on Trump.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Thats great and all. I think its ridiculous that it took 2 years of undermining the law, and the will of the majority who elected Trump before this obvious conclusion was made.

Thanks, broski.

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can the board have something like a fucking sticky general trump thread so the rest of us dont have to constantly read about this jew lover and his 56% non-white country already?
i have to google to figure out who is my president, but this fat fuck flying all the way to israel to kiss their magic wall, feels like i know more about his bullshit than i do about anyone else

Wow kikes kids are anally devastated.

Only if you get a containment board for you "zognald" fantasy and get banned if you shill outside of it.

The salt must flow

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Removing citizens because of skin color is illegal and required, Zog emperor is a pressure release valve. The muslim ban isnt enough anymore, were beyond the election, he can ban them if he wants but the non-white citizens are the real problem that democracy will never solve for us.

Not enough?
It doesn't even exist. it's just a continuation of the same Bill Obama first signed in that vets anyone travelling from countries isreal doesn't like.
i.e. Saudi Arabia isn't even on that Bill


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Left is so salty about this that Merrick Garland is trending on twitter. He was the guy that Obama tried to get to replace Scalia but the Senate withheld the vote on it until after the election

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t. Ahmed Abdullah

My fellow anons, I don’t know who that is/was


OP is a blatant pedo jew

Fuck your gay ziocuck sliding

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There is still time to tie that slipknot you memorized imkikey

Keith chimpout on CNN rn

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Forget the blue wave it is a salt wave.
2nd pic.

I love how these daft cunts think that the SCOTUS, or any court for the matter, decides on the outcome of cases based on precious feelings instead of whether or not it's law.
The entire point of the court system is to be unbiased and to determine whether or not THING violates any laws or not. If it does not violate laws, then it's fine, if it does violate laws, then it is not and ruled against.
The fact that this even had to go to the SCOTUS is absurd, but these stupid childish retards don't understand a fucking thing about anything.

Everything you do is for nothing. Trump is going to win again unless you can bring out a genuinely better candidate. Now, please go convert your brain into an airborne pink mist.

Reminder that shills get paid per post so don't even bother arguing. Just ignore and filter.

American politics. It's all so tiring.

i mean every good news is good news but these trump cheerleader threads about outdated irrelevant shit about some guy pimping his children to the jews really does clog the board
you have at least 15 threads about trump scratching his nose or idk, make a thread about him if he ever decreases the number of jews in american politics instead of increasing it even in his own fucking family, what you people see in that jew plant is beyond me, its clearly just more of bread and circuses to distract people from anything meaningful

I wish I could hate you to death.

t. Omar Hamid ibn Al-jihadi
You're not fooling anyone cryptokike

Don't apply white morality or the sense of white law and order to the growing non-white majority in America. Why would you expect the herd to know how anything works?

Let's see him enforce it


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Ginsberg at least does in fact actually, factually rule based on feelings and not law.

Someone try and explain how neoconservative ZOGnald MAGApede's aren't as dangerous a threat to the West as their neoliberal marxist counterparts?

Because you pull everything out of your ass with no solution to the problem.

Since when has siding with jews ever been part of any solution to the jewish problem?

Is your head up your ass for the warmth? You're the one not providing solutions you cock gobbling nigger lover.

Uh oh not the sex scandal face

fuck off shill

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list keeps getting shorter smh

orange=banned but war so maybe rapefugees
yellow=formerly banned

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so…doesn't this mean that Trump can basically ban anyone and the courts have no say from now on?

Pic related.

Fuck off. This wasn't about Trump. This is was about SCOTUS not cucking.

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remind them that democrats blocked richard nixon's first two scotus nominations.
don't like the new rules?
then you shouldn't have written them.

pretty much. it also confirms that …
which means that, in light of this ruling, he could throw all the illegals out on their asses at the border without having any legal "due process" granted them, because their rights can't be violated, as they have no right to come in; the POTUS has the right, under the Constitution and the INA, to say who can come and go.
which is something he tweeted about the other day, to great butthurt from the libshits.

Bumping the OLDER, PRE-EXISTING THREAD which also has more substantive information. the other thread is a slide thread with a jew in it.

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It's retarded that this is even something that has to be spelled out and made clear by SCOTUS because libshits actually do think any brown or black person in the entire world has the right to enter the US because muh feelings and muh racisms. And even then there were still 4 justices - I'm guessing the kike Ginsberg, the dyke Kagan, the fat beaner Sotomayor, and the gutless cuck Kennedy - who thought otherwise. Thank God Kennedy's going to be retiring and Ginsberg's going to be dead soon. That still leaves us stuck with Kagan and Sotomayor supporting fags, commies, women, niggers, and brown people under any and all circumstances, but if they're outnumbered 7-2 they'll be contained.

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It was a 5-4 decision, so 4 of them did exactly that. I love how you can manage to ignore something that's right in front of you.

oh god, I hope this is just beginning of this salt vein.

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But what if Hitler was literally Jesus?


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uh oh he touched the wall

I got 3 out of 4, not bad. Polite sage.

Yeah man.

So now can use the threat of putting Mexico on a travel ban and completely fuck NAFTA and the jews right up the dick hole.

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These fags bring up the Statue of Liberty and its shitty grafted-on kike poem every time they lose a battle to get more beaners or mudslimes into America. I'd be perfectly happy seeing that damned thing sold back to France or melted down and refashioned into something else at this point. It's become nothing more than a Marxist rallying point.


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Mmm, that's nice dear.

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Fuck off back to Zig Forums

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Uh man want to face fuck that raghead to death. Curse these hate boners.

it's so much easier when you realize the left never changes their tactics.

you don't belong here, moron

not if you all fuck off back to your shitholes, bitch
because you aren't allowed out without them.

checked. the shills forget that kek is with us

good question. Let's hope we get to find out when POTUS extends the list. Might make the Mexico border issue more interesting, too.

for fuck's sake, how many version of that image do you guys have, to be able to repost it in a hundred threads? That's either a good media team, or dedicated salt.

I would support an outwardly militant Columbia. Unfortunately, over the years she was used in pro-chinese and pro-jew immigration propaganda among other communist causes.

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I wish I was a female so Daddy could grab me by the pussy.

I made that meme in micrografx picture publisher 5.0 back in the summer of 2004 for /b/

t. oldfaggotry

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I don't really know how American Politics work but why does the supreme court hold such high power? It's dangerous when it's filled with kikes that'll undermine the presidency. Fuck democracy.

Now we need a Mexico travel restriction.

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The Supreme Court Would have been majority (5/9) jewish if he had been confirmed.

(((Ginsburg))) obvious jew



(((Sotomayor))) is a crypto. Her mother's surname is Baéz, a Sephardic jewish surname.


The fact that it is 4/9 jewish currently is scary enough as it is.

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Another quality Tor (tm) post!

baron, stop that, son.

Wish granted

Daily reminder that the Supreme Court narrowly upheld the president’s right to block the immigration of any person or group as per the Constitution. This shouldn’t have ever been put into question to begin with. We need better victories than this.

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Well at least we know he doesn't take it to the toilet.

Lmao angry kike

No one ever blamed Trump for this shit ruling by a two-bit halfwit traitor judge.

Iirc Kennedy was approved by an overwhelmingly Democrat Senate, and after much fighting, and he was considered a fairly 'liberal' appointment at that time

Where the fuck have you been? The kikes here have been screeching about the ban since the first kike judge thought he could stop it, pretending Trump cucked out and intentionally being ignorant about how the situation works. They're trying to get you to not vote for him again. That is what they're paid to do.

Oh no he touched the wall guess banning mudshits was just a joke

Way back in the 1700s, the Supreme Court ruled on a case, the result of which was that it decided it had the right to decide whether any law passed by Congress violated the Constitution after said law had already be passed and put into effect, and neither the Executive nor Legislative branches ever pushed back against them or did anything to rectify this problem. This is how SCOTUS, in darker times, was able to force White children to go to school with niggers, and how they were able to force the entire US to recognize fag marriage in spite of only 6 states allowing fag marriage versus 37 that specifically banned it. In theory, the Presidency, Congress, and SCOTUS are all supposed to balance each other out; in reality, SCOTUS is the most powerful branch, because once they rule on something, it's permanent. There's no way to undo a Supreme Court ruling. Theoretically the Constitution itself would have to be amended, which is a very long and difficult process that hasn't happened in almost 30 years.

JUSTICE KAGAN: . . . So this is a hypothetical that you've heard a variant of before that the government has, at any rate, but I want to just give you. So let's say in some future time a - a President gets elected who is a vehementanti-Semite -


JUSTICE KAGAN: – and says all kinds of denigrating comments about Jews and provokes a lot of resentment and hatred over the course of a campaign and in his presidency and, in the course of that, asks his staff or his cabinet members to issue a proc – to issue recommendations so that he can issue a proclamation of this kind, and they dot all the i's and they cross all the t's. And what emerges – and, again, in the context of this virulent anti-Semitism – what emerges is a proclamation that says no one shall enter from Israel.


JUSTICE KAGAN: Do you say Mandel puts an end to judicial review of that set of facts?

GENERAL FRANCISCO: No, Your Honor, I don't say Mandel puts an end to it, but I do say that, in that context, Mandel would be the starting point of the analysis, because it does involve the exclusion of aliens, which is where Mandel applies. If his cabinet – and this is a very tough hypothetical that we've dealt with throughout – but if his cabinet were to actually come to him and say, Mr. President, there is honestly a national security risk here and you have to act, I think then that the President would be allowed to follow that advice even if in his private heart of hearts
he also harbored animus.

JUSTICE KAGAN: Well, the question is–

GENERAL FRANCISCO: I would also suggest, though – if I could finish that, Your Honor – that I think it would be very difficult for that to even satisfy Mandel rational basis scrutiny. I'd need to know what the rational was. Given that Israel happens to
be one of the country's closest allies in the war against terrorism, it's not clear to me that you actually could satisfy –-


GENERAL FRANCISCO: – Mandel's rational basis standard on that, unless it truly were based -


GENERAL FRANCISCO: – on a cabinet-level recommendation that was about national security.

JUSTICE KAGAN: General, I'm – let's – this is a out-of-the-box kind of President in my hypothetical. And– (Laughter.)

GENERAL FRANCISCO: We – we – we don't have those, Your Honor.

JUSTICE KAGAN: And – and, you know, he thinks that there are good diplomatic reasons, and there might – who knows what the future holds, that there might be good diplomatic reasons to put pressure on Israel or to say we want Israel to vote a certain way in the U.N. and this is a way to better our diplomatic hand, and so this is what he does. And – and who knows what his heart of
hearts is. I mean, I take that point. But the question is not really what his heart of hearts is. The question is what are reasonable observers to think –-


JUSTICE KAGAN: – given this context, in which this hypothetical President –


JUSTICE KAGAN: – is making virulent anti-Semitic comments.

. . . . .

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: General, today, can we go back to something that's been bothering me here, which is – and it was argued in a case this week about the unitary executive theory, which basically says the President is at the head, I think – I'm
summarizing in an incomplete way –


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: – but that the President is the head of the executive branch and that he should have, for those who are in the extreme of this theory or – or on one end of the theory –


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: – not extreme, that he can hire or fire anyone he wants and that he can put in place whatever policy he wants.


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: If we take Justice Kagan's hypothetical President –-


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: – who basically problem is that I don't see that that material was reviewed by the judges below, by the Ninth Circuit or the Fourth Circuit judges. I thought that the government had kept confidential and refused to share, either with the litigants or the courts, exactly what was done, how, what the evaluation and how –


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: – it was applied to all those countries in the world. I understand some of the confidentiality that might concern you, but if the backdrop is the way that Justice Kagan
described it –


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: – that – that heated -


JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: – anti-Semitic background, don't you think that once you get through the Mandel preliminary stage, that you need an independent arbiter to look at all of that to ensure the process, in fact, is what is claimed it was?


There is. The president submits an impeachment order, to Congress, for a specific justice. Congress votes to impeach the justice. The president appoints another justice, Congress confirms the justice, and a new case may be brought before the SCOTUS to get a new ruling. This concept can, in theory, be applied to more than one–even all–justices simultaneously. I understand what you're saying, and Marbury v. Madison was not ruled constitutionally, but there IS a mechanism by which to undo a ruling. It's just hopelessly convoluted and needs to be fixed. Such as, oh, I don't know… an amendment written like this:

Regulation of Federal Powers Amendment
Section I: The Legislative Branch
Article I: Congress may not regulate–nor have authority over, save where actions run in contradiction to existing federal law or the Constitution–activities that occur wholly within one state.
Article II: A two-thirds majority of the states may override any federal law or regulation.

Section II: The Executive Branch
Article I: Federal administrative agencies of may not act in such a way that preempts the laws of a state where such action is not already federal law.

Section III: The Judicial Branch
Article I: A decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States may be overruled with a two-thirds majority vote held by the people–or congresses–of the states.
Article II: In order to overturn a law enacted through a plebiscite, the Supreme Court of the United States must vote with a seven justice supermajority.

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I can understand why you got quadruple dubs. Respectfully checked, sir.

The next President is going to be a leftist liberal who will put a travel ban on white people and Zig Forums will lose its collective mind crying about how "dat's not faaaaiiiiirrrrr". Just like the restaurant kicking out Sanders even though the court said businesses are not required to serve anyone they don't like.

I will laugh.

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Can we just fucking nuke them already?

Hahaha holy shit. How are these kikes in charge of our supreme court? Just fucking laughable.


But you got to bake that gay cake right?

So outright racist instead of blocking countries which the US is at war with?

So, not only you are delusional thinking this is a ban on race, or that a Christian bakery who advertise about not wanting to bake gay cake is forced to bake the homo cake is the same as a business which out of the blue decides to kick you out out of tribal instincts without any warnings. Really makes you think, it really does doesn't it?

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Venezuela: Not at war
Chad: Not at war
North Korea: Not at war

Do you actually pay attention to the man whose dick you're sucking?

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