Hot off the presses, the left's new meme is having a "sassy" gay man speak Trump's words verbatim. Liberals think they're BTFO'ing the God Emperor but really, they're only repackaging his words in such a way that your average leftard will sit through one of his speeches and laugh.
Funny thing about the human organism, though. It bends towards truth. That's why we emit physical tells when we lie. So if you expose even the most ardent lefty to enough truth, some of it is going to permeate through. This meme is actually stealth redpills for lefties. The Napoleon Rule is in full effect.
always post yt links or at least hooktube links along with hooktube embeds so we can meme bomb the comments, OP
Anthony Wood
Hence why the Left, led by the satanist Jews, lie, distort and subvert so much - It's all part of their eternal rebellion against God/Logos and their hatred for Him. Same for why they go LGBTBBQ and seek all forms of degeneration and sickness.
Isaac Hughes
Are you sure it wasn't one of our guys who cooked this up? It's almost too good to be true.
Yet another "Two Minutes Of Hate" implementation there, too.
Ryder Brooks
I love this strategy; it's so transparent it's almost endearing. Hey, did you goyim know that the nazis were all gay leathers bois? It's TRUE! AHHAHAHAHA! What a bunch of homos…. n-not that there is anything wrong with being gay. I mean I have m-many gay friends. But nazis, amiright? Huh?
Logan Bell
Reddit is thataway -→
Isaac Sanchez
I think this video is on to something. Liberals will eat each other, as long as you use a liberal group to put down Trump. The comments on those videos are full of lefties thinking this is hilarious. Meanwhile, I'm quite sure there's plenty of actually sassy gay men who are looking at this and realizing that they're mocking sassy gay men to make Trump look like a weak idiot. By extension, they're saying sassy gay men are weak idiots too, which is basically their own definition of homophobia.
This could be a fracture point etc
The fact that they're starting to try and meme against Trump while throwing their own under the bus is great news, this should be encouraged and pushed harder, it'll only fragment liberals and cause infighting.
It reminds me of this video which backfired horrendously on the leftiesl.
Julian Walker
This is supposed to be funny?
Hudson Scott
No, it was an experiment. Libshits thought hillary was amazing at she only lost because she was a woman, so they swapped the scripts and everyone saw a strong, likable woman and a slimey, blustering man.
Kayden Hughes
No. Its a word for word reenactment of one of the debates between Trump and HIllary. With a woman playing Trump and a man playing Hillary.
The aim was to make a point about how women arent percieved as well as man. But they ended up proving the opposite. The woman reading Trumps words comes across as very genuine but the man playing Hillary seems like your average slimy politician.
Owen Hill
It was a big-brained experiment to see how Trump and Clinton rhetoric would sound if the genders were crossed.
The liberals who did the experiment were able to actually listen, and could see Trump's appeal with it coming from a woman. They could also see how snarky Hillary was when you had a man reading the same lines.
I will give them credit though - that was not the outcome they were expecting.
Anthony Powell
what the fuck, all this did was make trump seem even more solid and destroy their sexism argument. I always thought the left can't meme was just a meme, but goddamn.
Thanks, that really did backfire on them, just as OP's will, hopefully.
Austin Nelson
didnt south park already do this? the sodomite teacher becomes a trumpian president or something?
all these subhumans know theyre repulsive and know they need to make excuses for not being exterminated
Carter Bell
Please someone make the space force video with an african accent.
Alexander Moore
Imagine their faces when there's no gibs on the moon
Justin Howard
REMINDER THAT THE LEFT MEMED JEWDAYISM 2,000 years of successful memes by jews and christians. Josephus started it by stealing Persian and Sumerian stories an placing his shit tribe at the center as the eternal victim.
Gavin Moore
Where have you been OP? Sassy Trump was made years ago, probably next day Trump announced running for the President.
Agreed. I think it was silently promoted by jewtube during elections, bc I'd get it in results when searching for 'Trump'
Ayden Evans
They already tried this after the debates where they had a woman read Trump's words and a man read Hillary's words and people said that Trump's words sounded far more rational.
Gabriel Phillips
The voice is from a simulation program - a high dollar one. Probably CIA or similar.
Hudson Butler
T H I S Getting Trump's speeches into the ears of faggot leftists in a voice they can relate to will be highly effective in softening resistance against him because what he says is good, true, and is distorted by MSM. Get this everywhere and even crate false outrage at the idea so fags do it more for us.
Dylan Brown
Also would like to point out real quick that not only can the left not meme, but they’re revealing their hand more and more by this. First women and children being their targets of attack, out in the open, for the populace to see. But also now using stereotypical gay voice to use in a mocking fashion. I mean, this would more come off as an insult to the gay community more than anything. This isn’t shooting themselves in the foot, this is taking off the whole leg.
Ayden Rodriguez
Any anons here with magic imitate-anything vocal cords?
Carson Jackson
It's actually kinda funny. Every watch the Bad Lip Reading guy? His work on the NK summit was priceless.
Andrew Gutierrez
You’re all faggots and should just hang yourselves
Hooktube has crashed. It's funny to see Mike "LGBTQ-BBQ" Pence gazing at Trump during the gay speech.
Joseph Allen
Fuck off trumpniggers
Dylan Wilson
Dubs confirm this is some good shit. It's more unintentional self mockery to for the left that will give them massive exposure and vulnerability to Trump memetics that we can then work with even further.
Also, it seems to bizarrely indicate that many on the left actually are responsive to what Trump is saying, and right wing thought in general, they just can't bear to admit it to themselves yet so they are actually deciding to absorb it "ironically" so that they can listen to it without losing social status, but in reality they are already listening to their enemy's speeches while mocking their own leftist faggoty atittude. It's fucking brilliant.
Oliver Watson
…reminds me of the good old days when the Leftist comedians bothered being funny. But then, maybe it was just BushII being that derpy…whatever.
Their behavior is most certainly influenced by the fucked up changes in their brain, but most the stereotypical fag routine is a deliberate effort on their part, dialing it up or down as needed to find/signal to other gays among a mostly heterosexual world while trying to minimize exposure to hostile reactions. When they feel safe enough, or are twisted enough to want to be a victim, they'll dial it up to 11 for all hours of the day.
It's a bit like muslims and islam, they are genetically shit to start with, but their fucked up meme enables them to go to unbelievable levels of shit.
John Anderson
Great idea Somebody get a faggot to read mein kampf Listen as the faggot gets less and less faggoty as he continues reading
The whole "gay" speech thing is a psyop like the whole "gay" identity. I look at people who talk at that way like MK-Ultra types. They are trained to mimic a template.
Dominic Johnson
they'd pulled down most vids of it because of how poorly male-Hillary was received by the viewers. only last month did they finally release something longer.
Carson Harris
i hate how I can't go to this video's youtube or hooktube page from an embed.
Austin Lewis
I agree, the hooktube thing is fairly half assed, makes archiving the original at top quality a pain. Reload the page, then middle click it. If you want the youtube version, replace "hook" with "you" in the url.
Juan Bennett
ITT we jew Trump like the Jewish Jewesses we are. on a side note we make him look like a Jew on a natsoc board, yeah
Daily reminder that laughter and jokes can be used as a means to open the door for ideas you'd otherwise not entertain. This is good when they do it to themselves with our messages, but also why you shouldn't consume comedy, cartoons or entertainment by cucked and degenerate sources.
Peter Serafinowicz has been doing this since the campaign. This isn't new.
Dylan Sullivan
All me, tbh fam
Cameron Wilson
This is a pretty sad display. They think this will hurt his feelings, or frustrate his supporters. In the end all it does it show they have no respect for faggots, although they pretend to. If they weren't so interest in power mongering we could be rid of so many problems and for that I despise them because in their hearts they know these things are harmful to society.
Where the fuck do you think you are faggot? You need to either learn the culture you're trying to become apart of, or get the fuck out and go back to reddit.