Prepare for the leftist salt
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Better make twenty more threads about it, faggot. Whatever you do, do not DARE check the catalog on reporting on something that happened hours ago.
Does that mean that the 4th circuit court of appeals won't fuck things up again?
How based is that
is this the new crappy sliding strategy, claim there are threads in the catalog when they're aren't?
The point is SCOTUS just affirmed Trump's sovereignty over immigration matters relating to national security and said it's none of their business.
May be justification for Trump to implement virtually *any* security related immigration decision.
There are dozens of threads you MAGApede spastics have created varying between pretending muslims control Italy and several threads today about this "travel ban" a Bill first introduced by Obama and one that does not include countries Saudi Arabia but does include Iran, Syria, Libya, Iraq
I think you underestimate the stupidity of kike shills. They also like to call you a kike shill and i'mkikey because (((they))) can't stop projecting.
found the jew.
it's not a sliding strategy. see which was started about 3 hours before this one.
let this one die, fam. comment in
there's that jew again.
Hmmmm salty leftist tears
but there isn't a single thread about the supreme court upholding the travel ban
I'd give it to you if you said the OP was shit, because it is
Except banning their army of third-world goat fuckers from invading the USA doesn't aid the jews at all. If it did, they would not have directed their ZOGbot judges to block it, you retarded fuck.
Definitely not sending their best shills.
It still pisses off the snowflakes so its worth it.
What about anons sick and tired of your endless shilling for ZOG?
That's fine. But if Jews rebuild their temple then they enact population control WW3 and enslave us all with the help of China.
All this stage show shit doesn't mean a thing if they're still running the show.
China might just decide to enslave us without the Jews help.
Damn Zig Forums is stealing our digits!
Fuck you. Nigger pieces of shit like you create endless shit slide threads to slide important threads. When you've successfully slid them out of sight for anyone normal, because normal people do not autistically search the entire catalog, then you report any "duplicate" thread when someone understandably makes a new
thread about a very important topic.
This is in addition to all the other ways you hide important threads, like anchoring and spamming full of saged bullshit.
You are intolerable kike shitskin cockroach subhumans. Everyone like you will be rounded up and shot in the approaching war. It's happening, you fuckers.
Holy shit nigger you are stupid.
Quick post trump touching the wall again with no text, that'll show you mean business.
Not if you keep those gets up torfag.
Didn't show up when I hit ctrl+f in the catalog.
OP is a fag then.
Moar salt like this plz.
Fuck you. Nigger pieces of shit like you create endless shit slide threads to slide important threads. When you've successfully slid them out of sight for anyone normal, because normal people do not autistically search the entire catalog, then you report any "duplicate" thread when someone understandably makes a new
thread about a very important topic.
This is in addition to all the other ways you hide important threads, like anchoring and spamming full of saged bullshit.
You are intolerable kike shitskin cockroach subhumans. Everyone like you will be rounded up and shot in the approaching war. It's happening, you fuckers.
With what exactly? You stupid pricks are still the civilian disarmament party, that makes no sense.
But now President can ban Saudis and there is no line of defense left against such.
That picture is hilariously staged.
As requested
Only he won't do anything of the sort and you sure as fuck know that too
No, they're waiting for Jews to blow up the Temple and bring forth their Messiah, then enact Agenda 21.
Then Muslims will go crazy and Christians will too and fight over bread crumbs because everyone will have the plauge. While niggers and Mexicans are rioting in America and people are dying in camps.
Chinese think we're fucking crazy worshiping Jewish myths so the Jews trust them to just wait for the fucking end and be the Marxist rats they are. And the left over Commie ZOGBOTs of America will be (((esoteric))) NWO trannyhumanists worshiping Moaist micro dicks.
These little cuck faggots have been screeching for almost two years about "fighting". Yet all I've seen is keyboard warriors and antifa faggots getting arrested for cowardly sneak attacks.
only took like 20 fucking months to establish authority that was already his to exercise.
quit playing games with the jewdiciary.
It's optics, nigger. They're just waiting to reestablish the Temple in Israel then we can all die.
what if there's no israel to build a temple on?
Thank you redditors! Good job!
But there is a fake Israel and we just moved our embassy there declaring Jesusalem for the Jews.
Nice digits. Heil'd.
So, this coming war will be called the Twitter wars, because all the hotheads ginned up conflict on social media.
All niggers on our side need to stay cool and systematically plan for the big one. Think purely logically and execute tasks needed for preparation.
Let the keyboard warriors talk shit. Don't waste too much time on the web. Take time to prepare for real combat.
I cannot
to see this shitshow.
How the hell is a one vote lead a sign that there is now a single dominant party?
Do liberals think that the president is just a guy who politely asks our jewish kritarchs to consider things? Do they not understand that the president actually has ruling power?
Here's to six more years of tears.
Trashcans in major cities are trembling already!
No, we don't know that already. He's unpredictable.
Look at the language they're all using.
Liberals will be the first to pull out guns, and the first to cry when a gun gets pointed back at them. They'll try to strong-arm the institutions with their limp wrists, but won't have the intestinal fortitude to back their words up face-to-face and will instead rely on guerilla tactics, unfounded threats, and bombings to try and get their way.
What a bunch of fucking children. A bunch of these have good-goy checkmarks, too. If someone kept an eye on some of those accounts, they'd be likely to soon find people saying stupid enough shit that the Secret Service would be on them.
Its cool we don't want brown muslims for this insurrection. The catholics create their own muslims. Their own victims will undo them.
When will shills stop false flagging muslim boogey men so we can start banning kikes?
we we start associating kikes with muslims
So you mean they will continue to win, have complete control of everything and you will be too busy condemning it to use the same tactics to beat them?
Your screeching is annoying, but not at all convincing. You're doing a terrible job.
What about muslims from Saudi Arabia are they included in this muslim ban?
Thats how they justified crucifying me 2000 years ago. I foresaw this development. I only act by proxy this time. (They worship me lol)
There's already a thread with a proper OP retard.
>all these (((1))) and (((2)))
Didn't the ban expire over a year ago?
no chance
the kikes have a special mutated bird flu lined up for them for sure
Doesn't really matter, its not really useful anyway.
Good conceptual victory, i suppose, but nothing really gotten from it.
Yeeeah, the chinks aren't us though bro, so they probably have an equally-virulent gift to bestow upon us should the kikes attempt such.
They'll get another judge to shut it down again somehow.
They can just walk right in I guess.
Nah, at this point, they'll probably allow the conceptual victory and use it as a way to generate voter turnout for the midterm.
Again, its not like these countries are sending fucktons of people here, see .
THe countries that are sending fucktons of people here aren't on the travel ban, for obvious reasons.
Shifting Oberon window.
Mao was a kike puppet. Try again.
fuck of chaim.
CC + MAGA hat, waiting for some shitlib to try something
Is he advocating a violent overthrow of the United States government? Isn't it illegal to do that?
I heard that was called seditious acts or treasonous intents
Sieg Heil
Film the shitting of the pants please
That image made me extremely angry.