Dump all salt from the travel ban decision, the cake decision, the fact Trump will get a second SCOTUS pick after Kennedy retires, etc. in this thread.
Dump all salt from the travel ban decision, the cake decision, the fact Trump will get a second SCOTUS pick after Kennedy retires, etc. in this thread.
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that third one doesn't even make any sense.
What motivates these misguided souls?
We need more threads pretending Trump just didn't extend Obama's previous Bill for isreali interests while it doesn't affect any real problem terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia
Some of the countries were recipients of illicit cabal nuke weapon sales, so it's funny how to the cabal is mobilizing "outrage" in the part of its useful idiots to complain about the lockdown on potential nuke attackers. That was a risk the cabal itself created. The cabal also created the risk of general terror attack by funding, arming, and training radical groups like ISIS.
Their real complaint is that the travel ban reduces their terrorism blackmail (i.e., the threat that one of their shitskin operators could mobilize if Trump goes against cabal wishes in one way or another).
This is precious. Just because you want to eat a kebap every now and then, you absolutely have to fill your neighborhood with Muslims. Brilliant.
I love the gook saying we don't get to use Muslim inventions. Okay fair trade and they don't get to use plumbing, AC, electricity, internet, radio, televisions, cellphones, land lines etc. Sounds good to me what about you lads?
How do we convince these people to commit suicide in protest?
1. Be you.
2. Find public leftist (actor, muisician, politician, etc.).
3. Go to their home.
4. Knock on door.
5. When they answer, say "I am political refugee" and walk in.
6. Go to kitchen and make sandwich.
7. Eat sandwich.
8. Peacfully leave when police arrive.
9. Say "I guess borders do exist and you have a right to defend them" as you leave.
10. Repeat as necessary.
Exactly like you're doing. Meme it
could tie in with anthony bordain, that he had the right idea, be like him.
Those sand niggers invented what? The zero? That about it?
Right. They can keep all the zeros and I'll keep air conditioning.
Pro tip they can't have all the zeros if they're all dead
This shit used to makee laugh but now I just wish all of these seditious fucks were dead.
oldfags would have shooped some convincing fliers by now giving names only information to aspiring doctors, lawyers, interstellar flux capacitance Pyramid engineers and physicists; letting them know that the 'Open Borders'/unmitigated-travel types want them under their roofs, offering free anything on the liberal dime til they "get on their feet"
I love how they actually think someone can invent a concept like that. It really says it all.
I am 62.
I am oldfag.
You're doing Keks work user , keep it up
why don't you?
do you have this thinker guy
Can anyone remember when Zig Forums didn't used to be filled with retarded neoConservative cheerleaders pretending that voting ZOG is based?
the one I have looks just like your pic related. if I find a better one before the thread dies, I'll post it ITT
you're right. I could leave out the "name" info and make a template, post it, profit; but I gotta do better than MSP
While I enjoy the salt, it comes with a price.
Realizing that these people are so mentally damaged that they do not see, in any way, the dangers of immigration, lack of borders and the replacement of our race. I wouldn't go as far to say they are a majority, but they are a very vocal and utterly broken and dangerous portion of our populace that wield stupidity like a hammer.
So you're a jew who is against the travel ban? Thanks for outing yourself.
What travel ban?
You mean the one Obama started in 2015 that was done against isreal's enemies but allowed Saudi Arabia a free pass.
Trump just extended the ban isreal insisted America enforce
Just be happy there are less shit skins coming to the US.
Remember this people have no contempt for islam or their God for their gods are living and breathing, as they worship the Negroe's MIGHT, the only reason Islam is being so pushed on to the entire world by the media is because most of Africa belongs to Islam, this Djin religion is a proxy for their naturalistic eugenicist religion: the worship of African genetics.
Words have no meaning to these people.
Jews and muzzie's are cousins; no?
Is it just me, or does it seem like Republican presidents suddenly boost patriotism in the country? And I thought the Constitution was just a "living document", so what's stopping us from codifying an actual Muslim ban into an Amendment that modifies the First Amendment?
My only issue with the travel ban is that it isn't blocking enough countries.
My thoughts and prayers are with the 2-3 trashcans and display windows
feelsgoodman,like the no judge or court for immediate deportations.
Left wing jews pretend Trump is a nazi
Right wing jews pretend Trump is a secret nazi
The truth is he's a kike
then he can count on your vote next election, shlomo
these fucks live in a fantasy land
Nope, they stole the credit for that from the hindus. Muslims invented damn near nothing, they just got given credit for things they transmitted to europe from the other side of their bandit kingdom.
Tumblrina salt coming in
It amazes me how certain they are that history will remember them as victors.
Decades of zog brainwashing.
If your relatives are natives of Hell, doesn't that make you a family of demons? Seems like a smart thing not to open our borders to HELL.
…Meanwhile back on Earth
I don't think these retards have ever stepped foot in a country consumed by the mudslime cult.
notice that they're heavy into virtue-signaling about their heartfelt concern for Brown people escaping gang-violence; unless of course the Brown person is Black, living in the many gang infested shit holes on US soil. They need to called out on their BS to enjoy the meltdowns, hear their mental gymnastics and give me more salt for my pitcher of Rita's
You would get your asshole teared into pieces by pitbull.
It's hell because of Islam, the same disgusting cult you proliferate here by your presence.
Nor would there be any muslims flooding into Europe were it not for neocohen jews having golem slave Americans stepping their boots on the ground to invade their countries in the first place
Ginger muslim fag completely shitter-shoah'd.
You understand Wayne dupree is agreeing with the ruling. Hes comparing illegals to home invaders.
I love the chinese girl saying:
You are NOT American you fucking chink, go back to china.
I also like how all these faggots are still trying to push the narrative (resist1!1!1!) that they are the rebels fighting against the enstablishment when they are the biggest useful idiots the (((enstablishment))) has ever had.
someone should remind them when they go gungrabbing.
Is there enough salt here for these pussies to do something, finally?
don't underestimate the effect of political misjudgement.
sometimes big changes happen precisely because people see what they want to see rather than reality.
Not his original thought, nigger saw this image and he's trying to sound smarter that the low IQ ape he really is.
The point is still valid anyway.
Based non-argument man brings a little perspective to the proceedings. This isn't a victory, it's our President being allowed to do what he's had the power to do from the very start, and just barely at that.
Lol they think Islam is a race
I hate when people try to argue their subjective morality as an objective fact.
Clarence Thomas wrote a concurrence with the travel ban decision, says lower courts don't have the power to issue national injunctions and the SC will take action if they keep doing this shit.
ok, niggers are dumber, but that's a simple analogy. it' not impossible he got there on his own.
Waaaaah why do the people who live in the United States get to determine who they want in their country??? Why can't you bigots just accept that demographic suicide is your greatest strength???
Countries included in the 'muslim ban'
Iran, Syria, Libya, Iraq
Countries not included in 'muslim' ban
Saudi Arabia
Love it when nonwhites pretend to be American so they can say how America needs to be run (aka become a third world zone). You fuckers have nothing but contempt for America, it's history, and it's real people.
"this is what happens when calls for #civility are completely one-sided and only apply to Democrats"
literally what fucking planet
cause its a fucking furry
whoa. so salty!
what a great day.
Good idea, ironic lefty accounts would do wonders by using the “no true Scotsman” fallacy against them. Force them to do everything that would harm them for the benefit of an invader or else they really don’t have the moral high ground, and are just one step away from being a fascist if they don’t let immigrants into their homes.
You can bitch and moan as hard as you try, but your Bernie will always remain as a cuck who bathes with all of your college funds and your pensions in his summer villas.
If you are white, they will call you not-oppressed because white people are in positions of power or some bullshit, then call the police.
For us
That's questionable
Wow, look at all these poor things with a strong case of white survival anxiety. They really hate the idea of whites having their own country that isn’t a shitting ground for everyone on the planet
someone's going to beat her to death with a cubicle partition
twitter is a tirefire full of unhinged people.
I'm sure there's plenty of unhinged people here too but they don't have the self importance of a twitter user that thinks they're accomplishing something by pressing the retweet button.
I liked:
that shitlib highroad must be in "like new" condition
Why aren't the dumb whores defending mooslums being replied to with pics and vids of mooslums raping western women?
Retarded Q nigger newfag, oldfag doesn't mean age.
Also, they hate the Supreme Court which makes sense since they are law breakers through and through.
And a third after Ginsburg goes to hell. And then a fourth when Sonia Sotomayor gets deported to the newly independent nation of Puerto Rico.
Rolling for all Trump's picks to be pro-gun, pro-life for whites, and no older than 45.
Trump has zero excuses now. Cite this…
the beetus with take her
Sotomayor wrote the dissent, joined by Ginsburg, of course. I just read the majority opinion by Roberts and the dissent.
Roberts points out near the end that the Rational Basis level of scrutiny is far more than enough to determine the legitimacy of the executive order. Then he points out that Sotomayor and Ginsburg are fucking hysterical for completely avoiding the basis entirely.
Then, when I dug into the dissent, I saw he was right. Sotomayor mentions hurt feelings in the fucking preamble. These two have been a complete disgrace to the idea of a court. I can't wait until they're both just gone. Every argument they make is straight outta Tumblr.
Update: On page 13 of the dissent, Sotomayor actually refers to the President's statements as "problematic."